Israel can go all out against Hamas – with the world’s backing

Achieving the goals that Israel has defined will take a long time. The elimination of Hamas’ rule and the destruction of its military capabilities will not be achieved in a single defined and limited operation. They will be the results of a process that will involve many prolonged and continuous actions. It is important to formulate plans and manage expectations accordingly.

 By  Meir Ben Shabbat, ISRAEL HAYOM     10-27-2023 10:

“People do not choose war; they are forced into it. Those who do not know how to submit and subordinate everything to the needs of the war, when there is no other option, are doomed. War is the ultimate test not only of strength but of the will to live.” These words, by Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion, were spoken a few months before the declaration of the state in 1948. They still resonate strongly, 75 years later.

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Israel is at the beginning of a difficult and protracted war, in many respects a continuation of the War of Independence. The terrible price Israel paid upon entering the war is sufficient to provide it with the essential thing it needs to rebuild its deterrence and effect a fundamental change in Gaza: legitimacy at home and abroad for aggressive and protracted action, the justification to mobilize all willpower, the readiness for sacrifice, and unwavering resolve over time.

Video: IDF troops raid Gaza Strip overnight Wednesday / Credit: IDF Spokesperson Unit

The Israeli society, in its entirety, has proved its mettle on both the front and rear. Everyone shares the over-arching goal: We must win.

The time that has passed, the actions already taken, and the numerous discussions on the many details related to the challenges of the war should not divert us from the proper goals that have been set: the elimination of Hamas’ rule, the destruction of its military capabilities, and maximum effort to bring back the Israeli captives held in the Gaza Strip.

It’s a process; not an event

Achieving the goals that Israel has defined will take a long time. The elimination of Hamas’ rule and the destruction of its military capabilities will not be achieved in a single defined and limited operation. They will be the results of a process that will involve many prolonged and continuous actions. It is important to formulate plans and manage expectations accordingly.

Disable the centers of power of the Hamas government

Among the objectives, it appears that the elimination of Hamas’ rule is the least difficult to achieve. The centers of power of the government include government ministries, communication facilities, police stations, the internal security mechanism, municipal authorities, and other command and control centers.

Eliminating these, through physical attacks or other means, will severely impact Hamas’ ability to manage the situation and control the population. This will indeed increase the chaos in the strip and also the pressure on the humanitarian front, but it is an essential step towards the defined goal.

Qatar – Hast thou murdered and also inherited?

The tweet from National Security Council head Tzachi Hanegbi on the importance of Qatar’s efforts to promote “humanitarian solutions” provides a glimpse into some of the dilemmas that the political echelon faces.

Israel, rightly, seeks to maximize the chances of the quick release of the captives. The path to this passes through Qatar, the sheikhdom that hosts the leaders of the murderous terrorist organization supports them and allows Al-Jazeera to influence the Arab street in their favor.

Qatar identifies a dual opportunity in the reality that has arisen – to save Hamas from Israel’s hands and to upgrade its diplomatic status while gaining points for its humanitarian activity. While it is part of the problem, it places itself as part of the solution.

This is not just a symbolic matter: Hamas will try to exploit Qatar’s involvement to buy time, create difficulties, and disrupt Israel’s operational moves. It can be assumed that the political echelon and the security establishment are aware of these risks and have accordingly determined the nature of the cooperation with Qatar.

Humanitarian assistance: The bare minimum

The humanitarian aid that Israel allows for the population is intended to alleviate the political pressures on this matter. The benefit that Hamas derives from this is clear. First and foremost, from its perspective, it relieves it of concern for the population – “the world takes care of the civilians, and I take care of myself.” Moreover, it can provide a source for supplies and provisioning.

For these reasons, and to avoid compromising the effectiveness of the siege on Hamas, it is advisable to allow humanitarian assistance to a very limited extent and under scrutiny to ensure what goes in, how much, and where.

This goes against the basic generosity we have all been brought up on, but in this war, we must view a siege as one of the means of warfare. No less than that.

Do not belittle the enemy; do not make it look stronger than it is

The Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) has done a good job in disseminating the interrogation videos of Hamas terrorists who participated in attacks on Israel and survived. Beyond the authentic descriptions of the heinous acts they committed, one could be struck by the terrorists’ despicable nature, their lust for blood, and their financial greed, which served as an additional incentive for their actions. They also had difficulty justifying the disparity between their actions and Islamic religious precepts, especially since their superiors, who did not put themselves at risk, were giving the orders. In no way should we underestimate this enemy, but their conduct should have us disabused of the notion that Hamas has managed to create deterrence through its horrific slaughter.

October 27, 2023 | 16 Comments »

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16 Comments / 16 Comments

  1. This is a (two me) touching story about the “thousands” of haredi men who have volunteered to serve in the IDF since October 7. The reporter, for CNN of all things, says that the October 7 massacre has resulted in a :sea-change” in the attitudes of young haredi men concerning military service. The young haredi men interviewed by the reporter say that they consider their “civilian job” is to preserve Jewish laws and customs that might otherwise be lost in today’s mainly secular Israel. This is the first coherent explanation of what haredim think their contribution to Israel is. I think it does provide a legitimate justification for why even patriotic Israeli haredim devote their lives to Torah study. However, according to the young men interviewed in this report, many young haredi men now think that a civilian job of Torah study is compatible with military service in times of national emergency.

  2. READER-

    I’m surprised at you. How could you believe that the PM was “always in favour of the Two State Solution”

    Has he not had many opportunities to back it , like Olmert and Barak??t
    It sounds mashugga..

  3. @Felix

    Netanyahu was wrong. He had to be resolutely against this plan. Why was he not?

    Because he recognized what you stated so well:

    We are now seeing that the whole palestinian thing is centrally Jihad, to wipe out the Jews, enacting ultimate violence on Jews.

    Bibi had nothing to loose and a great part of J&S to gain by accepting Trump’s plan. The Pals don’t want peace, they don’t want land, they simply want the Jews dead. Consequently, Mazen could never have signed Trump’s deal in 2020 any more than he could sign in 2007 or in 2000. Bibi knew this, so he took ~30% of J&S as a signing fee on a deal which the Pals would never countersign, and which had a sunset clause as well.

    Hence, the outcome of signing the plan was no threat because it would have resulted in the Pals demonstrating to Trump and the world that they have no interest in peace, and with the sunset clause taking place after 4yrs of Arab intransigence, the pursuit of the TSS would be finally and officially ended, at which time the JO could, and I argue it would, have likely become operational. Even if this did not happen, Israel would have effectively exchanged the demise of the TSS for ~30% of J&S – so it was not a bad deal, quite the opposite was actually true.

    Of course, due to the treasonous efforts of Gantz as described by Gantz himself, Kushner was influenced to double cross Bibi, so Bibi, being Bibi, ignored the double cross and used the written guarantee from Trump to maneuver the US into using its influence to push the Abraham Accords forward instead.

    The actions of Gantz were as destructive as they were insidious, and instead of having at least

  4. @FelixQuigley

    Netanyahu was wrong. He had to be resolutely against this plan. Why was he not?

    Because he has always been in favor of the two-state solution.

    Those who defend him choose to ignore the facts because they are letting their emotions take over.

    Netanyahu is a genius politician who has masterfully created his own personality cult (the country be damned!)

    I hope he doesn’t use his marvelous political skills to gift Israel with The Deal of the Century as a reward for destroying Hamas.

    He tells everyone what they want to hear (this is what his father said about him) and then turns around and does whatever he wants.

    He is also very adept at destroying or displacing his competitors and adversaries no matter how capable these people might be in their service to the state).

  5. Re Trump’s plans

    It shows what I have always contended like like I did everywhere all the time

    America is bankrupt because the total world system of capitalism is bankrupt

    This is a very simple concept easy to understand but a concept which so many seek not to elucidate but for some reason to cloud.

    And this means all American political parties are bankrupt

    Of the two main ones one is as bad as the other

    They are equally bad. That must be remembered.

    They are different in their badness in some small or big at times in this badness. And since Biden holds power and persecutes Republicans and Trump … the crookery of the Democrats is to the fore right now.

    But essentially it is necessary to create a totally new party which has independent policies.

    The great problem for Israel is that it tied itself to America and American politics. Whether that be the anti science of Trump or NeoCon imperialism in Ukraine of Biden

    Israel must have always an independent voice.

    The map presented here which came out of the Trump plan (remember how all waited Trump essentially a salesman) was and is in the light of day after October 7 just so much garbage.

    We are now seeing that the whole palestinian thing is centrally Jihad, to wipe out the Jews, enacting ultimate violence on Jews.

    It is israelophobia as Antisemitism has changed into that form predominantly

    Remembering Netanyahu visiting Trump and THIS plan is what he waited for

    An exercise in conmanship

    Netanyahu was wrong. He had to be resolutely against this plan. Why was he not?

    The Israeli people need a new totally different kind of leadership

  6. Trump’s two-state solution for Israel, A.K.A. The Deal of the Century (which, I am afraid, is what IDF is heroically ultimately fighting for in Gaza):

    The Guardian cited unnamed Israeli military and civilian sources as saying the plan is to install a transitional authority after Hamas is ousted, possibly run by Arab states, and then eventually hand over the rule to the PA.

    As far as I am concerned, the 2nd state is Jordan.

  7. @Felix
    I read what you wrote, and I stand by what I said and what MSimon stated. I also disagree with your conclusion that the era of the capitalist model is ended, but time will tell.

  8. Peloni

    Read what I write not what you think I write that will be a better outcome

    I repeat MAGA meaning MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN just that, the thing itself, is an absolute impossibility

    Whether America was ever great is another question or was it great as American army generals made treaties with the native peoples which were simply exercises in treachery? And so on

    But on a truly historical level capitalism has had its day and is over.

    It can only offer much pain.

    As for the American workers, who are the great majority, when did THEY ever rule themselves. Never! No matter who they voted for and whoever won the election in America the workers could never win very much.

    As regards any country being great I have not even mentioned Global Warming which has the danger of our human and nature extinctions which is something people like you will not deal with.

    Becoming great under lethal capitalism that’s a great joke!

  9. @Felix
    I see no contradiction in MSimon’s well made statement, to which I completely concur. Also, MAGA is far from impossible, but only requires good management to stop scuttling the ship of state. In truth it will be more difficult the second time around but should government by consent of the governed return to the US, MAGA will be not just possible, but inevitable. Time will tell what will or will not be, but we should refrain from suggesting the possible is impossible til it is proven to be so, and I would suggest that such proof has yet to be had. Many of the Leftists in the US, and even more in Israel, are now awaking to the repulsive nature of the political alliances to which they have long been allied, and it will be a very real question as to how many stay the course of being tied to the Dem party which supports Hamas and how many will finally set themselves adrift to look for more liberal themed organization with less Liberal themed associations. In fact, several examples of well known Liberals have already separated themselves from their lifelong membership in the Democratic party, only to lament their association with that foul institution while offering a favorable, and for some more than favorable, recollection of Trump’s presidency.

    Also, the best revenge which might be had for the Russia Hoax and ‘AOC Antisemitism’, among many other important topics which are worthy of similar remedies, would be to have the American people rule themselves once again, which of course leads us back to MAGA rising and ruling once more.

  10. MSimon

    There are many contradictory things in your comment. MAGA is an impossibility. While revenge against Democratic false flags such as Russia Hoax and AOC Antisemitism needed. And a separate issue the support of Christian in America is historically valid, and remember Lord Balfour and that strong Christian presence around the Bible was very progressive.

  11. Attention:Read slowly….None will like this….

    Decades were necessary for me to discover why the entire planet hates Jews.,.!

    Of the 7 Billion beings who inhabit planet earth 99.999999999999999999%


    A fetus inutra to a jewish woman is already smarter then most

    of the human beings on this planet…..

    What, u don’t think so

    tough sh..

    You are jealous , look in the mirror..

    Since converting to Judaism, i’ve been happier knowing i’ve joined a group

    trying to save all you jealous non Jews and even some Jews who have

    fallen to temptation….imperfection eludes us…..

    Try admiring some……………it hurts, but it may rescue you………



  12. Felix,

    You are mostly correct about the current situation. And what you say reflects the current American leadership. But Trump hunger, and thus the hunger to throw out the Jew haters is large and growing. The Christian Right in America LOVES Jews. And America is hungry for the return of Trump. I’m even teaching my Rabbi a little MAGA.

  13. Israel does not have the full support!
    Western antisemitism has enflamed the Muslim antisemism!
    A lot of what is going on in the world is directly related to the Bho’s agenda and responses to his agenda.
    Jews are the primary target.

  14. The world will continue to criticize and even demonize Israel and this must be understood as Jew hatred and the attempt to normalize it.

    The world has never fully come to terms with the holocaust. Instead, those who hate Jews sought to decrease their guilt through ideologies such as nihilism(values are meaningless), and moral equivalency (all political agents and ideologies arise from their cultures and no culture is superior to any other culture). As Caroline Glick has pointed out, the Jews and Israelis have a culture in which life is sacred and murder is a crime. Islamic fundamentalists have a culture in which death and murder are sacred and saving the life of an infidel is a crime. These two cultures are not equal. Their values do matter, and make the difference between good and evil.

    Israel and Jews everywhere must help make it clear that people who consider it sacred to murder infants and children in the name of their God are evil.

    The Israeli military and the Israeli people have the capability to win the military conflict.

    There is another conflict that will have to be won, and that is the disposition of the Palestinian people who live inside Israel and on Israel’s borders. A nation is committing suicide to allow people committed to murdering all their people to live inside their country and to live on their borders.

    Israelis, at least the majority of Israelis, now know this.

    The criticism is coming from people who lie when they say the Palestinians are innocent. The people who say the Palestinian people are innocent are people impervious to facts and evidence.

    People who teach their children to murder as many Jews as possible cannot be innocent.

    So any Western leader who says the Palestinians are innocent and should have their own country is lying. He or she knows the Palestinians are not innocent and furthermore does not care if they do destroy Israel.

    Similarly and Arab or Muslim national leaders that say the Palestinians must have their own country knows the Palestinians are not innocent. We know this because they have announced in no uncertain terms that the Palestinians are unwelcome in their country. Thus we know they know the truth, and this means these leaders don’t care if Israel is destroyed or not. Perhaps they even want Israel destroyed. In any event, they are lying when they say the Palestinians are innocent.

    The major difficulty will come in terms of the final disposition of the Palestinian people who are currently living in Israel who are willing to kill innocent Jews, in hopes they will destroy Israel.

    How all these people are dealt with is going to be up to Israel, because they have, in essence, already declared war on Israel. Not a single one of them has come forward to say their Hamas brethren committed unacceptable crimes.

    These are people that celebrated the mass butchery committed by Hamas in the name of Allah, with singing and dancing. These are people unfit for civilized society, unfit to live inside Israel’s borders and unfit to live on Israel’s borders.

    It matters not what those who criticize Israel say. Let them live inside the West Bank or Gaza, and then see about their criticism. These are people who have nothing to offer but their own venality, their incapacity to know the difference between good and evil.

  15. The more you minimise your strategic tasks the weaker you grow. Israelis do not want to now live with Muslims because of deeply rooted Antisemitism. The west disregards this need because of their equal Antisemitism. That is also the pointer to the necessary way forward . This writer from Israel Hayom stops quarter way if that.

    All on earth now are pushing betrayal of the Jews

    The situation has changed. Many more Jews will be forced to emigrate to Israel. And the obvious need for space is Gaza Sinai and Jordan part next to river.

    Antisemitism is the reason for these decisions – to defend against.

    This is also the only answer to a “Palestinian State” which Antisemitism in Spain and everywhere advance

    It seems to be a law the more Brutal Jews are struck by Pogrom the more Antisemitism grows exponentially

    So the demands to achieve Jewish safety have to grow exponentially also

    So the Hayom article in its political weakness is a terrible warning