Op-ed: Israel preparing to release 120 enemies for the right to talk to Mahmoud Abbas
Hagai Segal, YNET
We have yet to finish licking the wounds of the Shalit deal, and a new insane deal is being hatched. Some 120 terrorist blood-spillers are preparing to pack their bags. According to a list leaked to the Almagor Terror Victims Association, the terrorists slated for release in order to resume peace negotiations with the Palestinians were responsible for the murderous acts that shook Israel in the pre-Oslo days. Most of us remember the names of the victims to this day: Rachel Weiss and her children; soldier David Delarosa; Ofra and Tal Moses of Alfei Menashe; Nissim Toledano; Professor Menachem Stern and many more.
True, many years have past, but as far as we know none of the victims have come back to life. On the bench behind me at synagogue sits Noam Ben-Zvi Klein, the son of one of the victims, and he continues to say Kaddish each year. A female terrorist who took part in the murder was released during the first Netanyahu government, and now Netanyahu is about to release the terror cell’s head gunman.
Even if the terrorist won’t go back to his killing ways, his release will surely encourage more murders. The new generation of terrorists in Judea and Samaria will have further proof that murdering a Jew pays off: You sit in jail for a few years, earn an academic degree and go home.
The State of Israel lacks the mental strength to make these murderers pay the appropriate price for their actions. It is only a matter of time, or a deal or a gesture, before they return to their families in good health.
Israel 2011 released 1,000 dangerous enemies in exchange for one IDF soldier, and Israel 2013 is preparing to release 120 enemies for the right to talk to Mahmoud Abbas.
Such a phenomenon does not exist anywhere else in the world. John Kerry, who is pressuring Netanyahu to release terrorists, represents a country that is not willing to deduct one day from the sentence of the security prisoners it is holding. The Jonathan Pollard case is just one example. The Jewish spy was imprisoned even before Rachel Weiss and her children were burned to death in Jericho, and the Palestinian murderer will most likely go home before he does. Even within the delusional Left you’d be hard pressed to identify a strong belief that any kind of peace can come from this scandal.
If Israel were to make better use of the death penalty, this would not be a problem.
The anti-Semites always accuse American Jews who support Israel of dual loyalty. But with Netanyahu this is a case of an Israeli, put into office with American help (look at his connection to Mitt Romney) who apparently is more loyal to his American handlers than to the Israeli public. I would call Bibi and American Manchurian Candidate.
@ SHmuel HaLevi 2:
The best advise coming our way…. Is really from a muslima reporter:
Listen to her advise to the Israelis to just go out in the streets like the Egyptians did, and get rid of this scum ‘leadership’ (@ 2:41)
(A friend just emailed it to me now… Sorry, no English translation 🙁 )
@ oldjerry:
I understand you Jerry. Netanyahu is a consummate cheat, deceiver, conniver and worse.
He is a fundamental unJew and that for many years. The speechster and snake oil peddler lied as a rule on everything. His sole objective if to get a NOBEL… That is all. Regrettably, for reasons I cannot fathom we Jews seem to prefer that kind of scum as leaders.
The moral insanity of Israel’s politicians continues. Is Netanyahu insane? If this prisoner release is in the works every one holding office in Israel who doesn’t oppose it should face a firing squad.
Well. DO we talk and talk while the renegade unJews plot and destroy.
We have provided for years information leading to preparing to remove the disgraces.
Nothing but more and more talk in response.
Peresites and the infirm self serving aggregates called parties, only advanced the most gruesome liars and traitors as candidates.
Prepare to defend the Jewish people and our Heritage. NOW!
Why not tell secretary Lurch to mind his own business? Why risk the lives of Israelis to please Lurch’s demands?
Corrupt Jewish leadership from biblical times has been the curse of the Jewish people. Jewish moral rot includes the diaspora as well with certain notable exceptions. I fantasize that someday the Jewish masses will also rise up like the Egyptians just did and cast out our own corrupt Jewish leaders. The inspiration to do this is already in the Torah but I fear that most Jews suffer from congenital timidity which ends up costing us blood time after time.
M Devolin Said:
It would be funny if it wasn’t so unfunny.
Why in the name of anything that is rational does this site run such an absurd spam filter!!!???
It certainly is a deterrent against commenters.
not again….
It’s obvious the entire Kn-es-set is under the influence of psy-cho-sis inducing d-r-ug-s – they must all be hosp-ita–lized immediately and kept in locked iso–lat–ion wards until a c–ure is found.
not again….
It’s pointless helping those who are suicidal
Israel needs a revolution!
Viva la Jews!
A no fly zone for the rebels!
It’s obvious the entire Knesset is under the influence of psychosis inducing drugs – they must all be hospitalized immediately and kept in locked isolation wards until a cure is found.
@ M Devolin:
I cannot imagine anyone wanting to talk to Abbas, …
I may not like you Mr. Devolin, but that made me laugh heartily.
“…the right to talk to Mahmood Abbas.”
I cannot imagine anyone wanting to talk to Abbas, the sick bastard.
“Abbas decorates Hawatmeh with the Star of Honor medal. Nayef Hawatmeh is the leader of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP). The DFLP carried out many deadly terror attacks, including the killing of 22 schoolchildren and 4 adults after taking them hostage in Ma’alot, the killing of 9 children and 3 adults in an attack on a school bus, the killing of 7 in a Jerusalem bombing, the killing of 4 hostages in an apartment building in Beit Shean, all of which took place in the 1970’s. In addition, the DFLP has participated in and claimed responsibility for dozens of other terror attacks, including a suicide bombing near Tel Aviv that killed 4 in 2003.” -Palestinian Media Watch
If this is true, then this is the reason why I have not been to Israel in over 20 years. Great place for Hummus but the govt sees its people as not only for financing their undeserved inflated paychecks but also as pieces of meat to be discarded.