Israel should be proud

Islamist-turned-Zionist says Europe obsessed with Israel, ignores global atrocities

Kasim Hafeez, YNET

The recent decision by the Canadian government to close the Iranian embassy and expel all Iranian diplomats, citing “Iran as the most significant threat to global peace and security in the world today,” is as courageous as it is logical. It has been apparent from its very ascent to power that the regime in Tehran has been a sponsor of terror all over the globe – particularly targeting Israel and Jews.

Equally apparent is that the so called “Arab Spring” has rapidly descended into an Islamist winter, Assad’s regime will continue murdering its own people until it silences all opposition, the Saudi-funded Islamist ideology despises all other ideologies and, saddest of all, no one cares because the pathological obsession with Israel seems to mute the real human rights tragedies around the world.

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Here in Europe and more so the Muslim world, people have bought into this obsession, seeing Israel and the Jews as the root of all evil, in droves we have taken part in flytillas, flotillas and every other publicity stunt meant to vilify Israel, citing human rights, while disregarding the fact that these stunts are performed under the patronage of the Iranian regime and the support of the Assad regime in Damascus.

Islamists who present themselves as the guardians of Islam have destroyed the Mausoleum of the Sufi saint Shaykh Ahmad Zarruq, accusing Muslims of engaging in idolatry. Similar acts have taken place in Mali, Pakistan and Iraq, as well as in Mecca and Medina over a century ago. The actual eradication of Muslim history takes place with no objection, yet Israel is repeatedly accused of conspiring to destroy the Al Aqsa mosque – an accusation that leads to condemnation from the Arab league and acts of violence.

While these are just a few examples some of the true atrocities that are taking in place in the world, one could be fooled into believing that the only nation perpetrating any sort of wrongdoing is, you guessed it, Israel.

Boycotts, protests and weekly meetings to discuss how to further target ‘apartheid Israel’ occur all over the world, yet the silent cries of the victims of Assad’s regime are ignored, the Islamist destruction of Sufi heritage continues unabated, and a regime that continuously exports terror moves forward with its quest for nuclear weapons – yet Israel is labeled a threat to world peace.

To be pro-Israel and Zionist can be a bit disheartening these days. With all the chaos, violence and terror around the world, Israel is still singled out for criticism from governments, the United Nations and protesters holding Al-Quds Day marches in cities all over the world, including right here in London.

Being a pro-Israel Muslim brings its own unique set of problems: I am accused of being a traitor by the more radical members of my faith, some of the so-called defenders of the Palestinians call me a paid stooge who has been brainwashed, while some of the stranger members of the pro-Israel movement accused me of practicing Taqiyah or being part of some grand deception.

I actually believe that we have much to be proud of. I recently visited Israel, and I can say with certainty that when it comes to making a case for Israel we have a huge advantage over our opponents – the truth. Israel is a nation where Muslims, Christians, Jews and other groups live side by side; there is no segregation or apartheid.
I was able to walk along Tel Aviv’s beach and then walk into a mosque to pray. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, let’s be proud and tell people the truth about Israel, no matter how much people scream apartheid and genocide. Many of the lies are regurgitated by even the mainstream media, but that doesn’t stop the truth being the truth. As someone who spent so many years blindly hating Israel, I can say that learning the truth about Israel is inspiring and heartening.

It breaks my heart to see the images from Syria and the abhorrent silence from the self-appointed guardians of human rights, whose obsession with Israel has made them blind to the real tragedies taking place in so many nations where the leaders butcher their citizens.

We should be proud that even with the challenges, hate and terror Israel faces daily, it is determined to remain a beacon of democracy and freedom in a region so frequently darkened by totalitarian regimes. Where else in the Middle East, or the world even, would you find a country that sends aid to a territory whose rulers are committed to its destruction and fire rockets at it daily – only Israel! Israel isn’t what’s wrong with the Middle East; it is what is truly amazing about the Middle East

Kasim Hafeez is a British Muslim and former Islamist who is now a proud Zionist and stands with Israel. He runs and has a blog on this site. He is also on the advisory board of StandWithUs in the UK and recently completed a university speaking tour

September 28, 2012 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. At JDL UK:

    I am a proud “Zionist” who’s serving in the Israeli Defense Forces as a combatant soldier in the Nahal Brigade, and I still believe in the TWO STATE SOLUTION.

    So please, keep your extremism to yourself.