If Obama wants Israel to release murderers, he should be willing to release Pollard

Observation: American hypocrisy: refusal to release Pollard causes stalemate in talks to return Abbas to table

Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 28 June, 2013

Ma’an, the independent Palestinian news agency, reported this morning that
secret talks are being held over the release of pre-Oslo prisoners. PA head
Mahmoud Abbas has insisted that 107 Palestinians detained before the Oslo
agreement must be released before the PLO will return to negotiations with

First a technical note: when PLO chief negotiator Saeb Erekat told Ma’an
the release of prisoners detained before 1993 was part of the 1999 Sharm
el-Sheikh memorandum and that Israel was obliged to abide by it he was a
barefaced liar. And I say bareface liar because, unlike some of his Israeli
counterparts, Erekat actually knows the text of the 1999 Sharm el-Sheikh
memorandum, and that document in no way obligates Israel to release those

If Israel releases these terrorists it is because it decided to do it – not
because it is obligated to.

Now let’s set the stage:

Here we are with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry going on and on about
how important and critical it is for Israel and the Palestinians to return
to the negotiating table and how we Israelis have to make sacrifices.

And he is pushing us to release the 107 terrorists who carried out crimes
against Israel more than two decades ago that were so despicable that they
are still in prison today.

So here is the simple question: if U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and
his boss President Obama genuinely believe that the talks are important, why
aren’t they willing to make a “sacrifice” themselves?

A cold realpolitik fact: if President Obama offered to free Jonathan
Pollard in exchange for the 107 terrorists PM Netanyahu would have no choice
but accept the deal.

Netanyahu would have absolutely no excuse to refuse the deal. After all, is
there any element in the ruling coalition that would stop it? Of course

Yes, Jonathan Pollard himself objects to being part of such schemes, but he
has no say in the matter. He is no more than a pawn in this story – just as
he was a pawn at Wye and

Don’t get me wrong – justice demands that Pollard be immediately released
without any strings attached.

But I am not talking about justice.

I am talking about what commitment the Obama administration actually has to
advancing the Palestinian-Israeli “peace process”.

We Israelis have been subject to their endless preaching about how we have
to make sacrifices.

But if it is more important to President Obama to unjustly keep Jonathan
Pollard behind bars than to facilitate a return of the Palestinians to the
table then this speaks volumes regarding the lack of an American commitment
to advancing the “peace process”.

To be clear: the release of Pollard does not require a long procedure
involving numerous authorities. It requires a pen, a piece of paper and a
president willing to sign.

Dr. Aaron Lerner, Director IMRA (Independent Media Review & Analysis)

June 28, 2013 | 19 Comments »

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19 Comments / 19 Comments

  1. yamit82 Said:

    You know I was against the trade.

    So was I,but who listens to us,Darin!!!!!!!!! Casandras. Of to the Flea Market,yawl have a good day. Sending you a little sugar xxxxxxxoooooooooo

  2. Shy Guy Said:

    Then don’t you think we should honor his moral and ethical requests?

    I agree with you on this matter, and every one know I am always correct.

  3. Shy Guy Said:

    Then don’t you think we should honor his moral and ethical requests?

    No, if the national interest is on balance.
    Shy Guy Said:

    I don’t recall you commenting with the approval from such a position of authority when Netanyahu traded 100s of terrorists for Gilad Shalit.

    You know I was against the trade.

    I conditioned my agreement that Pollard should be released for terrorists IF BB is going to do it in any case, justifying Pollards release as at least getting Something out of the deal in our favor.

  4. yamit82 Said:

    He’s our responsibility.

    Then don’t you think we should honor his moral and ethical requests?

    I don’t recall you commenting with the approval from such a position of authority when Netanyahu traded 100s of terrorists for Gilad Shalit.

  5. Shy Guy Said:

    Because Pollard himself has said he does not want to be released under such circumstances.

    Actually Pollard has no say in the matter. As an Israeli agent the Government and the people of Israel have the ultimate responsibility and what is deemed best for the country overrides any individuals declarations wants or needs or principles.

    Pollard is being paid as a government agent (employee) and has lost any individual rights in this respect. That the government, the Israeli people and American Jewry have behaved disgracefully towards him over all these years is our sin but he has no final say in the matter. He’s our responsibility.

  6. yamit82 Said:

    If BB is going to release them in any event, which seems likely, why not at least get something out of it … like Pollard?

    Because Pollard himself has said he does not want to be released under such circumstances.

  7. Normally, I’d say BB should tell Kerry to release Pollard BEFORE stepping foot back in Israel for more “peace talks”.
    However, I truly believe the Obama administration HATES BB and Israel, so who knows what Obama might do. It’s funny that the Obama administration reduced the amount of military aid dollars to Israel but didn’t reduce any dollars promised Egypt. And, it’s estimated his Africa trip is costing over $100 MILLION DOLLARS, not including the US security details, aircraft, and etc costs. Supporting Israel is a bit more important than another vacation on the taxpayer’s dime….
    Finally, BB should say that any of the terrorists in jail that MURDERED anyone, Israeli or others, will NEVER be released while they are alive regardless how many times Kerry shows-up.

  8. Aaron Lerner should know by now that different rules apply to Jews. The US are in title to deceive the Jews. Even Kissinger did IT during the Yom Kippur war. It took a guy like general A. Haig to save the IDF and IL through the massive shipment of advanced weaponry to knock-off the Egyptian army.

  9. Ten years ago John Loftus, co-author of the book The Secret War Against the Jews, revealed that the main charges against Pollard were clearly false. It was Aldrich Aimes of the CIA and Robert Hansen of the FBI who were discovered to have committed the treason of which Pollard was falsely accused. Never the less the Jewish leadership in the U.S. and Israel remained craven and heartless about pressing for Pollard’s release. Now we have Netanyahu groveling before Kerry instead of demanding Pollard’s immediate release before ANY more meetings with Kerry and NO more release of PLO terrorists under any conditions.
    I can dream can’t I?

  10. Viiit Said:

    From now on feed them a delicious McDonald cheese burger and ice cream with Coca Cola as they like.

    Freedom fries, onion rings,Twinkies, and Moon Pies?????????? Sign me up,I terrorise yamit82 and Shy Guy everyday. NACHOS with Velveeta cheese!!!!!!!!

  11. There is a solution to this problem.
    Premise to release the terrorists in 18 month.
    From now on feed them a delicious McDonald cheese burger and ice cream with Coca Cola as they like.
    One and a half year from now many will be dead, other so clinically obese that they will be no longer dangerous. Most will be on insulin suffering from severe diabetes.
    The best thing is that they will not be able to stop and such crap-food is addictive.

  12. yamit82 Said:

    If anyone wants to see an example of what compromising ethos and principles to the pragmatic slippery slope of behavior. Look where Israel was before we gave into Terror and after Rabin broke the wall of national resolve. We have been retreating ever since and our enemies have been gaining step by step recognition and international acceptance

    True, true true,

  13. Shy Guy Said:

    The difference is that Pollard himself does no want to be a chip in a bargain which endangers Israel. Pollard is a loyal true Jew. Don’t even suggest this kind of a deal!

    If BB is going to release them in any event, which seems likely, why not at least get something out of it … like Pollard?

    Problem here is that it will diffuse all public and political opposition to BB and masking the fact that by releasing a thousand plus terrorists some or many with Jewish blood on their hands we endanger other Israelis as some of those terrorist will return to trrrorism and kill more Jews. It will also reinforce in the minds of the Arabs that terror pays (which it does).

    Wonder what ever happened to the Israelis ethos of never conceding to Terror threats or demands?

    If anyone wants to see an example of what compromising ethos and principles to the pragmatic slippery slope of behavior. Look where Israel was before we gave into Terror and after Rabin broke the wall of national resolve. We have been retreating ever since and our enemies have been gaining step by step recognition and international acceptance.

    Israel can reverse the trend and our position but it won’t be BB or any like him.

    To change our course we need a change of leadership and hopefully someone acceptable will emerge. First dump BB and the Likud. A Likud MK and supporters who keep him in power are not worthy of my support.

    Dangerous and armed criminals must first be rendered threat impotent (Removing BB) before the situation can be secured.

  14. Shy Guy Said:

    The difference is that Pollard himself does no want to be a chip in a bargain which endangers Israel. Pollard is a loyal true Jew. Don’t even suggest this kind of a deal!

    There are Stupid Jews and then there are Stupid Jews. Jews who don’t care about the blood of their own kith and kin are the very worst of all!

  15. The difference is that Pollard himself does no want to be a chip in a bargain which endangers Israel. Pollard is a loyal true Jew. Don’t even suggest this kind of a deal!