Israel must cancel Biden’s visit


Part 1: Biden’s illegitimate regime

On March 10, 2022 the website of the US State Department reported “The United States recognizes Interim President Juan Guaido and considers the 2015 democratically-elected Venezuelan National Assembly, which he currently leads, to be the only legitimate federal institution, according to the Venezuelan Constitution.  More than 60 countries issued or joined public statements, including the European Union, Organization of American States, Lima Group, and International Contact Group, condemning the fraudulent December 2020 parliamentary elections organized by the illegitimate Nicolas Maduro regime…

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“Maduro, who was not reelected via free and fair elections, clings to power through the subversion of democratic institutions, manipulation of elections, and force… and the holding of more than 300 prisoners of conscience…The illegitimate Maduro regime has facilitated widespread corruption and stoked hyperinflation leading to negative economic growth, a humanitarian crisis, and widespread difficulty accessing basic goods and services including food, energy, and water shortages, in a country with the world’s largest proven oil reserves…On January 10, 2019, the OAS Permanent Council voted not to recognize the second term of former President Nicolas Maduro …”

There are 35 Countries that are members of the OAS. According to the Department of State the OAS consider Maduro illegitimate and voted not to recognize the Maduro regime because Maduro was not reelected via free and fair elections.  Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary “2000 mules” provides sufficient evidence of fraud to change the results of the 2020 US elections.

On May 8, 2022 the Epoch Times reported “An analysis of cellphone records performed by an election intelligence group shows that thousands of fraudulent ballots were deposited in mail-in drop boxes during the 2020 election, an amount sufficient to change the outcome of the election, according to Dinesh D’Souza, director and writer of the documentary “2000 Mules.”  Many people, including D’Souza, were baffled by numerous anomalies occurring in the 2020 election, especially by the sudden stopping of the vote count on the election night followed by a remarkable turnaround the next morning, the filmmaker said.”

Please see more about Dinesh D’Souza’s “2000 mules” documentary.

If the Maduro regime is now considered illegitimate by several countries, the Biden regime should also be considered illegitimate.

Part 2: Biden’s planned visit to Israel

On May 10, 2022 Arutz 7 reported “US President Joe Biden is considering visiting eastern Jerusalem during his visit to Israel next month, Kan 11 News reported on Monday.  The possibility of this occurring was brought up in the preparatory meetings for the visit, and if implemented, it is expected to take place without the presence or official accompaniment of Israeli officials.  Such a move has political implications, as a visit by a US President to the eastern part of the capital “divides Jerusalem” in principle and can even be perceived to be a non-recognition of Israel’s sovereignty over the area.”

Israel should cancel Biden’s June visit to Israel at all costs. If Bennett appears in front of the cameras smiling next to Biden, those in Congress who oppose Biden’s policies would be weakened, it will also help Democrats in the midterms.

There are several other reasons why Bennett’s meeting with Biden should be cancelled:

1. In 1996 he pressured Ukraine to vote “yes” in UNSC 2334 which ruled that even Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall are in “Occupied Palestinian Territories” (Ukraine was going to abstain);
2. He is pressuring Israel to divide Jerusalem;
3. He supports a nuclear deal with Iran which will enable Iran to develop nuclear weapons.

Biden’s visit is to pretend he supports Israel while he allows Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Biden threw Israel under the bus with the nuclear deal with Iran and with UNSC 2334 which ruled that even Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall are in “occupied Palestinian territories”. Bennett should refuse to meet Biden unless he imposes a deadline for Iran to stop enriching uranium and stops pressuring Israel to divide Jerusalem.

In 1996 Biden reportedly pressured Ukraine to vote in favor  of UNSC 2334 which ruled that even Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall are in “Occupied Palestinian Territories”. On December 27, 2016 John Walsh reported on IBTimes,

“Vice President Joe Biden is being accused of convincing Ukraine to vote in favor of the United Nations Resolution 2334 Friday that condemned Israel for building housing settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.”

“Israel’s Environmental Protection Minister Ze’ev Elkin told the Jerusalem Post Monday that Biden persuaded Ukrainian diplomats to vote yes on the measure, who would have reportedly abstained if he hadn’t.

“A member of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s office told that paper that Biden had indeed called, but was unable to confirm whether or not their discussion involved the Friday U.N. vote…

“Despite heavy pressure from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the U.S. to veto the measure, it abstained from voting, resulting in the U.N. Security Council approving the resolution with 14 votes to 0…

“Netanyahu summoned Israel’s leading ambassador to the U.S. Daniel Shapiro Sunday while issuing harsh words for the Obama administration following the vote, CNN reported Monday.

“‘We have no doubt that the Obama administration initiated it, stood behind it, coordinated on the wording and demanded that it be passed,’ Netanyahu said Sunday.”

 United with Israel reported “The Simon Wiesenthal Center, which dedicates itself to combating post-Holocaust anti-Semitism, has presented its list of the top 10 worst anti-Semitic and anti-Israel incidents that occurred over the course of 2016.  “…The most stunning 2016 United Nations (UN) attack on Israel was facilitated by US President Obama when the US abstained on a UN Security Council resolution condemning Israel for construction in Judea and Samaria. It reversed decades-long US policy of vetoing such diplomatic moves against the Jewish State.

“In 2011, a similar resolution was vetoed by US Ambassador Susan Rice ‘This draft resolution risks hardening the positions of both sides. It could encourage the parties to stay out of negotiations”, she had said. That same year, President Obama told the UN General Assembly that peace would “not [come] through statements and resolutions at the UN’

“The resolution, in effect, identifies Jerusalem’s holiest sites, including the Temple Mount and the Western Wall, as “occupied Palestinian territory.” It also urges UN members ‘to distinguish, in their relevant dealings, between the territory of the State of Israel and the territories occupied since 1967,’ effectively endorsing BDS.
“US Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL) echoed the sentiments of many Democrats and Republicans, labeling the resolution “destructive and irresponsible” and as seeking “to isolate and delegitimize Israel…US actions were completely unacceptable and reckless.”

“Throughout 2016, a year rife with global Islamist terrorism and horrific human rights violations, the UN General Assembly passed 20 resolutions against Israel and four against all other countries combined. At UNESCO, an Arab–backed resolution erased any historic link between the Jewish people and Judaism’s holiest sites, the Temple Mount and the Western Wall. It also rebranded Rachel’s Tomb and the Tomb of the Patriarchs as exclusively Muslim sites. The resolution also “deeply regrets” Israel’s refusal to remove these sites from its national heritage list…”

UNSC 2334 called Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter, the Temple Mount, the Western Wall and the settlements “occupied Palestinian territories” but the Congress rejected this. H.Res.11 rejected UNSC 2334. 0n July 1st 2017 the Congress approved H.Res.11 – Objecting to United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334 as an obstacle to Israeli-Palestinian peace, and for other purposes. H.Res.11 “Calls for such resolution to be repealed or fundamentally altered.”

And on January 13, 2017  JEAN-PATRICK GRUMBERG wrote in “In a historic trial carefully forgotten by the media, the 3rd Chamber of the Court of Appeal of Versailles declared that Israel is the legal occupant of the ‘West Bank’.  “It is the first time since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 that an independent, non-Israeli court has been called upon to examine the legal status of West bank territories under international law, beyond the political claims of the parties.  “Keep in mind though, that the Court’s findings have no effect in international law. What they do, and it’s of the utmost importance, is to clarify the legal reality.  “The Versailles Court of Appeal conclusions are as resounding as the silence in which they were received in the media: Israel has real rights in the territories, its decision to build a light rail in the ‘West Bank’ or anything else in the area is legal, and the judges have rejected all the arguments presented by the Palestinians.”

Biden’s visit is not friendly his purpose is to pressure Israel to make concessions that endanger Israel’s existence. Biden has been pushing to divide Jerusalem by opening a Palestinian Consulate in Jerusalem. Caroline Glick wrote “The day after Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett formed their government, Biden administration officials threw a diplomatic hand grenade at them. Monday administration officials told reporters “unofficially” that President Joe Biden intends to appoint Hady Amr, his Assistant Secretary of State for Israel and the Palestinians to serve as U.S. Consul General to the Palestinians — in Jerusalem.

“To deploy Amr to Israel’s capital as consul, the administration will first need to open a consulate in Jerusalem. In accordance with the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1996, the Trump administration closed the consulate and turned the building into the Ambassador’s Residence following the transfer of the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem in 2019. And under the Vienna Convention, the U.S. must ask Israel to permit the opening of the consulate and accredit the head of mission.

“The administration’s decision to deploy Amr to Jerusalem as ambassador-in-everything-but-name to a hostile, non-Israeli entity is a double assault on Israel. First, the sends the clear message that the Biden administration supports the division of Israel’s capital. Second, by sending Amr specifically to Jerusalem, the administration is making clear that it intends to legitimize and work with Hamas.

“Before joining the administration, Amr was a fellow at the Qatar-funded Brookings Institution. He was the founding director of the Brookings Institution in Doha. And from Brookings, Amr wrote and spoke in favor of legitimizing the Iranian-sponsored Muslim Brotherhood terror group. Amr advocated that the U.S. work to integrate Hamas into the PLO…”

New Government, New Threats

On November 25, 2021 Arutz 7 reported “A high-ranking Israeli official has told i24news that the United States will be opening a consulate to deal with Palestinian affairs “soon,” Asharq Al-Awsat reports. “According to the report, the Biden administration has already informed Israel of its intentions and plans to move ahead unilaterally if it does not obtain a response from Prime Minister Naftali Bennett’s government, which is no longer seen as under immediate threat of dissolving due to internal strife, now that the budget has passed…”

There is no other explanation for Biden’s government insistence in opening the US Consulate for Palestine in Jerusalem instead of Ramalah other than that he is trying to divide Jerusalem and make Jerusalem the capital of Palestine something that contradicts the Oslo Accords and endangers Israel.

The Biden regime wants to divide Jerusalem, dividing Jerusalem endangers Israel’s security and violates the Oslo Accords. Palestinian control over half of Jerusalem would turn the other half of Jerusalem into Siderot, a city in the border of Gaza that endures constant missile attacks from Hamas. How does Biden propose to prevent this?

If Jerusalem is divided and the Palestinians have control over half of Jerusalem, Hamas will take over and attack Israel from Jerusalem as they now do from Gaza. Palestinian control over half of part of Jerusalem would turn the other half of Jerusalem into Siderot, a city in the border of Gaza that endures constant missile attacks from Hamas. Hamas is against the two State solution. On May 26,2021 MEMRI reported (see video) “Senior Hamas official Mahmoud Al-Zahar said that the land of Palestine is not suitable for a two-state solution, and that the occupation should end and “each [Israeli] will go his way.” He made his remarks in an interview that aired on Al-Jazeera TV (Qatar) on May 25, 2021. Al-Zahar said that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu should go live in the U.S. and that former Foreign Minister Lieberman should go live in Russia. He emphasized that Palestine is an Arab and Islamic land. Al-Zahhar went on to say that Iran, Syria, and Hizbullah are enemies of Israel, and therefore they are the enemies of Hamas’s enemy. He said: “It is our duty to cooperate on all levels, in order to liberate the land and get rid of this cancer.” (please see video below)

Islamic groups like Hamas want to use Palestine for the destruction of Israel, the only Jewish State. Hamas rejects the “2 State Solution” and wants Israel’s destruction. The Palestinian Media Watch translated an interview by one of Hamas founders Mahmoud al-Zahar to the Palestinian newspaper Al-Ayyam in which he said “transfer what it has [in Gaza] or just a small part of it to the West Bank, we would be able to settle the battle of the final promise [to destroy Israel] with a speed that no one can imagine…[Some] have said Hamas wants to create an Islamic emirate in Gaza. We won’t do that, but we will build an Islamic state in Palestine, all of Palestine…”’

Hamas Envisions West Bank Takeover, Destruction of Israel

The Biden administration is endangering Israel’s security by insisting in dividing Jerusalem. Biden wants to divide Jerusalem and supports a resolution introduced in the US Congress that rules that even Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall are “occupied Palestinian territories”. Unilaterally dividing Jerusalem and declaring even Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall “occupied Palestinian territories” violates the Oslo Accords.

In 1995 when Rabin was campaigning for the Knesset to approve the Oslo Accords he gave a speech  in the Knesset in which he promised that “…The borders of the State of Israel, during the permanent solution, will be beyond the lines which existed before the Six Day War. We will not return to the 4 June 1967 lines.

And these are the main changes, not all of them, which we envision and want in the permanent solution:

A. First and foremost, united Jerusalem, which will include both Ma’ale Adumim and Givat Ze’ev — as the capital of Israel, under Israeli sovereignty, while preserving the rights of the members of the other faiths, Christianity and Islam, to freedom of access and freedom of worship in their holy places, according to the customs of their faiths.

B. The security border of the State of Israel will be located in the Jordan Valley, in the broadest meaning of that term.

C. Changes which will include the addition of Gush Etzion, Efrat, Beitar and other communities, most of which are in the area east of what was the “Green Line,” prior to the Six Day War.

D. The establishment of blocs of settlements in Judea and Samaria, like the one in Gush Katif.

…Neither side shall initiate or take any step that will change the status of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip pending the outcome of the permanent solution negotiations.”

I want to remind you: we committed ourselves, that is, we came to an agreement, and committed ourselves before the Knesset, not to uproot a single settlement in the framework of the interim agreement, and not to hinder building for natural growth.

…The responsibility for external security along the borders with Egypt and Jordan, as well as control over the airspace above all of the territories and Gaza Strip maritime zone, remains in our hands…

Mr. Speaker Members of Knesset,

The agreement, with all its articles lies before you. There are no secret appendices or letters. This is the agreement that dozens, perhaps hundreds, of civil servants, and IDF officers led by Foreign Minister Shimon Peres worked on, and to all of them I say — thank you from the bottom of my heart…”

The Oslo Accords were sponsored by Bill Clinton and SIGNED IN THE WHITE HOUSE. Declaring that Eastern Jerusalem (including Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter and the Western Wall) are “illegally ocupied Palestinian territories” violates the Oslo Accords, endangering Israel’s security and denying Jews their ancient connection to the Jewish Homeland.

Until 1948 Jews were a majority of the population in Jerusalem. On December 11, 2017 Amb. Dore Gold wrote in the Jerusalem Center of Public Affairs “By the mid-19th century, the British Consulate in Jerusalem made the following determination, according to this report, which I found in the Public Record Office in Kew, it states that Jews were a majority in Jerusalem, when? already in 1863 – that’s long before Theodor Herzl, before the Britt’s arrived, or Lord Balfour.”

“See the guy on the right, William Seward, he was Secretary of State of the United States during the American civil war, under President Abraham Lincoln.

“When Seward’s term ended, he visited the holy land, he visited Jerusalem. And he wrote a memoir. And in his memoir, it is written, ‘There is a Jewish majority in Jerusalem.’” See William Seward, Travels Around the World (1873)

Jews were a majority of the population in Jerusalem until they were expelled by the Jordanian Arab Legion in 1948. In 1948 British General Glubb Pasha lead the Jordanian Arab Legion to expel all the Jews from Hevron, East Jerusalem and the ‘West Bank’. Not only they did ethnic cleansing but they destroyed dozens of ancient synagogues and thousands of Ancient Jewish Tombstones in the Sacred Ancient Jewish Cemetery of Mount of Olives to try to erase all evidence of Jewish History.
In 1967, in the aftermath of the Six Day War, the Jews returned to Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter, but in 2016 Obama did not veto UNSC 2334 which ruled that Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem’s Old City (including the Western Wall and the Temple Mount) are “illegally occupied Palestinian territories”.

Since Obama’s UNSC 2334 approval, the Palestinian Arabs demand nothing less than all of Jerusalem’s Old City (including the Jewish Quarter, the Temple Mount and the Western Wall) and the ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Jews living in Judea and Samaria.  20% of the Israeli population is Israeli Arab, but Abbas demands that ALL Jews be expelled from any part of future Palestinian State. While Arabs can live anywhere in Israel, Abbas calls for the ethnic cleansing of every single Jew from Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter (including the Western Wall).

On July 29, 2013 Reuters reported “Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas laid out his vision on Monday for the final status of Israeli-Palestinian relations ahead of peace talks due to resume in Washington for the first time in nearly three years…Abbas said that no Israeli settlers or border forces could remain in a future Palestinian state and that Palestinians deem illegal all Jewish settlement building within the land occupied in the 1967 Middle East war…”

UNSC 2334 is responsible for the Palestinian Authority call for the total ethnic cleansing of Jews from Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem’s Jewish Quarter (including the Western Wall). By calling for the division of Jerusalem, Biden is endangering Israel’s existence, Biden is threatening the existence of the only small Jewish State.

Jews have been persecuted and expelled from most Middle East Countries and they managed to find refuge in Israel, a country smaller than New Jersey. reported that since 1948, 850,000 Jews have been expelled from Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Lybia, Lebanon, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia,Yemen and other Middle East Countries. Israel is the only safe heaven for Jewish refugees in the Middle-East. Arabs are trying to destroy the only refuge for Jews in the world. There are 57 Islamic Nations members of the OIC that demand the creation of Palestine, a 58th Islamic Nation that will be used by HAMAS to endanger the ONLY Jewish State.

According to the Palestinians themselves most “Palestinians” are migrants from other Arab Countries. On March 23, 2012 MEMRI reported “Hamas Minister of the Interior and of National Security Fathi Hammad Slams Egypt over Fuel Shortage in Gaza Strip, and Says: “Half of the Palestinians Are Egyptians and the Other Half Are Saudis” (Please see video in the link below)

Biden wants to divide Jerusalem and is allowing Iran to develop nuclear weapons. Biden is the continuation of Obama’s regime which betrayed Israel in the UNSC ruling that even Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and the Western Wall are “illegally occupied Palestinian territories”.

Biden is an illegitimate president who knows his days are counted and is in a rush to implement a pro-Palestinian agenda before his regime falls, Bennett should avoid meeting him. Biden’s intentions are not to mediate the conflict, he wants to impose a solution that favors the Arabs. Biden’s visit has hostile intentions against the Jews, should be treated as Titus attack on Jerusalem. Bennett must protect Jerusalem against Biden’s assault, should refuse to meet Biden unless he cancels his plans to visit to Eastern Jerusalem in an attempt to divide the city. Most American’s don’t like Biden and would not consider this an insult, on the contrary they would applaud the move.

The Knesset should screen “2000 mules” before Biden’s visit to Israel to make a statement about his lack of legitimacy. Screening of “2000 mules” should be made mandatory in K-12 schools, all countries that love freedom and value democracy should follow Israel’s example.
The Knesset should rule that an illegitimate president should not be welcome in Israel. If 35 countries voted to declare Maduro illegitimate because of election FRAUD, Biden should be declared illegitimate also.

July 8, 2022 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Al-Zahar said that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu should go live in the U.S. and that former Foreign Minister Lieberman should go live in Russia.

    This a neat argument the Arabs like to employ. I haven’t heard recently. anyone suggesting that the Arabs should go back to where they came from, like Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and so on. Even Yasir Arafat claimed he was born in Egypt.

  2. Look for maximum humiliation visited on the delegation that welcomes Biden to Israel if his visit is consummated. If all policy comes through Kalorama, one can look for full venom, indeed a trap, to put Lapid or Bennett in the most awkward position. The argument from legitimacy is clever but it is an American problem to rectify and probably risks too much for Israel. However, knowledge of it can help Israel weather the storm that will be brought to bear. A government that would allow its southern border to be overrun, leave Afghanistan ignominiously, destroy its energy self-sufficiency, enflame a war in Ukraine, jail its political opponents, sell its petroleum reserves to enemies and yield in all things China to Chinese ambitions… is not likely to make amends or care about image in dealing with Israel.