Israel could be ‘between Gedera and Hadera’ in a few years, warns country’s defense minister

In a closed-door meeting, Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that a viral post threatening an Arab takeover of the country was “not far from reality.”


Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz gives a statement to the media at the IDF Central Command headquarters in Jerusalem, on March 30, 2022. Photo by Olivier Fitoussi/Flash90.

In the closed portion of a Blue and White Party faction meeting last week, Defense Minister Benny Gantz read out a WhatsApp message that had gone viral across the country, containing threats by anonymous, ostensibly Arab elements to take control of the country. According to Gantz, the authors of the message were correct, and the future Jewish state could ultimately lie “between Gedera and Hadera.”

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The message reads:

“Keep cursing; you have no chance against Allah. Slowly but surely we are taking bites out of your state. What will you do? This is Palestinian territory in actuality, and the moment one tractor comes—we will use the left-wing organizations such as ‘Peace Now’ and ‘B’Tselem,’ who will go to the country’s true ruler (the High Court of Justice) to issue an injunction. We will send children and teenagers to throw stones and barricade themselves in until you scatter away like mice.

“The Galilee, with the grace of Allah, will also be ours soon. We are buying one dunam [0.2 acres] from the [Israel Land Authority] for 50,000 shekels [$14,677] while the Jew buys [one dunam] for 1,150,000 shekels [$337,577]. Already today we are 85% of the Galilee population and are quickly seizing control, building homes in every corner without permits. Who’s going to do anything about it? The Jews who live in the Galilee all flee to the center of the country because they suffer from harassment, violence on the roads, protection [rackets], shootings, theft and robbery.

“The government tells you the Galilee and Negev are Jewish; I tell you that in reality, this is Palestinian territory. Any new business in the Negev is paying us a protection tax, every neighborhood that is built won’t be built without paying protection.”

After reading out the message, Gantz said that whoever the author or authors were, the message was not wrong.

May 17, 2022 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. @Reader

    Israelis came to idealize the US, and the US took over Israel.

    I think this is untrue, unless you were being sarcastic or vague. The US took control of Israel due to the bribe of foreign aid which aids Israel, and focuses Israeli spending in the US as well as forcing Israeli arms production thru the US as well, to a large measure. So, it was not due to idealism, but simply a matter of finances. I have mentioned many times of the momentous speech that Bibi (sorry, yes, Bibi again) gave before the US congress in 1996 when he stated Israeli dependence on US aid would end within 10yrs. Well, it is unfortunate that his term of office was cut short, and later, on his return to office, there were greater concerns to address, but it was the proper mindset that the aid should then have been a priority and should today still be a priority. The US aid limits Israel’s choices, focuses her significant military spending in the US market, and places Israel’s independence and sovereignty into to much of a grey area with regards to an ally with whom too much daylight exists between their vision of Israel’s future and that which is desired by a majority of Israelis. In short, the aid made Israel a captive to the American political oligarchs, who have shown us all their complacency in accepting innumerable body bags, as long as their transnational goals are satisfied. This fact alone should shake Israel from her dependency on the narcotic effect of the aid, but, alas, there is never a mention anywhere from anyone to move towards this goal.

  2. @Tanna

    I think it’s the super-super-super rich who presume to know how to rule the world and who buy the media and the politicians.

    I recently posted the latest from Elon Musk (how he wants Americans to work like the Chinese in his slave labor factories).

    Israelis came to idealize the US, and the US took over Israel.

  3. What did Gantz mean? I think it is obvious what Gantz means.

    Israel as a nation and America seem to be similar to siblings, different but very similar. Maybe, that is due to Israel at one time was made up of 12/13 different tribes. Since they have been scattered to the wind most have come to settle in Israel and the USA other small groups are still scatter around the world.

    In both countries there seems to be a group that works to undermine and destroy the nation. These trojan actors come in many different packages. They show themselves as loving and caring working for good, justice and peace but in reality, everything they do is to destroy the state, the nation, the family and every institution that moves and society forward.

    In the USA these evil lying Bastards, fight to have the right to kill and destroy life. While at the same time on the other side of the public square they scream and holler that we have to stop bloodshed in our streets. AND in the other corner weighing in as a collective pile of steaming crap our political leaders ignore what is happening all over our nation when it does not further their evil plans.

    Psa chapter 2 comes to mind. I can’t wait till we get to verse 5 & 9.

  4. Why I think the leak is a trick to scare the public into accepting the Two-state Final Solution:

    This is a map of Israel where you can see the territory between Gedera (across from Jerusalem, on the left) and Hadera (to the left of the bright yellow Samaria area), it is a small strip in the center of the country along the sea shore (see what is going to happen to us!):

    Now take a look at the Deal of the Century map – doesn’t it look much better (and the Arabs are, supposedly, going to become peaceful if Israel signs on the dotted line for the state which is going to become indefensible)?

  5. This was a leak from a “closed-door meeting”.

    I am sure this was done on purpose.

    What is this purpose?

    Gantz said the message was not wrong what did he mean?