Islam’s Religious War with Everyone

By Daniel Greenfield, FPM
Few divides are as impossible to bridge as those of religion. You either believe or you don’t.
When it comes to Islam, non-Muslims are expected to take its goodwill on faith. If you believe your eyes and ears, Islam and violence go together like peanut butter and jelly. But if you believe Muslims and their spin doctors with academic degrees, Muslims are the victims of other religions.
If Muslims fighting Christians, Jews, Hindus and Buddhists are the victims of non-Muslims, what are we to make of Muslims fighting other Muslims in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq? Religious civil wars make it hard to believe that Muslims are the victims of other religions instead of the authors of their own violence.

Religions have a long history of not getting along with one another, but there is only one religion that has never gotten along with any other religion, is engaging in a religious war with every religion that exists, with atheists who have no religion, and even with its own co-religionists.
Is all this violence someone else’s fault? Or is it Islam’s fault?
Muslim hostility to Christians and Jews is not a phenomenon that began with the modern State of Israel or American foreign policy.
Muslims have warred with Christians and Jews as minorities and persecuted them as majorities. Academic apologists claim that Muslim hostility toward Christians derived from an ongoing conflict, but at no time during the history of Islam until the twentieth century did the Jews have a functioning state.
Israel has conveniently become the focus and explanation for Muslim hostility toward Jews, but that fails to explain over a thousand years of Muslim hatred and persecution … long before Herzl or the IDF.
Why did Muslims persecute and kill Jews long before Zionism was even a word? For the same reason that they killed Christians.
Islam hated Judaism and Christianity from the start. The Koran urges Muslims not to befriend Jews or Christians (Koran 5:51) speaks of “enmity and hatred” with Christians (Koran 5:15) and the Jews (Koran 5:65) who are also to be cursed. The Jews are accused of “creating disorder” (Koran 5:65) and Christians are accused of worshiping their priests (Koran 9:31). The Jews and Christians believe in evil things (Koran 4:52) and Allah’s curse will be upon them (Koran 9:30).
Muslims don’t hate and kill Jews because of Israel. They hate Israel because it is Jewish.

September 11 was part of an ongoing war against Christians dating back over a thousand years.

The real reason why a Muslim carries out a terrorist attack in New York or Boston is the same reason why a church gets burned in Egypt or bombed in Syria. It’s the same reason why teenage British girls get raped and why the Christian population of the Middle East has shrunk from a quarter to a tenth.
Everything else is just Muslim war propaganda that only fools and appeasers take at face value.
The Koran’s scriptural hatred encouraged Muslim warlords to spread Islam through the mass murder, enslavement and rape of Jews and Christians. The legacy of hatred began with the ethnic cleansing of Jews and Christians from what is today Saudi Arabia and the persecution of Middle Eastern Christians and Jews continues into the modern era.
It is this old hatred that is behind the terrorism against Israeli Jews and Egyptian Christians. It is not a new hatred, but an old one.
The religious basis for everything from Hamas’ war against Israel to Al Qaeda’s war on America derives from these and other verses in the Koran, from teachings in the Hadiths and later rulings of Islamic law.
Terrorism against Christians and Jews cannot be detached from Islam because it is Islam.
When Muslims chant the old genocidal battle cry, “Khybar khaybar ya yahood”, at Oxford orToulouse University or when University of California Professor Hatem Bazian recites the Hadith that states, “The Day of Judgment will never happen until you fight the Jews”; the fiction that this is a new conflict dating back to 1948 unravels.

If Islam’s conflict were only with Christians and Jews, it might be dismissed as an old rivalry. But Islam, at least scripturally, hates Jews and Christians less than it hates every other religion out there.
While Jews and Christians have the provisional status of People of the Book, second class citizens, the rest of the world is treated as idolaters and polytheists and faces an even more unrelenting genocide.
If the Koran is nasty toward Christians and Jews, it’s even worse when it comes to everyone else. “Kill the idolaters wherever you find them” (Koran 9:5), “Kill them wherever you meet them” (Koran 2:192) and “When you meet in regular battle those who disbelieve, smite their necks” (Koran 47:5).
These are not mere words. The Muslim conquests of India led to the mass murder of as many as 80 million Hindus. The Hindu Kush mountain range commemorates a small part of the genocide that took place. Likewise the Buddhists were massacred in large numbers.
Islam does not win many religious debates. It achieves its victory through the Koranic command, “Fight those who believe not in Allah” (Koran 9:29).
This isn’t ancient history; it’s why Muslims continue to kill Hindus and Buddhists today.
Apologists will claim that it’s the Hindus and Buddhists, like the Christians and Jews, who are persecuting Muslims. But it’s hard to argue that Hindu and Buddhist minorities in Pakistan are persecuting Muslims.
Not even the most shameless apologist for Islam would attempt to claim that Zoroastrians are being persecuted in Iran… because that tiny oppressed minority is persecuting the Islamic majority. The persecution of the Bahai in Iran or the Kalash in Pakistan show that Muslim religious intolerance exists even entirely divorced from foreign affairs or past history.
Islam is not intolerant as a response to intolerance. It is inherently intolerant.

Ten of the fifteen most religiously intolerant countries in the world are Muslim. There is no way to square that with the claim that Muslims are the victims of religious intolerance, rather than its perpetrators.
Muslims engage in religious conflicts both as majorities and minorities. They engage in religious conflicts with both minorities and majorities. They persecute other religions regardless of whether they are old or new, even if there is no existing history of conflict. They are motivated by a relentless xenophobia.
It doesn’t matter what you believe, so long as your belief differs from theirs. You can believe in nothing at all. You can even believe in another version of Islam.
When Muslims run out of non-Muslims to persecute, they attack other Muslims. In Libya and Tunisia, Salafists have targeted Sufis. Syria and Iraq are being torn apart by conflicts between Sunnis and Shiites.
In Australia, a Sheikh prays, “Oh Allah, count the Buddhists and the Hindus one by one. Oh Allah, count them and kill them to the very last one.” On Al Jazeera, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Spiritual Guide,Yusuf  al-Qaradawi prayed for the Jews, “O Allah, do not spare a single one of them. O Allah, count their numbers, and kill them, down to the very last one.” A Gaza sermon demands, “Strike the Jews… the Christians…  Allah count them and kill them to the last one.”
This is genocide. It’s also Islam. Not a tiny minority of it either.
Islam did not expand by treating minorities well. It grew through genocide, slavery and war. That is still how it is growing today.
Islamic terrorism is not a protest movement; it is a new wave of religious conquests, spreading fear and death into the lands to be conquered. Into the Dar-al-Harb. The House of War. A Muslim bombing is not a cry for help by the oppressed, it is a demand that the bombed submit to their new Muslim oppressors.

April 23, 2014 | 30 Comments »

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30 Comments / 30 Comments

  1. Hey, if Max wants to “oppose” the jihadists, he must come out with us JDL Canada guys at our next event. We “oppose” the jihadist all the time. They’re usually across the street from us. But, no, he won’t show up. He’d be too embarrassed at shitting his pants. We could meet face to face. He could explain his non-nationalism philosophy to my Jewish Canadian friends who are quite adamant about our country. By the way, where does Max hail from? He’s never told me. I could forward his tale to CSIS and tell them he’s not really fond of this country (if he’s from Canada), that maybe he wants to move out. But if he’s European, I can understand his frustrations. Europeans are so fed up with losing wars and/or asking for our help in cleaning up the mess (read: graveyard) after they’ve lost the wars they’ve started. He does sound a lot like Euro-trash. Actually, he reminds me of that Irish reptile Felix, with his rants about Big Brother.

  2. “the adjective fucking for almost every noun”

    Welcome to Irish Canada. Never heard it put that way, Ted. That makes the term almost sound refined.

    Sorry. I will rein it in. Like I said earlier, I spent a lot of time in the bush this winter…

  3. comment # 8 revised –
    Buzz of the Orient Said:

    You know what, Max. You’re a madman. Canada has no business shedding it’s citizen’s blood in a battle that is of no concern or threat to them . It’s a good thing they quit. You’re so vehement about Afghanistan, go there yourself with a rifle and bullets and fight your own God-damned battle instead of berating others who already shed their blood for your pleasure.

    You did not address what I said in my post -you ignored it. You seem to be more in defense of some nationalistic image rather than respond ding to my content.

    The issue is the survival of Western Democratic Culture not defending Canada’s image or government.

    We, the West are at war with Jihadist Islam – The madmen are the Jihadists. I know that the war is unpopular with the Canadian public and the politicians are following suit. I attribute that to the success of Jihadist propaganda at home. We are besieged with daily propaganda telling us not to fight , that it is our fault that the Jihadists hate us , that we are creating Jihadists because we fight back that the solution is to go back home and lay down our arms (and of course wait for the next assault), to become defenseless to make us easy targets for the military wing of Islamic Jihad. And so much more there are 10,000 propaganda and 10,000 agendas all designed to weaken the will of the West to resist. We are not even free to talk openly against it anymore with the special political agendas of the economic elite through the HRC.

    There is a giant world wide propaganda war against the west which is having a great effect. The military wing and the propaganda wing of Jihad are working successfully side by side. The propaganda converts the liberal left to the same goals the Jihadists and they are gaining the predominant attitude at home.

    I listened to much post analysis on CBC radio from the military experts and leaders. Al Qaeda celebrated our “defeat” which is what they considered the Canadian withdrawal. The world is now one place ,any victory overseas emboldens and aids aggressive oppression here. Nobody said the job was finished and most said it was unfinished. The only real reason Canada left is because the public does not have the will of the wish to fight Islamic Jihad. And if any political party supports it,they will not get elected.
    There is no going home, there is no safe home to go to It’s not over til it’s over til Islamic Jihad is finished. If Afghanistan goes like Vietnam than all that has worked for will be lost and all who were loyal to us will be exterminated and all the hearts and minds won will be lost for nothing, for no point.
    That’s a wrap, for now.

    I wee your other comments now Ted.

  4. @ yamit82:

    Actually making personal attacks means that you have lost an argument because you are not rationally addressing the opponents statements. The swearing and personal attacks here just show those people as closed off in protective boxes trying to shut out the world.
    Of course it’s not necessary to address every little point another person makes , if you deduce they have a different intent then you can denounce the intent. I would say mainly through the internet, I learned rational argument and not to make meaningless expressions etc, etc. I learned long ago that I can be the most effective in writing by always explaining my ideas rather that resorting to personal attacks etc, In fact, like most experienced people I am inured to personal attack , they mean nothing – cold ideas on the other hand can hit the nerve points of others much more effectively.

    In this case the hostile attackers cannot even understand what I have said – and not interested – they are responding to something else more basic. I see now what it is – it’ s an unthinking kind of nationalism and a toeing of the official Party line. I am so far away from this kind of ego identification that I often forget other people have it. It’s always so surprising to me finding I am walking on ego eggshells that have blindly merged self-identification and nationalism. I say some rational thing and oops! someone’s off on a tinderbox rage in defense of an ego image – and something that doesn’t even exist at that
    Go figure.

    Making internet threats is talking like a bully and Devolin is talking like a bully but it’s not real here just defensive posturing. In real life bullies are evil and no different than Jihadists because basically that is what all tyrants are about ie bullying.

    No, you are wrong about being able to watch your back – life doesn’t work that way, you can’t strut around like Napoleon throwing your weight around and not get any blow-back and consequences. – to live in civilian life if you break social rules with bullying eventually someone will put you down because in civilian social life everyone is dependent on a certain amount of trust and good behavior of others.

    Your expressions about violence when you (and Devolin) are addressing me are just general as if to anyone, because in fact you know nothing about myself or my world experience. You are talking about yourself , not about me, it’s something you say to make yourself feel better like posturing or because you are in a rage or frustrated and need to work it out somehow. . So I don’t take those comments as directed towards me, they simply couldn’t be relevant and I am nonplussed about it.
    If you want to “get at me” you must deal with something real about myself that I have shared with you. You must deal with people as they present themselves not as you would assume, because the latter just leaves you flailing in some kind of fantasy-land.
    Now whatever it is your whole post is about. Who knows? You didn’t say. I would guess it seems just a general defense against an imaginary attack on image. You forgot the content. Perhaps you were just simply trying to find a victim for some unexpressed reason.

  5. Ted Belman Said:

    I can assure you, I am no liberal when it comes to defending Israel and neither is Buzz whom I have known since law school. Neither are we evil. You want to make the case for staying in Afghanistan go ahead but don’t smear people who disagree with you. Reign it in.

    Yes, I see what it is now it’s nationalism. That is what all the angry personal attacks and non-sequitors about “Canada” were all about – the protection of national identity. . Yes, I didn’t see that at first so I thought it was a manifestation of another kind of agenda. I consider this kind of nationalism , this particular kind , not every kind, as a kind of ego dysfunction a mis-identification. I criticized the policy and in the minds of others I have smeared the flag which the person sees as their outer representation of themselves,or in other words their self image, so I must be burnt at the stake to protect the image. It’s the same kind of psychology as cartoon riots.

    My “we” is not nationalistic at all – we are Canamerica, which is Traditional Western Democratic Culture (pre-compromised) when I consider the culture overseas as well (or what is left of it), this is not a flag to me , just a common culture. I listened to a lot of propaganda on the radio trying to spin the idea that this is a “good’ thing though it was not quite credible as it didn’t sound “good” at all. That idea will last until the day we are in so much trouble that they will realize it wasn’t.
    The real reason as far as I can see is the same thing as what happened in Vietnam – it is unpopular at home therefore the leaders must go along with the public. But the world is not the same as in the Vietnam era, it is a single place and whatever is happening “there” is creating what is happening “here”.

    As I said, I am talking about “Islam’s war against the West and against humanity” this is far beyond the idea of “Canada” . Al Qaeda celebrated the defeat of Canada in Afghanistan and they made sure everyone knew it – I didn’t make that up. It’s not Canada “the flag” that is at issue – it’s the infidel they are waging war against. -which is all Westerners.
    Lots of good has come from the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, of course after solving old problems , there are new problems but the war is not over so why should anyone one quit. You know what is to come – either they wil take us apart and sap us from within piece by piece or there will be a final cataclysm. In either case what is to come will make these wars looks small and seem like picnics. Whatever the sacrifice is now, there will be sacrificed with interest for any retreat anywhere, Those Islamic populations at home you are concerned about are intimately connected with all foreign events – any surrender of any front anywhere brings the tentacles home and encourages aggressive forces here – There will be more lives lost not less. I already no longer have the peaceful country free from strife that I grew up in. In fact is seems there are very few places left in Canada that are free from this new kind of ugliness with it’s oppression against free speech.

    Perhaps you or also for the others, opinions are just a political alliance or political convenience. You support the Canadian Government because Harper supports Israel therefore you support whatever decisions have been made just out of alliance. It’s politics but is it really real? As a free individual I don’t have to indulge in such, I don’t have to compromise.

    Now I look back here and see all the swear words and threats and non sequitor absurdist personal attacks of which i do not engage in , yet is is I that is admonished to “rein it in” . Very well, sure I suppose having a bias is a prerogative of ownership.

  6. @ M Devolin:You are also too aggressive. Drop Asshole and fuck from your vocabulary, at least on Israpundit.
    When I worked on the pipeline no one said a statement without including the adjective fucking for almost every noun. Israpundit is not the pipeline. Commenters shoujld be able to make an argument without the word “fucking”. I know you can do it.

  7. Max Said:

    Comment # 8 is still pending moderation.

    Max, I put your comment in Moderation because your remarks were too aggressive and were directed to one of our commenters. I expect a more civil tone.

  8. Max Said:

    We have every business fighting world wide Jihadism. It may be good for you and whatever evil you represent that the Jihadists won in Afgnaistan but it may prove fatal for Canada and humanity.

    I share Buzz’s view that Canada is better off out of Afghanistan and so is America. Nothing good has been accomplished in all the years they were fighting there and for that matter in Irag.

    On the other hand both should be tending to the battle with Islam in their own countries.

    I can assure you, I am no liberal when it comes to defending Israel and neither is Buzz whom I have known since law school. Neither are we evil. You want to make the case for staying in Afghanistan go ahead but don’t smear people who disagree with you. Reign it in.

  9. Max Said:

    You have made no rational arguement except to threaten me and others with violence – totally inappropriate for a discussion or a comment section.If this is how you behave in your personal relationships then you must be a bully and bullies are sooner or later put down no matter how many boxing studios they have.

    and BTW, personal attacks are not valid arguments – since you are making personal attacks you are probably a propagandist from the Jihadist-leftist alliance.

    Invalid conception. I make personal attacks all the time and I’m no leftist and neither is Devolin and we ain’t no pseudo Buddhists either.

    You have no idea the satisfying feeling to bash someones head to a pulp. That’s what I loved about football, boxing and all other contact sports, is being able to inflict physical punishment on opponents and being strong enough to take some in return but prevail…. Getting hit isn’t so bad you should try it sometimes and I know some who would be happy to volunteer their services for such a noble cause.

    Never met an AH that a good beating would not change his ideological world view.

    Re: “martial arts master”- A one trick pony. To survive one must have a multifaceted ability to defend himself and rule #1 is never to turn your back on anyone especially potential enemies. That said, one must know first who your enemies are.

    You apparently don’t have a clue, but Devolin does. A sad day when a non-Jew has more jewish sense and pride than most Jews. It’s not and never has been about Humanism (no such animal) vs the brutes It’s about us and how Humanity interacts with us and we with them. It’s always been them against us or more specific them against our G-d.

  10. @ M Devolin:

    Relax! He’s not worth it! Just got back from looking for flowers… sign yet, just water, brown grass and mounds of snow here and there….but my strawberry patch is starting to show signs of life! 🙂

  11. “…the Canadians ran with their tails between their legs.”

    Like I said, this effeminate little fringe is an asshole. He has a phobia about real men. Has no knowledge about the real war in Afghanistan, so he disrespects the combat vets who served there. What a piece of shit. Provocateur and nothing more. Café intellectual.

  12. Yeah well, the Jihadists won in Afghanistan and the Canadians ran with their tails between their legs. Political doubletalk doesn’t change it – Al Qaeda is still alive there and kicking and they will kick right back to North America.

    You obviously are a bully and your political statements therefore have no value. You are just the same as the Jihadists, they are all about oppression and so are you.
    All that swearing and threatening seems to indicate you are ready for a straight jacket.

  13. Tony Blair’s comments on radical Islam and Egypt’s military government.

    “LONDON: Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Wednesday that the West should set aside its differences with Russia and China to focus on the growing threat from radical Islam
    In a speech that included a call to support Egypt’s military government against its Muslim Brotherhood opponents Blair said that tackling “a radicalized and politicized view of Islam” should be at the top of the global political agenda.
    He said many in the West seemed “curiously resistant” to face up to a force that “is undermining the possibility of peaceful co-existence in an era of globalization.”
    Read more at:

  14. “You have made no rational arguement except to threaten me and others with violence…”

    This statement proves you are an asshole.

    “The Jihadists are winning in Afghanistan and the Canadian withdraw is a victory for them – so apparently you are in favour of this.”

    I don’t suppose you’ve ever read a delineation of what was the Canadian military’s mission over there, you stupid bastard. Withdrawal was agreed upon before we ever went over. Like I said earlier, you haven’t the faintest clue about what you’re talking about. You’re nothing more than a blow-hard who has the IQ of a snowball.

  15. M Devolin Said:

    you are the propaganda arm of Jihad”

    You’re an asshole, Max. Love to meet you face to face. This is what keyboard warriors like you need: a real-life connection to someone who is living what they believe instead of your kind: an unctuous ass who probably has a difficult time wiping his own ass.

    I stand by my statement – it is entirely rational – “Buzz” is a typical leftist in alliance with Jihad or an outright Jihadist progandist – same same.

    You have made no rational arguement except to threaten me and others with violence – totally inappropriate for a discussion or a comment section.If this is how you behave in your personal relationships then you must be a bully and bullies are sooner or later put down no matter how many boxing studios they have.

    Once I heard a story about a Martial Arts Master who bullied people – he slapped a busboy – 10 minutes later the busboy while he was crying grabbed a knife and killed the martial arts master while he was preoccupied on the phone. No mater how well you can fight you must still be civilized in this world because anyone at all can bring you down and send you to the grave – all it takes is one second of anger – everyone is vulnerable
    .In order to properly defend yourself in this world you must learn to not be a bully.

    If you believe Might makes right, then you are arguing against yourself – The Jihadists are winning in Afghanistan and the Canadian withdraw is a victory for them – so apparently you are in favour of this.

  16. “you are the propaganda arm of Jihad”

    You’re an asshole, Max. Love to meet you face to face. This is what keyboard warriors like you need: a real-life connection to someone who is living what they believe instead of your kind: an unctuous ass who probably has a difficult time wiping his own ass.

  17. Hey, Buzz of the Orient, I work as a trainer at a boxing club where my sons box. I work with quite a few Canadian combat vets who served in Afghanistan, and I can tell you, from what they’ve told me, Max would shit his drawers and piss his pants over there. He has no idea what he’s talking about. I would love to meet him face to face and hear him tell me I’m falling into the same trap as the jihadists. He’d be swallowing ivory. He’s another of the assholes who frequent this blog.

  18. Buzz of the Orient Said:

    Canada has no business shedding it’s citizen’s blood in a battle that is of no concern or threat to them . It’s a good thing they quit.

    We have every business fighting world wide Jihadism. It may be good for you and whatever evil you represent that the Jihadists won in Afgnaistan but it may prove fatal for Canada and humanity.

  19. You know what, Max. You’re a madman. Canada has no business shedding it’s citizen’s blood in a battle that is of no concern or threat to them . It’s a good thing they quit. You’re so vehement about Afghanistan, go there yourself with a rifle and bullets and fight your own God-damned battle instead of berating others who already shed their blood for your pleasure.

  20. dove Said:

    @ Max:

    Perhaps the army will be more needed on Canadian soil in the not so distant future.

    There is only a small window of opportunity left to use it.

  21. Buzz of the Orient Said:

    What are you, a South Park Kid? Blame Canada? For what? Canada is the most supportive country of Israel in the world, and you might have missed how Canada has disallowed deducting donations from taxes when fake charities are suspected of supporting terrorists. I’m sure it was no problem to you when Canadian soldiers were brought home from Afghanistan in boxes.

    I am talking about Islam’s war against the West and against humanity. Canada has deserted the front in Afghanistan -we will all pay dearly for that. You don’t have to worry about Canadians coming home in boxes any more because the front has now moved to Canada and will will have many more boxes to build at home. Emboldened by their victory in Afghanistan by driving us out, they will now kill us by the millions here and they will do so by terrorist attacks through the Islam immigrant population that has been injected into Canada like a fifth column.
    and BTW, personal attacks are not valid arguments – since you are making personal attacks you are probably a propagandist from the Jihadist-leftist alliance.

  22. @Max
    What are you, a South Park Kid? Blame Canada? For what? Canada is the most supportive country of Israel in the world, and you might have missed how Canada has disallowed deducting donations from taxes when fake charities are suspected of supporting terrorists. I’m sure it was no problem to you when Canadian soldiers were brought home from Afghanistan in boxes.

  23. While Jews and Christians have the provisional status of People of the Book, second class citizens, the rest of the world is treated as idolaters and polytheists and faces an even more unrelenting genocide.
    If the Koran is nasty toward Christians and Jews, it’s even worse when it comes to everyone else.

    I can’t understand why any one says “Islam is a religion of peace.” To add to what was mentioned above: Muslims are ‘guaranteed’ of ‘paradise’ if they die fighting the so called ‘infidels’ and will have 72 virgins waiting for them in ‘heaven” according to their religious books. That is the incentives given to terrorists that attacked/attack Israel and others around the globe.
    How can anyone negotiate or expect to live in peace with those who prefers death than life? It is impossible unless the muslims are able to reject their oppressive religion – which is completely unthinkable absent a miracle. What the muslims continue to do around the world has a great potential to bring the the rest of the world against them sooner or later.

  24. Now that we have left Afghanistan, Afghanistan will soon be coming here.
    Thanks stupid Canadian Government for caving into weak willed liberalism and ensuring the deaths of millions on our own continent.