Is Bennett Delusional?

How can his plan set out possibly work. He proposes annexing C and giving autonomy to Arabs in A and B and full citizenship to Arabs in C. He also wanted to build their economy in A and B and this I was also against. I supported that plan with certain changes. One of the changes was that I was against giving citizenship in the first instance. Now he is saying as part of the Plan that he would remove the security barrier. Thus there won’t be a border between them and us. How could this possibly work? Also he assumes they will govern well. But what happens if they don’t. How can we be immune to their poor environment or health policies. How can we stop them from moving into Israel and so on. I don’t like it. Ted Belman

A New Plan for Peace in Palestine

Dismantle the security barrier in the West Bank. Let most Palestinians who live there govern themselves.


May 20, 2014 6:38 p.m. ET

On May 14 U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas in London to discuss the “unity government” that Mr. Abbas announced unexpectedly last month. Mr. Abbas’s decision to establish a national government in coalition with Hamas is the latest example in a long line of Palestinian intransigence.

Hamas is a terrorist organization dedicated to Israel’s destruction. The group has killed hundreds of Israelis in suicide bombings and missile attacks. That is the organization’s very mission: The Hamas charter calls for perpetual jihad against the Jewish State while forever rejecting peace negotiations or compromise. Israel will not negotiate with a Palestinian government that includes Hamas. [BUT ISRAEL IS NEGOTIATING WITH FATAH WHICH HAS THE SAME THING IN ITS CHARTER.]

So how should Israel respond to Mr. Abbas’s announced plan for such a government? I propose what I call the Stability Plan, which I will promote throughout Israel’s new Knesset legislative session.

Palestinians living in certain portions of the West Bank (known as Area A and Area B) should govern themselves. They should hold their own elections, run their own schools, issue their own building permits and manage their own health-care system. In short, they should run their own lives. Israel should not interfere in day-to-day governance.

To achieve this, Israel must allow Palestinians complete freedom of movement, which requires removing all roadblocks and checkpoints in the West Bank. In particular, Israel should dismantle the security barrier erected throughout the last decade to defend against Palestinian terror attacks during the Second Intifada.

Many Israelis credit the barrier with the dramatic increase in security over the past decade. Not a single Israeli was killed by terror in the West Bank in 2012, making it the first year without bloodshed since 1973. Yet this was not solely due to the barrier. The remarkable drop in terror happened thanks to high-quality intelligence coupled with Israel’s ability to conduct targeted military operations in the West Bank. The number of Israeli operations in the West Bank has dropped significantly because the military now only carries out pinpointed operations based on reliable intelligence.

Israel can now stay reasonably secure without the barrier. This will prove especially true if the Israeli government works with the international community to promote Palestinian economic development in Areas A and B. There’s no perfect solution to the conflict, and the wait for one has allowed the Palestinian economy to languish. The hope of independence and statehood has delayed crucial economic investments.

So, during the past few months, Israel’s Ministry of Economy, which I lead, has reviewed different options for helping the Palestinian economy grow. We have looked at the export and import systems, work permits, the climate for international investment and more.

One promising idea is to encourage multinational corporations to invest in Palestinian areas by offering economic incentives such as insurance guarantees and tax breaks. There are also ways to streamline the export process for Palestinian manufacturers so products can reach their destination quickly and in perfect condition. Israel has become known as the “Startup Nation,” but now it is time to build a “Startup Region.”

The other part of the Stability Plan deals with the remaining portion of the West Bank, known as Area C, where 400,000 Israelis and 70,000 Palestinians live. Under my plan, Israel would annex this territory, much as it exercised sovereignty over East Jerusalem in 1967 and the Golan Heights in 1981. The Palestinians who live in Area C would be offered full Israeli citizenship.

East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights still aren’t recognized by the international community as part of Israel. But it is impossible to imagine a state of Israel without the Western Wall. Israel could not withdraw from the Golan Heights while the Syrian civil war rages nearby. East Jerusalem and the Golan are Israeli territory, and the same should be true of Area C.

Annexing Area C would limit conflict by reducing the size of the territory in dispute, which would make it easier to one day reach a long-term peace agreement. Annexation would also allow Israel to secure vital interests: providing security for Jerusalem and the Gush Dan region along Israel’s central coast, protecting Israeli communities within Area C, and applying Israeli sovereignty over national heritage sites such as the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, the burial place of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

This arrangement might not be the utopian peace Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat imagined when they shook hands in the White House Rose Garden in 1993. But it offers Palestinians independent government and prosperity, while ensuring Israeli security and stability. That would improve lives and foster a much healthier coexistence, major progress for a region that has known conflict for decades.

May 21, 2014 | 82 Comments »

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50 Comments / 82 Comments

  1. yamit82 Said:

    It’s not their Land, it’s ours.

    GOLDBERG: What I don’t understand is why you don’t just leapfrog this negotiations morass and declare an indefinite settlement-building freeze — not tearing them out, but freezing them? That way, the onus will be on the Palestinian side, not on you, to prove that they are interested in compromise.

    NETANYAHU: I don’t think it would work…….

    I searched and searched through the interview but could not find any answer or reference with any similarity to this: yamit82 Said:

    It’s not their Land, it’s ours.

    or even this:
    Bear Klein Said:

    Ayalon said:….We have to assert our national honor, without being apologetic for living in our land and defending ourselves

    Has any Israeli chief Rabbi, ever stated this and protested the GOI obstruction of the land to Jews:
    yamit82 Said:

    It’s not their Land, it’s ours.

    I dont remember hearing this from those meant to propagate the biblical mandate

    yamit82 Said:

    Thus, for Jewish survivors of the Nazi horrors, Wagner’s music represents a vivid reminder of that regime.

    I get these feelings every time I see the 18th century Polish black hats and coats. it reminds me of 2000 years of libel, swindling, torture and slaughter plus the replacement of the spirit of Israel with the spirit of diaspora dhimmitude. I wish they would throw their polish fashions into the bonfire and their diaspora dhimmi shtetl concepts with them.

  2. yamit82 Said:

    Do you like flea markets??????????
    Never had the experience

    And I thought you were the most “interesting man in the world”.

  3. yamit82 Said:

    I love Popovitch and his record speaks for itself. He only accepts coachable players who play his game. Especially defense

    I understand why you like his: “Birds of a feather”.

  4. honeybee Said:

    What happened to the Ok Thunder

    Taken to the woodshed!!! Only team with as many white players as black…. Intelligence wins even on a basketball court.

    They play ball like they used to play before they started playing to Black physical superior attributes and simple offenses. Truth is that style of ball is really boring designed for show and ratings at the expense of skill and brains. I love Popovitch and his record speaks for itself. He only accepts coachable players who play his game. Especially defense!!!

  5. @ honeybee: Thunderbolt backfired causing serious injury to the Oakies chances of winning. Otherwise known as butt whipping by the Spurs!

  6. yamit82 Said:


    You’re the best looking man I ever saw, Soldier. Send chocolate.

    However you have a point !!!! Darlin

  7. @ Bear Klein:

    Anne Ayalon promotes jesus and Christian worship center on shores of the Galilee
    Special attention to what she says at the 8 min mark
    Anne Ayalon, DayStar, Celebration, 2009/04/20

    Daystar is a premier missionary network with “a singular goal—to reach souls with the good news of Jesus Christ”, and I guess Mrs. Ayalon considers it good news that, “Eighty percent of Jesus’ ministry is up in the Galilee. You walk there and you just feel god’s love!”

    It’s reportedly not the first time that Anne has used her position as the wife of a Jewish Israeli leader to “share her testimony about Jesus “ . As the wife of the former Ambassador of Israel to the United States, it appears Mrs. Ayalon witnessed on the banquet circuit…

    “Evangelical Christian Anne Ayalon, the wife of Israel’s Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon, can be seen and heard on Daystar Television kvelling (sic!) about Jesus’s ministry in Israel”.
    Here’s a choice excerpt from Charles Carrin Ministries:

    “While I was surprised by the Ambassador and his wife’s youthfulness, I was more astounded that Anne Ayalon used the Banquet-occasion to share her testimony about Jesus. She is a born-again believer. Speaking before high-ranking Jewish delegates, Washington’s media-reporters, and other international figures, she told of her love for Jesus and even gave a capable explanation of God’s Trinitarian nature. I sat there astonished. Never have I witnessed more graciousness, more spiritual beauty, or more gentleness than she displayed. No one could have criticized her loveliness. The incoming Ambassador’s wife, Noa Meridor, listened attentively as she spoke. More so, I was overwhelmed, wondering about the effects of such a woman becoming Israel’s First Lady. Pray for this couple!”

    “Israel better pray long and hard that its Jewish leaders come back to themselves and to their people”.


    (this report first appeared on JewishIsrael)

  8. yamit82 Said:

    First of all comparisons of my criticisms are based on critical and diligent research and I never form opinions with checking the facts. As you appear so often to do.

    If that were true Darlin, you would be moving to Texas and campaigning for Gov. Perry.

  9. yamit82 Said:


    It’s wonderful, the composer no, the music yes. Degas was an anti-Semite also, do you look at his paintings?

  10. Here is a quote from Ayalon,

    Actually, my wife is from a Christian Zionist background. As a child, her parents would take her to synagogue on the High Holidays to show her “their roots.” In the late 1970s, she was studying hotel management and tourism, and as part of her training could select one place in the world to get hands-on experience. Most of the students chose places like Hawaii, Paris and Tokyo. But she chose Israel.

    To become married to me, she was willing to leave her family and her religion, and convert. Now years later, she is serving as a sort of an ambassador of her own, meeting with Christian groups and explaining to them exactly why it is important to support the State of Israel


  11. @ yamit82:
    @ yamit82: Your objective characterizations aside:

    Maybe he should be given a chance to defend himself from a vicious hate campaign:

    Born in 1955, Danny Ayalon holds a degree in economics from Tel Aviv University and an MBA from Bowling Green University in Ohio. In the 1980s he worked as a finance manager at large Israeli companies, but was looking to make a more direct and meaningful contribution to Israeli society. So he joined the Foreign Ministry and has served – among other roles – as Israel’s ambassador to the United States and as negotiator in Palestinian peace talks. In 2009, he was elected to the Knesset and was appointed as Deputy Foreign Minister. met with Ayalon in his Jerusalem office, where he proudly displays the “Builder of Jerusalem Award” he received from Aish HaTorah in 2008.

    Q1: Let’s get right to Israel’s most pressing priority in international relations. If you had your way, what would you like to see the world do in confronting the danger from Iran?

    Iran will not be able to sustain crippling sanctions.

    Ayalon: The international community has connected the dots and even the greatest skeptics agree that Iran is up to no good in a relentless fashion. But Iran has not yet crossed the point of no return. We still have 12-18 months where we can stop them, and I believe the sanction route is the most viable at this time. Iran is a very weak country and it will not be able to sustain crippling sanctions. I think it is possible to get them to change their behavior. They have political problems, social problems and economic problems. There is more there than meets the eye. With a unified front of diplomatic isolation and economic sanctions, we can succeed.

    Q2: It has been said that Israeli security is threatened by a growing public perception of Israel as an illegitimate pariah state. At a recent talk at Oxford, you were heckled with shouts of “slaughter the Jews.” What can be done to counteract this?

    Ayalon: This was unfortunately not an isolated incident by a bunch of teenage rabble-rousers. It is orchestrated from the highest echelons of the Palestinian leadership, as part of the campaign to delegitimize the State of Israel. We need to film and document all their activities, and turn that information over to the police. This removes their ability to act without regard for ethical norms or the law. This will deter them from crossing the line into murderous incitement.

    Secondly, we need to train Israeli students to become roving ambassadors on the campuses, and concurrently launch programs to reach Jewish students on the campuses. This is not just “hasbara”; this is an integral aspect of our foreign policy.

    Q3: It seems that nothing will ever change the fact that the State of Israel exists in a hostile region. What is our greatest weapon in this battle for survival?

    Ayalon: In our short history, we have fought on many fronts. The Arabs outnumber us 100-to-1, but they could not defeat us militarily – and look where we are today, with the most powerful army in the Middle East. They also tried to destroy us economically with the Arab boycott; not only did they not succeed, but today our economy is among the healthiest in the world. We stopped the terrorism with our intelligence and other tactics like the security barrier. Now they are trying political and legal warfare. And they will not succeed there either.

    But in the end, it is not our military or economic might that keeps us strong as a people. Rather it is our Torah and our tradition. This is the essential ingredient. But to harness this power we need to know Jewish history and be connected to the Torah. I know many secular Israelis who are opposed to religion. I think it is unwise. They are cutting off their own roots, the source of this strength.

    Q4: You take time out of your busy schedule to learn Torah every week with an Aish HaTorah rabbi. Why do you do this?

    Ayalon: I love Aish. They are reaching out and teaching not just about Jewish history and tradition, but they instill a pride in being Jewish. Aish is teaching Torah in a way that is appealing and interesting to everyone, young and old. I appreciate not only the religious tenacity, but also their national pride, which to me are really inseparable aspects of Jewish identity.

    Jews cannot afford to be estranged from one another.

    That makes Aish uniquely positioned to heal the rift between the religious and secular communities in Israel, which I am very concerned about. We have so any enemies from the outside, we cannot waste any energy and resources against each other. We cannot afford to be at odds. We cannot even afford to be estranged from one another. This is more dangerous than any Iranian nuclear program.

    Q5: It is suggested that one of the greatest threats to Israel today is that many citizens no longer connect to the mission of Israel. They don’t feel the burning commitment to make sacrifices to live in this country, with all its risks and limited opportunities. How can we re-ignite that idealistic spirit?

    Ayalon: The government is working now to reverse that attitude. We have launched a major program to renovate Jewish heritage sites throughout Israel. For example, it is important to highlight our connection to the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, which is the oldest Jewish holy site in the world, dating back 4,000 years to Abraham. This strengthens our own connection to the land, not only from the standpoint of diplomacy, but also our own sense of rootedness.

    When I represented Israel abroad as Deputy Chief of Mission in Panama, I invited guests to have Shabbat dinner at our home. I had to study exactly how to make Kiddush, because at age 36 I never knew how. I saw how important it is to present ourselves to the world with pride in our religious heritage. In the Foreign Ministry Cadet Corps today, we include training on Jewish tradition and observance. And by the way, I now make Kiddush in my home every Friday night.

    Q6: So much of the Middle East conflict revolves around the dynamics between Jews and Muslims. In your experience, how does the Christian community fit into this equation?

    Ayalon: Evangelical Christians love Israel, based on Genesis 12:2 where God promises Abraham that “I will make you a great nation.” Israel has a lot of Christian Zionist friends and we should harness all that goodwill.

    Actually, my wife is from a Christian Zionist background. As a child, her parents would take her to synagogue on the High Holidays to show her “their roots.” In the late 1970s, she was studying hotel management and tourism, and as part of her training could select one place in the world to get hands-on experience. Most of the students chose places like Hawaii, Paris and Tokyo. But she chose Israel.

    To become married to me, she was willing to leave her family and her religion, and convert. Now years later, she is serving as a sort of an ambassador of her own, meeting with Christian groups and explaining to them exactly why it is important to support the State of Israel.

    Q7: How has your own spiritual journey translated into your approach to diplomacy and governance?

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    Ayalon: Farming the land, establishing institutions, and defending ourselves were things that we Jews were missing for the 2,000 years of Diaspora. So applying ourselves to building the “physical” infrastructure was vital to reviving ourselves as a nation. Our success in these areas became a great source of pride for Israelis, and for Jews around the world.

    But today I think more and more Israelis understand that you cannot be an Israeli without first and foremost being a Jew. And this is why I am so interested in studying the Torah. Our tradition carried us through so many trials and tribulations, it surely has applicability to today’s diplomatic challenges. The Torah is not only our past, but it is our future.

    If you look at the foreign policy of Moses, of Joshua, of King David, you know that they were not subservient. We have to assert our national honor, without being apologetic for living in our land and defending ourselves. Of course, we need to do so with wisdom, in a way that tries not to provoke anyone. But sometimes I think we care a bit too much about what others will say. If you use the Torah as a guidebook, you cannot go wrong. Ayalon studies at Aish and now teaches at Yeshiva University.

    Headquartered in Jerusalem near the Western Wall, is a division of Aish HaTorah, an apolitical network of Jewish educational centers in 35 branches on five continents. This partnership enables users to experience the richness of community at an Aish branch.

    The name Aish HaTorah literally means “Fire of Torah.” As Elie Weisel said: “Aish HaTorah means to me the passion of teaching, the passion of learning. The study of Torah, the source of Jewish values, is the way to Jewish survival.”

    Aish’s educational philosophy is that Judaism is not all or nothing; it is a journey where every step counts, to be pursued according to one’s own pace and interest. Mitzvot (commandments) are not rituals, but opportunities for personal growth, to be studied and understood. We learn the Torah’s wisdom to enrich our own lives, and to share these ideas with all humanity.

  12. Why do Jews hate wagnerdweller Said:

    ”More Jews were murdered in the name of Jesus than on the orders of Hitler…”

    That is a reflection on Jesus’ GOODNESS — not his ‘lack’ of it — that the perpetrators of such outrages would USE his name to cover their malignancy..

    Who would kill Jews in the name of, say, a pig manure manufacturer?

    That is a reflection on Jesus’ GOODNES


    No they reflected exactly yeshu as the vile sicko cretin that he surely was. A case of GOOD christians murdering good Jews for their diety and his venomous malignant megalomania. Even you have said that the bible was written for the common man to understand. They did just that. Care to retract your statement????

    “We detest Wagner’s music not on its merits (and it is very bad), but because Hitler loved it.”

    He loved dogs too.

    — You detest dogs? Stupid.

    Again you display gross ignorance of the subject and project your own stupid views into the subject raised.

    While Richard Wagner lived decades before the birth of Nazism, his influence on the National Socialist movement and especially on its leader was enormous. His operas, especially “The Ring,” provided a fertile feeding ground for Nazi ideology and cultural conception.

    Richard Wagner was the spiritual father of much of Nazi ideology, especially its antisemitic character. Wagner coined the expressions “Jewish problem” and “final solution” – by which he meant the disappearance of Jews and Judaism. Thousands of Israelis, both of European origin and native Israelis, perceive Wagner, a loudly-proclaimed favourite of Hitler, as a symbol of the Nazi era.

    “The question is not whether Wagner’s music is of high or low quality, nor is the argument about how deep-seated was his antisemitism really relevant. There is no doubt that there have been other composers who were no less antisemitic. While it cannot be maintained that Wagner was directly responsible for German national socialism, there is no doubt that he was a powerful symbol in the Nazi era, and his music held a singular importance in the Nazi psyche. Thus, for Jewish survivors of the Nazi horrors, Wagner’s music represents a vivid reminder of that regime. The argument that music must be separated from politics is not cogent in general, and certainly not in this case. If anybody introduced politics into music, it was Richard Wagner himself.” (Source: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Now about your dog analogy: Not only are you an idiot but a fool as well.

    It’s obvious that Auschwitz was Ovadia Shoher’s final solution. It seems to have ‘solved’ HIM quite well. Made him a photo negative of a Nazi.

    More obfuscation by you!!!!!– with another weak attempt BY smearing the messenger but not the message, which historically you can’t. Your support of christian churches in the Holy Land of Israel is no different than a form of Holocaust denial.

    You are a photo negative of What????

  13. Why do Jews hate wagnerdweller Said:

    ”More Jews were murdered in the name of Jesus than on the orders of Hitler…”

    That is a reflection on Jesus’ GOODNESS — not his ‘lack’ of it — that the perpetrators of such outrages would USE his name to cover their malignancy..

    Who would kill Jews in the name of, say, a pig manure manufacturer?

    That is a reflection on Jesus’ GOODNES


    No they reflected exactly yeshu as the vile sicko cretin that he surely was. A case of GOOD christians murdering good Jews for their diety and his venomous malignant megalomania. Even you have said that the bible was written for the common man to understand. They did just that. Care to retract your statement????

    “We detest Wagner’s music not on its merits (and it is very bad), but because Hitler loved it.”

    He loved dogs too.

    — You detest dogs? Stupid.

    Again you display gross ignorance of the subject and project your own stupid views into the subject raised.

    While Richard Wagner lived decades before the birth of Nazism, his influence on the National Socialist movement and especially on its leader was enormous. His operas, especially “The Ring,” provided a fertile feeding ground for Nazi ideology and cultural conception.

    Richard Wagner was the spiritual father of much of Nazi ideology, especially its antisemitic character. Wagner coined the expressions “Jewish problem” and “final solution” – by which he meant the disappearance of Jews and Judaism. Thousands of Israelis, both of European origin and native Israelis, perceive Wagner, a loudly-proclaimed favourite of Hitler, as a symbol of the Nazi era.

    “The question is not whether Wagner’s music is of high or low quality, nor is the argument about how deep-seated was his antisemitism really relevant. There is no doubt that there have been other composers who were no less antisemitic. While it cannot be maintained that Wagner was directly responsible for German national socialism, there is no doubt that he was a powerful symbol in the Nazi era, and his music held a singular importance in the Nazi psyche. Thus, for Jewish survivors of the Nazi horrors, Wagner’s music represents a vivid reminder of that regime. The argument that music must be separated from politics is not cogent in general, and certainly not in this case. If anybody introduced politics into music, it was Richard Wagner himself.” (Source: Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

    Now about your dog analogy: Not only are you an idiot but a fool as well.

    It’s obvious that Auschwitz was Ovadia Shoher’s final solution. It seems to have ‘solved’ HIM quite well. Made him a photo negative of a Nazi.

    More obfuscation by you!!!!!– with another weak attempt BY smearing the messenger but not the message, which historically you can’t. Your support of christian churches in the Holy Land of Israel is no different than a form of Holocaust denial.

    You are a photo negative of What???? This???

  14. @ yamit82:

    ”More Jews were murdered in the name of Jesus than on the orders of Hitler…”

    That is a reflection on Jesus’ GOODNESS — not his ‘lack’ of it — that the perpetrators of such outrages would USE his name to cover their malignancy..

    Who would kill Jews in the name of, say, a pig manure manufacturer?

    “We detest Wagner’s music not on its merits (and it is very bad), but because Hitler loved it.”

    He loved dogs too.

    — You detest dogs? Stupid.

    “It does not matter whether Jesus was a good Jew or the founder of the worst anti-Semitic movement ever.”

    Not to a demagogic putz like Ovadia Shoher it doesn’t matter.

    “Christianity is not a theoretical discourse to be judged on its merits, but a deadly practical weapon against Jews.”

    More stupidity. Anything good can be made evil in application. There are circumstances in which colostrum (mothers’ milk) can be a deadly poison.

    “Churches in Jerusalem are a celebration of Auschwitz.”

    It’s obvious that Auschwitz was Ovadia Shoher’s final solution. It seems to have ‘solved’ HIM quite well. Made him a photo negative of a Nazi.

  15. Yamit, if Ayalon is suspect due to his marriage, then is not Bibi also suspect? His previous marriage was also to a convert from Christianity.

    That question is rhetorical, as I know your answer already.

  16. @ Bear Klein:

    First of all comparisons of my criticisms are based on critical and diligent research and I never form opinions with checking the facts. As you appear so often to do.

    Re: Ayalon Pls read the following and read all of the links provided by the author.

    Daniel Ayalon: Israel’s Ambassador for Christendom

    Israel’s Foreign Ministry is sponsoring a bid to upgrade the status of evangelicals in Israel and recognize them as a sovereign group or an independent church. The Interior Ministry is opposing the move on the grounds that, “it would open the flood gates and similar requests from other religious groups would come pouring in.” But it’s likely that the Interior Ministry is also concerned about the missionary nightmare such an arrangement would unleash. It’s been reported that a joint committee from the two ministries will be established in order to find a solution.

    Deputy Foreign Minister Danny Ayalon reportedly feels that the evangelicals, who “donate untold sums of money” and support Israeli public relations efforts within the US are deserving of this gesture.


    Comment by Gavriel Sanders on January 5, 2010 at 12:51am
    Has anyone even dared ask or raise the obvious question about Danny Ayalon in all this? First, is his wife an evangelical believer? If yes, she is instructed by the Christian scriptures not to be “unequally yoked with an unbeliever”, which is the apostle Paul’s way of saying believers should only marry believers. If – and I admit it’s a big if because I don’t know (yet) – she married him as a believer who is committed to follow New Testament doctrine, then it’s natural to ask – is Danny Ayalon a secret believer in Jesus?

  17. @ yamit82:
    You do not like Ben Gurion either so Ayalon is in lofty company. Here is what I took about Ayalon from Wikipeida. Lieberman kicked him out because he was upstaging him and becoming more popular than him.

    Danny Ayalon was born in Tel Aviv in 1955, to Lily Ellon, a Polish Jew who immigrated to Mandatory Palestine in 1937, and Rafael Ayalon, an Algerian Jew who immigrated before the establishment of Israel in 1948. Both of his parents fought in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War. Ayalon was raised and educated in Tel Aviv and was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces where he rose to the rank of Captain in the Armored Corps. He received a BA in economics from Tel Aviv University and an MBA from Bowling Green University in Ohio.[1]

    Prior to his career in public service, Ayalon was a partner at Gravitas Ltd., an international consulting group, past president of private investment firm Hod Ayalon Ltd, and a finance manager for Koor Industries.[2]

    Ayalon is married. His wife, Anne, is a Christian convert to Judaism, originally from Ohio, who he met while she was on an internship in Israel. The couple has two daughters, Zohar and Avigail.[1]

  18. Bear Klein Said:

    Danny Ayalon

    He is a closet christian married to a christian missionary who together have worked successfully to entrench missionary christians in Israel. I suspect it’s why Lieberman dumped him from his list and party in the last election.

    Where it up to me I would strip him of his citizenship and boot him and his stinking wife out of the country. He is an enemy.

  19. @ Ted Belman</a>:
    Bear Klein:

    I always ask the question who are you trying to convince by your arguments and then why?

    I believe in the axiom:

    “If you want to know what someone really thinks of you, look at what they’re willing to believe about you.”

    Apparently you are not directing your advocacy and message to our Arab Muslim and Christian enemies but to what is known as the christian west and specifically American gentiles and Canadian gentiles.

    Why is antisemitism and Holocaust denial so prevalent Muslim and christian nations but not much of a problem in the rest of the world?

    “The theology of evangelical/fundamentalist Christianity holds that Jews know perfectly well that [Jesus Christ] was the Messiah but they deny him anyway. And how else can this be seen but as a deliberate act of choosing evil? “Who else could do such a thing but Satan and his servants?” “”Only in a Christian country can Holocaust Revisionism [the idea that the Nazis never tried to exterminate the Jews] be taken seriously.” Because only Christians could believe that Jews are so wholly evil and so supernaturally-empowered by evil forces that they could successfully perpetrate the monumental conspiracy that would be necessary to get people to believe such a thing if it weren’t true. And even of those people who accept the reality of the Nazi genocide of the Jews, only a christian could believe that innocent and harmless Jews were dispatched to hell while the Nazis who killed them were forgiven by God and admitted to heaven. There are no people who are more despised than Jews.” (Tovia Singer)

    How to get rid of the Arabs?

    Hint: The way we did it in 1948 and 1967 with the exception of: with no effort on our part to convince them to stay.

    “According to official records of the League of Nations and Arab census figure 539,000 Arabs left Israel at the urging of 7 converging Arab armies so that they would not be in the way of their attack. They promised the fleeing Arabs they would return and move into the Jews’ houses after the anticipated successful annihilation of the Jews.

    “We know that 850,000 Jews were ejected from the Arab countries where they had lived for hundreds of years. This included successful people whose property and assets, including community assets were immediately confiscated. 750,000 penniless Jews from Arab countries fled to Israel”. ( Emanuel A. Winston, Middle East analyst and commentator)

    The Arabs are the true occupiers of the Land of Israel and there are some Jews who don’t want to share even a grain of our sand with them. This would be true if the Arabs were all peaceful Jew loving saints and observed every torah commandment perfectly.

    It’s not their Land, it’s ours.

  20. Looks like the egyptians, and in the past the jordanians, have no problem taking away already existing citizenship. Only the jews commiserate about citizenship for the pals. In my view, it is so far down the list of things to think about that it is undeserving of any mention.

    a request to revoke the Egyptian citizenship of Mahmoud al-Zahar and 11 of his family members has been forwarded to the government for approval. Al-Ridi explained that al-Zahar and his family belong to an organization which “works to weaken Egypt’s economic and social system,”

  21. @ Ted Belman: I totally concur that the PLO, Abbas and their history must be outed and exposed to show why we can not give them more land and a two state solution is a formual for war not peace. The Charade of the TWO SOLUTION FARCE MUST STop

    A five or ten minute video such as those done by
    Danny Ayalon would help as part of a vigorous campaign showing why it does not work.

    Part II of the campaign should be the new paradigm the government should promote to Israelis and the world. In this I recommend Bennett’s plan in a global manner.

  22. Shirly Lewis writes

    No where does he tell the truth about PA/Abbas – defacto peddling the myth of PA “moderation”. Then he says PA Arabs did not kill any Jews in 2012, forgetting that PA Arabs did kill Jews in 2013 and already in 2014 – again defacto peddling the PA Arabs are “moderates” myth. He missed the opportunity to tell the truth about PA/PLO/Fatah/Abbas and Co -: how Abbas has not complied with a single Oslo provision, that in Arabic PA/PLO/Fatah/Abbas doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to exist, and the entire enterprise, including Abbas incites terror and honor Jew killers, brainwashes its kids to hate Jews, etc. Bennett makes clear Hamas is a terrorist org but does not say that PAAbbas same Hamas ideologically – PA/Abbas has said so! He pretends that all PA Arabs need is more economic development. “It’s not the poverty, its the ideology”. As if PA/Abbas will ever stop stealing economic aid or truly allow uncorrupted free enterprise.

    Considering US openly blaming Israel for “failure” of talks, a very badly timed missed opportunity. He could have, in 2 or 3 sentences, told the truth about PA/Abbas, its ideology and the violence it encourages, to support his proposal. Instead, by omission and commission he covered for Hamas’ spouse. Bennett could have SHOWN how it is PA/Abbas ideology and intransigence the reason for no peace – did not even have to use the words “PA/Abbas responsible for no peace”. Just telling the truth would have done the trick.

    There is no chance that any proposal like Bennett’s, or any other suggestions on how to save the state from US/EU political assault, will ever be accepted by US/EU, unless PA/Abbas is exposed and delegitimized. Any moves by Israel, including building hopes for Jews in Jews neighborhoods in J + S and J’lem, will be met by condemnations and/or boycotts – the direct result of Israel peddling the fiction that PA/Abbas is a “peace partner”.

  23. Yep we have a conflict with the Arabs!

    Yep I agree if the Arabs are not all gone the problems are not magically going to disappear. The actual magical pill to make them go away in the real world not the world of wishing them away has yet to be demonstrated.

    In the meantime we should do the best we can step by step.

    Maximum land, no Jews move from their homes.
    Build in E1, Jordan Valley and elsewhere in Area C in Judah and Samaria.
    Annex Area C !

  24. @ Bear Klein:

    Annexation of the Land is not the main problem the Arabs are. If you don’t solve the Arab problem annexation will not solve any problems but add to them jeopradizing what gains we already have made. This is not a Land dispute but an religious war waged against us by Islam and all denominations of christianity using the Arabs as an anvil to the Churches ideological hammer.

    More Jews were murdered in the name of Jesus than on the orders of Hitler—who was approved by Christian clerics. The Germans only carried the Christian ideas to their logical conclusion. Up to then, royal defenders of Christianity only expelled us, but murder is more logical. It does not matter whether Jesus was a good Jew or the founder of the worst anti-Semitic movement ever. We detest Wagner’s music not on its merits (and it is very bad), but because Hitler loved it. Christianity is not a theoretical discourse to be judged on its merits, but a deadly practical weapon against Jews.

    Churches in Jerusalem are a celebration of Auschwitz.”

  25. No magic pill is available to end the conflict. Israel should do what is achievable now.

    Maximum land, no Jews move from their homes.
    Build in E1, Jordan Valley and elsewhere in Area C in Judah and Samaria.
    Annex what you can now!

  26. The perfect plan is – Arabs OUT! Short of that there is some merit to the Bennett plan. My primary objection is that we don’t need another 70,000 pali-poser-Jew-haters enfranchised into to the Jewish State. Let them stay as alien residents. There is no compelling reason to offer them citizenship whatsoever! Moreover removal of the security barrier and improving their lot is misdirected. Life should remain as austere as possible for them so that they are encouraged to leave with generous assistance from the GOI.