Israel Update Special Report: Test Case in Gaza – Can Civilized Nations Defeat Barbarism?

Peloni:  Prof. Schueftan explains that Israel needs to be Sparta outwardly and Athens inwardly to defeat the barbaric opponents it faces.  Gadi adds that the West are plagued by an auto-immune condition where the West is turning against its own values, which is being manipulated against Israel by the Barbarians who are now at the gates, and their international allies.

August 9, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. An illuminating discussion. However, the discussion gets bogged down in theory and hypotheticals without addressing the question at hand: Can civilized nations decisively defeat barbarism?. Or, more specifically, how can civilized Western nations, such as Israel and the U.S, decisively defeat radical Islamic barbarism when the deck is stacked against them by woke left media, academia, and political organizations (the US Democrat Party and like-minded Israeli parties) that cover up the truth about the evil of Islamic barbarism and pit amoral moral relativism against traditional Judeo-Christian moral values to excuse the evil deeds of Islamic barbarians?