Israel backs Russia’s avowal that Syrian chemical arms are secure “for now”

DEBKAfile Special Report December 23, 2012,

Chemical weapons store
“At the moment, [Syria’s] chemical weapons are under control,” said senior Israeli defense official Amos Gilad Sunday, Dec. 23, echoing the statement by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Saturday that “the Syrian government has “consolidated its chemical weapons in one or two locations amid a rebel onslaught and they are under control for the time being.”

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu then said enigmatically: “We are facing a near possibility of far-reaching changes in the Syrian regime with ramifications for the sensitive weaponry [chemical, biological] present there.”

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Like Lavrov’s comments, neither Israeli statement accounted for the sudden reversal of events in the last 48 hours in the turbulent history of its northern neighbor. As recently as Friday, Bashar Assad’s Scuds and warplanes were battling the rebels to keep his big chemical and biological warfare arsenals at the Al Safira complex near Aleppo out of the hands of al Qaeda adherents who were moving in fast on this target.

Twenty four hours later, the Russian foreign minister asserted the weapons were secure.

debkafile’s military sources disclose that the battle of al Safira was abruptly interrupted by a foreign military force which stepped in and stopped the fighting in order to commandeer the chemical and biological stocks.

In its report Saturday, debkafile identified this force as a Russian special unit.

The entire episode is covered in a heavy blanket of secrecy, imposed from Moscow, Washington, Jerusalem and Damascus. They are using the public preoccupation with the holiday period in the West to keep it dark. However, from the scraps of evidence available, it is transpires that the foreign special unit reaching al Safira gave both sides, the Syrian army and the rebels, an ultimatum to hold their fire until the arsenals were removed, or else this special unit would mete out crushing punishment.

Since then, the Syrian army and rebels do not appear to have resumed fighting and it is not clear which side remains in control of the al Safira military complex.

One of the many enigmas surrounding this episode is whether the Russians carried out their operation for the capture of Assad’s WMD alone, or in conjunction with the US and Israel. And whether this cooperation extended up to and including implementation, or was confined to the intelligence and preparatory stages.

Amos Gilad’s comment points to a measure of international cooperation.
Furthermore, it is not clear whether the Syrian ruler gave permission for the removal of his unconventional weapons out of the reach of the rebels. Neither is their destination known. And most of all, what makes Russian and Israeli officials so sure that they are in safe hands?

In his statement Saturday, Lavrov divulged that it had been “consolidated in one or two places” and that “Russian military advisers… kept close watch over [Syria’s] chemical arsenal.”

The Israeli defense official was in rare tune with Moscow on the fate of the Syrian ruler. He asserted that the civil war between Assad and opposition forces fighting to topple him had become deadlocked, but that the Syrian leader showed no signs of heeding international calls to step down.

“Suppose he (Assad) does leave, there could be chaos … in the Middle East you never know who will come instead. We need to stay level-headed; the entire world is dealing with this (another reference to multinational action in Syria). At the moment, chemical weapons are under control, despite the fact that President Bashar al-Assad has lost control of parts of the country,” Gilad said.

December 23, 2012 | 52 Comments »

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50 Comments / 52 Comments

  1. shachalnur Said:

    Did you read Jabotinski’s “Iron Wall”?..Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” at the same time.

    And your point is???
    Are you aware of the relationship between Hitler and the muslim Al Husseini genocidal, the genocidal agreement for the Jews and related connections with the MB?
    shachalnur Said:

    Thank you for adressing me as a human being for the first time.

    It was probably an oversight

  2. shachalnur Said:

    So, the muslims are the enemy now?…So ,now Arabs are the Nazi’s?The anti-Zionist jews are the Nazi’s?Anybody anti-Zionist is a Nazi?

    Anyone who aids, abets, gives comfort to promotes agendas, groups or individuals which seek to harm the jews is my enemy. Those who aupport, and write on your website spreading blood libels with the intent to demonize jews are my enemy. Rachel corrie and her parents(who you support) are my enemy though they are heros to the supporters of jew killers. Jews who aid nazis and march with arabs seeking the eradication of other jews are my enemy, even when they pretend to support part of the agenda. Get the picture: zero tolerance for even thinking about killing jews. When I read the authors you recommend on the website you recommend I see an enemy at the other end of the barrel. The same “ideas” killed millions of jews. Am I clear enough for you?

  3. shachalnur Said:

    So in my view ,given the possibility we’re dealing with a profet here,al his opinions are relevant to Jews.

    This explains your “logic” and your methodology for gathering “evidence”. However, it does not explain what the point was that you were trying to make by saying that Einstein wrote letters regarding Begin, “chosen people, G_d, etc. Furthermore, quoting opinions is not usually considered evidence except where one is an expert in a field and even then it is not considered as fact.
    shachalnur Said:

    My point is more,treating any critizism on Zionism by jews as “Kapo”,”Stockholm Syndrom”,”self hating jew” not the way to go.,

    You appear to have a short term memory problem. The original discussion, which I debunked,had nothing to do with zionism but with you recommending sources for “good information”. which exuded a stink of anti semitism difficult even for a faux jew,like yourself, to ignore. You appear to be mixed up and unable to focus on a point of discussion which may explain why you often cite irrelevant information. Perhaps its those natural mexican herbs you are smoking? shachalnur Said:

    Isn’t it true that jews have lived in peace and respect among arabs for hundreds if not thousands of years.

    No, it is not true, another myth, perhaps a bit better than the pagans. I refer you to Yamit who has a library of pertinent links. Perhaps you can learn something from a source outside of your “usual” sources of information. It stands to reason that if you are frequenting the sources you have recomended that there is something attractive to you in those sources but perhaps not what you pretend.

  4. shachalnur October 5, 2012 – 2:18 pm upon arrival in Israel 6 month ago ,I spend 52 days in an Israeli jail (psycho ward),on bogus charges…October 5, 2012 – 2:05pm have you been in Israel lately? go there ,stay a while,observe, it’s a paranoid lunatic-asylum by now,people set fire to themselves,kill their children,shout at one another all day long,treat everyone around them as enemies,police everywhere,security checks everywhere…the huge majority of the population is poor,desperate,self destructive. A hell ,in short,a failed country,morally bankrupt,and therefore dispensable.…

    October 4, 2012 – 4:41 pm we are entering the endgame now ,and misinformation,Psych-ops’s,false flags,fake confessions etc, are gonna be daily….To find out the real intentions of the ones who’ve held power for centuries you have to follow their masterplans,like the diagram they build in Jerusalem….November 19, 2012 – 10:38 am The leaders of this Elite are /were Jews,but behave like Satanists,and if I would be able to finish them off personally ,I would

    Ah…’psycho ward’ Thank you Ross.

    Well, shachalnur, seems all the dots are connected now. You were not charged with crimes – you were detained by the Public mental health system. You were fortunate that they did not force medicate you permanently. Obviously they haven’t else you would be contentedly staring at some wall in your house now. If Israel is like most of the West , they can enforce compliance in just about anyone these days in their daily lives. Psychotropics are basically chemical lobotomies – and they are very rampantly overused.
    You are very lucky, or perhaps Israel has a more humane policy.
    So the picture you paint of Israeli society is actually quite true of all Western Societies. I completely concur. Our civilization is basically pure madness – all current nations are so – there is no light anywhere it seems – not from the nations themselves – but only from individuals.

    Your perceptions are not wrong. The way you focus them, though, unfortunately is through the lens of an archetypal self-hating Jew.
    You are right to hate what you see, but your solution is self and other destructive rather than constructive.
    If all we see is the madness then we put the gun to our temple or hide in the mountains or desert til we die – not too fulfilling a solution.
    Most people also see something positive something that makes it seem like everything is worthwhile , like the sound of children playing, the natural existence of the innocent, adults and children alike, gangnam style dance or just about anything. There is something somewhere for sure you love about the world, you can’t help it, it’s the natural human condition – only the cultural experience of disturbing e experience obscures it but it always nags to return to the surface in everyone.
    They say that dance facilitates almost all human faculties from body health to thinking clearly and creatively.
    Perhaps you would be better off to take up dancing or something like that.

  5. @ Mr. Ross,
    Don’t forget the comments under the David de Rothschild the messias picture,Dr. Fishman is very funny.

  6. @ Mr. Ross,
    I noticed another post further up.
    Wow, you did some homework.
    Yes I was kept 2 weeks incomunicado,then The Embassy showed up,and 52 total I was released.
    So no contradiction.
    The thick print is out of context,
    With “despensable” is despensable for the Bankers From Mars.
    “I would finish them of myself”,is again the Jewish Bankers From Mars,who don’t behave like Jews at all.

    Phillipine de Rothschild with her Satanic jewelry.
    Try this one ,much better; by Dr. Fishman,a jew.

  7. @ Mr. Ross,
    Thank you for adressing me as a human being for the first time.
    About Einstein, It could be that in the future Einstein will be seen more as a profet,than a scientist.
    His Relativity theory is looking more and more shaky,if not debunked by now.
    Something he himself admitted as a possibility.
    Einstein was the first one to warn of the dangers of his find.
    Nuclear weapons and energy.
    He said once;”I know not with what weapons WW3 will be fought,
    but WW4 will be fought with sticks and stones.”
    So in my view ,given the possibility we’re dealing with a profet here,al his opinions are relevant to Jews.

    My point is more,treating any critizism on Zionism by jews as “Kapo”,”Stockholm Syndrom”,”self hating jew” etc.,
    is not the way to go.
    Treating critizism on Zionism by non jews as “Nazi,Hitler etc”,is just as dumb.

    So, the muslims are the enemy now?
    Could you tell me what happened to Jews in Arab Countries during the Holocaust?
    We’re they handed over to the Nazi’s ,like the civilized Europeans did.
    Isn’t it true that jews have lived in peace and respect among arabs for hundreds if not thousands of years.
    So ,now Arabs are the Nazi’s?The anti-Zionist jews are the Nazi’s?Anybody anti-Zionist is a Nazi?
    Did you read Jabotinski’s “Iron Wall”?
    Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf” at the same time.
    Did you know that Zionism and Hitler were financed by the same people,the bankers from mars?

    For your second question,read my comment on page”Iran to use Hezbollah terror”.

  8. shachalnur Said:

    Did you read Einstein’s letter to the NY times in 1948,about Begin wanting to visit the US?
    Did you read what Einstein has to say about “chosen people”?

    Yes , but what is your point???? He did not believe in the “chosen People” and I believe in the same letter he did not believe in God. Is this why you quote anti zionist ultra orthodox? Again I dont get your point on Begin. Einstein gave his opinion in 1948 to which I disagree. Begin also made a treaty with egypt. Einstein was a diaspora jew living when 6 million jews were slaughtered. We often see diaspora jews expressing their unconscious fear of pagan slaughter by distancing themselves from Israel. Hollywood actors say many things also, they may be good actors with poor judgment. Einstein was a scientist which does not mean his opinion on other matters is superior. Furthermore, what bearing on any discussion here does Einsteins mid 20th century thoughts have? Is your point that Begin was a “terrorist”? Do you just like to drop names without relevance to a point, state your point. Focus please.

  9. @ Mr. Ross,
    You keep asking me stuff I allready answered,but you are gonna have to READ it.
    Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity;
    “Doing the same thing over and over again,expecting different results”

    Did you read Einstein’s letter to the NY times in 1948,about Begin wanting to visit the US?
    Did you read what Einstein has to say about “chosen people”?
    Or are that Nazi sources as well.
    You’re an intellectual coward.

  10. @ max
    Spending the night in the Jerusalem forest with a girlfriend.
    Read my post on Ethiopean successtory,you’ll love that one.

  11. shachalnur Said:

    I was kept 2 weeks incommunicado in jail.

    HMMM?? Some famous Shachalnur quotes

    shachalnur October 5, 2012 – 2:18 pm upon arrival in Israel 6 month ago ,I spend 52 days in an Israeli jail (psycho ward),on bogus charges…October 5, 2012 – 2:05pm have you been in Israel lately? go there ,stay a while,observe, it’s a paranoid lunatic-asylum by now,people set fire to themselves,kil their children,shout at one another all day long,treat everyone around them as enemies,police everywhere,securitychecks everywhere…the huge mayority of the population is poor,desperate,selfdestructive. A hell ,in short,a failed country,morally bankrupt,and therefore dispensible.…October 4, 2012 – 4:41 pm we are entering the endgame now ,and misinformation,psyop’s,false flags,fake confessions etc, are gonna be daily….To find out the real intentions of the ones who’ve held power for centuries you have to follow their masterplans,like the diagram they build in Jerusalem….November 19, 2012 – 10:38 am The leaders of this Elite are /were jews,but behave like Satanists,and if I would be able to finish them off personally ,I would…..

  12. @ shachalnur:

    So you write more diatribe still unable to answer the simple question
    What were you charged with?

    Who’s there?

    Shachalnur who?

    Shachalnur I-don’t-know.

    BTW did you hear about the dead Jews from Area 51?
    Some of them survived the autopsy.
    Makes you think doesn’t it?
    Time to research!!!!

  13. @ max,
    As to your question,
    I was kept 2 weeks incommunicado in jail.
    The dutch Embassy had to find out through other channels that I’m in jail.
    I’m a Dutch citizen and the embassy was shocked to find out about my situation because israel claimed me to be an israeli citzen.
    I’m not,i refused to become a citizen in 1988.
    I was kept with no charges enough to justify a foreigner to spend 5 minutes in jail.
    The embassy was told to stay out of this for security reasons.
    By the time I gave my investigators all the findings of my research,they let me go after I told them ,that if they don’t let me go ,I’ll spread everything I know all over the internet,through friends.
    they let me go,and treated me very well,besides the psy-ops.
    What I’ve been publishing on the internet is just half of my findings.
    I’m quite respected on various sites,for my ability to predict developments,while most of the world is guessing.
    Certain sites want me to publish all my findings,but it’s not time.
    So for the time being ,I’ll just predict.
    to be able to predict you have to break a code,the code the Elite bankers are using for 200 years.
    Once you break that code,it’s easy to see what they’re doing.
    so Max,keep guessing.

  14. @shachalnur

    Hey, I got it. You want Israel destroyed and you hate a lot of Jews – no need to strain yourself at the keyboard anymore or use my name. I see your unformatted unstructured posts with no topic sentence or logical structure – I just gloss over them.

    Life is so much simpler when one’s mission statement is understood. Basically, I would characterize you as a Jew masquerading as a Jew rather than an Islamist masquerading as a Jew which is the only other alternative.

    Does the ‘grandmother’ really exist or is she just a figment or dossier in a file somewhere to be used as part of the cover story? Always whining about being insulted and about this – is that what you were taught? To whine and wimp along?

    You need to learn from others and from myself – but apparently you have a zero learning curve.

    So until you decide to come out of the rabbit hole – adieu.

    O wait a min!

    I notice you refused to answer the following question:

    “Though I would like to know what were you charged with for the computer business, though I ask with great trepidation for the price of asking you any question is to have to hire a codebreaker from the CIA to decipher the answer.”

    I take it your evasion means I deduced it correctly as per previously said:

    Now tell us clearly…What did they arrest you for – in plain words!
    Did you advocate the military destruction of Israel or any other Western country?

    That’s the only thing I can think of that would flag the attention of the authorities.

    I have the impression that after inspection, they decided you were a harmless confused person and let you go.

    I can just see some authorities questioning you for a couple of hours and ending up banging ther heads agaisnt the wall – they probably released you out of self defence for their sanity.

    Nevermind. I’m pretty sure your answer involves twenty Jews in a rowboat with a dreidel IE a a bad joke.

    I can make up my own jokes– like this one:

    Q: Why did the Jew cross the road?
    A: To get away from shachalnur.

  15. @ shachalnur: please read my comments 6 & 14 which requested elaboration on your SPECIFIC assertions below first stated in your comment #1
    Shachalnur Said:

    Israel has been trying to stop the toppling of Assad since June 2012,

    Please elaborate, evidence please.
    Shachalnur Said:

    Don’t be surprised if it turns out Israel alligned itself with Russia,out of sheer self preservation.

    self preservation from what, please elaborate.

    Shachalnur Said:

    US and Europe have been ordered to drop Israel,it took Israel until June 2012 to figure that out.

    Please elaborate, who ordered?

  16. @Herr Ross,assertions,

    In 1948 Israel fought with Russian weapons ,send by the Chech Republic.
    The Arabs had US weapons.
    Russia got rid of the control of the European bankers thanks to Putin,and is free to make connections with whoever they want.
    Israel found out that they´re gonna be backstabbed by their historical sponsors,and is free to make connections with whoever they want.
    Israel is interested in calm in Syria,the European bankers want war,that’s the real war going on right now.
    read my post on “Russia’s declining influence” lol.
    Israel might make a deal with Iran,because the Muslim Brotherhood was created by the same powers that want Israel destroyed now.
    The US/European bankers are losing control over the Caucasus,the second battlefield where things might get out of control.
    Read Zbigniew Brzezinski(is that a Nazi too? He’s Kissingers siamese twin.Prof Yeshayahu Leibowitz calls Kissinger a “Jewish Nazi”.
    I’m sure this is like Chinese to you.
    Building 7?
    I’m sure you don’t like to get into that one,right?

  17. @ Bernard Ross:
    Mr Ross,
    Fwiw, I am 100% with you.
    No, I have not read these sites. Life being what it is, there are just not enough hours in one day to do all one would wish.
    That being said, we do get a feel of who is posting what. Which poster is absolutely brilliant in his /HER comments and who is merely filling up space.

  18. shachalnur Said:

    People who are more knowledgeble,don’t see my posts as rubbish,they might disagree with a detail or two,but on a whole ,they know what I’m talking about.

    Great minds think alike????
    shachalnur Said:

    In the end it’s my fault,thinking that on a site like this there’s people with basic knowledge of history.

    I realize you enjoy making assertions with no basis however I AM STILL WAITING FOR YOU TO RESPOND TO MY COMMENT 14 WHICH REQUESTED THAT YOU ELABORATE ON 2 SPECIFIC ASSERTIONS. You want a fair hearing then provide the support for those assertions which I quoted from you instead of whining.

  19. shachalnur Said:

    Mr. Ross is behaving like the thought police,instead of getting into the subject matter,he calls me…He’s trying to make sure,nobody will even consider reading articles,…
    Mr. Ross simply screams it’s a hoax,fake ,false.

    Dear Forum members: please go to the site to read the editor Gordon Huffy and author Dean Henderson. Shacalnur believes that this is a good site to from which to get “good information” He reads it every day and reads every comment. Last week the site published a story by Mike Harris entitled ISRAELI DEATH SQUADS KILLED SANDY HOOK CHILDREN, they published it again to make sure you did not miss it the first time. I noticed no attempt to provide any evidence for this assertion. Dean Henderson also published a story which carried the assertion that the SAUDIS ARE MOSSADS PAYMASTERS in the title, the first paragraph and the last paragraph. I saw not one example given in the many paragraphs which mentioned this assertion again.
    In my view, shacalnur should be ashamed to come to a jewish site to pimp a site which twice published ISRAELI DEATH SQUADS KILLED SANDY HOOK CHILDREN. He appears to find nothing wrong with this and does not believe it should lessen the credibility of the site with the members of this forum. I want everyone to read these sites of his so that he may receive the hearing he deserves.

  20. @ max,
    Is this a site for political discussion or for amateur psychoanalysts?
    I’ve given you tens of links with Jewish sources.
    If you don’t read them ,because you already decided,it’s “Nazipropaganda”,there’s no discussion.
    Mr. Ross is behaving like the thought police,instead of getting into the subject matter,he calls me Hitler,Nazi,Non jew and insults my family.
    He keeps repeating stuff,I never said or claimed.
    Everything ad hominem ,and worse.
    He’s trying to make sure,nobody will even consider reading articles,mainly by jews,that give another version of the “official” Zionist version.
    Something I call a NWO troll.
    Did you read the 3 articles from Jews against Zionism,I mentioned?
    It’s full of quotes from Zionist leaders before and during the Holocaust,from memoires,letters and recordings.
    I bet you 99% of Zionist jews never read these statements by their “heroes”.
    Mr. Ross simply screams it’s a hoax,fake ,false.
    False? Quotes from Ben-Gurion’s memoires?
    My statement about the 20 million missing jews is serious,especially in Europe ,quite some research has been done into the huge amount of jews assimilating and rejecting Judaism.
    I told you ,if you want a jewish anti Rothschild source ,his name is Henry Makow,but I’m sure you’ll find some detail you don’t like,and use that as a reason to cast it aside.
    Besides that, it’s thick books,therefore dean Henderson,cause he made a outline you can read in two hours,and get the idea.
    As to my position,I wrote on this page my basic opinions .
    I claimed nowhere that Israel has to be destoyed,that’s your and Mr. Ross’ spin.
    I’m quite sure it doesn’t really matter what I say or write,it’s all Nazi propaganda in your eyes.
    If every source I bring in is “false”(without any proof of this),then why should I care to answer?
    In my opinion You and Mr. Ross have all your “knowledge ” from controlled sources.
    Your ignorance of Jewish and general history is shocking.
    I mention “Building 7”, “USS Liberty”,”Lavon affair”,yeshayahu leibowitz,1956 Suez war,etc.
    And you guys have no clue whatsoever ,what I’m talking about.
    Either you are totally in the dark over world history,or your minds are so narrow and brainwashed that you fail to see the 600-pound gorillea in the room.
    In the end it’s my fault,thinking that on a site like this there’s people with basic knowledge of history.
    People who are more knowledgeble,don’t see my posts as rubbish,they might disagree with a detail or two,but on a whole ,they know what I’m talking about.
    That includes,Jews ,nonjews,anti israel,pro israel etc.
    Why is it that my posts here are never moderated,and your’s and Mr. Ross’ all the time?
    To me it sounds like we speak different languages,i don’t understand you et vice versa.
    i’ve had enough of the bashing ,insults and spin.
    So if you want to talk to me,talk.
    If you’re just bashing without any proof ,besides declaring me mentally ill,stop wasting your time on me.

  21. There you go shachalnur it’s unmoderated. I’m afraid Karma Clause gave you some coal for your Xmas Stocking.

    And two peas in a pod with the “You are insulting me” .. (from BS & S ) that ‘s the Islamic Fascist Technique. Opinions are not ‘insults’.

    Consider this: If you are insulted by someone else’s opinion of you which happens to prove true then you are basically insulted by your own existence and time to change your attitudes and behaviour.

    A negative opinion is still an opinion. Anything you introduce in the realm of discussion is open to inspection, especially including your own behaviour and attitudes about the issue. Intellectual compartmentalization is a fraud and a self-deceit. Everything about an issue is on the table, especially your intent and attitudes.

    Actual insults are different, usualy identifiable by their obvious lack of reference to any observation and as such are merely epithets that cannot be answered with reference to data.

    If someone has a negative opinion about something you are saying or exhibiting, an opinion that is referenced by observable data then man up or ‘person up’ and face or counter-point the opinion. If you cannot address the issue , you must suffer the opinion.
    A person with no capacity for critical self analysis is a brittle bone incapable of self-growth or meaningful dialogue.
    This psychological gem and advices I give you free, without charge being generous today in the Spirit of Karma Clause..

  22. In moderation limbo, I try piecemeal…

    You have never answered me and you still didn’t answer me however I deduced you mission statement through inductive logic.
    I ask you to say clearly what you support, what you want and you write four times as much disorganized ramblings and I have to try to dig it out of that confused mess. You need to learn to write ONE simple sentence.

    Never mind the fantasy ‘State’, you didn’t say except sideways what you want here in this real world.

    Here’s your mission statement what from all that verbiage I deduce – You want the state of Israel as it is destroyed (same as Dean Anderson) and you have hundreds of complaints against Jews of all stripes for some mysterious reasons.

    That’s all you are about – end of story -simple really..

  23. reply 17 to shacalnur in moderationshachalnur Said:

    To be able to understand anything I say,you’ll have to educate yourself

    I need no education, or understanding, to observe the behavior of a person who gets his information from nazi blood libeling sites that publish ISRAELI DEATH SQUADS KILLED SANDY HOOK CHILDREN
    shachalnur Said:

    Your answer on the other post hurt me and insulted my intelligence

    Your “intelligence” desrves to be insulted because you are arrogant, condescending and obfuscating and believe yourself to be knowlegeable. Your feelings deserve to be hurt because you come to a site of Jews and recommend a nazi blood libeling site as a source from where to get “good information” and unlike an actual Jew do not seem to notice or care about an article published twice on veterans today entitled ISRAELI DEATH SQUADS KILL SANDY HOOK CHILDREN.
    I am not worried about zionists killing jews I am worried about you and your cohorts killing jews.
    BTW, are you getting my message with the capital letters yet, no education or knowledge is necessary to get it.

  24. shachalnur Said:

    In June 2012 True Torah Jews spraypainted some graffiti on Yad vashem,things like “Zionists collaborated with the Nazi’s”. The guys were put in jail ,in the psychiatric ward,for claiming this.

    Claiming the fact and spraypainting the memorial are 2 different things. Having an interpretation of the Talmud and aiding and abetting jew killers are 2 different things. One makes for disagreement and the other makes for existential enemies. Why are they in Israel if they believe that G_D forbids Aliyah?
    shachalnur Said:

    You don’t even speak Hebrew,have no knowledge about the Torah,and have no knowledge of the different streams of thought inside Israel..

    I did not pretend to know the Torah, or G_D’s thoughts or to use my views to help those who are intent on killing the Jews as some Kapos are doing. You know these things and yet you hang about nazi blood libeling sites to get your “facts”. Your “battlefront of ideas”.

  25. shachalnur Said:

    What we’re heading for now is a repetition of ww2,

    We are headed there because people like you continue a 2000 year tradition and not one that started in 1897. It is sites like veterans today and dean henderson which seek to whip up the mob against the jews. This is why they published more than once the article by Mike Harris that ISRAELI DEATH SQUADS KILLED THE SANDY HOOK CHILDREN. They want to make sure that the message got through.
    shachalnur Said:

    I told you already that they give religious and ,much more important,empirical proof of Zionism collaborating with Nazi’s,something you refuse to read or mention.

    I read them but it is irrelevant(a red herring) as to why you loiter about and get your info from nazi sites.
    shachalnur Said:

    that obviously sees himself as an examplary jew.

    An “exemplary” jew who frequents nazi sites.

  26. shachalnur Said:

    This is an answer to ..your long answer on “proof of a scandal,US policy….”

    although we are now on another forum I will attempt to repeat myself in answer.
    shachalnur Said:

    Really, you’re assertions lack any intellectual bases,you’re just bashing.

    On the contrary, you went off on obfuscating tangents from your original post which recommended Huffy), Dean Anderson and the Golden report as good sources of information regarding “facts”. I visited those sites and concluded that the sites and authors had an anti semitic agenda and published ridiculous stories which could only serve to incite against Jews in a manner similar to “Jews take blood of christian children to bake matzah”. I gave 2 samples from your credible sources: one asserted that “ISRAELI DEATH SQUADS KILLED SANDY HOOK CHILDREN” the other asserted that “SAUDIS ARE PAYMASTERS OF MOSSAD”. The first example speaks for itself but regarding the second “credible source” Dean Henderson I stated that I read a long article with the PAYMASTER assertion stated in the title, in the first paragraph, and in the last paragraph. Nowhere in the very long article was there even ONE example of such a relationship or occurrence. I read your Golden report site and concluded that the messianic, end of times agenda colored the credibility as a source of “facts”. It has been my experience that when a source is so colored in an agenda it tends to be unreliable, the facts tend to be skewed to support the conclusions. I observed your absurd conclusions regarding the Warburg statemnt which termiated you as a credible source. I read your “rabbis” regarding their disagreement with aliyah and allegations of zionist conspiracies which “incited the holocaust”. Interesting idea that jews purposely incited the pagan mobs to murder other jews. Again “the jews did it”! It appears that you are invested in the delegitimization of Jews and their connections to Israel and use every potential “fact” or obscure person to support that agenda and the obvious conclusions. This is why I asked for your “vision” and “solution” which demonstrated as I expected.
    shachalnur Said:

    I never claimed “the Jews did it”,that’s just the paranoid automatism ,you’ve been brainwashed to utter,whenever anybody criticizes Zionism.

    This is not about zionism but about you and your “sources” using zionism as a tool to incite the mob. Surely I dont have to tell you this? your interest is in incitement not in judaism or zionism.
    shachalnur Said:

    but this bashing stuff has to stop,so do your accusations about my Jewishness and the memory of my family.

    I do not for one moment believe you are a jew. Why are you hanging about nazi sites which spread blood libels about jews like ISRAELI DEATH SQUADS KILL SANDY HOOK CHILDREN Any jew would leave such a site immediately but you read every day and consider it a good source.
    shachalnur Said:

    So,if you’re interested in Jewish sources on anything I claim,

    Actually I am not, as it was not relevant to the original points discussed which was the credibility of your recommended sources. However, I read your sources Lieberman, leibowitz, (torah true jew, natura karta). I have no interest in which interpret torah correctly and which are fringe. (however, on torah I would defer to Yamit and would be interestedin what he would say to you) I have no idea as to what you o intend tquote from Einstein but I am curious as I do not see him with an agenda(although anyone can be quoted out of context)

    Anyone who pretends that the problems of the jews started with zionism in 1897 is disingenuous. Any one who relies on anti semitic sites for information is anti semitic.

  27. Reply 16 and 17 to shachalnur in moderation.

    And shachalnur, virtually the same reply on the other thread is still in moderation.

    When and if any of them ever get through you can write ‘the end’ to this story.

  28. Reply 16 to shachalnur in moderation.

    And shachalnur, virtually the same reply on
    is still in moderation.

    When and if they ever get through you can write ‘the end’ to this story.The final statement being:


    “Here’s your mission statement what from all that verbiage I deduce – You want the state of Israel as it is destroyed (same as Dean Anderson) and you have hundreds of complaints against Jews of all stripes for some mysterious reasons.

    That’s all you are about – end of story -simple really.”.

  29. shachalnur Said:

    you attacked me viciously

    Viscously huh? Is that what you call straightforwardly talking and living in the world of daylight. My final reply to you is still in moderation there.
    You have never answered me and you still didn’t answer me however I deduced you mission statement through inductive logic.
    I reprint my reply:

    There is only one language here to use and you need to learn to use it effectively. Blaming others because you can not communicate is the essence of neurosis.

    I ask you to say clearly what you support, what you want and you write four times as much disorganized ramblings and I have to try to dig it out of that confused mess. You need to learn to write ONE simple sentence.

    Never mind the fantasy ‘State’, you din’t say except sideways what you want here in this real world.

    Here’s your mission statement what from all that verbiage I deduce – You want the state of Israel as it is destroyed (same as Dean Anderson) and you have hundreds of complaints against Jews of all stripes for some mysterious reasons.

    That’s all you are about – end of story -simple really..
    I suspect that you are presenting the real ‘you’, and that your subterfuge and obfuscation is not deliberate. You simply are not integrated as a personality. Four times you tried and couldn’t write a topic sentence about your motivations or intent!

    Now tell us clearly…What did they arrest you for – in plain words!
    Did you advocate the military destruction of Israel or any other Western country?

    That’s the only thing I can think of that would flag the attention of the authorities.

    I have the impression that after inspection, they decided you were a harmless confused person and let you go.

    I can just see some authorities questioning you for a couple of hours and ending up banging ther heads agaisnt the wall – they probably released you out of self defence for their sanity.

    Ok, you are entitled to your whatever’. Excuse me out, I don’t want any more.

    It was interesting to know about Dean Anderson but as regards international politics I saw the most significant thing he had to say was:

    “Israel has no right to exist. Viva Palestine!”
    And with that I say adieu – I hope you find your way out of the darkness…

    Ok I got it. I don’t require anything else. You are a simple as pie, I don’t have to read any propaganda. Nothing to see here. Ramble at your own speed on your own track.

  30. @ Bernard Ross,
    Your answer on the other page upset me.
    To be able to understand anything I say,you’ll have to educate yourself(Jewish sources).
    Without you having any basic knowledge of Zionism, Middle east history,and knowledge of any non-Hasbarist source,my answers would have to be pages long.
    Please start with the sources I state in the answer to @max.
    Zionist jews have no idea of history,and therefore are unable to understand the present ,or the future.
    Your answer on the other post hurt me and insulted my intelligence.
    Maybe later I will elaborate on the things I stated on this post,right now I’m gonna run a mile or 10 ,that’s what I do when I’m upset.
    See you later,respect.

  31. shachalnur Said:

    This is an answer to your post above and your long answer on “proof of a scandal,US policy….”

    The first eight words of your first sentence are like most of your other assertions, without credibility. I read and reread your long reply, of many paragraphs, but nowhere could I find the answer to the 2 questions/requests I made to you on your post above. I asked you to elaborate on 2 of your specific assertions, which I quoted for you. Please reread the post and supply the basis for those specific assertions. Unlike other assertions you have made in the other forum, I have not labeled these new assertions as ridiculous because I have not yet received the evidence or support for these assertions. Without getting off topic please elaborate as already requested. I am sure that other posters would be very interested in your perspectives but might also want some evidence. I will answer your other “answer” in a separate post.

  32. @ max
    You said”I would really like to know”.
    Two days ago on “proof of a scandel” you attacked me viciously,which I have no problem with,by the way.
    But it didn’t sound like somebody that “really likes to know”.
    So you glossed Rabbi Gedalya Lieberman.
    Not enough,you have to read the whole article.(“The role of zionism in the holocaust”,”Zionism and anti-semitism”,”the brutal Zionist role in the Holocaust”.)website;
    All articles with sources,there’s no doubt about the correctness of these historical facts.
    Don’t read the religious basis of their opinions,if it bothers you,90% of the writings are history lessons.
    Only that 90% of jews never read this,mainly out of fear,it’ sounds like stories from another universe.
    Untill you don’t read this I cannot help you.
    These Rabbi’s also represent 500.000 Orthodox jews inside Israel,without a voice,because they’ll go to jail,saying this kind of things.
    Rabbi’s always talk religion first.
    Did you get to the second part of his essay?
    Obviously not.
    Read the above essays,and let’s see how you sleep tonight.
    After understanding this ,the rest is not that complicated.
    I can give you any (jewish) source you want on these painful subjects.
    Also read the answer I gave to Bernard Ross above.

  33. @ bernard Ross,
    This is an answer to your post above and your long answer on “proof of a scandal,US policy….”
    mr. Ross, this discussion goes nowhere,mainly because you’ve got no clue what I’m talking about.
    You obviously don’t speak Hebrew,french,german or any other language,besides english.
    You don’t know who Yeshayahu Leibowitz is ,Rabbi’s like Lieberman,Weissmandl,Yoel Tautelbaum etc.
    Your sources are obviously totally controlled.and if it comes to historical knowledge you’re ignorant.
    The rabbi’s of True Torah jews are no fringe group,they are the vocal opposition to Zionist Israel,something 500.000 Othodox Jews in Israel cannot do,because they’ll end up in jail,and all of them know these Rabbi’s .
    In June 2012 True Torah Jews spraypainted some graffiti on Yad vashem,things like “Zionists collaborated with the Nazi’s”.
    The guys were put in jail ,in the psychiatric ward,for claiming this.
    At least half a milion jews INSIDE Israel are aware of the works of the mentioned Rabbi’s above.
    I told you already that they give religious and ,much more important,empirical proof of Zionism collaborating with Nazi’s,something you refuse to read or mention.
    Did you read Dr. Hajo Meyer,there’s’ your book.
    You’re starting to accuse me of things ,that start to upset me,especially from a person ,that obviously sees himself as an examplary jew.
    You don’t even speak Hebrew,have no knowledge about the Torah,and have no knowledge of the different streams of thought inside Israel..
    And all the rest is just repeating controlled modern Zionist spin and disinformation.
    Can you for one moment entertain the thought,that you might be totally ignorant on what Zionist history is.
    I never claimed “the Jews did it”,that’s just the paranoid automatism ,you’ve been brainwashed to utter,whenever anybody criticizes Zionism.
    Really, you’re assertions lack any intellectual bases,you’re just bashing.
    But calling me non-jew,and throwing garbage on my grandmother’s memory is unacceptable to me.
    Therefore you have to excuse me ,that I really don’t feel like answering all your allegations ,untill you educate yourself with Jewish sources,that are not part of your ,shocking ignorance and controlled sources.
    My opoinions on this page ,are the result of analysis of ALL sources,Israel friendly and not,not just the usual,more an more erratic,official Zionist Hasbara.
    I can assure you that the moderaters on this site are much more knowledgeble ,concerning my opinions,and they understand that opinions like mine ,are essential in finding a way out of the predicament Zionist Judaism got itself into.
    Your opinions and limited knowledge is a huge obstacle to finding any solution,but I can assure you ,you’re not alone.
    So,if you’re interested in Jewish sources on anything I claim,I’m more than willing to supply you this,but this bashing stuff has to stop,so do your accusations about my Jewishness and the memory of my family.
    You explain me how some 20 million jews “disappeared” since the Holocaust.
    Everything points at jews massively “taking distance in disgust”,not being able to accept Zionist israel as the leader of the “Jewish People”.
    Instaed of making a fuzz,being called Nazi’s ,nonjews or worse,by their fellow jews is enough to turn their back on Judaism.
    What’s left is Ultra Orthodox who are the only keepers of real Judaism right now,and Jews like you,buying into the lies of Zionism,as a suicidal sect,because that’s what Judaism has become.
    20 million jews have turned their back on this,and they won’t come back untill the Zionist nightmare has ended.
    What we’re heading for now is a repetition of ww2,and with people like you,we’re gonna have a repeat.
    Educate yourself,even when the truth is ugly.

    Finally two quotes,one from a black Cristian ,who was killed for his ideas,and one “examplary” Zionist Rabbi,Kingmaker in Israeli politics for decades.

    “Nothing in the world is more dangerous
    than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity”
    Dr. Martin Luther King.

    “Goyim were born only to serve us.Without that they have no place in the world-
    only to serve the People of Israel.”
    Rabbi Ovadia Josef(spiritaul leader of SHAS,without him you can not be PM in Israel)

  34. A More accurate report:

    Russian crews are manning the upgraded missile to air defense systems .. which has quite possible been standard all along. Those are technical crews – not security forces fighting the Rebels. The air defense system sites are stil vulnerable to rebel assault.
    The upgrades do make it more difficult for the West to do air strikes on Syria ..possibly… or it might be propaganda deterrence.

    It’s possible this is a Russian bone thrown to Assad
    Such as: “Here’s something for you to chew on, while we tidy up here and cash your cheques. Don’t worry Tovarish! We support you to your last corpse!”

    Those Russian crews will be keeping an active eye on their escape routes.

  35. The ‘yalla’ site only collects information, from many sources, it isn’t the creator of the sources so it’s still valid as an information source. I expect that certain things are commonly misreported along with much valid reporting so as to induce confusion in the enemy during military operations. Usually pics , video and corroboration can verify results or ongoing conflicts regarding military operations.

    There are still reports about ‘nerve gas’ filtering in the issue is stil unresolved to some extent.

    The fighting seems very fierce now at every point of contact. This coinciding with statements of triumphal regime survival from Hezbollah and Russia – a last desperate rage for victory and survival?

  36. @ Shachalnur:

    What exactly are you hoping for? Right here, right now , in this real political-military world.
    I would really like to know.
    Do you really know ? Or is it just a litany of complaints and scares?

    Helpful writing hint: 50 words or less in your case will increase your effectiveness.

  37. @ Bernard Ross:

    Yeah, I just come back to take a look. So far there has been nothing corroborative on the supposed nerve gas attacks. The bakery attack could overshadow it but seems that there should be more corroboration by now if it was true.
    No need to make a philosophical dissertation about it – there is all kinds of deliberate rumours started in the fog of war – I’ve seen plenty of it on all sides. It was just a ‘possible’.
    The first glance appeared there were multiple sources but on more close inspection it seems it could only be one source.
    It looks like this one has fizzled – yeah they need more than a few videos of dead bides in morgues. – blood samples , proof of delivery cannisters with markings , toxicology reports , multiple locations, multiple witnesses, tried and true sources previously tested for truthiness, Western witnesses mass photos of puffed up p bodies somehow.
    It’s not smart – it does their cause more harm than good. And such a fakery can only have a lifetime of a few hours it was bound to be caught – so rather dumb.
    Killing their own on a mass scale is the least likely scenario, though anything is possible. Anyone who did that would be almost certain to be caught and whichever faction it was would be totally discredited forever in Syria – so that’s the greatest risk to the doer and least likely.

  38. Shachalnur Said:

    Israel has been trying to stop the toppling of Assad since June 2012,

    Where does this assertin come from, my understanding is that Israel has remained “disengaged” from either side and that if they had any dog in the race it would only be the kurds or druse.
    Shachalnur Said:

    Israel is between a rock and a hardplace.

    I dont get that impression, to me it appears that everyone else is having more problems than Israel and that a divided enemy is a weaker enemy.
    Shachalnur Said:

    Don’t be surprisedif it turns out Israel alligned itself with Russia,out of sheer self preservation.

    Please elaborate. Self preservation from what? Israel may cut specific individual deals with russia but I doubt any alignment. Russia is aligned with syria and Iran who are currently allied with hezbullah against Israel.
    Shachalnur Said:

    US and Europe have been ordered to drop Israel,it took Israel untill June 2012 to figure that out.

    Please elaborate.

  39. @ Max: I visited the links for youtube but they were all in arabic and I saw nothing conclusive to prove gas attacks. ” All I saw were “victims” and “witnesses giving testimony and appearing hurt. I am enormously skeptical of accepting at face value anything from these sources due to the proliferation of staged videos and photos from the pals and hezbullah in the various Israeli operations from the Jenin “massacre”, lebanon 2006 and cast lead. The Mohamed al dura fraud comes quickly to mind. I have even seen the major network BBC create a false staged impression through their camerawork. There have been many false claims of atrocities accompanied by staged videos. I would not be surprised if similar techniques are used in this situation as there is a motivation to influence public opinion to get western help and intervention. Also, if gas were used it is as likely to be the rebels as much as the Govt. as we know that the wandering jihadists are capable of atrocities elsewhere and would think nothing of gassing their own for PR, like hamas and hezbullah.

  40. Debka is known for disinformation mixed in with real “intelligence”. I expect that there is some “negotiating” among the puppeteers regarding their surrogates. For Israel it is best if all factions other than the kurds remain fighting each other. A weakened Syria and hezbullah and a stronger Kurdistan is the best outcome but all factions other than the Kurds are the enemy of Israel. While all this goes, along with the Pal “state”, there cannot be expectations of “progress” towards a formal agreement.

  41. Breaking: There are multiple reports of nerve gas being used yesterday. Did Assad up the ante?

    Yesterday, 23/12/2012, at night, the regime’s forces fired an unknown type of gas that is very likely to be “Agent 15? gas, which is a nerve gas. The gases were specially fired towards Al Khaldeye district but was reportedly also fired onto Al Bayyada and Deir Ba’lbeh (more news to come in soon).

    The symptoms of the gas include: suffocation, nerve paralysis, temporary blindness, change in skin colour, nauseous, and hysteria/hallucinations.

    More than 50 within the district were exposed to the gas, 12 of them are in a critical condition.

    Due to the inability of doctors and volunteer nurses to offer any specialized treatment to the patients, 7 of the victims were martyred, they are:

    – Martyr Alaa As’ad Al Sharkasi
    – Martyr Saber Mendo
    – Martyr Eyab Asi
    – Unidentified martyr
    – Martyr Mohammad Waleed Hamadi
    – Martyr Sattouf Abraham Hamadi
    – Martyr Bassam Abou Rous

    Do note that up until now, doctors have not been able to identify the type of the gas that was used, but the gas is most probably not chemical but is a nerve gas that spreads vastly and rapidly from patients to surrounding civilians.

    * Footage:
    Multiple video footages on this link :

    – Cases of suffocation due to the gases – 23/12/2012
    – Doctors commenting on some of the cases – 23/12/2012
    – Patient explaining the primary symptoms of exposure to the gas – 23/12/2012

    – Martyr Bassam ABou Al Rous, killed by the gases – 23/12/2012

    – Martyr Ehab Asi, killed by the gases – 23/12/2012

    – Martyr Alaa Ahmed Al Hasan, killed by the gases – 23/12/2012

  42. In its report Saturday, debkafile identified this force as a Russian special unit.

    A fantasy – not a single report out of Syria of any such Russian Fighting forces – there is video of every piece of significant fighting in Syria. And not just fighting – distance surveillance of Syrian forces and airports. – Viva the cellphone! (and the web).

    Of course they have units of military advisors.
    Hyperbole might label these as “Russian Special Units.”

    Israel is only saying ‘for now’.
    How long is for now? I would say one to three months.
    You have to keep the moral of the troops up. It is always possible to win military battles, even outnumbered and out outgunned and losing. Alway in military conflicts anything can happen.
    Therefore it is necessary for Hezbollah,Iran and Russia to say – “Hey guys We are winning, you haven’t got a chance”.

    Reality though is showing something different.

    So who ya gonna believe. Your lying eyes or the Ruskies, Iranians and Hezbollah?

    We have here old time propaganda techniques competing with real-time techno-age reporting.

  43. So, Russia “took control of the chemical stockpiles in Syria”.
    Why now,and more important,why not earlier?
    Obama withdrew the navy carriers from the mediterrenean last week.
    Turkey stopped it’s warmongering in the name of NATO.
    All these are signs that the toppling of Assad has been aborted.
    No way NATO will attack with Russian boots on the ground.
    Debkafile writing two pieces on this subject in two days ,means it’s important,eventhough Debka will not tell you all.
    Amos Gilad said”toppling Assad is not good for Israel”.
    Israel has been trying to stop the toppling of Assad since June 2012,therefore the Russians moving in must be an agreement between Israel and Russia.
    The real problem here is Lebanon.(Today UAE warned their citizens not to visit Lebanon during the holydays).
    The US and Europe are taking distance from the “original plan ” for regime change in Syria,Iran and Lebanon.
    Mainly becuase Israel found out that this plan included leaving Israel sitting duck to an attack by Hezbollah,Syria(chemical) and Hamas.
    Israel is between a rock and a hardplace.
    The pressure on israel will continue ,while US and Europe will noy lift a finger ,when things get out of hand.
    Probably Israel is forging ties with Russia as a way out.
    Still,if the Syrian conflict spills over to Lebanon,or there’s a false flag(chemical) in Israel,syria,Jordan or Lebanon,(Syrian government claims the “rebels” used chemical weapons yesterday),war will break out immidiately.
    This is the silence before the storm.
    Don’t be surprisedif it turns out Israel alligned itself with Russia,out of sheer self preservation.
    If that will avoid a war,depends on the Western backed Al-Qaida rebels in Syria.
    US and Europe have been ordered to drop Israel,it took Israel untill June 2012 to figure that out.