Israel needs Likud as much as the US needs Trump


Construction materials allowed into Gaza: ‘It pays to kill a soldier’

Gaza fishing zone expanded to up to 15 nautical miles

‘Israel to lend the PA NIS 500 million without demanding end to actions against Israel at Hague or incitement.

Shurat Hadin head says “loan will end up in hands of terrorists”

Bennett kowtows to Biden and jettisons Trump and himself

Bennett articulated Israel’s national interests in Area C when presenting his Israel Stability Initiative, February 2012.

‘There is a de facto building freeze in Judea and Samaria’

Bennett effectively freezing construction in Judea, Samaria and abandoning Area C to Arab land grabs

September 1, 2021 | 11 Comments »

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  1. Egypt, Jordan and PA to hold summit on renewing Israel peace process
    Liad Osmo, Itamar Eichner |
    Published: 09.01.21, 11:08

    The source said that Prime Minister Naftali Bennett was also supposed to attend the summit, but canceled his invitation.
    Bennett’s office released a statement denying the report.
    “There was no intention to hold a meeting between the prime minister and the chairman of the Palestinian Authority and no such meeting is expected,” the statement read.
    “[Egyptian] President [Abdel Fattah] al-Sisi invited the prime minister to a meeting in Egypt and the prime minister will meet with him soon.”

    In other words: we don’t meet with the PA about the two-state (final) solution (that’s not “kosher”) but we do with the President of Egypt (the intermediary).

  2. @Ted Belman

    The vast majority, if not all, of the Israeli politicians have already accepted the two-state (final) solution, except they cannot say it out loud in order not to make their voters angry which might even ruin their project.

    The US has been deeply involved in Israeli elections, the top men of the IDF train at the American military academies, etc., etc.

    This is why several Israeli governments in a row have de facto divided Jerusalem and froze the Jewish settlement of Judea and Samaria while helping the Arabs create facts on the ground, and are now building up the economies of the PA and Hamas instead of that of Israel (ruined by the virus) – reminds me how the British taxed the Jews of Palestine to feed the Arabs in Transjordan.

    This is why they are so “selective” about who may make aliyah (they don’t want aliyah and, it seems lately, they are not crazy about the Jewish tourists either).

    This is why any Arab can claim the state land as his own but a Jew can’t (if you don’t believe me, ask Regavim).

    This is why their 2 million Arab citizens are way more precious to them than any 2 million of the Diaspora Jews.

    Essentially, they gave up on the “Zionist project”.

    I wonder if all those peace agreements with the Arab countries are supposed to serve as some sort of a balm for the souls of those who worry about the indefensible borders Israel will find itself when the two-state (final) solution materializes “all of a sudden” right in front of their noses (there will be NO negotiations, of course!)

    The only question I have – what are they counting on personally if and when their wish comes true?

  3. @TED

    There are several things the US could do, all politically impelled, but thry could go direcly agianst the “closer than brothers” scenatios that the US has trumpeted for dozens of years. They would be dangerous politically.

    Becuse, Israel could just say tha it is just acting in it’s best interests as any SOVEREiGN nation would and should do. And that the US would never purposely thrust Israel into real danger.

    They should bring out the San Remo Accords, and British Mandate etc in a prolonged publicity camapaign, specifically the Unanimous Agreeme and the acceptance by Both Houses, and the Endorsement by Presidents Harding and Coolidge. As well as the passing into irrevocable US LAw.

    99% of Amercans don’t know a scrap avout this. And they would be suitably amazed; perhaps even to a backlash against the succeeding governments which prevented the FULL Jewish state from ever coming to being. Along with the Afghanistan debaccle,this would be a big blow against the administration…

  4. I think the extension of sovereignty is well past due. Furthermore, the foreign manipulations upon Israeli property rights with construction/additions in J/S and the recent Sheik Jarrah over-reach each needs to be permanently halted. Hence, I think extending sovereignty is a very strong priority that should be pursued. Israel should do so by invoking the Trump Peace Plan, as you suggested recently, as it would limit the US’s ability to react. That being said, they will react. The ramifications could be voting against Israel(or abstention) in the UN Sec. Council as in Dec 2016 or threatening military resupply of Iron Dome rockets, for example. Hence, I think I would postpone the sovereignty issue til very shortly after Iran was neutralized.

  5. The decision to attacj Iran big time is a no brainer, Come what may we must do it.

    But let us assume that Israel sees its best interest in extending sovereignty to Judea and Samaria and in categorically rejecting negotiations for a Two State Solution and acts accordingly, What would America do. I don’t think it could do much. What do you guys think?

  6. Israel is a colony of the US.

    Bennett has been briefed on what’s expected of him and he is doing it.

    Gantz doesn’t even need to be told.

    Netanyahu did the same but played it better so everyone still admired him.

    There is no good choice there among the politicians – it’s a dead end.

  7. Israel should do what it needs to do,to protect itself right now.
    Forget long term because with the world as it is today there is no long term.
    The whole world is in flux,the Biden regime in Washington is living on borrowed time,so why cater to a government that can’t even protect itself.
    To some degree,the situation is similar to that of Poland & Central Europe after Chamberlain gave them away to Hitler in 1938.
    Central Europe was on it’s own.
    Today,Israel is on it’s own,but thankfully,much stronger militarily than was Poland in 1939.

  8. (2 of 2)
    Hence, Israel must oppose this adopted Iran policy by the US regardless of the cost. If I thought it was likely that Israel could act against Iran unobserved by the US, I would advise maintaining her current pose while acting to the contrary and destroying Iran’s nuclear assets. I am not convinced that this is likely the case, however. With this in mind, it is in Israel’s interest to maintain a cordial relation with her political counterparts in the US, but she should, as was always in her interest, simultaneously provide a frank honesty that Israel must look to her own survival since the US has established an independent view on this subject of a nuclear Iran, ie its steadfast determination to pursue diplomacy as time has well past any possible rapprochement in which Iran would acquiesce her nuclear program.

    Israel should pursue her own interest with or without any support she might find useful from her Sunni allies who have their own motivations to oppose a nuclear Iran. In doing so, Bennett, should pursue a warm balance with his true ally in the US, and that is not this US govt, but the American people, who he regretfully did not address in this recent trip to Washington, which was, I believe, a missed opportunity, another I believe. Friendships, even strong friendships require a maintenance of recognition at minimum. He should speak openly and honestly of her needs of defense and security. Bennett can place this frank discussion before the US administration and the American public both, but he should realize that the American public and not this fraudulent administration are his only ally in the US. Public opposition to the US Iran policy was avoided by Bennett/Lapid, and this is unfortunate as this policy only served to strengthen the hand played against Israel and continues to do so even today. Still, Israel does still have a formidable ally in the US, it just isn’t the political elites whom Bennett has alone been addressing.

    The unpleasant consequences that spring from the current reality of an Iranian proxy in Washington can no longer be in doubt to any who has more sense than the addled minded fop posing as a American president. This reality must be accepted and acted upon to be successful against Iran. Israel may not look to the US for any assurances or any material support in her opposition to Iran. If the treatment of the European allies and the now defunct Afghan govt does not make this clear, nothing will. You learn from history or you relive its disasters, even if that history is but a few days old.

  9. (1 of 2)
    Israel either wants a nuclear Iran or she wants to prevent it. This administration has made it clear they will allow Iran the ability to run out the clock. The ruthless nature recently portrayed by this US administration should not be ignored, but Israel must recognize she has no active ally in this administration. We are well past a time to pursue diplomacy especially as Iran is not entertaining any diplomatic initiatives. Furthermore, we all recognize the reality of the delusional intentions of the Mullahs obtaining a nuclear weapon. Hence, it is regretful, but inevital, that Israel must look to her own security while maintaining her alliance with America as best as Bennett can achieve.

    One thing that Bibi never failed to recognize was his closeness, as the leader of Israel, to the American people, more so than just their govt. In the past decade, he showed a recognition that they were not always placed upon a similar path. That recognition belies a great truth that the ties between the US and Israel, which are composed of historic and durable bonds, are actually between the American people and the Jewish State. The US govt has with increasing clarity over the years displayed a dichotomy within the US-Israeli relationship where the govt of the American people perceives its relationship with Israel as being more utilitarian in nature, whereas the American people see that relationship as being more fundamental. The single exception to this fact in recent years was the treatment afforded by the now displaced Trump administration, but that was likely due to the fact that Trump more closely, himself, represented a true likeness of the spirit and will of the American people than can be said to be found in the white house in many decades, if not longer.

    Indeed, the disconnect between the political elites and the will of the American people has never been so great as it stands today on almost every topic, including the connection with the Jewish State and her interests. This should be seen as a consequence to the fact that the current administration was installed rather than elected and that it owes its installation to an enduring political corruption that has yet to be addressed, ie the machines currently stand ready to defy the will of the American people in 2022, 2024 and beyond.

    The current occupants of the power base in Washington are those who sought the Iranian nuclear success in 2015. They have returned to complete their goal of achieving this task as is perfectly evident from this pivotal, though unsurprising, outcome of this recent summit. The Israeli leadership can not be so blind as to resist recognizing the certainty that this US govt means to act as a political shield to make a nuclear Iran inevitable. To treat this US govt as an ally and confidant will result in a self-betrayal that Israel can not afford as Iran is so close to her final objective.

  10. I suspect Biden’s talk on not letting Iran get nukes was hollow. Just as his talk on getting on all American’s out of Afghanistan was worthless.

    Israel needs to act on Iran and communicate to the White House that Israel will appreciate its support but Israel intends to act on its own timetable as its survival is at stake.

    Israeli government (Lapid already made public comments) that the USA opening a Consulate in Israeli Jerusalem for the Palestinians will simply not fly. Israel views Jerusalem as its solely. Israeli government can also do this in private firmly as so as not to embarrass the USA. Tell Biden administration the old location no longer works. If the USA wants to open a consulate to Palestinians they should consult the Palestinians about a location in Ramallah.

  11. How far can Israel go in ignoring the demands of the US? How should Israel get what it wants and say “no” to Biden?

    We think we know what the right wants and what this government wants. But what does Israel want?

    Please comment on how Israel should handle the US.