“Is There No End?”

By Arlene Kushner

Last night there was a conference, “Israel Returns to the Temple Mount,” at the Menachem Begin Center in Jerusalem – this is an annual event of the Temple Mount Faithful. It was neither a large nor a raucous event.

Rabbi Yehuda Glick, Temple Mount activist, was a key presenter: He showed a video filmed on the Mount that morning that offered evidence of Palestinian Arabs trying to frighten Jewish visitors away.  Deeply devoted to Har Habayit, he gives tours on the Mount and educates on the ancient and on-going Jewish connection to it.  One would not always get that impression from the media, but he is a gentle man, and from what I know of him, a very special human being.


When Rabbi Glick left the Center, he was approached by an Arab dressed in black garb.  The Arab asked him – in Arabic-accented Hebrew – if he was Yehuda Glick; on receiving an affirmative answer, he pulled out a gun, shot him three times point blank in the chest, and rode away on a motor cycle.

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Rabbi Glick was still conscious when taken to Sha’arei Tzedek hospital.  His condition was designated as critical, unstable and he was rushed into surgery.  This morning he is serious, but stable. Yet doctors say his situation is still precarious.  My understanding is that he has been placed in an induced coma, to allow his body to rest and heal. Please God, let him live.

Please pray for him: Yehuda Yehoshua ben Ita Breina.


A suspect, Mu’taz Hijazi of the neighborhood of Abu Tor, was identified rather quickly. This is a Palestinian Arab who had been sentenced to Israeli prison for terror activity during the second intifada; he was on a security watch because of suspicions that he has been involved in other terrorist activity since his 2012 release. When he got out of prison, he had declared in an interview:

“I am happy to return to Jerusalem. I wish to be a thorn in the throat of the Zionist plan to Judaize Jerusalem.”  (Emphasis added)

What I had assumed when I first learned that he was identified was that information about him was out on the Jerusalem streets in Arab areas and was picked up very promptly by Israeli intelligence. That might be, but I’ve since learned something else that is fairly incredible:

Mu’taz Hijazi worked for the Terasa restaurant that is located inside of the Begin Center.  He actually had on his work uniform when he accosted the rabbi.  Apparently he had spoken to fellow workers about his irritation with Yehuda Glick, and it is apparent that he had specifically sought him out.

I must assume that he misrepresented his background when applying for the job, but he clearly was not given a sufficient background check.  (If indeed he was given a background check at all.) This should not have happened, plain and simple.  It is all the more astonishing because the Begin Center regularly hosts conferences and seminars, which largely represent a nationalist position.

There are some very huge lessons to be learned here.


A special anti-terrorism unit went to Hijazi’s home in the Abu Tor neighborhood of Jerusalem, to arrest him.  When he resisted arrest and instead shot at the officers from inside the house, they returned fire and killed him.



Hijazi apparently had Islamic Jihad connections, as this morning, Islamic Jihad took credit for the attack.

“The assassination attempt on Glick is an act of Palestinian vengeance, in response to what is happening in Jerusalem,” declared a spokesman.



As I write, the Temple Mount is closed. To everyone. Until further notice. This is the way Israeli security is handling what is clearly a highly volatile situation.  The city is on high alert, with an additional bolstering of security forces ordered by the prime minister.

Netanyahu continues to say that the status quo on the Mount will be sustained. I will want to come back to this for further examination of the issues.


Mahmoud Abbas’s response to the closure (which, you will observe, applied equally to all), was the usual hostile and inciteful blather.  It was delivered by his spokesman Abu Redeina:

“This dangerous Israeli escalation is a declaration of war on the Palestinian people and its sacred places and on the Arab and Islamic nation.

“We hold the Israel government responsible for this dangerous escalation in Jerusalem that has reached its peak through the closure of the Al-Aqsa mosque [Temple Mount] this morning.

“This decision is a dangerous act and a blatant challenge that will lead to more tension and instability and will create a negative and dangerous atmosphere.

“The state of Palestine will take all legal measures to hold Israel accountable and to stop these ongoing attacks.”



In his statement today, Netanyahu singled out the international community for criticism, and very properly so:

.”A few days ago, I said that we were facing a wave of incitement by radical Islamic elements and by [Mahmoud Abbas] who said that Jews must be prevented from going up to the Temple Mount by any means possible.

“I still have not heard from the international community so much as one word of condemnation for these inflammatory remarks. The international community needs to stop its hypocrisy and take action against inciters…”



Let me return briefly here to the insults leveled at Bibi Netanyahu by one or more unnamed high level US officials who were cited in an article by Jeffrey Goldberg.

The response of the US government, in my opinion, has been sorely inadequate. There was backpedaling but no apology.  No notice that the official who spoke about our prime minister in grossly insulting terms would be relieved of his responsibilities.  And certainly no denial of what was reportedly said. It was, rather, more of a “gee, we didn’t give him permission to say this and he wasn’t speaking for us.”  The terms that had been used are being referred to as “inappropriate” and “counterproductive.”

State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said, “If this issue comes up we will make sure it is clear it’s not reflective of the secretary’s views.”

And precisely what does that mean: “if this issue comes up”? It was in print and widely quoted.

Kerry reportedly is going to “explain” the administration viewpoint to Netanyahu.


October 30, 2014 | 35 Comments »

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35 Comments / 35 Comments

  1. bernard ross Said:

    an interesting idea I have never considered

    Reagan is credited with bringing down the USSR by the American right and Reagan acolytes but it was really the Jews and the 6 day war that were the main reasons.

    Kahane had a lot to do with it and is never given credit.

    Nobody can accurately predict the future but there are trends .. With Jews one must have a firm grasp of our long history to understand the present and where we are going in the future. There are no straight lines from A-Z.

  2. yamit82 Said:

    The six day war galvanized the Jews of silence in the USSR which freed the Jews of the USSR brought down the soviet empire and added over a million Russian Jews to the glory of Israel.

    an interesting idea I have never considered

  3. That honeybee Said:

    Being over-reactive seems to be a failing with many Israelis, especially those with who immigrated from the East coast. >>>

    Not sure if it’s a failing I suggest you see Rocket Hits Gaza
    again some interesting events taking place>>> I went to Jamie and Clairs wedding and met Adele there and she says hello>>>

  4. yamit82 Said:

    Israel has always been reactive and so it will be in the future.

    Being over-reactive seems to be a failing with many Israelis, especially those with who immigrated from the East coast. >>>

  5. the phoenix Said:

    How far can this envelope for tolerance to abuse and self inflicted wounds expand???
    Will it ever snap??

    Like all things eventually. Understand some important factors in your analysis.

    Most Israelis are not effected adversely and live along the Med coastal areas. There is little to no regional solidarity and Gush Dan could be considered a State within the state. Different life style different values. Much like the two coast of America and the under populated hinterland in between

    For most Israelis life is good. Even Kerry noted that Life for Israelis too good and comfortable to risk peace talks and all that goes with them.

    If you learned anything nothing here is irrevocable. Anything given up can be gotten back in the future. We gave up Jerusalem in 1948 to regain it against our will in 67 etc.

    Too many people in the rural areas and in Y&S either work for some government agency or are dependent on government.

    That flattens a lot of active opposition.

    There is no culture here in civil disobedience and few believe it will effect any changes as it’s been tried many times and no change for the good was the result.

    I trust the Arabs to overplay their hand and force us and the government to act against it’s long and failed policies.

    Israel has always been reactive and so it will be in the future.

  6. @ the phoenix:
    Indeed you understood it all.
    I am not a suicidal zealot so I tend to calculate odds before I jump into any fry.
    The stack appears to be this more or less.
    The GoI or combina has trained at least 12000 “police” specialists, some define them as psychopaths to break noses, jaws and bones, incapacitate or kill Jews. The words iron fist and shoot live ammo have been used by Barak and Ben Eliezer repeatedly as well as by others.
    I calculate that special crack troopers trained to stop Jews would be near 30000 if not more. And they WILL draft their Islamic “partners” to do it with them.
    Only a well organized multitude adding to at least 3/4 million may overcome the well armed specialists.
    Even so there will be blood, sweat and tears to pay.
    And the State would end up in shreds.

    I support the idea of freely electing outside the reach of the combina a new government system, true and NEW leaders and representatives of the people.
    And to refuse to take part on the fabricated “elections” concocted by the “elites”. There is nothing to find there worth our Jewish core.
    Of course the new governing structure will have to be defended if attacked.

  7. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:
    Let me see if I understand this correctly…
    the Jews of Israel, are supposed to put up with:

    – a huge bill related to the ongoing (never ended) war with Arabs within and without BUT, the army is NOT ALLOWED to decisively attack and win….
    The “police” is instructed to look the other way when musloid shposes are doing their thing, yet, come down in a heartbeat on ANY Jew that DARES to protest against these draconian surreal orders
    – ridiculous defensive measures of avoidance (e.g. Building roads AROUND musloid areas instead of razing it to the ground and connecting the two dots with a logical and more economical straight line) Pretty soon the public transport vehicles will start to look like the ones of the ’48 era when they were trying to break through the siege ….
    And that would be to better protect the citizens of course … Sarc/off
    – inability to self defend against these musloid shposes as decreed by the wise ones in the goi (confiscations of weapons) while the ENEMY is shooting WITH IMPUNITY left right and center…
    – an artificial housing crises created and orchestrated by a succession of cowards in ‘government’ that think that ANY move must be approved by Washington!!!!!
    Young couples are leaving the country for all intents and purposes out of inability to survive financially (!!!!) how sad is THAT????
    (And then, there is this clown from north tel aviv, posting from BERLIN (!!!! ) how much cheaper toilet paper is there….)
    – those brave pioneers that actually do live in the ‘remote’ areas of the Negev and the galil having just about everything stolen by the surrounding musloid hyenas… With no help whatsoever from the ‘authorities’, other than the frustrating bureaucracy…
    – seeing the “loyal ” musloid citizens of Israel avail themselves of the JEWISH welfare payments while needy Jewish families are in financial distress…
    – even contemplating to change the words of the national anthem so as to better accommodate the fifth column…… (AAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!)
    Etc, etc,etc.

    To protest against this, you would be called a racist, a nazi, a whatever, and risk serving time in jail!!
    So what is the ‘alternativa’????
    Grind your teeth to the gum ???
    This is catch 22 scenario defies proper verbiage to describe its absurdity.

    NO ONE IS DENYING ALL THE INCREDIBLE BEAUTY THAT EXISTS IN SPITE OF THE ABOVE, but there surely must be SOMETHING that could be done other than awareness that ‘yep’, that’s the way it is’…
    I cannot believe that if the majority of the population is harboring discontent to the above mentioned points they will just continue and plod away…
    How far can this envelope for tolerance to abuse and self inflicted wounds expand???
    Will it ever snap??

  8. @ keelie:
    You are very observing Keelie. That is precisely how some our best and not so much the best people work…
    If you ever want to visit the Kotel or even more so, the Mount, you and all Jews will be, if allowed in at all, severely searched to try to detect even a nail clipper or a plastic knife. Even moving the lips in a fashion of Jewish Prayer and SNAP, you are tackled and detained. With a few body blows for extras.
    Meanwhile the Islamic beasts are allowed to bring in sling shots, boulders, stones and more.

  9. @ yamit82:
    As I said to SHmuel below, this is beyond disgusting.

    I’m surprised the Caroline Glick hasn’t taken on the task of questioning why Rabbi Glick was unarmed. And in fact, Arlene Kushner, the writer of this article, could only spin out platitudes, wringing her hands in the hope that Rabbi Glick pulls through this ordeal.

  10. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:

    The licensing demands are draconian and meant specifically to disarm Jews and arm Arabs.

    I got that impression. Beyond disgusting. So the ruling (Jewish) elites are in effect responsible for needless Jewish deaths and injuries.

  11. @ keelie:
    It is fine to ask Keelie.
    It is like this. Only few Jewish persons and those are the solely well connected with the PTB, are “allowed” to own guns here. The licensing demands are draconian and meant specifically to disarm Jews and arm Arabs. Arm collections in Y * S operate only against Jews. Arabs own veritable arsenals w/o control. In our area the government approved dealers and the licensing officer were the last time I checked non Jews…
    To carry and own a gun in this screwed up place governed by certain elites of unJewish persuasion is virtually impossible. I brought when we returned to Israel and declared at Customs my legally owned Beretta .38 caliber pistol. It was confiscated and had to return it to the USA. I lost it.
    Visitors to our within the “green line” city are shocked to hear virtually every evening massive automatic military type guns including heavy ones training fire from every Arab village nearby. No true police action is performed.
    I am sure that Rav Glick at least tried to get a gun, if he has one I do not know.

  12. yamit82 Said:

    Probably denied if he ever did apply. Very few israelis get permits for firearms. The security establishment are more afraid of certain Jews with weapons than they are Arab terrorists. I don’t have any official reliable statistic but I am willing to bet the herd that secular Jews living inside the green line but not including Jerusalem have a lot easier time of getting gun permits than any identified Jew who is considered on the secular and religious right.

    If a resident of tel aviv, herzlyiah etc were to receive a permit to carry a weapon and he moved to live in Jerusalem or better yet, efrat etc, would his permit be revoked?

  13. @ keelie:

    Probably denied if he ever did apply. Very few israelis get permits for firearms. The security establishment are more afraid of certain Jews with weapons than they are Arab terrorists. I don’t have any official reliable statistic but I am willing to bet the herd that secular Jews living inside the green line but not including Jerusalem have a lot easier time of getting gun permits than any identified Jew who is considered on the secular and religious right.

  14. Would it be too much to ask why a Rabbi as obviously “unpopular” as Glick is, was not carrying a weapon on an ongoing basis?

  15. @ ArnoldHarris:

    There was a time when I used to say that we should stop trying to get our enemies (including the “international community”) to love us; better that they fear us.

    What you say is part of that approach.

  16. @ ArnoldHarris:
    Well…. What can I say other than that I agree.
    The Islamic beasts at one time knew that we had units willing to get into their villages that attacked Jews and slaughter them. Dayan led that way. Later he changed his hat though.
    Today’s “rubber bullet” made in Oslo pseudo military NEVER WINS a thing. The “cease fire” maestros always end up negotiating…

  17. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:

    Reported on #7 seconds ago…
    The Temple Mount Jewish protesters who were descrying the murder attempt against Rav Glick were detained yesterday by the police and will be kept in jail to “calm the Arabs”…

    Yes shmuel, it is BEYOND repulsive and it would render any person with the slightest nationalistic sentiments – speechless.
    If the comments posted on all articles related to this tragic event are an indication…. There seem to be a very definitive sentiment in the average citizen which may signal that bibi might have to polish up his cv!

  18. @ yamit82:

    The Jews of the present generation simply do not have the right stuff to take control of the streets of Jerusalem and the holy sites of the Jewish nation, and to destroy those of the Arab enemy. For that, real Jewish terrorists are needed. Yes, Jewish T-E-R-R-O-R-I-S-T-S. Organized gangs of Jewish killers. No hasbarah. No banners snapping in the breeze. No pleading. No excuses. Just action.

    There’s probably a shit-load of Jewish ethical reasons why few Jews can bring themselves not only to think they way I have just described, but even allow themselves to talk about its possibility.

    This, I sincerely think, is one of the reasons the Jewish nation, and in particular, that part of our nation that lives, works and raises their families in Israel can never win or even end these wars with the Arabs. You fear them, because they utilize terrorism as an active and societally-approved tool for fighting you, whom they consider usurpers on their lands. They don’t fear you because you are attempting to make peace with them and because you do not practice terrorism as they do.

    Will international opinion — whatever the hell that is supposed to be — approve of such tactics? You would be stupid if you even thought that possible. But you never will have international opinion on your side. And I think, from some of my Tora readings, that HaShem never intended them to like you or even understand you. In any case, victory in war is never a popularity contest. As George S Patton once told his assembled 3rd Army staff before D-Day in what later became known as “the Speech”:

    “No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard on the other side die for his country.”

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  19. @ bernard ross:
    When talking about making changes here this bit of information should come handy…
    Reported on #7 seconds ago…
    The Temple Mount Jewish protesters who were descrying the murder attempt against Rav Glick were detained yesterday by the police and will be kept in jail to “calm the Arabs”…
    Only in the putrid sewer of unJewish justice can anyone find that classic example of how and why some Jews are assaulted by the politzei.
    No guilt needed folks. The combina is trained to use the Jews, jail and deny rights to them… to keep the islamic beasts happy.

  20. yamit82 Said:

    @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:

    I disagree. The Temple mount is key because there is a general wide consensus in Israel and much support in the diaspora and the fundamentalist christian communities in the States and around the world.

    The temple mount is a symbol every Jew can rally round especially the secular Jews. If enough are willing to sacrifice themselves the police and army will be rendered helpless as will the government. Let the Arabs revolt and riot.

    I once commented that it would be difficult for any leader Israeli, Muslim or Western advocate of the peace process and 2 state solution when the smoke of our religious sacrifices billow above the Temple mount.

    Matter of fact I fully expect the haredim to oppose with all their might such an act they must be ignored and marginalized. They are worse than the extreme left. I call them Hitlers unfinished business. They give aid and comfort to our enemies not directly but indirectly allow themselves to be used against the real establishment of a truly Jewish sovereign state.

    Shouldn’t it be first to settle the land with Jews and then to rebuild the Temple?

  21. @ yamit82:
    As to the Haredim. A substantial number fall within the three sigma distribution of the population you describe.
    I would not trust them to join the forces of freedom in Eretz Israel. Not now or later.
    If a massive march to retake Temple Mount is set up, the unJewish forces will resist. Overwhelming force by numbers will decide the clash.

  22. @ bernard ross:

    The Jews of Israel must be seen a proud jewish and winners in the eyes of the diaspora. Everyone loves and backs a winner. Israel making concessions and not winning conclusively against our enemies projects weakness and losers as opposed to winners.

    The six day war galvanized the Jews of silence in the USSR which freed the Jews of the USSR brought down the soviet empire and added over a million Russian Jews to the glory of Israel. They were the secret of our success in the past 20 plus years. We need to demonstrate more of the same today.


  23. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:

    I disagree. The Temple mount is key because there is a general wide consensus in Israel and much support in the diaspora and the fundamentalist christian communities in the States and around the world.

    The temple mount is a symbol every Jew can rally round especially the secular Jews. If enough are willing to sacrifice themselves the police and army will be rendered helpless as will the government. Let the Arabs revolt and riot.

    I once commented that it would be difficult for any leader Israeli, Muslim or Western advocate of the peace process and 2 state solution when the smoke of our religious sacrifices billow above the Temple mount.

    Matter of fact I fully expect the haredim to oppose with all their might such an act they must be ignored and marginalized. They are worse than the extreme left. I call them Hitlers unfinished business. They give aid and comfort to our enemies not directly but indirectly allow themselves to be used against the real establishment of a truly Jewish sovereign state.

  24. the “end” will arrive when the self appointed faux Phillistines are driven from Israel.
    There first must be an end to Jewish self delusion.

  25. @ yamit82:
    I agree on that there must be no waiting. Freely electing a new government system and people now is not waiting. I have no faith on anyone up there at present being “forced” to change by new Rabbanim or old ones.
    Having lived through revolutions in Argentina, Chile and South Africa I honestly can say that I do not see any potential here to retaking Temple Mount by a people act.
    I saw first hand people in revolution mode being strafed and bombed by Gloster Meteor aircraft in BA.
    Hundreds were killed but they rushed to the IFB knowing that the aircraft would land there. They flattened the gates and guards, got to the pilots and stomped them to death and blew up the aircraft. Thousands killed and wounded.
    The repression forces will open fire on Jews, massively.
    And revolutionary forces must train to overcome such event. I do not see that as realistic.
    And nothing better will come from within the present combina.

  26. yamit82 Said:

    Even BB if forced to be the BB we expected of him years ago could be such a leader if he is forced to assume such a role.

    I agree
    yamit82 Said:

    We need a new generation of fearless Rabbis and lay leaders who have had enough and begin to act as the Jews of old.

    It’s time to discard the shtettle mentality

    I agree, Jews should get rid of their Polish fashions of black hats and get back to inspiration of Israel BEFORE the diaspora. the diaspora is like the tower of Babel for the Jews.

  27. Abbas incited this attempted murder, its time to give him what arafat got……. allow the pals to fall into chaos and suffering like the rest of their “arab spring” brothers. In fact if Israel stopped protecting abbas and abdullah they would probably end up being driven into Jordan, the real pal homeland.
    Chaos and suffering is their best incentive to move, that should be the goal, I have not one shred of good will for those teaching their children to hate and murder Jews, their suffering is my desire.

  28. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:

    I disagree. Stop waiting for a certain leadership that may never materialize. Jews from the bottom must rise up and force such a change. Even BB if forced to be the BB we expected of him years ago could be such a leader if he is forced to assume such a role.

    We need a new generation of fearless Rabbis and lay leaders who have had enough and begin to act as the Jews of old.

    It’s time to discard the shtettle mentality and began to act as proud Jews living in our own country who are sovereign and not a bunch of scared rabbits and grasshoppers.

    A few thousand unafraid Jewish zealots storming the Temple mount might be the key to such a sea change within and without of Israel.

  29. The termination of the Islamic bestial murdering acts will come only when TRUE leadership assumes control here.
    Others may buy into Netanyahu’s claims of defending, I never did or will.
    We reached the termination point we are in by him failing miserably in every assignment, from construction to evacuation of African illegals, from legislating a sane courtier system to setting limits to foreign governments controlled “NGO’s”. He has lied, misled and permitted the ethnic cleansing of Jews from Temple Mount. Persecuted Jews away from their homes. Destroyed many Jewish homes, freed murderers from Islam. etc.
    What to do. I do not buy “from within” shinola.
    And add to the above his ghastly failure to deal with Iran…
    Once the deck is cleared and FREELY elected new government systems and people are in place, we will take care of Rabin’s and Peres “partners”.