India and Israel facing ‘Evangelical assault” and how it is bringing India & Israel closer

Dr. Anush Solomon Joy with Rabbi Tovia Singer, founder of the Outreach Judaism on how India and Israel are facing the issue of heightened activity of conversion of vulnerable innocent citizens by the evangelist organisations and its repercussions on inherent ethnicity of their respective countries

February 8, 2021 | 4 Comments »

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  1. Tovia, Move Over! You Have an Ally in Bill Maher!

    Bill Maher Claims Christianity Is To Blame For Capitol Riot

    “By LifeZette
    08 February, 2021 / 18:48EST
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    “During Friday’s episode of “Real Time With Bill Maher,” host Bill Maher blamed Christianity for the Capitol riots last month.

    “Maher, 65, claimed that a belief in Christianity is comparable to a belief in conspiracies like QAnon, and he said this led in part to supporters of former President Donald Trump storming the Capitol last month.”

  2. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    I disagree…always have. Allowing Missionaries to “missionise” only encourages them further to redouble their efforts. Counter missions have been historically failures except in isolated cases.

    The only solution is to BAN identified MIssionaries from entering the country, and , those who slip in under another guise, (which is a very common subterfuge) as soon as identified, should be heavily fined and booted out. And I mean HEAVILY on both remedies. Jews are notoriously weak-willed when they are being “schmoozed”, and we KNOW by the experience of our own eyes and ears. But for Missionaries-who were the backbone of conversion, forced or otherwise, , there would be 3-400,million Jews today..

    Writers, delving into Spain’s social history, with reference to Jews, have estimated that over 60% of Spaniards (alone) are Jewish by descent , if not practice. There have been several detailed books on the subject. And not by speculative writers either but serious scholars. Itemised and detailed footnotes included. Several genealogicl lines also, as examples.

    And we also know that a converted Jew is a worse enemy than a fervent Christian.

    After the Holocaust, there were 12 mill Jews. By now, 75 years later, in a free world, we should number over 25 mill. But even scraping the barel w are 14 mil, and the majority is the Schumer style Jew (A-men and A- Women) AND ANTI-ISRAEL.

    As for Jewish Proselytism of the period of the Dages. That’s a good idea. The people aimed at tthen, were the G-D Fearers, who crwoded into the syagogies, not Pagans any more, but not Jews who followed the 613 precepts. They were Noachides, and half way there. There are many like that today and this is a FIRST CLASS idea.

  3. @ Adam Dalgliesh:
    I agree with your analysis here, but I suspect the real reason for this outreach between these two nations is to help fortify a stronger relationship between them to face off larger powers(Obama’s third term, China) who would try to manipulate the Indian and Israeli gov’ts against their own interests.

  4. I think that forming this organization is a mistake.There is no need to form an international alliance to combat Christian evangelism.We don’t need India’s help to deal with this problem. And the Indians don’t need our help.

    Many evangelical Chiristians, despite engaging in some some offensive efforts to convert Jews, are suppotive of Israel. I don’t favor going out of our way to alienate them. To the extent that Jews face a threat from another faith in the present time, it is from Islam, not Christianity.

    I believe that people do have a right to try to convert others to their religion by peaceful means, without threats or coercion. The best way to deal with this threat toJudaism is vigorous countermissionary propaganda aimed at Jews who are vulnerable to conversion because of their ignorance of and lack of belief in their own ancestral faith. Even better, explaining to them the true meaning and value of Judaism, and the enormous spiriual rewards it offers Jews.

    Another way of dealing with this spirituall threat would be for our rabbis to take a more friendly and welcoming, positive attitude towards people seeking conversion to Judaim. I believe that there are ways of doing this without violating halakha or watering down Judaism. During the early period of Christian evangelism, between roughly 45 CE and 600 CE, Christian leaders frequently complained that Jews were successfully competing with them for converts. There is even a complaint about Jewish “prosylitism” (more or less evangelism by another name) in the Gospel of Mathew. Maybe we should revive the openness to Gentiles converting to Judaism of the Jewish sages of that period.