Israel-Hamas war: Netanyahu worried Kamala Harris remarks could hurt Gaza deal

July 27, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. This was a brilliant and extremely accurate presentation and analysis concerning both the state of the war on the ground and the impact of Netanyahu’s visit to Washington and speech to the Congress.

    Roar, Lion of Judah, roar!

    Kamala Harris is the worst possible disaster that could happen to Israel. I am not permitted to say it by the present-day rules of polite discourse, but the “b-word” is the only accurate word to describe her. It is very important for all pro-Israel people in the U.S., whether Jewish or Gentile, to support the Trump-Vance ticket, in spite of these two gentlemen’s shortcomings and limitations, its limitations, to prevent the Harris-bomb from exploding.

    I hope and pray that Netanyahu gets home safely. Israel’s enemies may attempt to shoot down his plane. However, probably the worst threat to his life will be the hostile crowd of trators mobilized by the pro-Hamas, anti-Israel “opposition once he gets off the plane. I hope he has enough guards to get him back to the prime minister’s residence safely.

  2. Report: Hamas rejects latest Israeli hostage proposal ‘without reading it’

    ‘The messages from Hamas are bizarre because we haven’t sent it yet, nobody has read it yet. Even the negotiators haven’t got it yet’


    July 26, 2024 at 07:24 AM