T. Belman. Progressive American Jews think their values are so superior to Israel’s. (Dialoguing While Drifting Apart: American Jews and Israel). They reject Israel because they believe the propaganda against it. They think they are so progressive because of their tolerance, if not embrace, of Islam and its followers, never once affording the same treatment to their fellow Jews in Israel. Of course that makes them hypocrites. For all their vaunted superiority of values, the country they helped fashion is virtually a failed society. Just look and the number of murders committed, the high levels of incarceration of her citizens, the number of homeless, the high unemployment, the poor schooling for her children, the high divorce rates, the huge number of single mothers, the extremely high cost of health care, the high number of people who are uninsured due to the cost, the high infant mortality rate (double Israel’s), the lower than Israel life expectancy, and so on, all worse than in Israel.
They reject Israel because of their progressive values vs Isdrael’s perceived reactionary values, not realizing that Israel is more progressive than they are. For instance, Tel Aviv Declared World’s Best Gay Travel Destination. Israel scrupelouly maintains separation of religion and state. There are 15 different religious courts in Israel all entitled to set any rules they want for marriage.
And now we have two more surveys that place Israel well above America, namely, as a place to raise a family and a place to find happiness. This reality contributes to Israeli Jews having more babies than American Jews by a margin of 2 to 1.
And this is so even though Israel has to contend with so many threats to her existence, daily.
Israel came in fourth place out of 41 countries included in the 2015 InterNations Family Life Index released on Tuesday.
Also Israel ranked 11th happiest country in the world
InterNations, an organization dedicated to assisting ex-patriots acclimate to their new country, released their annual Family Life Index which “ranks countries according to their results in subcategories such as availability of childcare and education, costs of childcare and education, quality of education, family well-being, as well as childcare and education options,” according to their website.
Austria came in at first place, closely followed by Finland. Sweden, last year’s winner, came in third. The United States came in at spot 25.
The USA at #25 may be too high as the government destroys families, buries merit, builds race wars, runs lousy schools and digs ever more endless debt. Try around #157 and sinking?
This is especially amazing despite the constant attacks by the Arabs, the corruption of the Israeli government and the brutally high housing costs.