Israel Fights Alone, Carrying by Itself a Catatonically Suicidal West?

by Majid Rafizadeh  • Gatestone Institute •  October 19, 2024

The West has left Israel to fight a war that should never have been Israel’s alone. The Western nations, through diplomatic miscalculations, the need for votes, cowardice and a fear of conflict, have essentially outsourced their responsibilities for maintaining global peace to Israel, watching from the sidelines as the conflict ramps up. Pictured: Sayad 4-B missile at a military parade in Tehran, Iran on April 17, 2024. (Photo by Atta Kenare/AFP via Getty Images)

  • Little Israel is showing the world how to win again – and saving civilization and a free way of life into the bargain …. let Israel keep winning!

  • The problem with the JCPOA was, of course, its “sunset clauses.” They assured Iran that it could legitimately have as many nuclear weapons as it can produce in just a few short years.
  • The West has left Israel to fight a war that should never have been Israel’s alone. The Western nations, through diplomatic miscalculations, the need for votes, cowardice and a fear of conflict, have essentially outsourced their responsibilities for maintaining global peace to Israel, watching from the sidelines as the conflict ramps up.
  • If the West is too fearful or reluctant to engage directly in the fight against injustice, terror, and tyranny, the very least it can do is stand with Israel and stop trying to sabotage it at every turn. Support should not be limited to words but include political, diplomatic and military backing. By failing to support Israel fully, the West is empowering exactly those countries working to revise the world order from one of freedom to one of tyranny — by displacing the West.
  • It is a grotesque reflection on the international community, particularly the Biden-Harris administration and the European Union, not to be offering unequivocal support. Israel’s struggle is not just for its own survival but for the security and peace of the Free World. The West, through its passivity, is failing not only Israel, it is hollowing out its own survival.

Culminating with the dispatch of arch-terrorist Yahya Sinwar this week, how many of the world’s most vicious terrorists has Israel liberated the world from in a few short weeks? Little Israel is showing the world how to win again — and saving civilization and a free way of life into the bargain. For those of us fortunate enough to live in a free society rather than in a society of fear, as the former Soviet dissident Natan Sharansky calls them, let Israel keep winning!

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October 19, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Well, what do we expect? The Western nations have, using various means, disarmed their respective populations, leaving them at the mercy of their “imports”.

    As the article implies, not only have they disarmed their populations, they have rendered the idea of “resistance” (aka “Islamophobia”) to be something that should never be considered… or else.