Israel’s Gaza Policy

T. Belman.  I don’t support rebuilding Gaza in any way shape or form. If the Gazans don’t like Gaza, they should leave.

with Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen, MEF Wire 
July 03, 2018’s-gaza-policy

The transformation of the Gaza Strip into an ineradicable terror entity poses a formidable security threat to Israel by placing its population centers and strategic infrastructure within the range of Hamas’s rockets and missiles all the way to Tel Aviv, and by allowing the group to breach the border fence and infiltrate Israel via its extensive network of underground tunnels. Should the IDF need to enter Gaza in a future war, Hamas has the ability to exact a heavy toll through its well-organized defensive positions in the cities and refugee camps.

This casts a serious doubt on the viability of the Oslo paradigm of a unified Palestinian entity in the West Bank and Gaza. For one thing, should such an entity come into being with its likely transformation into a terror stronghold near Israel’s heartland, the Jewish state will face an existential threat. For another thing, as vividly illustrated by the 25 years since the launch of the Oslo process, there is a deep, perhaps unbridgeable schism between the West Bank and the Gaza populations stemming from their fundamentally divergent historical, sociocultural, and political backgrounds. Hence Mahmoud Abbas’s total indifference to the humanitarian suffering wrought by his suspension of financial aid to Gaza as a means of weakening Hamas.

It is time to consider a new paradigm for resolving the Strip’s problems, and by extension the Palestinian-Israeli conflict: a Palestinian state in the Gaza Strip and northern Sinai, from Rafah to El-Arish, with the latter territory leased to the Palestinians on a long-term basis. Such a scenario will of course require the consent of Egypt, which has hitherto been averse to any formal connection with Gaza. But should president Sisi be persuaded of the considerable benefits of the plan (e.g., massive international aid to alleviate Egypt’s economic plight, an Egyptian/Palestinian economic and touristic hub in northern Sinai), it may nevertheless come to fruition.

Until that happens, Israel must continue to manage a situation whereby neither Hamas nor the PLO/PA are ready to accept its very existence, without losing sight of the looming confrontation on its northern border with Iran and its Hezbollah proxy.


Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen, senior research associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA), served in the IDF for 42 years, commanding troops in battle on the Egyptian and Syrian fronts. Formerly a Corps commander, he was also a commander of the IDF Military Colleges. Gen. Hacohen briefed the Middle East Forum in a conference call on June 28, 2018.

July 9, 2018 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. HaCohen the left handed Leftie ries again…Whooppee….

    A great plan for Gaza, Forget about the many billions poured into that self-made cesspit, and do all sorts of good things for them. What matter if they destroy it all again by their own actions which always bring destruction.We just build it up again, pick them up, pat them on the shoulder , give them money and materiel for weapons and let the merry-go-round start again.

  2. Don’t you know we’re riding on the Marrakesh Express

    They’re taking me to Marrakesh

    All on board that train

  3. Giving the Pal-Arabs more land to attack Israel from is idiotic. The conflict is not about economics. It is that the Pal-Arabs want to destroy the State of Israel.

    Destroy Hamas and all the other terrorists. Giving the enemy land and resources from which to then continue their aggression against Israel from a different location with better resources is self destructive.

    Egypt will not give up the land so that will be the end of the idiotic idea, I hope!

  4. Ted is right. There is no point in aiding, abetting, fortifying the Arabs. The Gaza Marshal Plan is crazy. Again some honeypot for politicians to spread our wealth around with their cronies.

    This Maj. Gen. (res.) Gershon Hacohen may have been a loyal fighter. But he is living proof that soldiers ought to take orders and leave strategic thinking to us.

    Shoving more Jizya down the Arabs’ way is not the solution to their war mongering. Whatever weakens them, is good for us, and what strengthens them, is bad for us.

    Fortunately, Al-Sisi is smarter, he knows them, he is one of them, it takes one to recognize one and he won’t accede to these pipe dreams.

    The solution is to engage these endless NGO’s non-government orgs funded for 90% by governments, typically of OECD states.

    Those NGOs have initiated, routed, chaperoned, transported, funded, guided along the way, fed and received millions of Muslims from Asia, Africa and the Middle East into Europe.

    So now our boys from the special services should weave in some boatloads and busloads of Gazans every day, every week, every month and every year, intermingle Gazans into those endless streams and join that grand Hijra of Muslims invading Europe. People will gladly hop on the Marrakesh
    Express. It will cost much much less to induce them and comfort them along the road than the many millions people on Israpundit keep wrongly budgeting for the “Transfer”.

    One or two extra millions of migrants/refugees/invaders will be like a drop in the water, they will not make any difference within the many millions already encroaching on Europe.

    What are our smart boys in the agencies waiting for?