Israeli, Hamas representatives to discuss implementation of ceasefire terms; Egyptian officials to mediate
Yonatan Gonen, YNET
Israeli and Hamas representatives will begin talks in Egypt on Tuesday regarding the implementation of the terms of the ceasefire that brought Operation Pillar of Defense to its end last week.
An Israeli delegation is expected to arrive in Cairo to discuss the issue with Egyptian officials. The Hamas delegation arrived in the Egyptian capital on Sunday night.
According to reports by the London-based Asharq Alawsat newspaper, the negotiations will be conducted indirectly, mediated by Egyptian General Intelligence Service officials.
Senior Hamas official Razi Hamed was quoted by the newspaper as saying that the Hamas government will focus on the clause concerning the opening of the Gaza Strip’s border crossings.
Hamas government spokesman Taher al-Nunu said that Hamas has sent a delegation of high-ranking officials to Cairo, headed by Hamas’ Deputy Prime Minister Ziad al-Zaza.
He also said that aside from border crossings, the talks will focus on the maritime blockade and the free movement of fishermen. He praised the Egyptian assistance in putting an end to the escalation.
The understandings also touch upon the lull in hostilities and the Israeli commitment to stopping the targeted killings and invasions of Gaza .
According to the Associated Press, the agreement stipulates that Israel will refrain from all military activity in the Strip and the Palestinians will refrain from launching rockets in Israel’s direction.
AP also reported that Hamas will ensure that rockets are not fired by other organizations and that Egypt will serve as a guarantor of the agreement.
Gains on both sides
A member of Hamas’ politburo, Izzat a-Rishak, published the details of the agreement between Israel and the Palestinian organizations on Facebook:
“Israel will stop all its anti-Gaza sea, land and air activities including invasions and targeted killings.
“The Palestinian organizations will stop their Gaza-based activities against Israel, including rocket-launches and border attacks.
“Gaza land crossings will be open and easements granted for the passage of people and goods. This step will be effective 24 hours after the agreement is put into effect. Talks on the additional topics will be held if so requested.”
Operation Pillar of Defense saw gains on both sides. Israel dealt a heavy military blow on Hamas, killing its top military commander, Ahmed Jabari, attacking more than 1,000 targets and seriously damaging the terror organizations’ infrastructures.
Amongst the over 130 Palestinians killed in the operation were numerous terrorists responsible for launching rockets in Israel’s direction.
In addition, early in the operation, Israel destroyed most of the terror organizations’ long-range missiles. This is the reason why only a number were fired in the direction of the Tel Aviv metropolitan area and Jerusalem. Furthermore, Israel has not agreed removed the naval blockade on Gaza, a measure that was put in place to prevent weapon smuggling to the Strip.
Hamas, meanwhile, launching over 1,500 missiles at Israel, firing upon cities it previously failed to reach – Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Rishon Lezion. Despite being pounded by the IDF, it remains standing.
Moreover, Hamas garnered the support of Gaza residents, even of those who criticized the organization in the past. It also gained a certain sense of international legitimacy by getting Israel to negotiate with it, albeit with Egyptian mediation.
yamit82 Said:
My Bad
@ Honey Bee:
He ain’t no Lady He is a guy who likes guys and they don’t resemble Superman either.
He is known to us under a 1000 aliases.
@ Honey Bee:
Very good
lois lane Said:
Not very lady like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
C.R. Said:
Don’t you have an original thought?
“Those same godless Jews you consistently rant about are the same Jews who not only allow Homos to publicly flaunt their deviant behavior also allow deviant religions (according to Judaism) to flaunt their beliefs and symbols not only in Israel but especially in Jerusalem. Were those Jews you describe as evil godless ,were ever replaced by Jews who live according to strict literal meaning of the Tanach those structures would be torn down and all gentiles considered to be pagan or practitioners of avodah Zarah (strange worship) expelled, imprisoned or stoned to death.
“Be careful what you wish for.”
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!There it is. CR has given up on proselitizing: he simply condemns as already “lost” those Jews who refuse to accept as legit any measure of his fundamentalism (all stolen from the Tanach and subsequently transmogrified). He’s simply perplexed because I’ve exposed him as an unfair critic of modern day Israel and her Jewish population. As I pointed out in another post of another subject, his excoriations are no different than the accusations directed at Israel (not the rockets) by the Muslim enemy.
@ C.R.:
I agree but somewhere even if unsaid I connect the two.
As for homo parades in Jerusalem my view is they are no less an abomination than foreign houses of worship in my holy city. I really don’t care what you believe as long as it is not practiced here. Those same godless Jews you consistently rant about are the same Jews who not only allow Homos to publicly flaunt their deviant behavior also allow deviant religions (according to Judaism) to flaunt their beliefs and symbols not only in Israel but especially in Jerusalem. Were those Jews you describe as evil godless ,were ever replaced by Jews who live according to strict literal meaning of the Tanach those structures would be torn down and all gentiles considered to be pagan or practitioners of avodah Zarah (strange worship) expelled, imprisoned or stoned to death.
Be careful what you wish for.
@ yamit82:
“Your MO and phraseology are familiar. I smell an old troublemaker sicko. HWNSNB”?________________________________________________________________________________________
Who or what the H are you referring to?.Why must you articulate in puzzles? Are you afraid to speak frankly. Just what is your problem,Yammop???
@ Ted Belman:
Not saying that at all Ted.
@ yamit82:
No Yamite, I do not believe everyone is a Marxist. Are you really that ignorant of all of the harm that political correctness which is cultural Marxism has done in Europe, in the USA and in Israel? Of the hatred for Jews and Israel which comes from Marxism. Of homosexual day parades on the streets of Yerushalayim which are a result of cultural Marxism, etc.
As for personal attacks, its not necessary. As for Devolin, he started with an attack on me–and so he got it back. As for Christianity, why do you and he keep bringing it up? I do not make Christian comments on here, and I have never been known to proselytize Jews on Israpundit or in Israel or anywhere. I know your thoughts about the subject–but this forum is not the place for them–and not with me.
@ Laura:
Miss Laura, I was referring to the evil of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.
Michael Devolin was just trying to bate me into another unnecessary argument.
Yamit was wrong–as anything Biblical I write on here comes exclusively from the Tanakh.
@ yamit82:
Actually all of my thoughts expressed on here come from the Tanakh.
“It is horrible to see everything that one detested in the past coming back wearing the colours of the future.” -Jean Rostand
“any Jew who does not conform and perform according to his literal Christian fundamentalist views of scripture are evil.”
EXACTLY, Yamit. Your interpretation of my sarcasm is right on the mark. Thankyou. Why is it so bad to make fun of someone who believes many of modern Israel’s Jews are evil? I thought I was defending Jewish honour. Personally, I am not comfortable with non-Jewish fanatics excoriating and vilifying modern Israel simply because all is not going according to their non-Jewish plans for a Jewish Israel. CR is a lot like Felix: the rich and influential Jews (no matter how observant) they’ll send to the gas chambers all over again (beware their “Zionism”); the poor Jews they’ll keep around so as to “give” them something better than mere Judaism. Felix wants the Jews of Israel to be poor; CR wants them to acknowledge the supremacy of you know what religion (we’re not supposed to mention it).
And thankyou, James B. I appreciate your kind words.
yamit82 Said:
@ Laura:
C.R thinks everyone not like him is evil. All are Marxists and any Jew who does not conform and perform according to his literal Christian fundamentalist views of scripture are evil.
He called Devolin a whore, but then according to our sources so was the mother of his god.
@ David Shapiro:
Your MO and phraseology are familiar. I smell an old troublemaker sicko. HWNSNBM
@ Shlomo HaCohen:
What about me?? Devolin is a pussycat compared to me.
@ David Shapiro:
Leave Michael alone. He is not Jewish and supports Israel and the Jewish people.
Not a lot of people like Michael out there.
The question was actually sarcasm, put to the poster (CR) who labelled me a “whore.” He makes many generalizations, hence my rhetorical question. But thanks for the round, and the compliments to my father (a foolish man? he was disabled and lived a happy life all the same, and was pro-Jewish!). And Laura, why the hostility? I thought everyone would understand the joke, most of all you.
@ David Shapiro:
@ Shlomo HaCohen:
@ Shlomo HaCohen:
Are you saying that anyone who hates our enemies and want their destruction are evil. Why so? The two of you did this in tandem. This is an ad hominum attack. If you want to keep posting here marke your arguments rather than name-calling.
@ yamit82:
oy,oy,oy, I was correct!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ Michael Devolin:
I’ve watched you on here and have seen how full of hate and vitriol you are!
@ Michael Devolin:
You are an evil man.
@ Michael Devolin:
You Michael Devolin are a troublemaker–you’re deliberately trying to stir up trouble here!
About what your father told you about as* h*les–that was a foolish statement from a foolish man, like father like son.
@ Michael Devolin:
I don’t think anyone can make sense of your question. Are you part of the muslim brotherhood? That’s who CR referred to as evil.
Just listen to this.
Israel, her private and public institutions talk to Hamas daily but worst of all we finance them. We are the modern “Chelm”
Bank of Israel supplies shekels to Gaza
Israel ‘first nation in history to finance its enemies’
A number of Israeli commentators have registered their immense frustration over the fact that Israel did not even come close to leveraging all it had to defeat Hamas and put an end to the Gaza missile threat during the recently-ended Gaza conflict.
Everyone knows that Gaza is not self-sufficient, and receives nearly all its water and a large portion of its electricity from Israel. There was not even a hiccup in that supply as the residents of Gaza rained down missiles on Israeli cities.
But perhaps even more shocking is the fact that the Bank of Israel continued to send Brinks trucks carrying millions of dollars to Hamas during the war.
As Israel’s Ynet news portal explained:
“Hamas does not have its own banking system. The organization raises funds in Arab states in dollars, but the currency in Gaza is the shekel. So, every month Israel transfers millions of shekels to Gaza to be exchanged for the dollars.”
Popular Israeli commentator Dr. Guy Bechor of the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya responded to this ridiculous situation:
“We represent the first instance in history of one side feeding and financing its enemy, even during a time of war between the two.”
But it doesn’t end with Israel’s overreaching fulfillment of the command to “love thy enemy.” The Bank of Israel may actually be running afoul of Israeli and other Western laws.
In Israel and in most Western nations, it is illegal for government or financial institutions to monetarily support organizations classified as terrorists. Though Hamas is most certainly a terrorist organization, Israel justifies helping it manage its finances by calling it humanitarian aid. Without those millions of shekels, Hamas could not pay government salaries, and most Gazans would be out of a job. (Some of those “government” jobs include shooting missiles at Israel, by the way.)
But the situation may get a little more sticky going forward. Just this month, a New York court ruled that Israeli victims of Hizballah terror could sue a Lebanese bank that has a branch in New York City. The bank handled financial transfers for a charity connected to Hizballah.
The ruling has opened the door for Israeli and other victims of Hamas terror to sue the Bank of Israel through its branches and subsidiaries if it continues to assist the organization.
Its amazing, Israel can kiss his own backside. “Brave new world that has such people in it”.
Yes, I’ve read about it, James B. A disgusting individual. Thanks for the heads-up.
Be well.
@ James B – Montreal:
James B – Montreal Said:
@ Michael Devolin:
Are you aware of this story in your part of Canada:
This is from Quebec, the sick man of Canada.
Some please tell me why Israel finds it necessary to talk with Hamas.
Hamas is not a nation, it is a known TERRORIST organization of gangsters.
They represent what is evil and is determined to destroy Israel and her people and they will not change.
Time to put an end to this nonsense and destroy Hamas top down and remove them from Gaza.
Then Israel should retake Gaza as is part of the Holy Land G-d willed to the Jews.
And if any nation that claims to be a friend of Israel doesn’t understand this, they are no friend.
CR, do you think I’m evil?
Il has the capacity ti finish Hamas but may not have the will to ignore the West. This means not to give into some possible blackmail.
Very likely, Hamas will ask unacceptable concessions from IL or will violate soon or later the C/F.
Then IL will have to jump on the “opportunity”.
The Islamo-Nazi Muslim Brotherhood “mediating”–this is insanity; Israel should have nothing to do with such evil!
Yidvocate Said:
Israel’s old policy was never to talk to terrorists but to defeat them. Nowadays Israel seems incapable of the latter.
The reason for the ceasefire was to prevent Israel from defeating hamas.
Why is a gang of genocidal terrorists being given the legitimacy of statesmen that can be negotiated with?
Excuse me but I was told that Israel and Hamas NEVER meet. Notes are shuffled between them by employees in the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.
The two teams are in separate rooms. The never see each other, not even by chance in the bathroom!
This is demeaning and Israel should refuse this type of “meeting” while they still have the upper hand. Andwhy does ISrael supply gaza with electricity, food, water and allow access to a hospital in Ashkelon that the gazanians rained missiles on?
Israel: 1/3 military genius 1/3 software geek 1/3 jerk
Where have you been? IN 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973, 2000, 2005?
Do you live on some other planet or just not watching what goes on with Israel and it’s neighbors?
Israel is now negotiating with a terrorist organization, albeit with an Egyptian fig-leaf.
This is a huge win for Hamas. It has gotten Israel to talk to it without having to renounce its Islamist anti-Semitic and anti-Israel genocidal ideology.
Do victors talk on terms of equality with a defeated side? I don’t think so and have never seen anything like this before – not even after the last round of fighting between the two adversaries.