If Bibi can’t form a government in the time allotted, he should step down and let Likud do so in the extended period.

By Ted Belman

The Center left is doing their damndest to have this election a referendum on Netanyahu. They want him out as Prime minister.

Liberman just announced, ‘We won’t sit with Netanyahu – no matter what’..   You might ask,  What makes Avigdor Liberman run?  Read it and find out.

They would all rather sit with Ra’am than with PM Netanyahu.

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The Right will try to make the election a referendum on keeping Area C.

The only reason the Right is polling better than the Left  is the religious parties,  UTJ and Shas. But we can’t count on them.

Haredi party’s newspaper: ‘We are neither right nor left

The Yated Ne’eman daily, affiliated with the United Torah Judaism faction of Degel Hatorah, on Tuesday morning published an editorial claiming that the party belongs neither to the right-wing camp nor to the left-wing camp, and is not obligated to either side.

Didn’t Shas also say it was flexible.

Al Monitor reported a month ago;

“The ultra-Orthodox could have entered this government on several occasions, if someone in the government had made a real effort,” a senior source in one of the coalition parties told Al-Monitor on condition of anonymity. “If Bennett had not attacked the ultra-Orthodox, if he had tried to somewhat restrain Lapid’s harsh language, if he had succeeded in silencing [Finance Minister Avigdor] Liberman – the ultra-Orthodox would have been in. But he didn’t make the least effort.”

It is imperative that if Bibi can form a government he should step down before his mandate to form a government expires and permit Likud to form a government without him as Prime Minister.

If he falls short, can Shaked/Hendle make the difference. Recent polls suggest that they won’t reach the  threshold. Should they try or should them join Likud now?

July 12, 2022 | Comments »

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