In praise of Israpundit and Ted Belman

By Ted Belman

Occasionally, I receive emails of praise and appreciation.

A few of such emails have been added to this post.

From time to time I will add more .

I was first introduced to ISRAPUNDIT by an associate at the US National Security Agency who has outstanding connections throughout the middle east. [He later served as a top official at the US Department of Energy.] Since then I and many of my associates, both military and civilian, regularly read ISRAPUNDIT for its wide range of interesting, valuable articles. Ted Belman deserves our highest accolades for the first-rate product that he produces.

To enable you to evaluate my wholehearted endorsement of ISRAPUNDIT, let me reproduce part of the Vita prepared by the US Department of Defense in conjunction with some of my DoD advisory activities.

Attachment1: Howard Laitin Torrance : California : United States

Harvard, Ph.D.(Economics; Public Health). National Defense University Graduate Program; U.S. Army Command and General Staff College; Career Officer Course; Lt. Col. USA (Retired).

Chief Scientist, Hughes Aircraft Company & Raytheon Corporation (Retired). Adjunct Professor of Engineering, USC. Clinical Associate Professor of Public Health, UCLA. Registered Professional Engineer (California).

Consultant/Advisor: Center for Strategic and International Studies; Hudson Institute; Institute for Defense Analyses; Rand Corporation; Government Accountability Office; Office of Management and Budget; Department of Defense; Department of Health and Human Services; Department of Transportation; US Treasury. Army Science Board; National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration; National Science Foundation. US Customs Service.; US Public Health Service.

Chairman Environmental Quality Programs: Governor Ronald Reagan, Governor Jerry Brown.

You are doing fantastic work, and I am sure that all your readers appreciate it. You are amazingly thorough, and you select items of merit on the most important issues. I don’t think anyone in the world can match you.

“I recall a silly reader who claimed that he stopped reading Israpundit because he disagreed on just one point. That’s an absurd attitude. If you read only things you agree with, you will never learn anything. Besides, you won’t even understand your own positions, because you won’t know the alternatives to them, the arguments against them, and how to answer them.”

I read it everyday, Ted, and have sent it around to many others! It’s a great aggregate site for conservative news both in Israel and the USA, as well as around the globe! The editorial pieces are also excellent! Thank you!

“What a great forum that is here at Israpundit. Lots of different opinions, but in the end we are all family and one.

Thank you for all of you for contributing your thoughts and opinions. They all really mean a lot to me! I go to Israpundit every single day, and also because of the comments, i.e. the discussion behind the articles.

And especially thank you for you, dear Mr. Belman. You’re an outstanding person, a gentleman, very smart, intellectual, and – or but what matters the most – with a good heart! G’d bless you.

Email received from Ellen Mendel, LCSW, NCPsyA
President, Alfred Adler Institute of NY
Adlerian Analyst, Private Practice

Your work is amazing! I have watched your excellent interview and listened to and read the research you have done which has helped me connect the dots! Israpundit is my daily go-to! It’s a great idea to have Very Good News Israel to remind others of the amazing work that Israel has done to help the rest of the world. Keep up the good work!

Perhaps, it doesn’t much matter what I think, but in my book, Ted is great on so many levels. His opinions are always well informed, and effectively communicated. The amount of work he puts out is impressive, and, as a news aggregtor on matters that are important to me, I depend on Ted heavily. Ted Belman is an essential part of my intellectual life.

Am Israel Chai

Email from David L Cohen, Lt. Col., USAF (Ret)

Wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts at keeping your audience aware of what is going on in Israel as well as worldwide Jewish issues.
I look forward to reading your material every day and passing them on to my own distribution lists.
Your selections tend to be both timely and important.
As you know, there are only a handful of Jewish writers (Caroline Glick, Melanie Phillips, Jack Eberhart, and you) whose postings convey reality on the ground whether in Israel, the Middle East, the US, the EU, UK, etc.
Certainly a tribute to them and you for quality, accuracy, and timeliness.
Keep doing what you are doing as long as you can.
You are a much valued commentator, a star at what you do.
Very much appreciated.
Most sincerely,

Yes, I absolutely agree. Israpundit is a wonderful resource, which I often forward to friends and family in various countries around the world as well as here in the UK. There is such a dearth of real information about Israel, and the western MSM are so biased, that Israpundit is filling a vital gap. We advocates for Israel need this newsletter for our voluntary work, and to counter all the negative views of Israel that are so widely read.Thank you so much, Ted. Am Israel Chai!

Email receiuved:

I would like to thank Mr. Belman, the creator of this fantastic site. I’m here every day.
Thank you, Mr. Belman!
And then to Miss Rowell and to Peloni. It’s great work you do.

And be sure to read the comments also.

April 6, 2024 | 24 Comments »

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24 Comments / 24 Comments

  1. As a longtime and daily visitor to Israpundit (and fellow Canuck – hence my name) I echo all of the forgoing superlatives.

    While I go to other, very good conservative oriented sites none of them offer the kind of mix of Israel/Jewish and general news and opinion pieces most of which I never see anywhere else, all of which enable readers to better grasp what’s actually happening in our confusing, perilous world, and get an advance preview of what’s headed our way long before most people have even an inkling.
    Your discernment for high quality, thought provoking, eclectic, informative material is unparalleled in my web travels. May you stay healthy for many years to come and continue to go from strength to strength.

  2. Email received.
    Please count me among your your list of dedicated readers. I look forward to your newsletter every day.

    I regularly share material from your steady stream of valuable perspectives which need exposure. These, not easily found ideas ares most valuable to my understanding of the existential conflict we now face as Jews and for our israel.

  3. Fully agree – I’m very grateful for the context Ted brings, in the Land, in the US and globally.
    Shalom, Shalom

  4. Yes, I absolutely agree. Israpundit is a wonderful resource, which I often forward to friends and family in various countries around the world as well as here in the UK. There is such a dearth of real information about Israel, and the western MSM are so biased, that Israpundit is filling a vital gap. We advocates for Israel need this newsletter for our voluntary work, and to counter all the negative views of Israel that are so widely read.Thank you so much, Ted. Am Israel Chai!

  5. Perhaps, it doesn’t much matter what I think, but in my book, Ted is great on so many levels. His opinions are always well informed, and effectively communicated. The amount of work he puts out is impressive, and, as a news aggregtor on matters that are important to me, I depend on Ted heavily. Ted Belman is an essential part of my intellectual life.

    Am Israel Chai

  6. Dear Ted, we are visiting your site every day. It is priceless! Thank you for the information you are posting!

  7. Email from David L Cohen, Lt. Col., USAF (Ret)

    Wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your efforts at keeping your audience aware of what is going on in Israel as well as worldwide Jewish issues.
    I look forward to reading your material every day and passing them on to my own distribution lists.
    Your selections tend to be both timely and important.
    As you know, there are only a handful of Jewish writers (Caroline Glick, Melanie Phillips, Jack Eberhart, and you) whose postings convey reality on the ground whether in Israel, the Middle East, the US, the EU, UK, etc.
    Certainly a tribute to them and you for quality, accuracy, and timeliness.
    Keep doing what you are doing as long as you can.
    You are a much valued commentator, a star at what you do.
    Very much appreciated.
    Most sincerely,

  8. Email received from Ellen Mendel, LCSW, NCPsyA
    President, Alfred Adler Institute of NY
    Adlerian Analyst, Private Practice

    Your work is amazing! I have watched your excellent interview and listened to and read the research you have done which has helped me connect the dots! Israpundit is my daily go-to! It’s a great idea to have Very Good News Israel to remind others of the amazing work that Israel has done to help the rest of the world. Keep up the good work!

  9. Ted, I really don’t know what I would do without all your wonderful and truthful writings. You are my only go to for comprehensive information for both my country and yours. Please keep up with your brilliant work. Dr Irwin Hurwitz

  10. Email received from Stephen Kruger, reading 100 Year Betrayal of Israel by the West

    Great article. Send copies around to Jewish Studies / Middle East departments in universities.

    Comment 1: If present-day Jordan had not been severed from Mandatory Palestine, it would have been part of Israel. That land would have provided sufficient space for the government of Israel to take in the European Jews who are threatened by contemporary Moslem Jew-haters.

    Comment 2: Is it correct that the Golan Heights were severed from Mandatory Palestine, and were given by the UK to France? You did not mention it in your article. If so, that was another betrayal. Possession of the Golan Heights would have been advantageous to the Israeli military.

    The question, at the end of your article, was whether President Trump will put an end to the 100-year betrayal. My answer: No. The other day, Mr. Trump invited the Jew-murderer, “President” Abbas, to the White House. Just as President Obama invited “President ” Abbas to the White House in 2010. Also, President Trump reneged on his campaign promise to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel..

    See my article, “A Trilogy of Essays About the Circumstances of Israel: 2016”. Posted on the SSRN web site.

  11. Email received in 2018


  12. Email received in 2017

    Thank YOU, very much.
    If there is a Jewish future, you and people like you are vital to making that a reality.
    I live in a town in California filled with loony university liberals. Yours is a refreshing voice of fact and sane analysis.

  13. @Ted, You deserve all the kudos that you get, and then some.

    FWIW, you remind me in many ways of my mentor, of blessed memory, Jacob Greenberg of Seattle, WA. You even kind of look like him.

  14. @Ted I am grateful for the range of interesting articles on this website, as well as thoughtful comments from which I have learned a lot. This is a great place to learn about what is happening in Israel as well as to learn about how others view what is going on in the US and Canada. Thank you for all the hard work you do!

  15. @Ted
    The work you do here provides an incredibly important service to us all. Beyond the brilliant collection of relevant articles you collect and post daily here on Israpundit, I find the insightful articles authored by yourself to add an even greater weight as they relate and better explain the situations related in many of the articles you previously posted. Additionally, the forum for which you provide personal commentary on the articles is an important one, made all the more significant in the age of govt sponsored censorship of unapproved narratives. Indeed, the vibrant discussions held here, which are never dull, never fail to expose the finer details of truth held within the articles posted.

    Yet, beyond all of this, I believe that your most important and instructive work has been with the development and promotion of the Jordan Option as a plan for a better future. I look forward to the moment when your plan becomes operational with the rise Mudar to lead the New Jordan towards a path of reciprocal support between the two daughter states of what was once called Palestine. A truly revolutionary goal, the fruition of which will greatly the entire region and how it relates to the world at large.

    Shana Tova!