Israel Cuts F-35 Purchase from 31 to 14 Jets

Intelligence Minister says other jets have much better maneuverability, weapons carrying capabilities.

By Gil Ronen, INN

US Marine Corp version of F-35

US Marine Corp version of F-35

The Ministerial Committee of Acquisitions decided Sunday to approve the purchase of 14 US-made F-35 stealth jets, instead of the 31 jets that the Defense Ministry and IDF wanted to buy. Israel will reserve the option to buy additional F-35 jets at a later date.

The 14 jets are in addition to the 19 jets Israel has already committed to buying.

Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz (Likud) showed other ministers a presentation that cast doubt on the plane’s true value, in comparison with othermodels of fighter jets in which Israeli technology can be fitted, which have better maneuverability and which have a far better capacity for carrying weapons than the stealth F-35.

“Since the plane is not yet operational in the US,” added Steinitz, “I suggested that we make do with the purchase of less than half the amount, and wait with decisions on purchasing additional jets, as several other countries – like Australia, Italy, Canada and Holland – have done.”

The favorable decision by a majority of the ministers, Steinitz noted, proves that the government does not have to be a rubber stamp of the defense establishment and can make decisions democratically.

The decision is seen by some pundits as a blow to Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon (Likud), who announced the deal following a visit to the US this year.

December 1, 2014 | 42 Comments »

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42 Comments / 42 Comments

  1. @ honeybee:

    “I hate AH’s”

    “A case of self-hatred, it would appear.”

    “You can be nasty with me all you wish, I can handle you easily, but leave mar55 alone.”

    “Nasty?” — You don’t like nasty?

    “Poisonous serpents” is not nasty enough for you, Twinkie?

    You should be directing your admonitions to those who truly need to hear them; but you can’t AFFORD to do that. . . .

    “She is worth two of you.”

    She kisses your keister, and YOU kiss hers back.

    — Of course she’s worth ‘two of me’ from that point of view.

    You’re a sanctimonious hypocrite, Twinkie.

  2. dweller Said:

    A case of self-hatred, it would appear.

    You can be nasty with me all you wish, I can handle you easily, but leave mar55 alone. She is worth two of you.

  3. @ mar55:

    “Goats are lovely animals. But insulting poisonous serpents are not.”

    Then you’d be well-advised to stay away from mirrors.

    ” I hate AH’s”

    A case of self-hatred, it would appear.

  4. @ honeybee:
    Thank G-d TX was there. Just the thought of a baby being abandoned by the mother upsets me. You and your husband are very good and responsible people. It probably a daily occurrence in the life of a rancher. Can you tell us more stories about cattle ranching? For you it is a daily reality. For us who are not in contact with the people from the land who produce our food it is fascinating. You are realists and

  5. yamit82 Said:

    sick newborn goat whose mother died.

    TX was watching our neighbor’s livestock and a nanny goat gave birth to twins and then abandoned them. We cared for them in our the laundry room and with the assistance of other neighbor we brought them back to life.

  6. dweller Said:

    And “mainline” Protestants (better designated oldline Protestants) tend GENERALLY to be wealthier than Evangelicals — though probably not as well off as Jews.

    Just say you don’t know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  7. @ honeybee:

    “Episcopalians account for the wealthiest strata of USA society (think: Bush family, et al.)”

    “George Bush II and Laura are Southern Baptist.”

    Yeah, and Jeb is an RCC convert (to accommodate his wife).

    But the Bush family goes back to the colonial era, and was, I think, episcopalian for a long time. Probably still is, in the main. Just an example of the point, however.

    And “mainline” Protestants (better designated oldline Protestants) tend GENERALLY to be wealthier than Evangelicals — though probably not as well off as Jews.

    @ honeybee:

    “Bottom line: Jews, for the most part, do NOT vote their economic interests.”

    “At what economic level are these so called Jews and where to they reside? What is your data or stats? Use your Google if know how.”

    Do you NOT know how?

  8. @ honeybee:
    ESTROPAJO is a ball made of twine that has been taken apart and just made into a ball. Rubbed on a bar of soap can be used to scrub many things and to bathe some animals and in some cases peoples. I have not forgotten about my grands’
    pictures. I wish they were more. Two is better that none but not as good as three or four. Too bad they grow so quickly.
    I wish I could send them directly. yamit82 probably has enough to do to impose on him with another task.
    Ask Ted for my email and could tell him to give it to you.

  9. @ yamit82:
    @ honeybee:
    It is a waste of time to talk to airhead. Nothing you tell him he understand. It goes through one ear and out he other. There is nothing in between to stop it. HB quizas estropajo.

  10. dweller Said:

    Bottom line: Jews, for the most part, do NOT vote their economic interests.

    At what economic level are these so called Jews and where to they reside? What is your data or stats? Use your Google if know how.

  11. dweller Said:

    Bottom line: Jews, for the most part, do NOT vote their economic interests.

    You certainly don’t vote your economic interests you keep voting for losers and can’t afford a computer. Snitch!!!

    Do you realize how much band-width you use up and your so limited computer time on things like getting some quote appropriately assigned?

    that’s how I know you are full of it. You love to waste time most of your time here is a waste of time.

  12. @ honeybee:

    “…’Every one acts in their own economic interests.’ Milton Friedman.”

    “Got a cite for that?…It certainly isn’t true of JEWS, by and large.

    Milton Himmelfarb made the observation years ago that ‘[USA] Jews earn like Episcopalians, but vote like Puerto Ricans’. . . .”

    “Where is the cite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

    The cite for what? — the remark you attributed to Friedman? It don’t think there is one, because it seems most unlikely that he would’ve said that. (Told you what he’d be more LIKELY to have said.)

    “How do Puerto Ricans vote, is there data?”

    Vote Demo, like Jews. There’s probably data, but it’s common knowledge; that’s why Himmelfarb said it.

    “What is the average income of Episcopalians and how does it compared with either Jews or Puerto Ricans ????”

    Don’t have the figs. or the time to hunt them down; if you need them, they shouldn’t be hard to find. But again, as above, it’s common knowledge that Episcopalians account for the wealthiest strata of USA society (think: Bush family, et al.), and American Jews are right up there with them — while Ricaños are amongst the poorest.

    Hence, the now-famous Himmelfarb comment.

    Bottom line: Jews, for the most part, do NOT vote their economic interests.

  13. @ honeybee:

    No but they must be the ones who already have enough stuff like new refrigerators…. I wonder how they can fight over fridges? Hit each other with ice trays????

    Talking to me about after thanksgiving leftovers is cruel punishment for something??? 😉

  14. yamit82 Said:

    Did you see the mobs fighting over stuff on Black thurs and Fri??/ That’s America. Football and stuff.

    Did you see photos of the mobs of people relaxing in the homes, watching football and eating Thanksgiving left overs.

  15. dweller Said:

    Milton Himmelfarb made the observation years ago that “[USA] Jews earn like Episcopalians, but vote like Puerto Ricans.

    Where is the cite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How do Puerto Ricans vote, is there data? What is the average income of Episcopalians and how does it compared with either Jews or Puerto Ricans ????

  16. @ honeybee:

    “…’Every one acts in their own economic interests.’ Milton Friedman.”

    Got a cite for that?

    It doesn’t sound like Friedman.

    He’d be more likely to say, ‘Every one SHOULD act in their own economic interests.’

    It may be that a lot of people DO act in their own economic interests, but there are plenty of folks it ISN’T true of.

    E.G., it certainly isn’t true of JEWS, by and large.

    Milton Himmelfarb made the observation years ago that “[USA] Jews earn like Episcopalians, but vote like Puerto Ricans. . . .”

  17. @ Topaz:

    Did you see the mobs fighting over stuff on Black thurs and Fri??/ That’s America. Football and stuff.

    In Roman times they called it Bread and Circuses.

    having been born and raised in America I think America was never much aware of what’s going on around them they are a very insular society. Commercial news and other media sources cater to the news that sells a combination of reality TV entertainment and a lot of local news the more salacious the better.

    If you are good looking Blond you have a shot at Fox News Anchor…. That’s how I see America today….

    9/11 should have been a real wake up call as to a real threat to America and American culture and civilization yet today you can’t criticize Muslims.

    You can’t defeat an enemy your will not name and define.

    Americas sovereign debt is 18 trillion dollars. There isn’t 18 trillion dollars in circulation in the world. America owes more than there exists in the world. How can Americans be complacent?

    When America finally crashes they will take the rest of us with them. Americans aren’t to blame the American government and corporate interests have an interst in keeping the Ponzi scheme going as long as they can and when it looks like it will collapse they will take us to war.

  18. Yes, you can blame America. The people being amongst the most generous, are not making an effort to become aware of the world outside of their isolation. So, much is missed out. And they are also not made aware that being the world’s policeman gave the US huge economic advantages, and political home safety.

  19. honeybee Said:

    “Every one acts in their own economic interests”. Milton Friedman

    Very true, I said you can’t criticize America. other countries in the same position would take more advantage than does America.

    My point was we can’t blame America but ourselves.

    Both Canada and Israel bowed to basic economics and took inferior American off the shelf production model aircraft…

  20. A lot of truth in what you say….

    America uses her economic clout to serve American interests. They do that because they can so can’t really criticize too much. Canada folded to the same pressures as Israel which is surprising because Canada I think is less dependent on America than Israel is.

  21. The US forced Canada to totally destroy the Canadian Avro Arrow, a fighter 20 years ahead of its time; and instead purchase US fighter jets who were a mess. Looks like Israel is repeating the same scenario. Time to cut the Israel-US umbilical chord. The cost in Israeli lives and independence is too high, and is bringing Israel to its own final destruction. The American people and their state department has been out of synch for generations.

  22. 14 are too many for that expensive white elephant.

    They are so expensive that the loss of a single plane costs us over 200 million dollars and that includes inevitable training accidents or malfunctions. They are no better and even less effective than the F-15 with Israeli systems and aeronautics. It also ties Israel like an umbilical cord to America for the next 30 years. Stupid move by Israel but not the first or last I’m sorry to say.

    Here is the Future:

    A Must Read

    Laser Weapons and the Force Build-Up of the IDF
    Operation Protective Edge was a turning point for the “Iron Dome” system. Nevertheless, the future apparently holds in store laser-based weapon systems as a primary interceptor

  23. I wonder if the Israelis are looking at a Russian fighter or developing one of their own, perhaps jointly with India.

  24. Long ago I reported that the aircraft is not anywhere near of value for us. I doubt the US AF will stick to the program. Truth be said it would a gesture to stick to the original 19, and even on that if at all possible, “halve” it as well.
    I also hear that the A-10’s are being fought for as more reliable that their purported B-1 replacement. A B-1!?!?!? for crying out loud. Who is making decisions in there. You know who’s kids?