Israel-Hamas War Reaches a Tipping Point

July 20, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. They were talking about who would rebuild Gaza. Before the Israel wins the war, nobody should rebuild Gaza. It should be flattened. Uninhabitable. Then Jewish communities should rebuild sections of it for themselves. The Arabs have to go. If the IDF is tired. fine. Have a nice rest. In the meantime, Gaza should resemble the dark side of the moon.

    By the way, apropos of nothing, I recently read the best argument for having a standing army, I mean why it would be more economical. The government wouldn’t have to pay a fortune out for chairs!

  2. Excellent discussion and analysis of the present situation re Israel’s playing whack-a-mole with Iran’s many proxies in the Middle East – – – specifically Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Houthis. However, in this situation Israel seems to be playing by Iran’s ground rules whereby Iran’s aggressive proxies are legitimate targets for Israel, but Iran itself is off limits (as especially seen in Israel’s almost non-existent response to Iran’s launch of 400 missiles and drones directly at Israel a month or two ago).
    I would have liked to have heard the FDD speakers talk about what I consider to be the better option for Israel. That is, to attack Iran directly in order to deter further aggression from it as well as its proxies and possibly expedite regime change in Iran as well.
    I understand this alternate approach may require a more friendly U.S. administration which hopefully will come to pass in January when, G-d willing, Trump is in the White House.

  3. Talking heads. Yadda Yadda Yadda. They don’t know anything and they think it would be a tragedy for Israelis to remain. Got bored. Lost interest.

  4. Fascinating discussion. But I haven’t heard them deal with the problem of how Israel can disentangle itself from arms suppliers (principally the U.S. but also to some extent Britain, France, Germany, etc,) who are increasingly hostile to Israel.
