Israel Assassinates Hezbollah Commander, Countdown Begins To Full Out War

Wissam Tawil, senior member of Hezbollah’s Radwan Force was killed today by an Israeli UAV strike in Southern Lebanon today.

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Tawil is the highest ranking Hezbollah member to be killed since Hezbollah joined the Hamas-Israel war.?Israel is expecting a serious response from Hezbollah and in turn Israel is expected to hit back hard. The Israeli government is now saying it is not “if” there will be a war with Hezbollah, but “when”.

Any war with Hezbollah will make the Gaza conflict seem small in comparison.?There is reason to believe the Shiite militias in Syria controlled by Iran will attack.?Israel’s defense forces believe this also means that Iranian Shiite militias will use Jordan as a base for attacks against Israel – opening up a wider front.

A regional war in the Middle East may be the last thing the US wants, but it appears that to everyone else it is a foregone conclusion.?With Iran and its Russian and Chinese allies behind it, Israel stands surrounded by overwhelming weapons and resources. Despite the intensity and potential mass destruction in the coming conflict – Israel must win and the only way to do that is to strike so hard and fast, its enemies will not be able to recover.

Despite the media’s obsession on the Gaza conflict, Israel’s Northern enemies are its real threat and the countdown to the war to end that threat has already begun.

January 9, 2024 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. All put in motion by the Soros/Obama’ s adm!
    Ten years after signing the JCPOA agreement, Iran would be allowed to develop nukes.
    Stealing elections have dire consequences.
    Deception/taqiyya has major consequences. Bho, the Mufti of W DC is a master.

  2. The overriding question is: When will Israel’s principal Western ally, the USA, wake up from its stupor and join the battle for Western civilization by taking the initiative to directly confront the principal culprit, Iran, with overwhelming force?
    Certainly, the U.S. is duty-bound to stop Iran’s imminent production of nuclear weapons and to launch significant reprisals against Iran for its incessant proxy attacks on U.S. forces stationed in Iraq and Syria. Also, the U.S.- directed coalition in the Red Sea is also duty-bound to stop Iran’s Houthi proxies in Yemen from attacking international shipping with impunity.
    The Biden administration’s dereliction of duty in failing to take any of the above actions provides yet one more reason for pursuing the impeachment of Biden and all those in his administration who have abysmally failed in their responsibility to protect U.S. interests in the Middle East.

  3. Government spokespersons are doing a great job.I doubt Blinken can prevent a major escalation in the north.

    It bothers me that Gantz caontinues to emphazide that Israel has no interest in governing Gaza or annexing it in the day after. Meanwhile Isralis are mobilizing to force our government to change its mind.

  4. The silver lining here is that it’s the end of the purity of arms bs. They’re not going to knock politely on roofs or send ground troops into areas with intact buildings.

  5. Sebastien,

    You know, of course, that Ukraine is indeed Europe’s “Kansas” — from the wheat, clear down to the sunflowers. Gaza used to put out some really good tomatoes, before they gave it all to the Arabs. Put them all together, add refried beans, and voila! Tacos!

  6. This is terrible! It means we’ll have to focus on Israel again instead of Ukraine or the price of wheat in Kansas. (Sarcasm)