Israel 101 Days of War and What Stands in Its Way to Victory

The Caroline Glick Show

January 16, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Once again Caroline Glick presents an informative assessment of the impediments to total victory for Israel.

    This war will not be over until Hamas and Hezballah are defeated completely. The current regime in Iran will probably have to be brought down in some way or their nuclear program destroyed.

    The unity government of Israel may not hold together for the full extent of the war. There is a division between the Left and the Right. The Left are allied with the US State Department which is unapologetically pro-Hamas and anti-Israel, even to the extent of staging a government walk out due to Biden not completely bowing to their pressure to defeat Israel.

    The Knesset members on the Right are justifiably angered when they see the security brass genuflecting to Blinken on empowering the PA financially, and empowering the Palestinians through work permits, even though it is not safe to do so. They are upset that the military is still being run by the same people that brought Israel the 7th of October through their dangerous political ideology.

    This has been an ongoing political saga in Israel, but it is a conflict that is now experienced primarily by the political class, because the people of Israel have come together in realizing there is no peace process and there can be no living with genocidal maniacs at Israel’s borders. The people are more united than ever before while those in the defense and security establishment represent old, failed policies, and they are doing all they can to cling to power.

    Those on the left in Israel’s military and security agencies are highly convinced in their own virtue, and in the virtue of their ideology, and this motivates their drive to stay in power. They feel entitled to their power; their virtue entitles them, no matter how much their policies have failed, they cannot see their failures, but they continue to blame the right for their failures. Their thinking is a closed system: nothing penetrates it, not even the holocaust that took place on October 7th ON THEIR WATCH.

    There must eventually be a reckoning and responsibility-taking for these failures. The officials who were responsible will have to face consequences for their behavior and for the ideology that led to their failures. Israel cannot afford to have military and security agencies full of people who can’t keep Israel safe from harm and who don’t fight to win when Israel is attacked.

    Before the final reckoning, Israel has a war to win. Israel cannot afford to lose it due to the failed military approaches of the last 50 years. Israel needs generals who can fight to win, not generals who want to cave in to the enemy.
