Israel: Standing Alone Against Multifaceted Threats, Thanks to the Biden Administration

by Majid Rafizadeh, GATESTONE  •  April 13, 2024

  • Israel is currently facing a multi-front war for its survival, with Qatar, Iran and Iran’s proxies, which are encircling Israel, leading the charge. The gravity of this aggression cannot be overstated: not just for the existence of Israel, but also for that of the US, Europe and the West.
  • Israel’s struggle for survival is not solely a regional conflict; it is a battle between civilization and those who think international law, human rights and the rules of war are a Western joke. Since the founding of the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1979, its rulers have been calling for “Death to America” – now also demanded in Dearborn, Michigan.
  • Which side is the US on? President Joe Biden’s legacy, especially after surrendering Afghanistan to the Taliban in 2021, will be “Biden, friend of the Terrorists.”
  • All the US would have to do to stop much of Iran’s bellicosity is take out the bases of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) inside Iran — so there is a direct cost to Iran, not just to its human shields.
  • Iran, on the way to having nuclear bombs, has provided support to terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and the Houthis, all of which have vowed to annihilate Israel. Hezbollah, based in Lebanon, boasts an arsenal of an estimated 150,000 missiles, many precision-guided, aimed at Israel’s population. Meanwhile, Hamas has demonstrated its willingness to commit a genocide, launching more than 12,000 indiscriminate rocket attacks just since October at civilian targets in Israel, a country the size of New Jersey.
  • Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has outlined his vision for Israel’s demise in his book, Palestine, a 416-page “guide to destroying Israel,” and railing against “The Great Satan,” the United States. This is not a hypothetical scenario; it is a meticulously planned campaign of annihilation.
  • While the Biden administration is threatening to withhold life-saving arms from Israel, the Biden administration just rewarded both of its chief attackers, Iran and Qatar.
  • The Biden administration just actually invited Hamas’s main funder, Qatar, to operate a planned pier in Gaza to bring in humanitarian aid. All of it will certainly end up with Hamas, not Gazan civilians — and, one can imagine what else Qatar will allow in, from heavy weapons to more terrorists.
  • A Hamas “victory,” incentivizing aggression, cannot be rewarded; it must be stopped.

In the tumultuous landscape of the Middle East, Israel stands as a beacon of freedoms, human rights and democracy amid a sea of terrorist organizations and authoritarian regimes seeking its destruction.

Israel is currently facing a multi-front war for its survival, with Qatar, Iran and Iran’s proxies, which are encircling Israel, leading the charge. The gravity of this aggression cannot be overstated: not just for the existence of Israel, but also for that of the US, Europe and the West.

To prevent Israel’s adversaries from escalating – which, of course, is what they do when they receive US support, the Biden Administration needs to show Israel and other US allies unwavering support – just as the US did this week with Japan.

If the Biden administration abandons Israel now, it would not only betray a steadfast ally, it would seriously jeopardize the entire region and the Free World.

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April 13, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Majid Rafizadeh brings up some interesting points, which seem to be best dealt with in reverse order:

    1. A Hamas “victory,” incentivizing aggression, cannot be rewarded; it must be stopped.

    I doubt that it will. The IDF, so far, has utterly failed to reach any of its objectives: Most of the hostages are still in captivity, Hamas has not been eradicated, Gaza is in ruins in vain — it will undoubtedly be rebuilt and turned over to terrorist control… It’s one expensive waste of time for Israel; and as far as I can see, Israel is more isolated in the world than it has ever been. There is NO prospect that this can be reversed, save an epic miracle.

    2. Which side is the US on?

    Biden is completely corrupt, probably more than anyone else in his criminal family. Getting good policy out of him, is like getting blood out of a turnip. The sad thing is, that he is not short of confederates just as corrupt, but perhaps less outlandish (and half of them, literally, are sons and daughters of Jacob). Emanating out from this, is an army of willing pawns encompassing perhaps half of America, including a sizeable number of Republicans, “conservatives” and Evangelical Christians. Can America be in worse shape than this? Oh — and by the way, even with this, America is still the most righteous place on earth, the place to where the needy and afflicted of the entire world flee!

    3. Israel’s struggle for survival is not solely a regional conflict; it is a battle between civilization and those who think international law, human rights and the rules of war are a Western joke.

    This is spot on — ad Majid might say, “No joke!”