Is Israel Missing an Opportunity?

By Victor Sharpe, INN

Is it Israel that misses an opportunity to gain an opportunity?

It is passing strange that Israel is pressed endlessly by friends and foes alike to negotiate a so-called peace agreement with the Palestinian Arabs, even though the self-proclaimed Palestinian Authority consists of two brutal terrorist organizations – Hamas and Fatah.

After all, both terror entities are obliged by their charters to wipe Israel off the face of the map and, in the case of Hamas, to exterminate Jews worldwide. Hamas would do it immediately: Fatah would just take a little longer.

That being the case, have Israeli leaders rammed home to the likes of Secretary of State John Kerry, what Israel’s so-called “peace partners” have in store for the embattled Jewish state? If so, then how can Kerry continue to demand that Israel negotiate with such genocidal organizations?

How can Barack Hussein Obama – who is well aware of the evil contents of their charters – continue to demand the same whilst treating Israel and its Prime Minister in such an insulting and humiliating manner – even betraying the Jewish state in the midst of Hamas aggression by cutting off urgently needed weapons supplies?

How can foreign governments continue to embrace the Hamas/Fatah Palestinian Authority when they are, presumably, aware of its unbending determination to exterminate Israel? Is Israel reminding these governments of what is in the Hamas charter and of the apartheid policies of Mahmoud Abbas who will make any territory he is given judenrein (free of Jews)?

If they all know this, then how can the Security Council vote for creating a terror state to be called Palestine? Yes, we know about the specter of anti-Semitism but, perhaps, the answer also is that the odious charters are not being produced and exposed relentlessly. If not, why not?

Where is that Public Relations blitz that for so long should have been employed as a weapon alongside the IDF? Whether it is public relations or military power; attack is always the best form of defense.

One wonders under what rubric bordering upon insanity are such negotiations with an implacable and genocidal enemy meant to continue, and how has such a lamentable state of affairs come about?

We are forced to face the fact that it is always Israel which continues to lose the public relations war with the Arabs and with their supporters who wield increasing influence in the European and American corridors of power. The reason has been clear for a long time but it appears to have been lost on far too many Israeli leaders and politicians.

Going back decades, the Israeli Foreign Ministry gave public relations a very low priority. Why? Because the accepted wisdom was that Israel’s cause was so moral, so self-evident, that it hardly needed any PR defense when compared to the demonstrated genocidal Arab aggression and bloodcurdling threats made repeatedly against the embattled Jewish state.

That was Israel’s mistake, repeated, alas, again and again. Effective Hasbara has been the neglected step child in Israel’s defense; left instead to brave, principled and patriotic individuals to carry the precious burden.

Since the 1967 Six Day War, Palestinian Arab myths, dripping with emotional language, have gradually and inevitably been allowed to seduce vast numbers of the world’s population. The Egyptian born late arch-terrorist, Yasser Arafat, spewed his nonsense of an ancient Palestinian people in world forums, striking a chord among naive idealists.

Again, misplaced arrogance by too many Israelis in leadership positions scorned such notions. Nobody could possibly believe such drivel, they claimed. Well , millions have.

Now it beggars the mind how such arrant nonsense vomited daily by the Palestinian Authority’s media machine can ever be excised from the minds of so many throughout the world.

The same Yasser Arafat, who wore a keffiyah in the shape of Israel, always hung on his study wall the infamous map showing the Jewish state renamed, ‘Palestine,’ stretching from the River to the Sea. Arafat’s successor, Mahmoud Abbas, now sits in front of that same notorious map and we have seen staged photos of world leaders and politicians standing with the same map behind them shaking the hands of Abbas. A picture speaks a thousand words.

The tragic reality is that people can easily be manipulated and influenced through skillful public relations and outright propaganda

Surely, the example of Nazi propaganda minister, Yosef Goebbels, and his Big Lie should have taught so many Israeli leaders that simple truth. But no, it hasn’t. Incessant propaganda, using highly skilled PR merchants, paid for with limitless Arab oil wealth, has done its damage over the years to the misfortune of Jewish state.

So now we have reached the baleful point where a deeply hostile incumbent in the White House, a man with Islamic sympathies which in themselves are highly suspicious, is threatening Israel with the prospect of the U.S. withholding its veto in the United Nations Security Council against the next predictable and inevitable anti-Israel resolution.

Mahmoud Abbas, the Holocaust denying head of the Palestinian Authority, is planning to bring to the UNSC a resolution calling for recognition of a Palestinian terror state – soon after the U.S. mid-term elections.

Such a perilous state of affairs would have perhaps been markedly reduced if Israel had relentlessly been providing to international forums and world leaders the most effective answer against negotiating an illegitimate peace treaty with the two wings of PA Terror Central – namely the Hamas Charter and the very words of unbridled hate that drips from the mouth of Mahmoud Abbas; the same Abbas who glorifies Palestinian murderers of Jewish babies.

So, for example, let us look at what Hamas has in store for the Jewish state and for Jews everywhere. After reading them, who would still pressure Israel to negotiate when, Hamas, the junior branch of the Muslim Brotherhood, calls for Israel and Jews throughout the world to be destroyed. Negotiate what exactly?

In an article in The Daily Caller blog,  Jamie Weinstein exposes the Hamas Charter. He writes:

“Hamas was founded in December 1987. In August 1988, it issued a covenant outlining its mission. The covenant has never been renounced by Hamas, even though some try to claim it is now merely a historical artifact.

“Here are nine key takeaways concentrating on Hamas, taken straight from its charter.”

1.) Hamas isn’t looking to negotiate a peace deal with Israel. It wants to destroy Israel. Quoting Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood founder Hassan al-Banna, the charter reads:

“Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.”

2.) Actually, Hamas’ charter goes beyond destroying Israel. It longs for Jewish genocide:

“The Prophet, Allah bless him and grant him salvation, has said: ‘The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him.'”

3.) Hamas makes it clear in its charter that it doesn’t believe in peace conferences. As its charter states:

“Initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and international conferences, are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.”

4.) Unsurprisingly for an organization that supports Jewish genocide, Hamas’ charter is explicitly anti-Semitic. For instance, Hamas’ charter claims Jews – not just Israelis – are responsible for all wars:

“There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it.”

5.) And all revolutions:

“They were behind the French Revolution, the Communist revolution and most of the revolutions we heard and hear about, here and there. With their money they formed secret societies, such as Freemasons, Rotary Clubs, the Lions and others in different parts of the world for the purpose of sabotaging societies and achieving Zionist interests.”

6.) And they also control media:

“For a long time, the enemies have been planning, skillfully and with precision, for the achievement of what they have attained. They took into consideration the causes affecting the current of events. They strived to amass great and substantive material wealth which they devoted to the realization of their dream. With their money, they took control of the world media, news agencies, the press, publishing houses, broadcasting stations, and others.”

7.) According to its charter, Hamas favors violent jihad:

“There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are all a waste of time and vain endeavors.”

8.) Hamas shares the Muslim Brotherhood’s enthusiasm for “death for the sake of Allah:”

“Allah is its target, the Prophet is its model, the Koran its constitution: Jihad is its path and death for the sake of Allah is the loftiest of its wishes.”

9.) Hamas accuses Israel of being like Nazis in its charter. For instance, there’s this:

“The society that confronts a vicious enemy which acts in a way similar to Nazism, making no differentiation between man and woman, between children and old people – such a society is entitled to this Islamic spirit.”

Unfortunately a previous Israeli government allowed Hamas to gain strength in the territories, seeing it as a useful counter to Fatah. This was yet another mistake, which has come back to haunt the Jewish state.

It may be too late. The damage may be too severe but, better late than never, I believe it is incumbent upon a more nuanced and hopefully more effective Israeli public relations campaign to be launched quoting again and again the horrific clauses in the genocidal Hamas charter along with the poisonous words spewing from the PA’s media and from Abbas himself.

These should be offered relentlessly to all international leaders and media outlets so that all will see the absurdity and utter moral bankruptcy of negotiating with such a genocidal Palestinian partner; one which includes Hamas as part and parcel of the so-called Palestinian Authority whose leader, Mahmoud Abbas, utterly rejects recognizing Israel as the state of the Jews and demands that all ‘Palestinian territory’ be judenrein (free of Jews).

Who would still demand that Israel negotiate with such an inhuman entity? Outrageously, the Obama Administration, the EU, the UN, and so many misguided liberal Jews, like the notorious J-Street, still demand that Israel essentially commit national suicide.

Why, pray tell me, must we always witness Israeli leaders, year after year, tremulously refraining from forcefully rejecting the fraudulent charge of Israel being in occupation of ‘Palestinian’ land; a monumental lie that oozes from the very depths of Jew hatred, flies in the face of biblical and post-biblical Jewish history, and makes the very angels in heaven weep.

And why, oh why, must we have to squirm in embarrassment as an Israeli Prime Minister is forced by the present hostile incumbent in the White House to apologize to the Turkish Islamist thug, Recip Tayip Erdogan.

So show the vile Hamas Charter and quote the evil words of Abbas to all who hector and pressure Israel. If they do not come to their senses and recant, they would at least be seen as the immoral enemies of Israel; the Jewish state reconstituted now in its biblical and ancestral homeland.

It seems that the famous aphorism by Abba Eban that, “the Arabs never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity,” has become a recurring problem for the Jewish state.

So stop apologizing when it is the Arabs, those who call themselves Palestinians, who have most to apologize for.

Victor Sharpe is a prolific freelance writer and author of several published books including the trilogy, Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.

November 11, 2014 | 51 Comments »

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50 Comments / 51 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:
    Too late to wish anyone of you Happy Veterans Day. My husband is also a veteran from the Marines. VMF 132
    HAPPY VETERANS DAY! belatedly.

    @ honeybee:
    No, she does not. The boy might. I don’t know.
    So long.

  2. mar55 Said:

    Suggest how can I send them

    Wish I knew, ask Yamit82 he knows everything

    mar55 Said:

    Granddaughter has a beautiful vice when
    lighting the Menorah. I’ll try to record it

    She tries to blow them out?????

  3. @ honeybee:
    How are your paintings coming along? It must be a very busy time for you. Holiday season is working and partying time.
    I wish I could send you pictures from my family. The kids are lots of fun. Little rascals at this age but funny.
    @ honeybee:
    Suggest how can I send them? S
    Sound like fun but three Menorahs enough for us. One for each child and one for us. Granddaughter has a beautiful voice when
    lighting the Menorah. I’ll try to record it.
    @ yamit82:
    N. said they can still drink you under the table.

  4. honeybee Said:

    not just some ordinary Army guy.

    Excuse me!!!!

    Jar Heads???? Ha Hype and myth. Every-time they got into trouble which was often we bailed em out…. 😛

    Ah the old inter service rivalries. Sort of miss them.

  5. @ honeybee:
    How are your paintings coming along? It must be a very busy time for you. Holiday season is working and partying time.
    I wish I could send you pictures from my family. The kids are lots of fun. Little rascals at this age but funny.
    @ honeybee:
    Suggest how can I send them? S
    Sound like fun but three Menorahs enough for us. One for each child and one for us. Granddaughter has a beautiful vice when
    lighting the Menorah. I’ll try to record it.

  6. @ mar55:

    Angel painting done and two Thank you painting. Instead of greeting cards I give small painting, usually flowers. I should like very much to see a photo of your family. We go mad this time of year. I have a collection of Menorahs and I enjoy lighting all of them.

  7. @ honeybee:
    How are your paintings coming along? It must be a very busy time for you. Holiday season is working and partying time.
    I wish I could send you pictures from my family. The kids are lots of fun. Little rascals at this age but funny.

  8. @ yamit82:
    Too late to wish anyone of you Happy Veterans Day. My husband is also a veteran from the Marines. VMF 132
    HAPPY VETERANS DAY! to all veterans in this place belatedly.

  9. @ honeybee:
    Abeja, I second your statement. Anyone who wants to call Jews
    stupid should speak for themselves. We are NOT stupid. Far from it. Some people might be timid or insecure but, stupid we are not.

  10. We are forced to face the fact that it is always Israel which continues to lose the public relations war with the Arabs and with their supporters who wield increasing influence in the European and American corridors of power. The reason has been clear for a long time but it appears to have been lost on far too many Israeli leaders and politicians.

    The public relations battle in the european and american corridors is secondary and perhaps futile. There is too much anti semitism and corruption of appeasement to attempt this task.

    The battle to win is with Israeli and diaspora Jews. Jews need to internalize that their survival depends on recognizing their enemies and executing strategies to ensure their survival against covert strategies. Jews need to understand that the results of the libels in europe and the US will be dead Jews in Israel AND the diaspora. It is not a matter of convincing those enemies but of making Jews understand that their supposed allies are trying to kill them whether by design or appeasement. A jew who understands this will operate far differently from a Jew who believes that those who are habituated in swindling and slaughtering Jews have changed their stripes. Forget about convincing the others, concentrate on waking up the Jews.

    There are strategies which could only be available to Jews who are awake and understand their existential and immediate predicament.

  11. @ yamit82:
    @ the phoenix:
    After passage of the infamous specific Law assaulting the only right wing newspaper, the detention of the BP officer for neutralizing a violent rioter and the sequel of murders, stone and boulder assaults of every form that the miserable filth passing as government allowed I expect that Netanyahu will attack Jews and abandon Temple Mount completely to achieve “calm”…
    He has to go home pending trials now!

  12. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:
    @ yamit82:

    A little while ago today the depraved islamic monsters activated by Peres and his accomplices ambushed and stoned students visiting the hills of the Galilee, in the North. A girl and a teacher hospitalized.

    Every such murder tugs at my heart and gets my blood boiling, can’t tell you here just how much…

    I share these feelings.
    KNOWING that this could all have been prevented and stopped, makes it twice as bitter.

    What ever the Arabs can do we can do better.

    He who understands my words …Understands!!!!

    It is understood yamit loud and clear.
    Yet, here is a headline from arutz 7:

    Border Police Officer Arrested for Shooting Nakba Day Rioter

    This is a catch 22 !!!
    Has present day israel become the equivalent of the Warsaw ghetto (for those that believe that the land of Israel is for the people of Israel)?????
    Ad matai???

  13. @ SHmuel HaLevi 2:

    My short ans is not to wait for a change at the top, it may never come and if it does it could be too late.

    What ever the Arabs can do we can do better.

    He who understands my words …Understands!!!!

  14. @ yamit82:
    A little while ago today the depraved islamic monsters activated by Peres and his accomplices ambushed and stoned students visiting the hills of the Galilee, in the North. A girl and a teacher hospitalized.
    No need to repeat what I demand and I am ready to participate on.
    Unless if we severely remove the putrid scum in office here. Curtains.

  15. @ honeybee:

    No she was a daughter of those evil settlements and settlers.

    She was waiting at a hitchhiking stop.

    As to your other questions: I suppose it’s human nature and I believe I am at least not one of those you described.

    Why to your questions??? The human condition I suppose. I am happy I am different than those you described.

    Father a volunteer ambulance driver.

    Tragic but we have seen and known many like her meeting a similar fate or worse if you can believe it.

    Every such murder tugs at my heart and gets my blood boiling, can’t tell you here just how much…

  16. @ yamit82:

    The young woman who was murdered on the streets of J’em. She was such a better representative of Jewish woman the that rather trashy looking blond who was choosen for Miss Israel. Why do we not see beauty in our own features and coloring. Why are we trying to what we are not or whom we are not.

  17. NormanF Said:

    But Israel also has abysmally stupid Jews

    There a Jews who are naïve, sadly mistaken and haplessly hopeful, but PLEASE stop calling Jews stupid !

  18. @ NormanF:

    When we tell Arabs that they are equal citizens we are denying our own identity. Survival is not an act of racism.

    We are not just another state. We are the Jewish People returning home and have no need to apologize to anyone for so doing. We owe the Arabs nothing and we have no reason to supply them with a new country on Jewish soil.

    Our rabbis tell us that when we were liberated from Egypt the nations saw all of the wonders and miracles G-d performed for us and were so terrified they would not dare think to try to harm us. It was if there were a moat of boiling water surrounding us and no one would dare even to put his toe into that boiling water.

    But Amalek, who hated us more than any other, chose to plunge completely into the boiling water to his death, just in order to cool the water for Israel’s enemies.

    Today we can see a repeat of this behavior in Hamas. The Arab nations are still afraid of us. Then here comes this tiny band of terrorists and attacks our country! They have no hope of winning. But they are trying to show the other Arab nations that we are not invincible. To do this they have no problem committing suicide or sacrificing their own children. If this isn’t Amalek I don’t know what is. We have an eternal commandment to blot out the memory of Amalek. King Saul was commanded to do so but he kept Agog, the King, alive along with some sheep. For this he lost his throne.

    Today we are faced with the same difficulty Saul faced.

  19. I have been saying on social news sites what Victor Sharpe has said for years, but I am just one voice in the cosmos and my words blow in the wind. If it were true that Jews own the media, why can’t the message be sounded throughout the world like the sound of the shofar?

  20. @ yamit82:

    Go to Kfar Kanna and try to perform the Miracle Of The Arab.

    But Israel also has abysmally stupid Jews, too – who believe in peace even as Jews are murdered.

    If Israel cannot make peace with its own Arabs, who hate Jews, its a quite a stretch to imagine it making peace with Arabs who owe it no loyalty.

  21. Why should we NOT miss an opportunity?
    That is our elites… SOP.
    And Israel is not at the core. It is the mutated “families” that maintain the mayhem so they can remain in control to “save us”.

  22. Hasbara is useful for those without vested interest in the outcome of the Israel problem. That amounts to almost no one today. Everyone who is pressing Israel to make concessions believes that their national circumstances will improve if Israel becomes smaller or disappears. The support of Israel is perceived by those countries to benefit only Israel and not them. As the Muslims become more aggressive and confrontational, that view is strengthened. The suppression of Israel apparently is supported by laws of gravity. Of course, that is not true. Support for Israel is the alternative to living with a triumphalist Islam. Stiff-necked Israel is the real alternative to slavery, but that insight implies mental and physical efforts and clear goals. The only thing that will bring support for Israel is the ground opening below non-Muslim states. Then gravity will work for Israel, instead of against it.

  23. @ yamit82:

    Yamit hits the nail on the head (again!). After the 67 victory, Israel was the darling of the world. But after 73, it’s been on this downward trajectory that has yet to hit bottom. Everyone likes a winner (even the antisemites begrudgingly) it would seem.

  24. @ Yidvocate:
    @ ArnoldHarris:

    The only Israeli Hasbara that has ever worked and still will is Israeli total conquest over her enemies!!!

    Even most of the Jew hating and bashing joos will jump on board… Everybody loves a winner and Israel is seen as a loser since 73, with each territorial and geopolitical retreat.

    Time to reverse the trend.

  25. Hasbara, which literally means propaganda, is only useful if the propagandizers are propagandizing from a position of strategic strength, and that status can only be used for propaganda if it is backed by the actions of a victorious national entity. And in the case of the State of Israel, that can be demonstrated solely by annexing the 62% of Shomron and Yehuda set aside in the Oslo Accords for Israel’s sole military and civil control.

    And that action must be matched by a large-scale and permanent policy of Jewish residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural development all across these territories. The present Jewish population of the annexed parts of united Jerusalem and of Area C comprises some 700,000, which can easily be increased by about 6% per year, which will double the Jewish population in these nationally vital territories in 12 years, and quadruple that segment of the Israeli Jewish population to about 2.4 million in less than a quarter-century.

    Propaganda not backed up by Jewish nationalist action throughout Eretz-Yisrael constitutes little more than moralistic bullshit, which the enemies of the Jews never pay attention to in any case. In any case, it sounds like little more than the whimpering that characterized the cringing Jews of the past two thousand years. Jews who act like that fill we with disgust and loathing.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  26. There is no question that Israeli hasbara is and has always been abysmal to say the least but that alone does not explain the phenomena. At least two other factors weigh in to explain the unexplainable. Firstly, the influence of covert and patent antisemitism can not be discounted. Of all the righteous claims of truly oppressed real peoples of the world to self determination, which abound on this planet, it is only the invented pali-people to whom the entire world seems to rally – arguably the least deserving of the entire set in terms of historic claims, distinct culture, presence in the land claimed and the moral fabric of the populace. Had there conflict been with any group other than the Jewish people, do you really think the world would have given them a second thought? The second factor is equally disconcerting and that is that a majority of the Israeli population favours negotiation and a peace deal with these terrorist organizations and in that case, how can the GOI expect more from the rest of the world when their own people embrace these terrorists.