Imagine the unimaginable

By Victor Davis Hanson, JWR

Americans are now entering uncharted, revolutionary territory. They may witness things over the next five months that once would have seemed unimaginable.

Until the Ukrainian conflict, we had never witnessed a major land war inside Europe directly involving a nuclear power.

In desperation, Russia’s impaired and unhinged leader, Russian President Vladimir Putin, now talks trash about the likelihood of nuclear war.

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A 79-year-old President Joe Biden bellows back that his war-losing nuclear adversary is a murderer, a war criminal, and a butcher who should be removed from power.

After a year of politicizing the U.S. military and its self-induced catastrophe in Afghanistan, America has lost deterrence abroad. China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia are conniving how best to exploit this rare window of global military opportunity.

The traditional bedrocks of the American system — a stable economy, energy independence, vast surpluses of food, hallowed universities, a professional judiciary, law enforcement, and a credible criminal justice system — are dissolving.

Gas and diesel prices are hitting historic levels. Inflation is at a 40-year high. New cars and homes are unaffordable. The necessary remedy of high interest and tight money will be almost as bad as the disease of hyperinflation.

There is no southern border.

Expect over 1 million foreign nationals to swarm this summer into the United States without audit, COVID testing, or vaccination. None will have any worry of consequences for breaking U.S. immigration law.

Police are underfunded and increasingly defunded. District attorneys deliberately release violent criminals without charges. (Literally 10,000 people witnessed a deranged man with a knife attack comedian Dave Chappelle on stage at the Hollywood Bowl last week, and the Los Angeles County D.A. refused to press felony charges.) Murder and assault are spiraling. Carjacking and smash-and-grab thefts are now normal big-city events.

Crime is now mostly a political matter. Ideology, race, and politics determine whether the law is even applied.

Supermarket shelves are thinning, and meats are now beyond the budgets of millions of Americans. An American president — in a first — casually warns of food shortages. Baby formula has disappeared from many shelves.

Politics are resembling the violent last days of the Roman Republic. An illegal leak of a possible impending Supreme Court reversal of Roe v. Wade that would allow state voters to set their own abortion laws has created a national hysteria.

Never has a White House tacitly approved mobs of protesters showing up at Supreme Court justices’ homes to rant and bully them into altering their votes.

There is no free speech any more on campuses.

Merit is disappearing. Admissions, hiring, promotion, retention, grading, and advancement are predicated increasingly on mouthing the right orthodoxies or belonging to the proper racial, gender, or ethnic category.

When the new campus commissariat finally finishes absorbing the last redoubts in science, math, engineering, medical, and professional schools, America will slide into permanent mediocrity and irreversible declining standards of living.

What happened?

Remember all these catastrophes are self-induced. They are choices, not fate. The U.S. has the largest combined gas, coal, and oil deposits in the world. It possesses the know-how to build the safest pipelines and to ensure the cleanest energy development on the planet.

Inflation was a deliberate Biden choice. For short-term political advantage, he kept printing trillions of dollars, incentivizing labor non-participation, and keeping interest rates at historical lows — at a time of pent-up global demand.

The administration wanted no border. Only that way can politicized, impoverished immigrants repay left-wing undermining of the entire legal immigration system with their fealty at the ballot box.

Once esoteric, crack-pot academic theories — “modern monetary theory,” critical legal theory, critical race theory — now dominate policymaking in the Biden Administration.

The common denominator in all of this is ideology overruling empiricism, common sense, and pragmatism. Ruling elites would rather be politically correct failures and unpopular than politically incorrect, successful, and popular.

Is that not the tired story of left-wing revolutionaries from 18th-century France to early 20th-century Russia to the contemporary disasters in Cuba and Venezuela?

The American people reject the calamitous policies of 2021-2022. Yet the radical cadres surrounding a cognitively inert Biden still push them through by executive orders, bureaucratic directives, and deliberate cabinet nonperformance.

Why? The Left has no confidence either in constitutional government or common sense.

May 12, 2022 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. Many thanks for all the answers to my admittedly provocative comment. Just as a response, on other sites we get to hear a number of “media stars” suggesting that the tables will be turned soon. Again, admittedly, they have been saying this for quite a while now but with the event of the 2000 Mules, this is picking up pace and we are led to believe that something is likely to happen soon. The major problem ahead, from Donald Trump’s point of view, is that the democrats are aware of that too and they are preparing their response, likely with lawfare on top of all the protests such as those against the judges of the SCOTUS which seem to be OK from the government’s point of view.
    Just as a quick aside, the recent protests seem to have been based on a rumor that SCOTUS intended to strike down Roe v. Wade. Actually, they are currently dealing with the subject of the elections that got Biden into power.

  2. @ Honeybee Well I do llike Trump and he’s a TV star as is Dr. Oz, who he endorsed, and when criticised for it he said having a popular and well respected TV show for 18 seasons is a sign of electability (besides praising Mr. Trump’s health except for needing to lose a couple of pounds, ha ha.)

  3. “The fault, dear Brutus is not in our stars, / But in ourselves, that we are underlings.”

  4. @dreuveni
    In truth and fairness, Trump, as president, was not all powerful as he stood against the deep state in a battle for which he was greatly abused. The abuse he suffered was not only from those he opposed, but also by both those who should have been counted as his ally, as well as the very agencies which should have secured his victory. There are things that he could have done, but they would have been unprecedented which would have been challenged in court and he would likely have been reversed and painted as a petty tyrant. Some believe he should have still made the stand at the time to demonstrate the fraud was fraudulent, but it could have forever poisoned the well of actually achieving the intended goal, as he was an interested party, going against precedent and he would have been painted as ‘miraculously’ showing the world he ‘won’. By doing so, his chance of victory would be tempered by the knowledge that his potential defeat would leave every future act of liberty charged as an act of sedition, as what they would claim was his abuse of power would legitimize their own perpetual exercise of abuse of powers.

    In acting as he has, Trump has placed a great deal of awareness upon the American people, Left, Right and Center, that the freedoms of American citizens, all citizens, are truly at risk and that each citizen, rather than their leaders, bear a significant measure of personal responsibility for safeguarding these freedoms for themselves. The lesson has too well been learned that “The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground”, as our govt has marched at an unnatural pace towards seizing our every liberty.

    With nothing to gain in taking on the battle with the Deep State but the victory of their defeat, Trump stood against the massive deep state and found that as he faced it, it stood in the trenches beside him as it also stood in the trenches before him. The fact that the tyranny he opposed was so well baked into the infrastructure that he expected to support his pursuit of just causes, should not be counted as a reproach upon the only figure bold enough to stand against such tyrannies. The simple truth is that the fault for such tyrannies being so intimately folded into the American govt is that the American People had been too long contented with accepting the corruptions being emplaced within the system that was designed to extend and protect their liberties. Their complacency in the face of such corruptions was the quiet call to action that actually stirred Trump from his successful life to play the role that he has come to hold as a beckoning for a return to decency, reciprocity and propriety, even as some have come to chastise him for progressing too slowly or succeeding in too little.

    Trump alone, can not win this battle. He not only knows this, he demonstrated this to the American People, as he has never succumbed to the misrepresentation of defeat that has been been chastised against his continued pursuit of certifying his honest victory. It is possible that he can lead the people back to some remnant of what has been stolen from them, but to do so, it is incumbent upon the people to support him with local representation, national organization and the general exercise of personal responsibility for what they have too long been irresponsible in making secure – the liberties and freedoms that were made secure by their forefathers for them, and which is in great jeopardy of being forfeited by them and transmuted into a state of servitude to be bequeathed to their children, and their children’s children.


    Dee, this comment is not logical.. Why is blame for everything piled on one man’s shoulders. Especially when he’s so deeply involved in staying both relevant and out of the clutches of the Justice dept.

    Trump, especially with the country in crisis; produced miracles. But we are expecting constant miracles.

    Ironically, WIKI in it’s obsessively derogatory article on Trump, even has a record of the number of golf rounds he’s played during his Presidency, apparently one per week.

    This, it seems, is a black mark against him.

  6. D. Reuveni,

    The biggest question in my mind is: if Donald Trump can actually do something about this

    Did Hansen say Trump could fix this? I don’t recall him saying so. Hansen predicted five months of ever-deepening doom — a period from now until the mid-term elections. Airplane USA is in a straight, uncontrolled dive. We can only try to slow the fall somehow (easier said than done), and pray that we don’t crash before the five months is over. Donald Trump can endorse candidates, and we can get out the vote and seek to remedy the most egregious election fraud.. That’s it.

  7. The biggest question in my mind is: if Donald Trump can actually do something about this situation, I have doubts if the US citizens will forgive him for waiting so long when he finally gets around to doing it?