Israel Update: Game Changer

Peloni: Mike explains how brilliantly Israel has re-established escallation dominance against Hezbollah in such a short period of time, noting that it is clear that these plans have been carefully crafted over a number of years.  He notes that Israel has been allowed to do so, however, only due to the fact that they have worked within the Redlines established by the US.  No doubt this is the basis of his thoughts on why Israel should pursue the enforcement of UNSC Res. 1701, as expressed in his Grim Reeper tweet, rather than eliminating the Iranian threat in the North altogether.  In fact, Israel can no longer live with the sword of Damacles ever wavering overhead, waiting for Iran to do in the North what they did in the South, or worse yet, a coordinated assault from all the Iranian threats at once.  Iran’s capability to threaten Israel must be eliminated, not deterred, and the time to do so should be now, not at some point in the future.

September 25, 2024 | Comments »

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