Into the fray: The bitter fruits of Bibi’s Bar-Ilan blunder

03/13/2014 22:30

Obama’s recent interview clearly shows Netanyahu’s continued concessions have earned him only condemnation, not commendation; and produced pressures, not praise.

Netanyahu and Abbas

Netanyahu and Abbas Photo: REUTERS
    With each successive year, the window is closing for a peace deal that both the Israelis… and the Palestinians can accept… because Abbas is getting older… [He] has proven himself to be… committed to nonviolence and diplomatic efforts… We do not know what a successor to Abbas will look like.– Barack Obama, in interview with Jeffrey Goldberg, Bloomberg, March 2, 2014 
    What is really disturbing is that the international community seems less worried about Iran threatening to destroy Israel and more worried about the possibility of Israel stopping Iran from doing so… 
    – the Dry Bones comic strip, November 22, 2013

On June 14, 2009, at Bar-Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Binyamin Netanyahu, who just over three months previously was reelected for a second term as prime minister, reneged on an electoral pledge, and agreed to accept what he had vowed to prevent: The establishment of a Palestinian state.

Transformed structure of discourse 

True, he had made such acceptance conditional on stringent – indeed, unrealistic, unattainable – conditions, declaring: “If we receive this guarantee regarding demilitarization and Israel’s security needs, and if the Palestinians recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people, then we will be ready… to reach a solution where a demilitarized Palestinian state exists alongside the Jewish state.”

But this is cold comfort. For in the discourse on the Arab-Israel conflict, words once uttered have a dynamic of their own, and their impact frequently extends well beyond the control – and intentions – of those who uttered them.

Thus, by his reversal on the acceptability of Palestinian statehood, Netanyahu dramatically transformed the strategic structure of the discourse. The debate was now no longer over whether there should be a Palestinian state, but, irretrievably, became one over what the characteristics of that state should be.

Whatever Netanyahu might have meant – or hoped – the principle was indelibly established in the public consciousness: Even Bibi recognized that a Palestinian state was inevitable.

What features that state would eventually assume was a matter of detail to be settled in subsequent negotiations.

Genie out of the bottle… 

For example: What could be legitimately deemed as demilitarized? What could Israel reasonably demand to ensure its security needs? Who would be responsible for the Palestinians external security? The IDF? Arab military forces? As long as Israel adhered to the long-held Likud position of opposing Palestinian statehood, all these issues were irrelevant.

It is only once establishment of a Palestinian state is conceded that they acquire significance – and their discussion, political pertinence.

Accordingly, once Netanahyu, considered (perhaps, inappropriately) a hardline hawk, gave way on this matter, the genie, was so to speak, out of the bottle.

After all, resistance to conceding sovereignty (as opposed to limited autonomy) over significant portions of Judea-Samaria to an Arab regime had long been the defining hallmark of the Likud party – if not its raison d’etre. Even Labor leader Yitzhak Rabin, well after signing of the Oslo Accords, opposed the establishment of a Palestinian state, prescribing that in any permanent resolution, the Palestinian entity should be an “entity which is less than a state.”

Once the resolve of a Likud-led government on this cardinal principle was perceived to be broken, the flood gates were open for an inexorable torrent of additional demands for unprecedented Israeli concessions, each one more outrageous and outlandish than the previous one.

Pressure, not praise 

Netanyahu’s volte-face at Bar-Ilan brought him little praise from the international community or the Obama administration.

Quite the opposite.

Once exposed, his weakness precipitated mounting pressures to give way again and again. And each time he did, rather than receiving any commendation for his “moderation,” all Netanyahu got was continuing condemnation for not complying with the next emerging demand.

Thus, barely five months after the Bar-Ilan fiasco, he capitulated once again.

In November 2009, he announced an unprecedented 10-month building freeze in Jewish communities across the pre-1967 lines. Forlornly, he declared: “I hope this decision will help launch meaningful negotiations… that would finally end the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians,” adding, even more forlornly, “We have been told by many of our friends once Israel takes the first meaningful steps toward peace, the Palestinians and Arab states would respond” – as if Israel had not taken a myriad of “meaningful steps” in the preceding decade and a half since the Oslo Accords.

Significantly, he was at pains to stipulate that the freeze did not apply to Jerusalem, stating “We do not put any restrictions on building in our sovereign capital.”

Irrelevance of fine print 

This did nothing to save him from being viciously excoriated by the Obama administration because of a routine bureaucratic decision made during a visit by Vice President Joe Biden to Israel, approving an interim planning stage for future construction in an existing Jerusalem neighborhood.

The fundamental lesson that emerged from the Biden-Bibi brouhaha is that the fine print is meaningless. Once the building freeze was conceded, the details of any reservations as to its applicability became inconsequential. So it is with acknowledging the possibility of Palestinian statehood.

Once the principle of is conceded, details are of no interest. Any appended restrictions regarding that acceptability are brusquely swept aside.

Netanyahu appears to have failed to grasp this crucial aspect of the Mideast diplomatic process.

Rather than being feted for daring to forsake long-held positions and risking the ire of his political base, he found himself beset by increasingly strident demands for increasingly perilous or demeaning concessions, and increasingly castigated for not capitulating to them.

No matter how resolute his initial rejection, time after time, he eventually complied – creating greater incentive for the next round of implausible demands and the impatient expectation of continued compliance.

Cavalcade of concessions 

During the half-decade since that fateful lapse at Bar- Ilan, Netanyahu has consented to a series of far-reaching, previously inconceivable concessions – conveying that once any issue, no matter how pernicious or perilous, is raised, Israel will eventually give way.

His dramatic about-face on Palestinian statehood was soon followed by his aforementioned, unprecedented, and largely futile decision to freeze construction in Judea-Samaria – which was unreciprocated by the Palestinians, and unappreciated by the US and the international community.

This was merely a harbinger of things to come.

For instance, regarding the release of abducted IDF soldier Gilad Schalit, Netanyahu proclaimed resolutely in July 2010: “I understand the campaigns to free Schalit, but not at the price of the children, elderly and others who will die if the terrorists freed return to commit terror attacks.” But barely a year later, he did precisely that, releasing almost 1,030 Palestinian prisoners, including 280 sentenced to life imprisonment for terror attacks, and collectively responsible for the deaths of 569 Israelis.

Then came the Turkish debacle.

Cavalcade (cont.) 

In an news item headlined “PM: No compensation to Turkey” (July 2, 2010), The Jerusalem Post reported: “Netanyahu rejected the notion that Israel would pay any form of compensation… to Turkey for the nine Turkish citizens who were killed in the boarding of the Mavi Marmara as it sought to break the IDF blockade on Gaza.” In early September 2011, numerous media sources quoted Netanyahu’s defiant declaration: “We don’t have to apologize [to Turkey] for acting to defend our civilians, our children and our communities.”

Yet, on March 22, 2013, apparently in response to pressure from Obama on his visit to Israel, Netanyahu again gave way – not only apologizing to the abusive anti-Israel Turkish premier Recep Erdogan for IDF naval commandos defending themselves against disembowelment by frenzied Islamists, but engaging in negotiations for payment of generous compensation to the “victims” of their defensive actions.

The most heinous act of surrender was yet to come: The decision to bow to pressure from Secretary of State, John Kerry, and release scores of murderers convicted for brutal acts of terror, in return for no more than the doubtful privilege of coaxing the Palestinians to enter into reluctant negotiations, aimed at achieving what they purport to aspire to: statehood.

In light of this dismal record of spineless climb-downs, it is difficult to see how anyone – ally or adversary – could take any Israeli position seriously.

Cost of unbounded malleability

The manifest lack of Israeli resolve and seemingly boundless malleability has cost the country dear, gravely undermining vital national interests on both the Palestinian issue and the Iranian nuclear program.

Regarding the former, it is increasingly clear that by bowing to each implausible demand, Netanyahu has made the next implausible demand inevitable – like, for example, Obama’s wildly implausible demand, conveyed via his blatantly biased interview with Bloomberg’s Jeffrey Goldberg this month.

As Commentary blogger Rick Richman astutely observes, Obama urged Netanyahu to rush into an agreement with Mahmoud Abbas, “an aging ‘president’ more than five years past the end of his stated term – someone with no known successor, no process for choosing one, no institutions for holding elections… presiding over a society steeped in anti-Semitic incitement, unwilling to endorse even the concept of ‘two states for two peoples’ (much less explicitly recognize a Jewish state).”

And the reason proffered by Obama for such ill-considered haste – i.e., “We do not know what a successor to Abbas will look like” – is of course precisely the reason to resist it.

There are, however, alarmingly signs that Netanyahu will not.

Palestinian-Iranian nexus

Israeli flaccidity in dealing with the Palestinian issue has gravely undermined its credibility, in terms of the credence that can be attributed to its declared positions at any given moment, and its resolve to back them up with assertive action. This, in turn, has severely curtailed Israel’s ability to marshal effective international action against the Iranian nuclear program, particularly in the wake of the fateful P5+1 interim agreement reached in Geneva last November.

Over a good number of years, Israel and, to his credit, Netanyahu, have mounted an assertive campaign to mobilize the international community to prevent Iran from attaining weaponized nuclear capability. In so doing, he has attempted to decouple the Iran issue from the Palestinian problem.

In this he has been right. And he has been wrong.

He has been right in insisting that progress toward resolving the Palestinian problem will not assist in preventing Iran’s nuclear drive – which is fueled more by desires to attain Persian hegemony than to address Palestinian statelessness.

But he has been wrong in failing to recognize that there is an entirely different Iranian-Palestinian nexus.

The Palestinian national narrative and Jewish national narrative are – despite what naïve peace addicts believe – demonstrably mutually exclusive. The validity of one negates the validity of the other.

And the continual Israeli concessions convey a message that validates the perceived legitimacy of the Palestinian narrative – for otherwise why would Israel, as the stronger party, make them? The inevitable consequence is an ongoing erosion of the perceived legitimacy of the Zionist narrative.

Dry Bones and bitter fruits 

This clearly affects world sentiment toward Israel and the motivation to help remove any threats facing it. An increasingly delegitimized Israel is seen more and more as an increasingly legitimate target – resulting in increasing international reluctance to contend effectively with dangers perceived (incorrectly) as primarily menacing Israel.

The result has been, as the Dry Bones comic strip wryly quips, that “the international community seems less worried about Iran threatening to destroy Israel and more worried about the possibility of Israel stopping Iran from doing so…” These, then, are the bitter fruits that grew out of the seed sown by Bibi’s blunder at Bar-Ilan.

Martin Sherman is founder and executive director of the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.

March 15, 2014 | 10 Comments »

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10 Comments / 10 Comments

  1. Bill,

    You describe my “assessment” as fatalistic.

    Nothing could be further from the the truth. In fact if anything/one is “fatalistic”, it is Israeli officialdom as reflected in its abysmal and apologetic efforts in presenting Israel’s case abroad – which is pathetic in terms of its qualitative content and pitiful in terms of the quantitative resources allotted it.

    This is the first urgent issue to address, as I have indicated previously – see

    The first order of business would be to devise and deploy a political “Iron Dome” to protect Israel from the incoming barrages of delegitimization and demonization…

    Perhaps the most important lesson the pro-Zionist advocates of today should learn from the Palestinians is this: “If you will it, it is no fantasy.”

    You suggest that my allegedly “fatalistic assessment of where Israel is now at and where she is inevitably headed, evinces a hopelessness that barring a Messianic intervention Israel’s ultimate demise is certain”

    Clearly if Israel continues along its present path of needless, and heedless capitulation to the demands of its implacable adversaries, it will, by its own hand, make its demise certain. What is required is not a messiah but far-sighted strategic policy backed by leadership with the resolve, resources and resourcefulness to implement it.

    As to the substantive content of the such policy, this too is something I have prescribed at length – which would need to be promoted by an assertive and comprehensive public diplomacy offensive (see “Billion Dollars” above

    Again with regard to policy, for what I believe is the only non-coercive approach that can ensure the long-term survival of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people – i.e. enable Israel to adequately address both the imperatives – the Geographic and the Demographic – necessary for that survival, see:














    RETHINKING PALESTINE,7340,L-3863043,00.html

  2. @ Bear Klein:
    🙂 I’ll try next time, if any.
    I do not know if you know about or recall the famous Israeli practice for marketing BS. “ISRABLOF”… The governing gangs practice that par excellence.

  3. Bill Narvey Said:

    Sherman’s fatalistic assessment of where Israel is now at and where she is inevitably headed, evinces a hopelessness that barring a Messianic intervention Israel’s ultimate demise is certain, even if the timing of that demise is uncertain.

    Jewish tradition states the Messiah will come when the Jewish people are worthy.

    Some things don’t seem to change.

    The Book of Esther which we will read tomorrow describes the ideal Jewish leader: The sages of the Talmud expressly provided that one cannot and should not rely on a miracle. For Mordechai, the Jew of ancient Shushan, it was not enough to have the anti-Jewish decree revoked. He also realized that it was necessary to pray and fast — and pray and fast he did. He saw that it was necessary to plead with the king, and so he sent a certain lady to plead with him. Ultimately, he also asked the king’s permission to destroy and kill all of Haman’s followers, and if the Book of Esther says that he killed seventy-five thousand men that day it means that Haman has a whole party behind him a kind of Persian SS or PLO/Hamas, through which he had intended to implement his final solution. On them Mordechai took his revenge.

    What Mordechai did in Shushan was to set up a Jewish Defense — and Revenge — League. The Book of Esther, which was compiled in Persia, says that he did so with King Ahasuerus’ consent. But who can tell. Queen Esther certainly could not tell the whole truth, how Mordechai had set up this organization long before he got official permission for it, so that it was ready when he needed it. Therefore, a people that has a leader like Mordechai, a leader who can follow the triple course of faith and prayer, of political action and active defense may call itself truly blessed.

  4. It is alike the cocatrice that Netanyahu also allowed to appear by waiving Iran to complete its nuclear plans. Netanyahu is an empty wind bag only able to make faces and gestures.
    A liar, betrayer, false coin.
    We will pay with many lives and terrible heritage loses by allowing such specimen and associates to remain in power.

  5. @ Bill Narvey:
    Obama is neither omnipotent nor unremovable. A Republican-controlled US Senate now seems likely in the November 2014 national elections, with continued control of the US House of Represenatives by Republicans all but assured. What that implies is that after January 20, 2015, when the newly-elected Congress takes over, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives will be looking for reasons to vote a bill of impeachment against Obama. If so, a Republican-controlled Senate will debate and then vote for or against the impeachment.

    Either that, or Obama will be compelled to cease his incessant governing with unconstitutional measures. It is hard to say if he will be able to do that. Or he may think that being removed from office by the US Constitution’s impeachment provision will convert him to America’s first politically-martyred black president.

    In any case, the USA no longer has the power to play a role as master of the world. And I think the upshot of the struggle Obama and Kerry have worked up in regard to Russia protecting its southwestern border lands will further weaken Washington’s imperial stances, including their ability to dictate terms and conditions to the Jewish state. A major cultural difference between Americans and Russians is that American leaders bluff as though they were playing poker, while Russian leaders always lead from strength, and they play chess.

    This is a struggle that I want Russia to win. Because a weaker Obama strengthens Israel.

    Arnold Harris
    Mount Horeb WI

  6. @ Bill Narvey:

    Will such Israeli come forward and be the Messiah Israel appears to be desperately in need of to put the Palestinian genie back in the bottle, reverse Israeli concessions of position, authority and territory and with that restore hope to what Sherman contends is Israel’s ultimately hopeless situation?

    As I am slowly turning blue from holding my breath for just such an Israeli to come forward… I hope and pray that indeed that moment will arrive.

  7. Assuming Sherman’s take on the significance and ramifications of Netanyahu’s announcement at Bar Ilan University in 2009 that Israel agreed to a goal of establishing an independent Palestinian state, is correct, then what?

    After all Sherman essentially contends that Netanyahu by that momentous statement, let the Palestinian genie out of the bottle and it cannot be put back. With that Israel has only given, Palestinians have only taken and the world increasingly condemns Israel regardless and only demands more of Israel and still nothing of Palestinians.

    Sherman’s fatalistic assessment of where Israel is now at and where she is inevitably headed, evinces a hopelessness that barring a Messianic intervention Israel’s ultimate demise is certain, even if the timing of that demise is uncertain.

    Obama has proven to be effectively powerful in two respects.

    In the field of U.S. domestic politics, he has astutely and ruthlessly used every political Machiavellian trick and tool available to him and what is not, he has
    invented to push forward his transformative agenda to the disadvantage and harm of America.

    On the world stage, Obama has been powerful against Israel, but only against Israel.

    Whether Obama was just too powerful for Netanyahu to resist, Netanyahu was not as strong as one would have hoped or a combination thereof is immaterial to Sherman’s assessment of where Israel is at and why so much of Israel’s much weakened position vis a vis Palestinians and on the world stage can be laid at the foot of Netanyahu’s fateful decision to agree, even on conditions to accepting a Palestinian state.

    However accurate a portrayal of Israel’s reality and inevitable end that Sherman has fashioned, it is also a reality that at least some stalwarts whose lives are on the line cannot bring themselves to accept their situation is hopeless and they will fight to their last breath to regain hope for life for themselves and their people.

    Will such Israeli come forward and be the Messiah Israel appears to be desperately in need of to put the Palestinian genie back in the bottle, reverse Israeli concessions of position, authority and territory and with that restore hope to what Sherman contends is Israel’s ultimately hopeless situation?