Is the Coup Against Biden Coming Out of Europe?

Peloni:  The opposition to Trump was always an international effort.  This was true in 2016, it was true in 2020, and it remains to be true today.  The Isolationists will try to have a field day with this of course, but the reality is the World Liberal Order is structured to maintain its supporters in power as they continue to march towards their Globalist ideal of a one world govt.  This was what brought Trump to defeat the 17 challengers in 2016, and why he again was even more able to do so this past fall.  Globalism, more than any other topic, is what opposes Trump, it is why the Left and Right have each gone to extreme extents to try to block him from running/winning, and why Trump was always going to be the candidate on the ballot despite these efforts.  Trump is the antidote to the Globalists, which is why the Globalists are still going to bizarre and extreme lengths to try to change the calculus which supports him, because they are not certain that even in a rigged election they can defeat him.

Foreign election interference.

Democrats panicked after Biden’s debate disaster and donor pressure continues to mount to oust him, but it’s also important to note another incident that seemed to trigger the coup to remove Biden from the ticket.

A lot of the sudden ‘concerns’ about Biden have been coming out of Europe after his G7 visit.

Media quotes about Biden’s condition repeatedly cited European sources from the G7 visit. Politico (which is Euro-owned) has collected a whole lot of recent “concerns” from the upcoming NATO summit about whether Biden should run.

Diplomats and world leaders preparing for next week’s NATO summit are privately expressing acute concern about President Joe Biden’s age, health and ability to win the 2024 presidential election.

POLITICO spoke with 20 people connected to NATO or the alliance’s upcoming summit over the past month and heard that many allies already had quiet reservations about putting their trust in Biden well before the debate.

Biden’s mental state is out there, but it’s wildly inappropriate for foreign government officials to be interfering in an American election.

And they are interfering.

Speaking to POLITICO before the U.K.’s change of government on Thursday, a U.K. minister put it most bluntly: “Can the Democrat donors please get their act together and get Biden retired, so we have some chance of a candidate credible for voters?”

If this is what he’s saying to a media outlet, you can bet he’s saying it to any American officials he’s talking to.

“It seems to me that’s going to be very tough for him to pursue his campaign and to stay on,” said one senior EU diplomat, who added that while it was up to the Democratic Party whether to replace him, they should be “considering all options.”

What we should be considering is the role that the Euros are playing in this election interference.

There was definitely a sizable European role in the Russiagate frameup and it’s worth asking how much of the campaign to replace Biden originated in Europe after some leaders were less than impressed by his presence at G7.

Americans pick their own leaders. And the European intervention in American politics raises troubling questions especially when those Euros are championing an undemocratic coup by donors.

“Can the Democrat donors please get their act together and get Biden retired,” a foreign government official asks.

One explosive question is how much of the Democrat donor coup aimed at Biden is being masterminded by donors with European connections and financial interests?

July 7, 2024 | Comments »

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