Israel can say “no” to the US demands more often than not, and the sky won’t fall.

By Ted Belman.

Stephen Flatlow, whose daughter Aliza was killed in a  Palestinian terror attack in 1995, writes, There’s a need for gestures before Biden arrives.. He reports that every time a USA president visits Israel, the State Department demands Israeli gestures but he is referring to the need for Palestinian gestures.

I keep asking myself why does the US and EU keep supporting the Two State Solution. What’s in it for them? Flatlow argues that they have given the Palestinians $10 Billion and the EU has likely done the same. Why? They really don’t care about the Palestinians nor do they care if peace is achieved. Why not defer to Israel to solve the problem and help her if needed.

Some argue that the Globalists want perpetual conflict because its good for business. Or could it be because Israel doesn’t buy into the NWO preferring to be a nation state? Maybe.

I used to think that they supported the Palestinians in order to curry favour with Saudi Arabia and the 300 million Arabs. No longer. The Arabs including SA no longer care about the TSS or the Palestinians as evidenced by the growth of the Abraham Accords.

Some argue its due to antisemitism. Alan Dershowitz recently wrote;

“The answer has little to do with the Palestinians, and everything to do with Israel, as the nation state of the Jewish people. It is a political manifestation of international antisemitism.”

Can this really be the reason?

Can it be that they want Israel to be perennially under their thumb and not too independent?

Similarly, they both push for an Iranian Deal, no matter how bad.

On the other hand, why does Israel accede to their requests and permit illegal Arab construction in Area C which they support politically and financially. What is Israel worried about?

The EU is Israel’s biggest trade partner, accounting for 29.3% of its trade in goods in 2020. 34.4% of Israel’s imports came from the EU, and 21.9% of the country’s exports went to the EU. The US buys 30% of our exports. Are we afraid to lose these markets? Is that the reason?

Or is it that the US gives us $3.8 Billion per year in military assistance? Although the US refers to this as foreign aid making Israel the largest recipient of such aid it really should be from the military budget of the US in which case it would represent about 0.5 % of their budget.

Amb (ret) Yoram Ettinger argues  US “foreign aid” to Israel – a mega billion $ bonanza for the US and he proves it. In other words, its a great investment for the US.

He also argues Defiance of US pressure – critical to Israel’s national security.  As Ettinger points out, Israel has resisted such pressure on a few occasions but can always be counted on to “make gestures”. The gestures will bring about our death by a thousand cuts.

Its true, so why does Israel constantly bend to it.

Perhaps its is because too many people in Israel also support the TSS or they are hooked on US support and cannot conceive of going it alone.

The reality is that Israel can say “no” to the US demands more often than not, and the sky won’t fall.

July 14, 2022 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. General de Gaulle used to say that nations do not have friends, they have interests. And when it’s not in the interest of the US to help Israel, they won’t help. And who determines what is in the interest of the US? Why the president of course. We saw what happened when the shyster Obama occupied the White House. Now we have a demented fool there. What is decided for him– who knows?

    By all means, Israel should make gestures. Substantively, Israel should begin construction of the gas pipeline. Perhaps announce it when the demented fool lands–always assuming he knows where he is. Ceremonially, the gesture should be the raised middle finger — on both hands.

  2. Why Israel is concerned with what the US or EU says is beyond me. That includes Liberal American Jews who seem to regard Israelis as lesser Children of G-D.

  3. He reports that every time a USA president visits Israel, the State Department demands Israeli gestures but he is referring to the need for Palestinian gestures.

    I would say, “Every time a USA president visits Israel demanding gestures and appeasement, Palestinian violence ensues”