Israeli “Civil War” (shorter version. Please forward for public knowledge)

Peloni: Avi Weiss’ revelations continue to reverberate as the public becomes more and more aware of the outright betrayal of those slaughtered in the Gaza kibutzim due to the efforts of the legal fraternity to forestall an Israeli response.

100 left jurists’ actions on 10-7-23 (Hamas attack day) to remove Netanyahu and the right-wing from office

D. Ben Yehuda wrote (as a summary):

Avi Weiss (retired police superintendent) revealed that on Oct 7 at 08:00,  100 jurists arrived at the “Bor” (center military command bunker). under the guidance of government legal advisor Gali Beharev Miara (leftist), her deputy Gil Limon, and the military general attorney Yifat Tomer Yerushalmi (leftist), and these judges took over all the control positions from which the air force pilots were guided and did not allow the proper functioning of these control and other positions (interview link on end).

They rejected the demand of the Southern Command to activate the “Hannibal” procedure to stop the movement of Hamas vehicles from Gaza to the surrounding villages when all this time Jews were being kidnapped to Gaza.

And if all this is not enough, when Netanyahu left the place at 11:30 a.m., this band of vampires, led by the leftist government adviser, forbade him to declare war. The reason is that the declaration of war was only issued on Saturday night (8 hours after the Hamas attack), and thus precious time is wasted when Jews are slaughtered in their homes, burned, tortured, and kidnapped to Gaza.

Netanyahu also asked to immediately stop the “knock on the roof” procedure, but again the jurists stood up to him and refused to accept it. This legal trial continues until the morning of 08/10/2023 (24 hours after the attack).

And if you add to this the insistence of the failed Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi (leftist) you may begin to understand why we did not have an army there on 10/7/2024.

While the leftist media did not publish a single word about this exposure, this is where the great campaign of cover-up and obfuscation began. The 3 most powerful juntas in Israel participated in this campaign: The legal, the military, and the media.

The main goal was to place the entire burden of blame on the right-wing politicians.

they demanded that the senior officer, who was directly responsible for the massacre, not resign until they found suitable replacements.

In order not to upset the angry public, The three leftists above the junta didn’t stop demanding that Netanyahu “take responsibility” so that they could demand his resignation: Netanyahu was alerted about the Hamas attack only when it began (at 6:30am) while there were many firm intelligence alerts on the coming attack which were ignored by many military top officers, even six hours before the attack.

The legal junta took two steps:

– The High Court of Justice, contrary to the express law, issued an order prohibiting the auditor from investigating the matter of the war.

The second step is to deceive the public.-

The president of the Supreme Court is the person who determines who will head the investigation committee and who will be the members of the committee and they will choose a committee with leftist people:

The committee’s deliberations will take place behind closed doors “For understandable reasons”.

And I can write the conclusions of such an investigative committee today while Yitzhak Amit (leftist) sitting in the chair of the president of the Supreme Court.

-The High Court convenes and issues an order against the Minister of Justice (Yariv) in order to force him to convene the committee.

-There is a serious conflict of interest among the High Court judges here.

Now it may be clear why the Chief of Staff (leftist) and the head of the Shin Bet (Israeli FBI, leftist) did not resign. Why does the legal junta insist on a state investigation commission of inquiry? And why is it important for the junta to choose Yitzchak Amit for the position of president of the Supreme Court? Written by D Ben Yehuda –

——As a reference to this post, here is a link to an interview in Hebrew with Avi Weiss and lawyer Kineret Barashi

September 7, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. The link for the video of Weiss’ conversation with Barashi is not working. If anyone has a link for it, please forward it to me.