Israeli Preemptive Strike on 150 Missile Launchers – Running Thread [closed]

Peloni:  This was an important event, with Israel demonstrating not only that they had the means and skill to inflict a costly price on the enemy, but that they had the political will to do so as well.  In fact, I would argue that this latter aspect was the most important element in this engagement.  Meanwhile the feckless UNIFIL has once again demonstrated for all the world to see their failure to do more than gesticulate in support for their mandate to implement UNSC 1701 and let us not forget UNSC 1559 as well.

Translation: The thwarted shooting: Hezbollah planned to fire about 6,000 rockets and drones at Israel

August 25, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Unsustainable.
    The West deliberately prevents Israel from destroying her enemies! This has been going on since 1948.
    Enough is enough.