Israeli Poll: 78% support destroying terrorist homes, 57% Supreme Court intervenes too much

Jeremy’s Knesset Blog

Panels conducted a poll that was broadcast by Knesset Channel on October 29th 2015:
Do you support or oppose destroying terrorist homes?
78% Support, 21% Oppose
Do you think the Supreme Court intervenes too much in the Knesset & Government decisions?
57% Yes, 28% No
Do you agree with Netanyahu’s position that prayer on the Temple Mount is only for Muslims?
54% Yes, 36% No
Do you identify with Deputy Foreign Minister Hotovely’s dream of waving a flag on the Temple Mount? (Question for Jews only)
45% No, 41% Yes, 14% No Opinion

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Is it a fair conduct for Hotovely to publicly state things that are opposed to Netanyahu’s positions?
58% Not fair conduct, 28% Fair conduct
What should Netanyahu do to Hotovely?
35% Publicly criticize her, 33% Ignore her, 18% Fire her
Should Speaker Edelstein place sanctions on MK Ghattas for going up to the Temple Mount?
71% Yes, 19% No
Do you support taking away Israeli residency from eastern Jerusalem Arabs who are involved in terror?
75% Yes, 23% No
Will Netanyahu revoke Israeli residency from eastern Jerusalem Arabs who are involved in terror?
65% No, 24% Yes
Who do you want to see in charge of the security issues of the State of Israel?
22% Liberman, 15% Bennett, 14% Yaalon, 10% Netanyahu, 6% Livni, 4% Lapid, 2% Herzog, 21% Other

November 2, 2015 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Force the relatives of terrorists out of Israeli lands forever. Sell the property to give to the victims. Don’t tear their houses down because it sows ever more hatred.

  2. @ lsatenstein:
    Actually what is not understand by those who do not understand the middle east that destroying terrorist family homes is an act of deterrence not revenge.

    Israel is dealing with people whether suicide bombers and other type of terrorists who realize they have an excellent chance to die and do not care. They may however care that if they kill or try to kill Jews they will hurt their family. Israel is dealing with an enemy who wants to kill them all and drive them out of Israel.

    This is not a criminal type action we are dealing with. This is a war and can not be dealt with like one deals with criminals. Some in the west may not understand but we have to actually fight harder and with more conviction than we are to win this war.

    These terrorists are raised from birth to kill Jews and this is a religious war.

  3. For every revenge act, a few thousand enemies are made. Just think about that.

    The absence of vengeance will result in millions of dead Jews. There is no moral equivalence between Muslims who murder Jews and Jews who defend themselves.

    Do you agree with Netanyahu’s position that prayer on the Temple Mount is only for Muslims?
    54% Yes, 36% No

    Repudiating God to appease Islamists is most unwise. Historically, those who believe in God defeat those who don’t. It is why Islam will conquer Europe, and is a cautionary note to Israel.

  4. Israel, you are either a democratic nation of laws or you are no better than the mob that wants to destroy homes as a revenge act.

    For every revenge act, a few thousand enemies are made. Just think about that.

    Assess fines, for civil events. But do it judicially. For deaths, go after the perpetrator and the accessories to the crime (in the courts).