Israel Update: WHY DID THE IDF FAIL ON OCT. 7?

Peloni:  An important discussion relating to the October 7 failures by the IDF.  Also Mike raises the concern that the war with Hamas has shifted the priorities from Iran to Hamas on a host of different ways, and thereby provides Iran with just one more victory to hearald from October 7.  In addition to this, Gadi raises the issue that Israel ‘dodged the bullet’ on October 7 when Hamas acted alone in attacking Israel.  Mike and Gadi both agree that this war was intended to be waged after Iran had the bomb, but that Hamas ‘jumped the gun’.  A very informative conversation as usual.

BY Michael Doran & Gadi Taub, Tablet    JANUARY 14, 2024

A newly published investigative piece in Israel’s daily Yedioth Ahronoth recounts the blow by blow failure of Israel’s army on that fateful morning. How could a low-tech relatively small terror organization outsmart a high-tech giant with a modern state behind it? Michael Doran and Gadi Taub discuss the main findings. Evidently, Hamas understood exactly how the IDF operates, while the IDF made erroneous speculations about Hamas’s intentions at the expense of studying its MO and its capabilities.

January 16, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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  1. Israel failed in two ways. One; by not CRUSHING this antisemitic genocidal Communist invented “Palestinian” ahistorical mythology in 1964 when it spewed through the birth canal…
    Two; July of 1967, Israel should have ANNEXED all the lands liberated and/or conquered.
    Three; publicly recognized the first failed “Two State Solution” which spawned another Arab-Islamic judenreign dictatorship on 77%, of the region of, or mandate, Palestine.
    Fourth; did not complete the transfer of ALL its “Palestinian” people and Islam out as part of the “land for peace” insanity when the Sinai was relinquished.
    Fifth; the Communist/Socialist/Globalist cabal that has been behind and within the running/ruining Israel, similar to all collapsing Western, once Judeo-christian democracies, must be plunged or cut out like the cancerous fecal matter they truly are.
    Israel must recognize what Islam, like Communism, is and what it is not….then DO something about it. Hopefully become a global leader in a mass Islam deportation agenda by ALL Western nations….
    My three cents..

  2. Released reservist reveals: Poverty? What life in Gaza really looks like
    Journalist Roi Yanovsky returned from reserve duty in the Gaza Strip and shed light on the lies about the destitution in the region.
    Israel National News

    It is essential that all Israpundit readers read this article, by an Israeli journalisr who is also a reserve soldier, and has recently retuned from a tour of duty in Gaza. According to this reporter turned combat soldier, the standard of living for all social classes in Gaza is extremly high. And it continues to be high even as the war rages. The rich are extremely rich, with a living standard considerable higher even than that in Israel’s wealthiest suburbs. But eventhe middle class and the working class live well. There is no shortage of food. There are numerous markets everywhere, All kinds of food are readily available at very low prices. There is also an abundance of every kind of consumer good. You can buy anything you want for a reasonable price. He thinks that the average standard of living in Gaza is higher than in Israel. All children go to school, although they are brainwashed with Islamist and antisemitic propaganda there.
    TV, the internet, radio are are freely available and the movie theaters are full.

    He claims that Gaza is not in fact overcrowded. There are extensive green spaces, abundant and highly productive fAarmland, and large, beautiful parks. The are many college campuses, with nearly all of them having green spaces for the students,.

    He writes that Israeli notices are posted everywhere advising people where they can go safely and avoid contact with Israeli military operations. Civilians live comfortably in these designated sanctuary zones established by the IDF, and have ready access to food, water, shelter and heating in them .

    I cannot vouch that everything that Mr. Roi Yanovsky says is accurate. But as a professional journalist ho is also a soldier, and has both witnessed and participatrd in IDF operations in Gaza. I think his observations carry weight.