Iran’s Plans For Jordan In The Biden Era Middle East: The Hassan Doctrine

T. Belman. There is no way that Israel will allow Iran to take over Jordan. Look what Israel is doing to prevent Iran’s entrenchment in Syria. Even greater effort will be expended to prevent Iran from dominating Jordan

JaFaJ Intelligence Report March 10, 2021

King Abdullah’s regime and family have been in cahoots with Iran for almost two decades. During this time, Hashemite ties to the MB has been forged and grown stronger, blossoming into a full economic and social partnership. At the same time, the Hashemite regime’s antagonization of Saudi Arabia and UAE has grown stronger because both regimes are opposed to the Muslim Brotherhood.

With Trump out of office, and Biden in, Iran is no longer under American economic and political pressure. This is the best chance for Jordan’s King to not only profit, but forge his ties with Iran and establish his dream team alliance with Iran, Turkey and Qatar. Combined, they will stand up against the Saudis, UAE and Egypt. Iran is not known for wasting time and has a history of hostile and quick takeovers of countries. This was the case with Iran’s takeover of Iraq’s government and Yemen. Both Iran and Jordan’s regime have a lot to achieve from this alliance made in hell, stabilizing the Hashemite regime in exchange for empowering Iran within Jordan and embedding its terrorists and operatives all over the country. Iran is in a hurry to implant itself into Jordan as Iran’s sworn enemies in the region are tightening their grip on it with more Israeli attacks on Iranian forces in Syria and Saudi operations in Yemen being consistent.

With Biden in the White House and Jordan’s King in power, it is very likely that Iran’s plans to take over Jordan will be successful in the foreseen future and will pose an unprecedented threat to Israel’s security and Saudi Arabi’s interest. Unless Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt take action to prevent an Iranian takeover, it is most likely that the hands of time will eventually explode in everyone’s face. Nonetheless, those countries will be able to do nothing as long as Jordan’s King remains in power, no matter how many people he jails or how loud Jordanians cry out for freedom and democracy.

The developers of international and public policy understand that Iran had its “Golden Years” under the Obama administration when Joe Biden was Vice President. During that time, the Obama/Biden team on one hand appeared to be fighting Iran’s geopolitical expansionism, yet on the other hand, established the concepts that embodied the questionable Iran nuclear deal. This deal is commonly referred to as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

The deal was reached in Vienna on July 14, 2015, and enabled Iran to keep its nuclear program active while having economic sanctions lifted solely on their promise to allow the world to examine their nuclear facilities upon prior notice. The deal also included huge cash rewards that Iran insisted was going to be used to help her own people but wound up supporting terrorism around the region, and in many instances, around the world.

The financial rewards, worth billions, allowed Iran to maintain it’s strength in Syria while tightening its grip on Lebanon. Iran was allowed to infiltrate Yemen and establishing ties with Arab states like the Hashemite Kingdom in Jordan, Qatar and Algeria. Iran also promoted Anti-Semitism while supporting the terrorist killers of Jews and threats against the Jewish state.
The “Golden Years” honeymoon ended the minute President Donald Trump walked into the Oval Office. Now that Trump has been replaced by Biden, Iran and her regional allies are not shy about expressing their joy.

This joy is supported by the fact that one of their key behind the scenes allies, the King of Jordan, openly claims to be close friends with President Biden.

Based on Iran’s public and private actions and comments, it is apparent that they are very happy that the 45th President, Donald Trump, didn’t secure a second term. Trump’s loss allows the Biden’ Administration the unfettered ability to return to Obama’s policies, including the JCPOA. And although they have not said it publically, it is clear that this is what the Islamic Republic of Iran was hoping for. The difference between the Biden and Trump eras is this: Iran seems to be getting more than it had bargained for.

On one hand, many believed that following the Obama Administration’s policies towards Iran exhibits America’s weakness, especially if the 46th President lifts sanctions without negotiating a new or better deal.

On the other hand, no matter which way the administration moves, our regional allies will be greatly impacted. The impact will fall on the shoulders of allies like Israel and Saudi Arabia. The impact on Saudi Arabia means that their hands will be tied, and Iran will be ‘free to play’ the way it wants in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf. For example, one of Biden’s first policies benefited Iran – the Administration removed Iran’s terrorist militia in Yemen (the Houthis) off the terrorist lists, making them a legitimate de facto government, lawless in their actions and empowered with the abilities to control large swaths of the country. Eventually, this will allow them to conduct import-export trade and eventually, at one point, perhaps buying Oil from Iran while announcing their independence. This will eventually lead to them becoming a voting member of the United Nations and thus a clear pro-Iranian United Nations seat [asset].

Additionally, States and kingdoms that are Iranian allies and sympathisers throughout the Middle East and North Africa will benefit. Currently, most of those who will benefit are at odds with Saudi Arabia, not to mention the United Arab Emirates.

To make matters worse, since Biden arrived in the Oval Office, pro-Iran regimes have been more brazen in their Iranian embrace, threatening Saudi Arabia and the UAE. Others positively impacted by their actions (or Biden’s policies) are the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Qatar, Kuwait and Algeria. All of these governments are establishing, building or maintaining economic and political ties with Iran, and have come to think of Iran as a strong ally, one they are inclined [or forced] to cooperate with.

Despite the image King Abdulla II promotes for himself and his regime, he has been close to Iran and her leaders since the US invasion of Iraq in 2003. As a result, Abdullah (and what is rapidly becoming a rogue government) has done business with Iran, including cooperating with them by gathering and sharing intelligence, developing public diplomacy, and working together to ensure pro-Iranian politicians are appointed at top jobs in the Jordanian regime, including the King’s own office. That means that Iran is heavily involved in Jordanian politics under the approving eyes of the King himself, at the national, state and local levels.

For the “outsider”, these lines appear to be paradoxical, but for King Abdullah, they are not because his regime and family have been close to the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and Iran for decades. What makes this worse is this: the MB and Abdullah are in many ways acting like the Chinese Communist Party and China’s president – one party is running the country, and one person is running the party. That makes the MB, Abdullah’s ruling party, and this ruling party is changing Jordan, impacting their policies towards the USA, West and Israel.

Historically, the cooperation between Abdullah’s regime and Iran began under the administration of the 43rd President – George W. Bush. The 43rd President’s Administration was cooperative with Iran, empowering Iran to the extent that they handed the entire post-Saddam Iraqi government to pro-Iran Shiite radicals. Additionally, their support among most radical Shiites in Iraqi politics allowed Prime Minister, Nury Al Malki and the notorious former Iraqi Minister of Interior, Bayan Jaber Soulagh, to firmly take over the Iraqi Parliament and policy-making bodies. Although never tried or convicted, both men are accused of ethnic cleansing, and evidence is prevalent by their policies of targeting Iraq’s Sunnis. These actions took place without a word from the King, providing them with implicit personal support, allowing both men to be welcomed in Amman, as well as allowing them to visit and bank in his kingdom with little to no restrictions. [COMMENT: This has taken place because the King received a Royalty (bribe) to either allow their actions to take place or turn his back on their actions – or both].

A Western diplomat who has served in Amman, told JaFaJ, “Abdullah has been working with Iran in the Iraq war since the day we invaded.” The source added that “Malki and Soulagh are both his friends who have made visits to Amman and met him despite the protests of the Saudis”. He went on to add that “Abdallah’s policy was greenlighted by the Bush Administration, and then supported outright by President Obama and his good friend, Vice President Biden. Combined, both Presidents were knowingly weakening Saudi Arabia’s position by strengthening its arch enemy, Iran, and the Jordanian officials we’ve met, all seemed to antagonize Saudi Arabia but never Iran”. The source added that he “remembered only one exception to this –former Prime Minister Samir Al-Rifai. Otherwise, all Jordanian officials preferred their ties with Iran as leverage against the Gulf States”.

The Royal Hashemite family consists of 83 individuals who rule a country that was awarded to them by Western Powers. The country has an estimated 8 million Palestinians in it, with slightly over one-million Bedouins. This means that the Hashemites are actually “a foreign family with no genuine connections to the country”. It is one of the reasons that the Hashemites are unable to establish a firm loyalist base in Jordan, either on tribal bases like Saudi Royals have or with support from the military under a nationalist label like Egypt’s Sisi has.

With that foundation in place, the King of Jordan knows that the majority of Palestinians resent the Hashemites, and the Bedouin minority’s loyalty is tied to money and benefits and not remotely out of respect for the Royal family. As a result, the Hashemites have had to create their own political support, including a political party, and that is where Jordan’s Muslim Brotherhood comes into play.

While most secular political movements are outlawed by the King, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is vastly tolerated and supported by the King himself. Therefore, the MB has established themselves as the regime’s only operational loyal minority with a self-reported membership of 250,000. This allows the group to not only serve as the Hashemite’s own political party but as the only large and legal party in the country. The MB has used this strength as leverage not only in the region but against both the Palestinians and Bedouins; all to the King’s benefit. Additionally, the MB has established extremely close ties with Iran, ties that range from trade and funding to political beliefs and regional political positions. Because these “ties”, the MB has been able to serve the King and act as intermediaries with the Iranian regime. The MB has been doing this since King Hussein was in power. This relationship expanded into a full-fledged business and political partnership under Abdullah’s reign.

Behind closed doors, the Western, Israeli and Gulf intelligence community echo a common story about Iran’s recent plans for Jordan. A senior Arab Gulf intelligence officer reported the following to JaFaJ, “Iran has been empowered by the Biden Administration’s actions and wants to carry out her plan to take over as much as it could of the Middle East over the next four years”. He added that “Trump kicked the Iranians out of Syria, weakened them in Iraq and Lebanon and aborted their plans for Yemen, but Iran is resuming plans to retake control of those countries thanks to the new administration”. The source added that Iran is rolling the dice “because they want to take over Jordan”, and use it as a launching base against Israeli and Saudi interests.

A former Israeli official confided the following with JaFaJ, “Iran has a plan to take over Jordan the same way it took over Syria, only this time Iran wants to move fast because they know the window of opportunity is closing”. He added, “The Iranians have made a deal with Jordan’s ruling family that includes providing free Iraqi oil and financial support once sanctions are fully lifted and intelligence support to sustain the Hashemite royal family in power”. In return for their support, King Abdullah will allow “the Iranians to take influence through the country and particularly through the Muslim Brotherhood”.

A conservative Israeli official told commented to JaFaJ, “We are looking at Iran taking over a country on our longest border and implanting its operatives across it”. He added that “The Iranians are not expected to launch a war against us on our borders, but all they need is to create unrest and fear across the borders for the next few months. Once done, they will then move to the next phase, taking advantage of America and her interests while Biden is in office”.

The King’s plot to sell Jordan to Iran is not just a mistake or a slip up. In fact, the King is being very strategic. He wants to create strong and secure buffers that will protect him and his regime from his angry public while crushing the rising opposition and denying Palestinians their rights. Clearly, the King wants Iran as his protector, believing it is the United States new policy of not only making amends with them but removing trade restrictions, thus economically propping them up.

The first step took place in October 2020 when the King appointed a Prime Minister whose mother is Iraqi Shiite and has close ties to both the Iranian and Iraqi government(s).

The King’s strategy appears to be simple and forward. King Abdullah wants to create a series of new regional alliances by forging new alliances with regional radicals like Iran, Iraq, Qatar, Turkey. The King believes that this new alliance will be blessed by the Democratic administration who may be in office for the next 8 years. He also believes that Congressional Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi, will support the President’s actions.

A former advisor to the King and his father told JaFaJ that, “The King wants a new alliance that is opposed to the Arab Gulf through which Iran handles the strategy and flexes her muscles to protect him, while Qatar provides him with money”. The source added that, “The reason he [Abdullah] is doing this is because several US administrations have been tolerant and supportive of Iran, except for Trump, and that those administrations have even encouraged him to work with Iran”.

The source added that there is another reason for the king’s behaviour, “The King is the de facto Emir of the MB and they are his click, his party, and the Gulf states and Egypt are against the MB. He added that the Palestinian majority in Jordan is against the MB and the Jordanians [East Banker Bedouins] are against the MB. The King has nobody to support him other than the MB and their Iranian allies, and he will do anything to remain in power as the King, and that Iran and Turkey will keep him there, not Saudi Arabia or UAE”.

JaFaJ’s intelligence sources within the King’s personal office have confirmed the following: “The King’s uncle, Hassan, has forged an alliance with Iran, and has sat down with them in Amman”. He added that he has been reaching out to the Turks and the Qataris to ensure that this happens”.

The source added that “After the King fell ill last November [2020], Hassan realized the chances of the King’s succession were slim and that their kingdom might be ending. As such, he has been desperately seeking any deal he can to save the kingdom for the Hashemites, and as such, it was natural for him to seek to expand his ties with Iran”. The source continued by saying, “He’s the one who convinced his nephew [King Abdullah] to forge an alliance with Iran in 2003.” Even with the King’s hesitation, his uncle pushed him forward until he eventually sat down with them. The meetings have unofficially continued. According to the source, with the King ill and out of commission, “the King’s uncle sat down with the Iranians in Amman in December, and then with the Turks, and Qatar’s ambassador and laid out a plan of action for them to undertake with the Biden Administration in power and did so because his nephew is out of commission”. This opened a new chapter of Iranian influence in the region. The group is calling this the “Hassan Doctrine”.

[COMMENT: Despite the King’s title and established powers, the actors under him and within his family appear to be stronger and more in control than he is [or has been]. This has been the case for more than a decade when Abdullah began focusing on the joys of life [2006] and appears to have handed the county’s administration over to his most trusted advisor, radical Catholic Raja’ai Al-Muasher. Al-Mausher is the man behind the King’s curtain and has been literally running the country since then. Al-Muasher is very supportive of Assad’s regime in Syria and Iran. END COMMENT].

Recently, the King’s poor health and the utter lack of interest from his son [and apparent heir], has allowed Uncle Hassan to step in. Hassan has been calling the shots on both external and internal policies, using the King’s Royal credentials to conduct policy while hiding the ill King in the background. The 73-year-old Hassan has come up with many ideas that have been outdated and belonged to the old era. One of Hassan’s advisors reported to JaFaJ that, “He [Hassan] lives in an outdated era, his ideas may have been brilliant 30 years ago, but not today.” The source continued by saying, “The Prince [Hassan] is unintelligent, delusional, emotional and feels entitled, nonetheless, he’s the one tasked with saving the Hashemites’ kingdom”.

Intelligence sources have confirmed to JaFaJ the details of the alliance and Hassan Doctrine developing between Jordan and Iran. The plan was confirmed by a Jordanian intelligence agent saying that, “It will be done through the MB because they are loyal to the King but portray themselves to the world’s media as opposition”. Another Jordanian intelligence member confirmed that their “aim is to hold new Parliamentary elections and that the elections will be rigged by the king to make [help] the MB dominate at least half of Parliament’s seats”. The source added that “They will then form a Parliamentary government that will be dominated by the MB. Once this happens, they will embrace Iran publicly and the King will be paid off, eventually turning Jordan into an Iranian satellite state, exporting Iran’s problems and threats to Israel’s borders.” The source added that, “To get there, it will be done in steps that can happen rapidly if the King’s orders this to happen, with the summer as a focus and the latest being September.”

The gradual build up of Iran’s control over Jordan, according to different sources inside the King’s office is, “First, the MB will start demanding certain changes and calling out corruption but never criticizing the King or his family. Second, the King will announce major changes in line with so called reforms and human rights considerations demanded by the Biden Administration, and will do so claiming that they are opening the doors for the opposition, which obviously would be the MB according to the King”. Third, “the King will then dissolve the Parliament and announce new elections. In those elections, the MB will control at least half of the seats, recognize their win and award the delegation of powers to the new government”. [COMMENT: It should be noted here that no one can run for office in Jordan without the approval or consent of the King. As such, those who are hand selected must approve of Royal positions and actions, including supporting the Muslim Brotherhood: End Comment].

Next, the new government will announce their intentions and forge stronger ties with Iran, overtly and covertly. Finally, to solidify their partnership and grip on Jordan and her people, Iranian intelligence operatives and revolutionary guards will be stationed in and around Amman, meaning that Iran will suddenly be on Israel’s doorstep”.

A Jordanian intelligence source confirmed to JaFaJ that, “The King and his uncle have already picked the future MB member to lead the new government from hell”, and that leader is “Zaki Bani Irsheid”. Irsheid is the former Leader of the Islamic Action Front Party, the official political wing of the MB, and is known as being very loyal and obedient to his MB superiors.

An East Banker from Koura, Northern Jordan, Irsheid is the regime’s number one pick because they do not want a Palestinian in any senior position, let alone being the Prime Minister of a Parliamentary body.

According to sources, Bani Irsheid established his credentials as a “confrontational” and “brazen” MB member by the group’s standards. This became apparent when he began attacking the United Arab Emirates on social media over a year ago. JaFaJ has also confirmed that he had not done any real jail time for his actions, and the Jordanian regime used said story as lip serves with the UAE in an effort to polish Bani Irshied’s image locally.

Bani Irshied has established seriously radical views on many regional issues, such as Israel, Palestine, trade and the economy. As such, he has had plenty of opportunities to promote public policy that is supportive of Iran. At the same time, he has “all of sudden” been exhibiting sympathy for Shiite religious dogma, recently criticizing Muhammad’s companion and friend, Muawiya Ibn Abi Sufian. Muawiya is the most hated man in the Shiite faith because it is believed that he stole the rulership from Muhammad’s cousin, Ali. At the same time, Sunnis strongly defend him because he is a close follower of the Prophet and one of Islam’s greatest Caliphs. Recently, Ban Irshied publicly commented that “Muawiya was the first one to break the Shura (democracy) practice in Islam”, which is absolute music to Iran’s ears and clearly shows his bona fide credentials.

Ironically, Bani Irshied has deep friendships in Washington DC. For example, Bani Irshied and a group of his MB colleagues were openly “trained” by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. This organization was at one time, headed by Biden’s current appointee as CIA Director, William Burns.

Further, Burn’s deputy for over a decade at the Endowment, was Marwan Muasher, Jordan’s former Deputy Prime Minister and current Senate member who is known to be the King’s Washington Guru. Muasher has been calling for ending the peace agreement between Jordan and Israel. Also, Muasher’s cousin is Rajaai Al-Muasher, the King’s “everything Minister”. In addition, Irshied was the chief point of contact between the American embassy in Amman and the MB during the Bush administration.


March 13, 2021 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Everything the ayatollahs touch turns sower!
    Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq (with the help of the war mongers and Bush) Argentina bombings, Venezuela and probably other countries in S America.
    Will Jordan become a new Lebanon?
    A casus belli?