I’m still not buying it.

Netanyahu: Syrian chaos necessitated my apology to Turkey

Amidror: We initiated apology to Turkey, not the US

Gantz backs Netanyahu’s mending ties with Turkey

Ya’alon: Netanyahu made a responsible decision on Turkey

Ayalon: Time is Ripe For Israel to Apologize Over Mavi Marmara

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Netanyahu had no right to humiliate Israelis. He should have demanded an apology from Turkey before Turkey demanded one from Israel. You can’t win on defense. Turkey needed good relations with Israel than the other way around. Obama also needs Turkey and Israel to work together so that he could coordinate the take down of Syria.

This apology reminds me of the ceasefire that Bibi accepted with Hamas where Israel did all the giving. Likewise, Israel is making concessions to Abbas to get them to negotiate. Makes me sick.

March 24, 2013 | 12 Comments »

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12 Comments / 12 Comments

  1. Turkey Apology ‘Pathetic Pandering to Islamic Extremism’
    “Turkey’s Tayyip Erdogan should be tried for the deaths of the activists on the Marmara,” says Shurat HaDin’s Nitzana Darshan Leitner.

    “Israel’s decision to apologize to Turkey is pathetic pandering to an Islamic extremist who compared Zionism to fascism and is still trying to indict Israeli officers for war crimes,” said Nitzana Darshan Leitner,director of Shurat HaDin Israel Law Center.

    Obama in Israel… Editorial of The New York Sun | March 23, 2013

    Mr. Obama ended his visit by hornswoggling Prime Minister Netanyahu into apologizing to the Turkish premier, Recep Erdogan, for the deaths on the Motor Vessel Mavi Marmarra. We don’t fault Mr. Netanyahu. . . . But sending the Mavi Marmarra to run Israel’s blockade was one of the most provocative acts any major country has ever countenanced against Israel. The blood of the nine dead is entirely on Turkish hands. It was the Turk who owed the apology. By maneuvering things the other way around Mr. Obama offered an incentive for more trouble that will mar the good feelings he seems so sincerely to want to engender.

    Right Turn
    Jennifer Rubin’s take from a conservative perspective

    “Ironically, what a U.N. investigation defended (astonishingly for the United Nations) – Israel’s right of self-defense and right to maintain a blockade– Obama pressured Israel to apologize for to the enablers of the raid.

    One can argue that the terms if the apology are muted. It went to pains to reiterate that Israel’s own report found there were missteps (“In light of Israel’s investigation into the incident, which pointed to a number of operational mistakes, the prime minister expressed Israel’s apology to the Turkish people for any mistakes that might have led to the loss of life or injury”).

    One can hope that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu got something more than restoration of diplomatic relations (A green light from Obama on Iran? A promise of bunker-buster bombs?) to make it worth his while. But to the outside world this will look like the United States leaning on Israel to apologize for defending itself. That, unfortunately, sends the wrong signal to the PA, Hamas, Turkey and just about everyone in the region. And unless Israel got something very dear in return, it suggests that Obama still views Israel as the party responsible for conflict and violence.”

  2. yamit82 Said:

    Netanyahu apologized to the Turkish people “for any operational errors that could have led to loss of life” in the Mavi Marmara incident, “and agreed to complete the agreement on compensation,” his office later said in a statement. Erdogan reportedly accepted the Israeli apology and said his government would end legal proceedings against Israeli officers and officials involved in the incident.
    Navy commandos disappointed by apology to Turkey
    ‘I don’t feel we did anything wrong,’ says one soldier who took part in the flotilla raid; another blames government for abandoning fighters
    “I don’t feel we did anything wrong,” one of the commandos, who for security reasons requested to identify only by the initial “N”, told the Hebrew daily Maariv on Sunday. “We did the right thing, I’m not ashamed of it, and we have nothing to apologize for.”
    “What bothers us most,” a disappointed soldier told a Yedioth Ahronoth reporter, “is reconciliation with the Turks while some of us back here have not yet received the compensation and disability benefits we deserve as a result of the incident.”
    Soldiers who participated in the raid still suffered from post-traumatic stress, and the government had not done enough to rehabilitate them, he claimed.

    Yamit – Israel will pay compensation to the families of the Islamic terrorists who sought to murder Israeli soldiers in cold blood while Israel cannot even afford to take care of its brave servicemen who risked their lives for their country? It makes my blood boil! And my anger is self-righteous at the evil that was done to the House Of Israel! This is conduct going beyond the merely stupid and criminal – its treasonous but Netanyahu and his ilk will get away with it and they will not be held accountable! “Disgusting” to describe this betrayal of Israel’s soldiers is truly the understatement of the century. Not one of Israel’s leaders has the slightest shame and remorse in what they did to them in the name of the Jewish nation. May G-d accurse them for their abandonment of the Flock Of Jacob!

  3. yamit82 Said:

    How do I know Obama was in back of this event:
    Netanyahu: Syrian chaos necessitated my apology to Turkey
    Amidror: We initiated apology to Turkey, not the US
    Gantz backs Netanyahu’s mending ties with Turkey
    Ya’alon: Netanyahu made a responsible decision on Turkey
    Ayalon: Time is Ripe For Israel to Apologize Over Mavi Marmara
    Look at the common script of the above 5 all coming out simultaneously all in unison and lockstep with the dictated script. The leftist press supporting any position that is antithetical to Israel and her image has also been co opted in support of BB.
    So far Lieberman and Uzi Landau seem to be the only sane voices heard in our media against the apology and the rest of our so called right wing amoebas are silent thereby supporting BB by default.

    Netanyahu had his bootlickers come out who justify national humiliation, cowardice and betrayal of Israel’s interests. None of them have the courage to say “no” – and none of Netanyahu’s would be successors should ever be trusted to lead the country in his stead. The Jewish people deserve better the likes of them!

  4. LEGAL EAGLES or anyone, something to think about.
    Does this apology make Israel vulnerable to legal suits in international courts?
    Will the apology be followed by endless compensation to victims and families?
    What precedent does it set for the next flotilla, and the next one, and the one after that? If what Israel did was wrong, what is the right procedure with a boatload of terrorists, while IDF commandos are getting lynched?
    Are foreigners free to come in, attack Jews, and then claim victimhood if Jews defend themselves? I guess so. And they’ve been doing it with impunity for years, all those foreign “activists” who riot and attack settlers and police.

    BTW – this should be seen in context of Israeli govt love affair with “moderate” Abbas (Holocaust denier and mastermind of Munich Olympics massacre of Israeli athletes), with ongoing submissiviness to European govts perpetrators of the Holocaust or willing accomplices (or in the case of Britain, also of the gross violation of the League of Nations Mandate), and in the context of official and unofficial dhimmi policies in Israel.

  5. New ‘Apology Tour,’ Same Old Result: Turkey Reneges on Israel Deal

    Turkey appears to have pocketed Israel’s apology and changed the terms of the deal–or else the deal was never what reporters were led to believe. Instead of a diplomatic “coup,” what President Obama appears to have achieved is the humiliation of an ally for the simple act of having defended itself from terrorism. The principle that the apology has established could have negative security implications for Israel and the U.S. as well. Relations with Turkey are important to Israel. The two once enjoyed close security ties, and both are concerned about the civil war in Syria and Iran’s nuclear ambitions. Yet the Erdogan government has been steering Turkey in an Islamist direction, which includes hostility to Israel. That policy was not appeased by Netanyahu’s apology. Instead, the apology appears to have indicated to Erdogan that he can press for more concessions.

    It is possible that Netanyahu may have agreed to apologize in exchange for support by President Obama for a potential pre-emptive strike on Iran. Regardless, it is clear that he would not have apologized without Obama’s involvement. In September 2011, Netanyahu flatly refused to apologize to Turkey for actions taken in self-defense, saying: “We do not need to apologize for working to defend our children, our citizens and our cities.”

    It is now becoming equally clear that the gesture now described as a “diplomatic coup” by President Obama was anything but. The apology was merely a capitulation that is being celebrated by Hamas as well as Turkey, with Hamas calling it the first step to “ending the political and economic blockade.” What the New York Times called “a win-win for all sides” now looks like a win for radical Islam and terror at Israel and the West’s expense.

  6. “You can’t win on defense.” Garbage. The 1972 Miami Dolphins went 14-0, the only undefeated team in NFL history. They had the second worst offense in the league. Quarterback Brian Griese was at best mediocre. In the Super Bowl, Miami beat the Washington Redskins 14-7, scoring both touchdowns on interceptions. Israel played defense and defeated Turkey 2-1, Turkey’s only scoring play as a result of a half-hearted apology (“operational errors”). Former Miami Dolphins Coach Don Shula had one comment to the press after his team’s undefeated season: “Defense depends on skill. Offense depends on the other team slipping up.”

  7. Erdogan backtracks on understandings with Netanyahu
    Day after Israeli PM’s apology phone call, Turkish leader says it’s not yet time to drop case against 4 IDF generals over Marmara deaths, won’t send new envoy yet, will visit Gaza.

    Erdogan said Saturday it was too early to cancel legal steps against Israeli soldiers who took part in the raid on the Mavi Mamara. According to the Hurriyet daily, Erdogan also said the exchange of ambassadors between Israel and Turkey would not take place immediately.

    Netanyahu’s office had stated after the call Friday that “The two men agreed to restore normalization between Israel and Turkey, including the dispatch of ambassadors and the cancellation of legal steps against IDF soldiers.”

    Hamas’s Gaza prime minister, Ismail Haniyeh, calling Netanyahu’s apology “a diplomatic victory for Ankara,” confirmed Erdogan would visit “in the near future,” and said this trip would mark “a significant step to ending the political and economic blockade” of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip.

    Erdogan told reporters that it wasn’t yet time to talk about dropping the case in which four IDF generals stand accused of war crimes over the incident. The indictment, prepared last summer, sought ten aggravated life sentences for each officer ostensibly involved in the 2010 raid — including former chief of the IDF General Staff Gabi Ashkenazi and former head of military intelligence Amos Yadlin.

    Erdogan’s Saturday statement indicated that Ankara was not entirely prepared to let bygones be bygones. He stressed that during his conversation with him, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had promised to improve the humanitarian conditions in the Palestinian territories.

    “I accepted the apology in the name of the Turkish people,” Erdogan was quoted as saying, adding that he was planning to visit Gaza in April.

    Erdogan also reportedly said he had talks with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al Thani, Hamas leader Khaled Mash’al, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas during the apology negotiation process with Israel.

  8. Netanyahu apologized to the Turkish people “for any operational errors that could have led to loss of life” in the Mavi Marmara incident, “and agreed to complete the agreement on compensation,” his office later said in a statement. Erdogan reportedly accepted the Israeli apology and said his government would end legal proceedings against Israeli officers and officials involved in the incident.

    Navy commandos disappointed by apology to Turkey
    ‘I don’t feel we did anything wrong,’ says one soldier who took part in the flotilla raid; another blames government for abandoning fighters
    “I don’t feel we did anything wrong,” one of the commandos, who for security reasons requested to identify only by the initial “N”, told the Hebrew daily Maariv on Sunday. “We did the right thing, I’m not ashamed of it, and we have nothing to apologize for.”

    “What bothers us most,” a disappointed soldier told a Yedioth Ahronoth reporter, “is reconciliation with the Turks while some of us back here have not yet received the compensation and disability benefits we deserve as a result of the incident.”

    Soldiers who participated in the raid still suffered from post-traumatic stress, and the government had not done enough to rehabilitate them, he claimed.

  9. How do I know Obama was in back of this event:

    Netanyahu: Syrian chaos necessitated my apology to Turkey

    Amidror: We initiated apology to Turkey, not the US

    Gantz backs Netanyahu’s mending ties with Turkey

    Ya’alon: Netanyahu made a responsible decision on Turkey

    Ayalon: Time is Ripe For Israel to Apologize Over Mavi Marmara

    Look at the common script of the above 5 all coming out simultaneously all in unison and lockstep with the dictated script. The leftist press supporting any position that is antithetical to Israel and her image has also been co opted in support of BB.

    So far Lieberman and Uzi Landau seem to be the only sane voices heard in our media against the apology and the rest of our so called right wing amoebas are silent thereby supporting BB by default.