Israel signs $38 billion MOU with the US

By Ted Belman

I have been against this deal ever since the details have been coming out:-

– The increase in the amount didn’t cover 10 years inflation
– It also didn’t include an increase promised by Obama to protect Israel from the Iran deal.
– It included the yearly money that Israel got separately from Congress.
– It phased out Israel’s right to spend 25% in Israel thereby crippling Israel’s defense Industry.
– It barred Israel from getting more money from Congress and said if Congress gave her money she would have to apply it to the $38 billion.

The left in Israel found reason to criticize Netanyahu.

Ex-defense official Yadlin: US military aid is actually $100m less than past deal

Ya’alon: $38 billion military aid deal with US is ‘not enough’

Ehud Barak: Netanyahu’s fight with Obama cost Israel $4.5 billion in defense aid

Graham Lindsey who had been leading the charge in Congress to increase it, was very upset when the deal was signed. He felt Bibi should have trusted Conress to give him more.

Analysis: Obama $38 Billion MOU Designed to Shackle Congress, Fight Not Over

Given all this expected criticism and the fact that elections for president are less than 2 months away, why did Netanyahu sign it?

Did Israel get something from Obama that we don’t know about.

September 17, 2016 | 16 Comments »

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16 Comments / 16 Comments

  1. yamit82 Said:

    There uses to be a Jewish way to wage war, but over time we lost our way along with our Jewish moral compass

    @ yamit82:
    When we get it back it will be amazing how simple the answers will become.
    This, coupled with breaking our financial leash held by America are the answers we seek.

  2. Graham Lindsey who had been leading the charge in Congress to increase it, was very upset when the deal was signed. He felt Bibi should have trusted Conress to give him more.

    no need to trust congress, if they have the power they can still change the agreement with Trump as pres…. BB trusted congress with Iran and they fell flat on their face even making it easier for obama’s deal. BB was right… a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush…anything can happen worse with hillary and the dems and a gop congress with a dem pres has proven powerless or BS. If Trump arrives he can throw out anything obama did and the BS letter is as meaningless as the bush letter to sharon… not binding….. obama set that precedent for unreliable presidential letters…. works both ways.

  3. Funny idea. Since the aid is really more of a shot in the arm for the U.S. economy than helping Israel (Israel could well afford to just buy the items she wants at market prices), Bibi could threaten not to renew the aid unless the U.S. withdraws from the 13 original states.

  4. While it is good that Israel got some weaponry it wanted, it really would be better for Israel to not receive aid but simply give and receive on individual projects. Israel gives at least as much as she gets. The problem with the aid is three-fold, first, it hampers the development of the Israeli military industry together with the jobs it creates there. Second, it creates a situation where Israel can be left in the lurch in war when supplies are not forthcoming to the stuff they bought (which happened recently.) Third, it stands in the way of national pride and self-determination creating an atmosphere of dependence and the feeling that the U.S. is the parent and Israel the disobedient child. I was opposed to renewing the aid at all, but especially like this when within 5 years, all of it must be spent in the U.S. (it’s really just aid to our defence industry), if Congress votes additional aid, it will be applied to this aid, and since there is no increase to account for inflation, it actually is a reduction in aid. Other problems with the aid are Israel being forbidden from adding superior modifications or even servicing equipment since Israelis are not allowed to see the interior of certain parts, Israel has been saddled with obsolete equipment, the aid to the Arabs has been a condition of aid to Israel. Better for Israel if U.S. aids no one but just does barter on a case by case basis. But, too late for now. Maybe there is something we don’t know. Some threat Obama made that was averted.

  5. Deal is said to be bad by political enemies of Prime Minister. Shock Shock! If the deal were not done he would be also criticized or if it was twice as big and was 100% option of buying in Israel.

    I am for weaning Israel off USA dependence. If I was to criticize it would be for that. Now we have time to wean ourselves off it.
    The deal will allow us to buy planes for now.

    Signing the deal got the Israel the permission immediatedly to buy (not from monies but because of USA politics) 10 F15s, Hellfire missiles, C130s that the USA had not approved. The critics will not tell you about this because they are not being objective but purely political.

  6. Sebastien Zorn Said:

    It’s what he means by the importance of being willing to walk away from the table.

    So what else is new???? Women have been doing the for eons. Only we [women] walk away from a bed not a table.

  7. There uses to be a Jewish way to wage war, but over time we lost our way along with our Jewish moral compass.

    “Tanchuma, Shoftim 15: “‘When you go forth to battle against your enemies’ (Deut. 20:1)… What is meant by ‘against your enemies‘? G-d said, ‘Confront them as enemies. Just as they show you no mercy, so should you not show them mercy.’”

  8. Before the age of political correctness this was understood. When FDR received reports that Germany was considering using chemical weapons against Soviet troops, late in the war; he promised to retaliate by carpet-bombing German civilians with chemical weapons. And we know he would have carried it out. That’s why he never needed to.

    A government is supposed to be like a trade union. It may extend solidarity but it represents it’s members first. That’s why administrative staff — who are therefore employees — of unions generally belong to another union.

  9. To clarify: Why should we accord “humanity” or “human rights” to an enemy who denies them to us until such time they accord that status and those rights to us? The Geneva Accords, the agreements that constitute military law like treatment of prisoners and not using chemical weapons, were effective because they were a Quid Pro Quo. They were mutual. A contract. We promise to not to commit certain atrocities against you and your people in response to your promise with regard to us. I’m not sure what constituted consideration — the lavish accomodations for the diplomats? Once you make it a universal principle that only we follow. It just serves incentivize enemy atrocities and tie our hands in war. Trump was right even if he didn’t spell all this out. It’s common sense.

  10. The only “Palestinians” before 1948 were Israeli Jews. In 1948, the name was changed back to Israel. But, since 1964, the “Palestinian Arabs” including mostly the descendants of illegal Arab immigrants during the Mandate. But, what to call them without giving them legitimacy? How about PLO Arabs is clumsy. The Pals is sarcastic but requires explanation of out context. how about”The Arab Neo-Palestinians or just Neo-Palestinians?” When people ask you what neo means, you can explain.

    Or maybe “Crypto-Palestinians” For it’s connotations as well as definition,

    [short for cryptography.] this one’s irrrelevant.
    a person having a secret allegiance to a political creed, especially communism.

    “Crypto-fascism is a pejorative term for the secret support for, or admiration of, fascism. The common usage is “crypto-fascist”, one who practices this support. The term is used to imply that an individual or group keeps this support or admiration hidden to avoid political persecution or political suicide.”

    I rather enjoyed this one [call me a racist if you like. The left has so bent the term out of shape, it’s become a compliment. (Like the epithet, “Anarchist” to anti-statist communists in the 19th century.”):

    Parasites – Cryptosporidium (also known as “Crypto …
    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
    Aug 5, 2015 – Cryptosporidium is a microscopic parasite that causes the diarrheal disease cryptosporidiosis. Both the parasite and the disease are commonly known as “Crypto.” … Cryptosporidium is a leading cause of waterborne disease among humans in the United States.
    ?Illness & Symptoms · ?General Information · ?Treatment · ?Diagnosis & Detection

  11. If Obama doesn’t back PLO Statehood or something equally draconic in the Security Council before the end of his term, we will know that downgrading U.S. aid was the deal. His goal, throughout his Presidency was to sever the U.S./Israel bond. If he renegs, Bibi can always unilaterally claim sovereignty in principal over Judea and Samaria. That is probably why he finally stated the obvious, that a Judenrein two state solution is racist. No danger of the Pals taking him up on it. They have consistently adhered to the “Phased Plan” adopted by the Palestinian National Council in 1974, and which Arafat announced in Arabic, On the Radio was the basis for agreeing to Oslo,on the eve of the signing — in other words, just a Trojan Horse. By overwhelming majorities, the Pal population rejects any solution that would put an end to the conflict. Then, Now, always. Getting rid of us is their goal. No danger of them accepting a PLO state with Jews.