Iran admits: Regime working with Soros organization

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif says government working ‘closely’ with George Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

BY Gary Willig, INN

George Soros

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif said Sunday that the Iranian government has worked closely with billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) organization.

Zarif made the remarks in response to questions raised in the Iranian parliament. According to Zarif, the activity began before he entered his current position, and he boasted that he had succeeded in “keeping the activity organized.”

OSF has funded a number of far-left organizations in Israel which seek to change the policy of Israel’s government.

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According to NGO Monitor, among the top beneficiaries of OSF funding is Human Rights Watch, which has been criticized for targeting, and falsely libeling, the state of Israel. Another is J Street, which describes itself as “pro-Israel” but has been termed anti-Israelby others for, among other things, welcoming proponents of a boycott on Israel at its national conference and honoring IDF soldiers who refused orders.

Another recipient of OSF funding is the Institute for Middle East Understanding, which, NGO-Monitor reports, is headed by staff who have accused Israel of war crimes and have termed Israel an “apartheid state.

The extreme-left Israeli group B’Tselem also receives OSF funds. B’Tselem is notorious for publishing one-sided reports, and for inflating Arab civilian casualty figures. For example, the group included hundreds of Hamas policemen in Gaza as “non-combatants,” and counted Sheikh Ahmed Yassin – then the leader of Hamas – as not a definite combatant.

B’Tselem has listed OSF as a source of support, but OSF has not listed B’Tselem as a recipient, indicating that the grant may have come through an overseas entity.

A leaked OSF document said that OSF’s strategy with respect to Israel is to “focus on raising the cost of the occupation and ending it on the one hand, and on human rights advocacy and protection on the other.”

January 20, 2020 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. @ David melech:
    No he didn’t. I attended a speech by Stokely Carmichael at Howard University in 1978. I was monitoring his activity for a major Jewish organization. I don’t recall that he was exiled to Guinea, although I will have to go back and research it. He did spend a long time living in Guinea which was led by Marxist Sekou Toure. He married popular African singer Miriam Makeba who, ironically, was very popular in Israel.

    EDIT: Technically, his for the rest if his life was Guinea, but he was not exiled, which I thought was the meaning of your assertion. He was free to travel to the US and frequently didn

  2. Schwartz aka soros found early on his miserable life where he belongs. Assisting SS officers stealing murdered Jews properties,
    Pillaging corporations, assisting Obama, serving the ‘yatholas. His time will come to account.

  3. A war criminal if ever there was one. It’s too bad that descendants of the families whose property he helped the Nazis to take don’t sue him. It’s too bad that what was done to Eichmann isn’t done to him.

  4. So how does o s f work closely with a terror govt? Or is zarif just a dreck disturber? How does the terror govt. work closely with soros? does soros visit the enemy state? do they sleep together at meetings in places like switzerland ? The article names names we know are anti Israel. Mr Willig needs to explain more his first 2 paragraphs.
    Does not the u.s. govt have a policy of ways to deal with traitors. Remember the fellow carmichael (forgot his first name) spent the rest of his life in someplace n. Africa.

  5. What a skunk Soros is. He never forgot the “lesson” that he learned as a fifteen-year-old boy: helping antisemites to harm his fellow Jews can be advantageous to him.

    An antisemitic Prime Minister of Maysia, Mohommed Matahir (have I spelled his name right?), used to attack Soros as the leader of the supposed Jewish-Zionist conspiracy. But his attacks stopped when Soros began working against Israel. This protected Soros from possible assassination by Muslim extremists. Perhaps it has also opened investment opportunities for him in the Islamic world.