By Ted Belman
Israel orally presented its ideas on borders at the last meeting in Jordan,
The borders presented by Molcho are similar to the route of the separation fence, which was constructed in such a way that most of the major ‘settlement blocs’ remained on the western side of the fence. This includes Gush Etzion, Ma’aleh Adumim, Beitar Illit, Kiryat Sefer and Alfei Menashe. Israel insists that Ariel also be included as part of Israeli territory in a permanent status agreement with the PA.
In the past the PA has consistently rejected having the border be determined based the separation fence.
When Kadima was negotiating borders, it started out by demanding these borders and experienced great resistance to Israel retaining Ariel and Maaleh Adumin. As I recall if Israel agreed to give up these settlements, about 125,000 Jews would have to be transferred. But if these towns were included then 50,000 would have to be removed. These numbers are rough numbers.
Borders? From the river to the sea. Simple as that. Sinai will be taken back too soon when Egypt implodes.
The “peculiar” behavior of the jew may have to do with the generations of living in subterfuge begging for crumbs while trying to stay alive. Today Israel is in a problem because it is afraid to demand its due after having settled for less. Settling for less is natural when done under the duress of the 2000 year swindles and slaughters. However situations accepted under duress are not binding just as contracts under duress is not binding. The old guard must step down n order for Israel to receive its due. Israelis and Jews must be educated to the swindles and the current govt is not doing this because it is afraid that knowledgeable Jews will demand a reversal of the swindles. They are afraid that a complete turnaround will upset the golden calf of the status quo
There is no such thing as a Palestinian Christian for there is no Palestinian ethnicity nor a homogeneous culture which can be defined as Palestinian. So do not lump me in with those frauds.
That identity is a propaganda creation to defame Israel and represents those who infiltrated into Israel after the prosperity of the early 20th century. There were certainly some Christians present but it’s impossible to say what their ethnicity is.
I was born into Christianity but I see myself as Judean.
The rest got censored. The offending word might have been J e w, but one can never be sure about these things. I also mentioned P o l i s h and U k r a i n i a n, which I suspect more: My Big Brothers seem to be suspicious of countries and nationalities. The post just got eaten up, not even moderated (chomp, chomp)
Part II didn’t make it. Try Part III:
…What unifies these people? If you look at it objectively, what unifies them is that they all understand Hebrew; the problem is that hardly any of them seem to acknowledge this: They think they are children of the Holocaust, or children of the Enlightenment, or givers of Enlightenment. There might be more “New Agers” in Israel than anywhere else. That’s because they’ve been cut off from their past; and to many, this seems to mean that they might as well start up again from scratch: New country, new freedom, new morals…
Do you get my drift? The Jews are a peculiar people. They’ve got some good ideas, but they’re a little bit crazy. God likes them, for some reason.
The Jews face some unique challenges compared to the nations. They are, of course, surrounded by people who hate them; but what else is new? The Somalis can’t even stand each other and the Turks don’t like anyone in the whole world. What’s unique, is that the Jews are trying to re-assert their identity and they don’t even know what that is.
You’re a Christian Arab from the Levant. Identity should be no problem to you: Your ancestors many generations back were probably also Christian Arabs in the Levant. They spoke the dialect of Levantine Arabs, and observed the rites of Levantine Christians. With the Jews, this isn’t the case. The most “Jewish” of Jews don’t even speak Hebrew: They speak a German dialect, and wear archaic Polish clothes. Many of the most ardent nationalists aren’t even considered Jews by the Jews: They’re largely of Ukrainian Jewish ancestry, and irreligious. The Jews who speak only Hebrew, and who, for the most part, have lived in the Land the longest, are secular at best and completely anti-Bible at worst.
What unifies these people? If you look at it objectively, what unifies them is that they all understand Hebrew; the problem is that hardly any of them seem to acknowledge this: They think they are children of the Holocaust, or children of the Enlightenment, or givers of Enlightenment. There might be more “New Agers” in Israel than anywhere else. That’s because they’ve been cut off from their past; and to many, this seems to mean that they might as well start up again from scratch: New country, new freedom, new morals…
Do you get my drift? The Jews are a peculiar people. They’ve got some good ideas, but they’re a little bit crazy. God likes them, for some reason.
I’ve been MODERATED!!!@# again! Ooh, I feel so moderate, I could puke!
Oops. No I haven’t; I’ve been censored. Let me try posting fragments:
Hi, Laila. It’s good to see a Pal Christian who doesn’t hate Israel — There aren’t too many of you.
I’m an American of Slovenian Catholic origins, and I can’t make heads or tails of the Israeli Jews. I doubt that they have a Messiah complex of any kind, because many of them don’t even identify as Jews. Here are the latest survey results:
Hi, Laila. It’s good to see a Pal Christian who doesn’t hate Israel — There aren’t too many of you.
I’m an American of Slovenian Catholic origins, and I can’t make heads or tails of the Israeli Jews. I doubt that they have a Messiah complex of any kind, because many of them don’t even identify as Jews. Here are the latest survey results:
The Jews face some unique challenges compared to the nations. They are, of course, surrounded by people who hate them; but what else is new? The Somalis can’t even stand each other and the Turks don’t like anyone in the whole world. What’s unique, is that the Jews are trying to re-assert their identity and they don’t even know what that is.
You’re a Christian Arab from the Levant. Identity should be no problem to you: Your ancestors many generations back were probably also Christian Arabs in the Levant. They spoke the dialect of Levantine Arabs, and observed the rites of Levantine Christians. With the Jews, this isn’t the case. The most “Jewish” of Jews don’t even speak Hebrew: They speak a German dialect, and wear archaic Polish clothes. Many of the most ardent nationalists aren’t even considered Jews by the Jews: They’re largely of Ukrainian Jewish ancestry, and irreligious. The Jews who speak only Hebrew, and who, for the most part, have lived in the Land the longest, are secular at best and completely anti-Bible at worst.
What unifies these people? If you look at it objectively, what unifies them is that they all understand Hebrew; the problem is that hardly any of them seem to acknowledge this: They think they are children of the Holocaust, or children of the Enlightenment, or givers of Enlightenment. There might be more “New Agers” in Israel than anywhere else. That’s because they’ve been cut off from their past; and to many, this seems to mean that they might as well start up again from scratch: New country, new freedom, new morals…
Do you get my drift? The Jews are a peculiar people. They’ve got some good ideas, but they’re a little bit crazy. God likes them, for some reason.
Borders? Very simple issue. What was initially promised to Israel by the Allied Powers – all of what is called historical Palestine.
By negotiating borders Israel is showing weakness and half acknowledging the terrorists have rights. They do not. It’s the weakness of soft, leftist Jews who have allowed this to go on so long that people no longer understand Israel’s legal rights and that successive Israeli governments have been weak in enforcing Israel’s rights to Judea, Samaria and – in my opinion – even into the ancient Abrahamic homeland of Mesopotamia. So at minimum, there must be zero – no compromise – discussions about Judea and Samaria.
I was born at a time when Palestine was a legitimate legal entity only from 1922 to 1948 under the British mandate. My ancestry goes back at least five generation of Bethlehem Palestinian Christians but I openly acknowledge the deceit and treachery of what happened in Judea and Samaria.
After I’d broken away from my indoctrination and did independent research I was astounded at Israel’s weakness in enforcing its rights and its obligations to enforce those rights.
Do leftist Israelis have a Messiah complex? Does each one think he/she is the peace-preaching Messiah? Because any Jew who waits for permission from anti-Semites to defend against anti-Semites is suicidal. I know so-called Palestinians intimately. The vast majority are incapable of compromise or of respect for the true nature of any Abrahamic belief system.
Palestinians are a fraud and ride the coat tails of both the Judeo-Christian heritage and have manipulated anti-Semistism to advance their far more dangerous plots than any previous pogroms and the Holocaust.
No to compromise for it is a step toward the disintegration of Israel.