Israel’s COVID infection rate falls to lowest level in nearly two months

Just 2,386 new coronavirus cases reported as infection rate continues to decline.

Arutz Sheva StaffSep 29 , 2021

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A total of 2,386 new cases of the coronavirus were diagnosed across Israel Tuesday, according to data released by the Health Ministry Wednesday morning, down from 5,178 new cases reported Monday.

The sharp decline in the number of newly diagnosed cases was a result in part of the lower number of tests conducted Tuesday, falling from 139,459 tests on Monday to 73,080 on Tuesday, when marked the Simchat Torah and Shmini Atzeret festivals.

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The percentage of tests coming back positive also fell Tuesday, declining to 3.42%, down from 3.87% on Monday. That is the lowest level recorded since the beginning of August.

There are now 53,994 known active cases of the virus across Israel, including 966 hospitalized patients with COVID.

Since the pandemic began, 1,275,405 confirmed cases of the virus have been reported.

The number of seriously ill patients fell Wednesday from 660 Tuesday to 659. Of those, 276 are in critical condition, with 216 on respirators.

The infection coefficient, which measures the decline or expansion of the pandemic, fell to 0.73 on September 18th, the latest day for which data is available, falling from 0.75 the day before. The reproduction coefficient (R) has remained below 1.0 since September 6th, marking a decline in the pandemic.

September 29, 2021 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. why would they withhold treatments that could actually save lives and prevent serious health injuries?

    Well, the simplest answer is that THEY WANT PEOPLE TO DIE.

    I mean, they are intelligent people, most of them, they cannot stay in denial this long (unless they are (criminally) insane)!

    Then the question becomes WHY do they want people to die?

    I figure it’s because they want to get rid of the “highest risk” groups, i.e., the elderly and the ones with severe preexisting conditions regardless of age, who will die either from COVID or from the vaccine).

    Then a question still remains – why kill the normal, healthy people with the vaccine by implementing vaccine mandates?

    Are they considered “collateral damage”?

    This whole affair is, indeed, puzzling.

    I am not justifying anything, I am merely trying to make sense of this.

    To me it looks like a Hitlerian eugenics program but more stupid.

  2. From Gateway Pundit:

    Former Notre Dame Professor Who Said, “Damn the Unvaccinated” Dies Two Weeks After Receiving 3rd Covid Shot

    By Cristina Laila
    Published September 29, 2021 at 1:47pm

    Orlando, Florida – A former Notre Dame professor who routinely attacked unvaccinated people as “selfish” passed away after she received her 3rd Covid vaccine.

    67-year-old Karen Croake Heisler received her first Pfizer Covid jab on January 13, 2021.

    “Just got my first dose of the vaccine. Never been happier to be “old.” Now let’s get these vaccines rolling for everyone!” she said.

    TRENDING: Former Notre Dame Professor Who Said, “Damn the Unvaccinated” Dies Two Weeks After Receiving 3rd Covid Shot

    On April 9, Heisler tweeted that she had zero side effects after receiving her second Pfizer jab.

    Earlier this month, Heisler tweeted she got her third jab.

    “Just received my third Covid vaccine” she tweeted on September 7.

    A week later, Heisler started to have complications and cursed the unvaccinated.

    Heisler said her cardiologist tried to admit her to the hospital but there are no rooms because of Covid.

    About two weeks after her third Covid jab, Karen Croake Heisler passed away.

    According to Heisler’s obituary, she died of “cancer-related complications” on September 19.

    A couple of Heisler’s students reacted to the news of her death.

    Heisler is survived by her husband, two sons and sister.

  3. Things are gradually improving the trend is the correct direction.

    All the statistics you site are true, but they only reflect mild gains in the most significant cases. I think we can all agree that 659 is slightly better than 660, but not much better – it is just a single data point, but not thrilling to see such mild reductions. It is curious that there is a reduction in the easy hospitalizations as the middle and hard remain unchanged largely. Also the critical cases are still lingering very high. The improvement of the R0 is a further reflection of reduced mild to asymptomatic cases only, otherwise we would not see such high numbers in the serious, severe and critical cases while the easy hospitalized cases, alone, have dropped through the floor. Also, the last several days the ‘new severe’ cases are lower than the current monthly average, ~60 down from the average of 79. This is a clear improvement, if they don’t correct higher, and they look like they won’t. But if we go back to the average over the past 3months when there were only 3 ‘new severe’ cases, the 3month average is 60. This looks like it will taper very slowly. Which is unfortunate.

    Beyond all of this analysis of where the data stands, though, why would they withhold treatments that could actually save lives and prevent serious health injuries? I really don’t understand this. Without significant gains, this time next week another 130-150people will have died if things continue at this slight pace of improvement.

    So the current direction is good, but the current pace is cripplingly slow.

  4. Things are gradually improving the trend is the correct direction.

    The number of seriously ill patients fell Wednesday from 660 Tuesday to 659. Of those, 276 are in critical condition, with 216 on respirators.

    The infection coefficient, which measures the decline or expansion of the pandemic, fell to 0.73 on September 18th, the latest day for which data is available, falling from 0.75 the day before. The reproduction coefficient (R) has remained below 1.0 since September 6th, marking a decline in the pandemic.

  5. Very misleading headline, but it is good that they did not hide the reality of the situation.

    A total of 2,386 new cases of the coronavirus were diagnosed across Israel Tuesday, according to data released by the Health Ministry Wednesday morning, down from 5,178 new cases reported Monday.

    The sharp decline in the number of newly diagnosed cases was a result in part of the lower number of tests conducted Tuesday, falling from 139,459 tests on Monday to 73,080 on Tuesday, when marked the Simchat Torah and Shmini Atzeret festivals.

    So, cases dropped to 46% when testing dropped to 52%.

    percentage of tests coming back positive also fell Tuesday, declining to 3.42%, down from 3.87% on Monday

    This drop to 3.42% positives, which is the lowest since before the outbreak began, will be muddled by the people who venture out on the holiday, ie it could be falsely high or falsely low based on the demographics of those being tested over the holiday. Look for it to increase tomorrow. I would look at this as clearly an outlier data point based on the reduced testing and holiday mix being tested.

    Don’t look for them to advertise the return to higher numbers tomorrow. This title is very misleading. The media is never disappointingly corrupt.

  6. Now for the bad news also known as reality.

    The sharp decline in the number of newly diagnosed cases was a result in part of the lower number of tests conducted Tuesday, falling from 139,459 tests on Monday to 73,080 on Tuesday,

    Does everyone not see the meaning here???

    In Israel, the deaths remain at 22/day after falling to 21/day for the past two days when the newly reported daily deaths were reported to be under 10/day for the first time in 2months. Unfortunately, this was corrected upwards, and the daily average of deaths seems to still be holding at 22/day. A very modest gain from the recent high of 24/day.

    Additionally, hospitalizations are down to ~900 from ~1200, with the gains being due to the drop in easy cases. Severe cases are largely unchanged, as are the serious and critical cases showing only very slight improvements, provided they don’t correct higher in the coming days. This means the improvement in total cases is actually animprovement in asymptomatic and mild cases. Ignoring the false positives associated with the use of test screening, the improvement does seem to be continuing, at some level, even as cases are double where they stood one year ago without any vaccines. And this is all 2months post-3rd jab(based on hope) policy. Looking at the overall basis of evidence how is this good news. It is good that it isn’t worse but this is pretty dark optimism. At the current rate, when will we return to a baseline prior to the 3rd jab policy of 3-4 deaths/day? November? December? 150 people are dying every week. This is not good news.

    In 5wks India crushed their outbreak in Uttar Pradesh with IVM prophylaxis – and they crushed it by 97.1% in those 5wks. In three weeks more, 97.1% became 99%. So in a similar amount of time that Israel has spent since this policy of the 3rd jab, India eradicated cases, deaths and crisis using something very cheap, safe and very effective. So while Israel celebrates modest improvements, there could be great gains made with the use of actual safe and effective treatments to save the vaccinated and unvaccinated who are dying at a rate of 150/wk.