Israel identifies 100 UNRWA employees who are also jihad terrorists, asks for their dismissal

The Biden regime should have cut all funding to UNRWA as soon as it was revealed that UNRWA employees were working as jihadis. But it didn’t. Now, why is that?

“Israel identifies 100 UNRWA employees who work as ‘terrorist operatives’, asks for their dismissal,” by Andrea Vacchiano and Yonat Friling, Fox News, July 11, 2024:

Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is employing 100 terrorist operatives and directly asked the organization to terminate the staffers immediately.

In the July 4 letter, which was obtained by Fox News Digital, Ambassador Amir Weissbrod wrote that the presence of Hamas terrorists in UNRWA has been a “recurring concern” for Israeli officials.

“However, the full scope of this unprecedented infiltration was unknown and became clear only after the October 7th terrorist attack on Israel, in which, as you know, UNRWA employees actively participated,” Weissbrod said.

“In recent months Israel has discovered that hundreds of terrorists, members of Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) have been employed by UNRWA in the Gaza Strip, some of them holding high-ranking positions in UNRWA or in Hamas.”

The ambassador added that the intent of his letter was to share “some additional information on this matter,” and proceeded to identify the employees associated with Hamas.

“Please find attached a document containing 100 names and IDs of terrorist operatives who are currently employed by UNRWA-Gaza,” Weissbrod wrote. “This list includes their military IDs as well.”

The official added that the list contains a “small fraction” of terrorist operatives employed by UNRWA, and that the names of more employees will be sent in the future.

“Israel expects from you and your organization to immediately terminate the employment of any member of Hamas or PIJ…their work in UNRWA poses a security risk for Israel, and represents a breach of the principle of neutrality as was mentioned in Ms. Colonna’s report,” Weissbrod added….

July 14, 2024 | Comments »

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