If I ran the Zoo

By Ted Belman

If I had been the President of the US for the last four years:

1. I would have forced the PA to negotiate a deal with Israel, i.e., to make the necessary concessions. I would clearly support the settlements and take the position that Israel should include most settlements so that less that 5% of the settlers would have to be moved. This could be done by reducing the PA’s economic and diplomatic support. I would have moved the US Embassy to Jerusalem to indicate my belief that at least the west part of Jerusalem would remain in Israel in any settlement.

2. I would have insisted on UNRWA being unwound. This could be done by economic pressure. I would have insisted that all Palestinians be given citizenship in their host countries or would have arranged for their re-settlement elsewhere but not in Judea and Samaria.

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3. I would have left Gadaffi in power. He was no longer a threat to the west and had been rehabilitated.

4. I would have supported Mubarak because he was a trusted ally and a stabilizing force for 30 years.

5. I would have been more committed to the removal of Assad but not on behalf of Turkey and the MB but on behalf of the various minorities who wanted a federated Syria to replace Assad’s Syria rather than a MB dominated Syria. I would have seen this as a weakening of Iran and of Hezbollah. I would have negotiated with Russia to see if the conflict could be resolved through an agreement between the US and Russia like splitting Syria into two spheres of influence if not two countries. Part of this deal would be the denial of any influence by Iran.

6. I would have condemned Turkey’s role in the Mavi Marmara and stood with Israel. If anyone was entitled to an apology, it was Israel.

7. I would have sought energy independence to give the US more independence from Saudi Arabia. That would have enable me to force Saudi Arabia to desist in spreading Wahabbism.

8. I would have left a significant US military presence, up to 50,000, in Iraq, and preferably in Kurdistan. I would have moved the US troops from Germany to control costs. There is no need for them to be there any more.

9. I would have retreated from Afghanistan as quickly as safety would permit. There is no victory for the US in Afghanistan, only death.

10. I would have taken on the HRC at the UN. The only members who would be eligible to sit on it would be members who support human ?rights in their own countries. Until that happened, I would have withheld financial support from the UN.

September 28, 2012 | 75 Comments »

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25 Comments / 75 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:

    “If you saw me I don’t think you would call me little> 6’2 and 220Lb.”

    I do see you — and if your BODY were 7’2″ and 320 lbs, I’d still repeat:

    — “You are a very frightened, very little man.”

    Your need to categorize — to pigeonhole — everybody in your world

    — is a dead giveaway (one of many such “tells”).

    “Everybody fits into some box.”

    Now how did I know you would say a thing like that?

    — Think maybe I’ve been reading your mail?

  2. @ yamit82:

    “Pay for Palis to leave. It’s cheaper than war.”

    “I don’t care if they starve.”

    Keep telling yourself that

    — it’s SURE to improve the situation. . . .

    “I think I have dweller diagnosed…

    “…I was replying directly to Bernard who was characterizing your penchant to psychoanalyze…”

    A plausible enough explanation — until one realizes that you’ve made SEVERAL such attempts at ‘diagnosing’ me (oddly though, you keep arriving at different ‘diagnoses’).

    You’ve lit on the lazy man’s way of evading the SUBSTANCE of an opposing position:

    — Attack the person himself INSTEAD of his case; write off the person with an ad hominem attack — so much easier than opening own your mind to address the substance of a matter.

    You do the same thing with Curious. Rather than deal with the question he raises, you tar him with the “antisemite” brush. Presto, poof, magic; no need to address the question on the merits. But only in your dark, paranoid fantasies.

    Just remember, when everybody who gets your goat is an ‘antisemite’

    — then nobody is.

    You dilute — and destroy — the meaning and power of the word.

    Worse, you trivialize & assault the memory of those who suffered & died in consequence of the REAL article.

  3. @ yamit82:

    “I was trained to fight and kill dispassionately.”

    A pity that they didn’t bother training you to LIVE dispassionately

    — you’d have been happier, healthier, stronger, more secure

    and so would those you cared about.

    “Your fear is that others catch on to you as to what you are.”

    Right — that they’ll catch on that I’m “obsessive compulsive,” “anal retentive”. . . .

    you should see my living quarters

    — also “lactose intolerant,” “double-jointed,” “non-orgasmic”. . . .

    me and the energizer bunny.

    But now you’ve fathomed my secret. LOLROF. Good one.

    “…believer in devils…”

    “Believer in?” — I believe there IS one (singular, not plural).

    But there’s a vast difference between believing something actually EXISTS — and believing-IN the something.

    The latter presumes some kind of reliance bordering on (if not actually incorporating) VENERATION.

    That’s not me. There’s a devil, but that’s it. I don’t have a thing about it.

    “… believer in…ghouls and goblins, great lakes of fire etc.”

    When have I ever said (or suggested) that?

    — where do you keep coming up with this shmegegge about what I supposedly believe?

    “I call a spade a spade…”

    Oh please nudnik, if YOU call a spade a “spade,” it’s only because you ALSO

    — call a club a “spade,” a diamond a “spade,” and a heart a “spade.”

    You’d probably call the freakin’ JOKER a “spade” too (though that would doubtless prompt some dingbat to accuse you of ‘racism’).

    “So you must fear death.”

    Death under most circumstances is a disgrace.

    You DON’T “fear death”?

    “Man was to overcome himself by redefining and recreating who and what he is. Sounds a lot like you dweller.”

    Maybe to you it sounds like me.

    Not to me it doesn’t — not remotely like me.

    My ongoing objective & daily intention is not at all to ‘overcome’ myself

    — but to submit myself IN THE MOMENT — for redefinition & re-creation — TO, and BY, haSHEM.

    All the rest — ALL the rest — is window dresssing.

  4. @ yamit82:

    ”The only cure for contempt is counter-contempt.”

    “How does it ‘cure’ it?

    “Mencken can be diverting — until the novelty wears off. But that happens rather quickly — once you’ve seen how shallow he can be; whereupon he becomes noticeably tiresome.”

    “It’s not about Mencken, it’s about you.

    “I, like you, will use any quote within the context I am attempting to convey, identity of an author of quotes not withstanding.”

    When you quote him repeatedly, “context” is pretext

    — when you quote him repeatedly, it’s about Mencken & Yourself.

  5. @ yamit82:

    “May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been, The foresight to know where you are going, And the insight to know when you have gone too far”

    “May you have the sechel to take your own counsel per occasion.”

    “Now based on your opinion of me that wouldn’t be very constructive. So why suggest it?”

    How would it not be ‘constructive?’

  6. @ dweller:

    Ask yourself WHY you need to do that, Yamit

    — and why you need to have everybody fit into one box or another.

    You’re a very little man, Yamit

    — a very frightened, very little man.

    Now dweller I was replying directly to Bernard who was characterizing your ever penchant to psychoanalyze everyone you disagree with and then some you agree with, sort of. In that context I added my 2 bits.

    I call a spade a spade and if you fit the description I feel no reservation from voicing my own opinion. Everybody fits into some box. The box need not be uniform or geometrically compliant but a box is only the container of what is within it. Sometimes it has stuff in it sometimes like you it’s empty, but a box is just a box. You elevate it or it’s absence into a supreme transcendental value. It’s not.

    If you saw me I don’t think you would call me little> 6’2 and 220Lb. Oh, then you must be referring to my cerebellum the thinking or emotive part. Your opinion might be construed as just (pot-Kettle). I stand by my characterizations of you. By your reaction I must be close to the truth.

    Everybody has fears, mine are not earthly. I do have deep concerns though but fear? Not me. I was trained to fight and kill dispassionately. How about you? Your fear is that others catch on to you as to what you are. (believer in devils, ghouls and goblins, great lakes of fire etc. :P) So you must fear death. Classical: In a Hobbesian world, man’s actions are taken to avoid a violent death or rather the fear of a violent death. Man was to overcome himself by redefining and recreating who and what he is. Sounds a lot like you dweller.

  7. @ dweller:

    It’s not about Mencken, it’s about you. I like you will use any quote within the context I am attempting to convey, identity of an author of quotes not withstanding. If I wanted to bring Mencken into my argument I would have said so and named him in context.

    You are full of yourself and as obtuse as any commenter posting on this site.

  8. @ dweller:

    May you have the sechel to take your own counsel per occasion.

    Now based on your opinion of me that wouldn’t be very constructive. So why suggest it?

  9. @ yamit82:

    ”The only cure for contempt is counter-contempt.”

    How does it ‘cure’ it?

    Mencken can be diverting

    — until the novelty wears off.

    But that happens rather quickly

    — once you’ve seen how shallow he can be

    whereupon he becomes noticeably tiresome.

    Enough already with the quotes, Yamit.

    This site is a place for your OWN comments, not somebody else’s.

  10. @ yamit82:

    “I think I have dweller diagnosed.”

    Ask yourself WHY you need to do that, Yamit

    — and why you need to have everybody fit into one box or another.

    You’re a very little man, Yamit

    — a very frightened, very little man.

  11. @ Bernard Ross:

    “You raise the gale, then refuse to come out of the harbor….Don’t take this wrong… (hell, you probably will anyway), but in high school we used to have name for girls who did what amounted to just that kind of thing. . . .”

    “But we did not use the same name for boys.”

    No, Bernard, that’s right; we didn’t.

    The boys all wanted to get laid.

    But I’m sure you had a point in there somewhere.

    When you get around to making it, I’ll probably still be here.

    Unless of course the 10-day posting period has elapsed by then.

  12. @ Bernard Ross:

    “I notice that you use this approach often.”

    I wondered how long it would take you to pile-on, Bernard.

    You certainly didn’t miss your cue.

    Actually I “use this approach” when, and only when, I perceive that the shoe fits. How OFTEN that turns out to be is frankly irrelevant; it’s not gratuitous, nor opportunistic.

    “Basically it is a form of character assassination, red herrings, obfuscation and cheap shots.”

    Not guilty as charged.

    Not guilty as charged.

    Not guilty as charged.

    Not guilty as charged.

    “If you linked your amateur psychology to the importance of the actual argument it would go further in making your arguments.”

    Any objective observer who bothered to read your own postings in re mine — as I’ve already suggested to YOU to do, Bernard, on multiple occasions — would readily see that my “amateur psychology” [a true amateur does what he does for the LOVE of it, not for the PAY in it] is indeed directly related to the importance of the substantive arguments.

    “I think that sometimes you are ‘projecting’ your feelings on others…”

    I’m sure you’d like to believe that. I’m sure that for somebody who enjoys his resentments (as you do) — and who indeed resents being told that they are both wrong AND counterproductive, it must be comforting to take that ‘projection’ gambit. But then, anybody can say pretty much whatever they like.

    “It would appear that Curious & I both DO agree on the value of sanity, and we both reject rudeness. However, while that sets us both apart from you, Yamit,
    I daresay there are others here as well (both among those who actually comment, AND among those who only read the comments) who find themselves in accord with [Curio & YoursTruly] in that respect — though they may find your manner too intimidating — and frankly distasteful — to warrant entering the fray.”

    “Assumption or projection? Perhaps they do not enter the fray because they are in agreement [w/ Yamit].”

    Like yourself, Bernard?

    But then, YOU did enter the fray, didn’t you? — and, as seen, at the earliest opportunity.

  13. @ Michael Devolin:

    ““The truth is that while you may have a ‘nice’ exterior, Michael, you are inwardly SEETHING with bitterness, hatred & resentment.

    “I daresay if you didn’t have boxing as an outlet, the toxins would virtually seep from your pores.”

    “This is where YOU are 100 per cent wrong, Dweller.”

    Well, one of us most certainly is.

    “You have absolutely no idea who I am…”

    YOU “have absolutely no idea” whether I DO or DON’T have any such idea. You merely assume that I couldn’t.

    “…and your assumptions are SO insulting.”

    You’ve CHOSEN to be ‘insulted’ by what YOU assume to be purely ‘assumptions’ on my part.

    But on what basis do you maintain them to constitute nothing but ‘assumptions’?

    As for true insults, let me assure you, Michael, if ever the time should come that I decide to insult you

    — you’ll know it.

    Trust me, I haven’t insulted you.

    “…your very public vilifications of me.”

    Your fragility is astounding. How long have you been blogging?

    — Have you any idea just how mild this site is compared to what’s out there?

    “Do you actually read your own posts?”

    Yes, in point of fact, I do — it’s part of my routine before posting — unlike that of some of our other associates on this forum

    — who find NO need to read over their remarks before hitting “post.”

    “[Curio] is verbosity incarnate.”

    Oh? — I hadn’t noticed that.

    Seems there are several others here that are far more verbose

    — not that that, of itself, is a ‘crime,’ in any case.

    “And he’s an anti-Jewish bigot.”

    So far, Michael, you’ve said that many times; however, I’ve yet to see you illustrate your allegation with any supporting detail.

    “…describing my articuations about Noachism vs Christianity as ‘stumbling’ (that is VERY insulting).”

    You’d feel better, then, if I merely believed those articulations to constitute stumbling

    — without bothering to say so?

    That would be okay by you?

    “[Y]our ego has left you impervious to shame.”


    My conscience has left me impervious to pressure.

    “You don’t exist for me either.”

    Strictly your choice, Michael. I’ve always wished you well.

    Still do.

  14. @ yamit82:

    “Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.”

    Yes, of course — the immortal words of the man who characterized the Jews as “very plausibly… the most unpleasant race ever heard of…”

    “Nobody ever accused you of being normal or male.”

    Just can’t resist the temptation to go ad hominem, can you?

    Okay, you wanna play that game? — we’ll play.

    Mencken said nothing about “male” but, rather, “man.”

    — (You do understand the difference, I assume?)

    In any event, the ladies seem to have never had any difficulty in recognizing the male in me

    — not that I ever needed that kind of confirmation for who or what I was.

    What’s more, when Mencken used the word, “normal,” he used it as a synonym for normative

    — not as a synonym for healthy.

  15. @ yamit82:

    “Man is not a rational animal…”

    I see you incline to quoting from baptized Jews these days. (Fancy that.)

    — Rest assured, I promise not to tell your rebbe.

    “…He is only truly good or great when he acts from passion.”

    Guess that excludes you.

    Not at all.

    It is one thing to act from passion

    — it is quite another to act while under its direct influence.

    I don’t deny a proper role to emotions, not at all. They are, after all, what animate us; they get our attention.

    — The root of the word, emotion, is “motion.”

    The Difference is that some men have emotions

    — and other men are had BY their emotions.

    “It destroys one’s nerves to be amiable every day to the same, sub-human being.”

    Only if one is being amiable to said sub-human creature strictly for the creature’s sake; THAT is indeed enervating.

    OTOH, if one’s amiability is grounded, rather, in personal discipline

    — then his nerves are not subject to the aforesaid sub-human or to anything else in his environment, and will remain quite intact.

    “For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.”

    Ah yes, quite so.

    Now if I could only get PresentCompany to believe it

    — rather than merely quote it.

  16. dweller Said:

    “Curious & I both DO agree on the value of sanity, and we both reject rudeness.”

    ‘There are men so philosophical that they can see humor in their own toothaches. But there has never lived a man so philosophical that he could see the toothache in his own humor.”


    Umm…”The only cure for contempt is counter-contempt.” I’ll settle for Hate.

  17. @ Bernard Ross:

    Assumption or projection? Perhaps they do not enter the fray because they are in agreement. Perhaps they feel the same anger and bitterness but are conditioned by the disingenuous to repress these feelings as being immoral. There are explanations other than yours.

    But we did not use the same name for boys.

    I think I have dweller diagnosed. Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder (OCPD)

    Some symptoms:
    · Excessive fixation with lists, rules and minor details
    · Perfectionism that interferes with finishing tasks
    · Rigid following of moral and ethical codes
    · Unwillingness to assign tasks unless others perform exactly as asked
    · Lack of generosity; extreme frugality without reason

    A person does not need to have all of these symptoms to have the personality disorder. In short dweller is an egomaniac control freak who will never concede he is not right about anything even when empirical evidence is stacked against him and his stated positions.

    He is a master sophist and obfuscator and is prone to use psychobabble and pseudo but(mostly christian)theology to distract from his lack of cogent argument when faced with the plain facts and plain truth. In short his MO, is to wear his opponent down with ” many words” mostly disconnected to the points of contention or argument.

    “Cavil” is a suitable term for him as Michael has already determined, I find it interesting the the term Cavil is derived from the Latin: cavillari to jest, cavil, from cavilla raillery; akin to Latin calvi: to deceive… calumny!!

  18. As you are expert in amateur psychology please analyze the following: dweller Said:

    — You raise the gale, then refuse to come out of the harbor….Don’t take this wrong, Michael (hell, you probably will anyway), but in high school we used to have name for girls who did what amounted to just that kind of thing. . . .

    But we did not use the same name for boys.

  19. dweller Said:

    Why you REACTED to it in that thread last month tells more about YOU than about ME…..not a stitch of evidence to suggest you’re the least bit interested in any “denouement,” Michael; you’re WAY too bitter to allow for that, except temporarily — for tactical reasons……. in an odd way (in a compulsive way, really), you’re incapable of seeing a “denouement” to your resentments. But that’s the nature of resentment: it creates a fixation on itself, so denouement for the time being is flat-out impossible. And will continue to be impossible till you’re willing to DENY yourself the perverse satisfaction of hate & the judgment it carries……They GET OFF on their paranoia; it gives them a back-handed species of pleasure….you are inwardly SEETHING with bitterness, hatred & resentment. I daresay if you didn’t have boxing as an outlet, the toxins would virtually seep from your pores…..You refuse to come to grips with your hatred, so you lash out at me for calling you on it. THAT’S how I “provoke” you. Most people (even those who KNOW they are full of hostility) are absolutely clueless as to the breadth & depth of the hatred they harbor……

    I notice that you use this approach often. Basically it is a form of character assassination, red herrings, obfuscation and cheap shots. If you linked your amateur psychology to the importance of the actual argument it would go further in making your arguments. As it is now it just points out the opposite. I think that sometimes you are “projecting” your feelings on others:dweller Said:

    So when you’ve seen thru your own, you can see thru ANYBODY’s. I see thru yours……… I daresay there are others here as well (both among those who actually comment, AND among those who only read the comments) who find themselves in accord with us in that respect— though they may find your manner too intimidating — and frankly distasteful— to warrant entering the fray.

    Assumption or projection? Perhaps they do not enter the fray because they are in agreement. Perhaps they feel the same anger and bitterness but are conditioned by the disingenuous to repress these feelings as being immoral. There are explanations other than yours.

  20. dweller Said:

    Curious & I both DO agree on the value of sanity, and we both reject rudeness.

    … Pot, Kettle, black? From this page alone:
    dweller Said:

    To the inveterately paranoid, everybody amounts to “anti-Semite and christian missionary….turkeys (like yourself) who write that way……one of the things you have in common with those other demagogues you’re so fond of……Since when have you — or any other power tripper since Nimrod — EVER let facts interfere with a good bout of demagoguerie?……..Shallow. Stupid. Imbecilic… .”

  21. “The truth is that while you may have a ‘nice’ exterior, Michael, you are inwardly SEETHING with bitterness, hatred & resentment. I daresay if you didn’t have boxing as an outlet, the toxins would virtually seep from your pores.”

    This is where YOU are 100 per cent wrong, Dweller. You have absolutely no idea who I am, and your assumptions are SO insulting. And I have more dignity (thank G-D I caught myself!) than to go toe-to-toe with you by throwing insults back at you. I said what I had to say. That’s it. Let me finish by saying I weigh my little bits of “vulgarity” as much less injurious than your very public vilifications of me. “Welcome back” indeed (Do you actually read your own posts?).

    As for Curious American, he does not exist for me anymore. He is verbosity incarnate. And he’s an anti-Jewish bigot. “Answer not a fool in his folly.”

    And you have the floor, Dweller. I would have probably enjoyed your friendship, but you have done nothing but disrespect me and insult me (which would include my wife and children, who have suffered greatly for becoming Noachides) from the beginning, by describing my articuations about Noachism vs Christianity as “stumbling” (that is VERY insulting). Of course, you will never admit this as your ego has left you impervious to shame. As the loggers say up here in the bush, “Go to ‘er!” You don’t exist for me either.