IDSF July 1 Daily Briefing – Hamas Tunnels Must all be Destroyed

July 2, 2024 | 8 Comments »

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  1. @Edgar As I said, irrelevant. The point is it could happen again. Those tunnels have to go.

  2. SEB-

    Applws and Oranges.

    Sharon was blackmailed into it, and in the end it struck him down, along with his Obesity.

    How would you design a plan for a future renegade group right under the noses of I Intell. and IDF, to take control of a thoroughly Israeli massive dollar earner …..and HOLD IT???

    I myself have an inventive mind, but it stops far short of the magical.
    You, on the other hand seems infused with that kind of thinking.
    So….as the cartoonist said…


  3. @Edgar You are assuming, of course, that some future crazy leftwing (or renegade right wing) government won’t retreat from Gaza again. What Sharon, of all people, did was unthinkable, until he thought it up and implemented it with or without U.S. pressure is beside the point. “It could happen to you.” as the title of the movie goes. To borrow the language of the left: Gaza suffers from the lack of a level playing field and is sorely in need of affirmative action.So, level the place, already. 😀

  4. @Peloni- I don’t buy Spencer’s lame explnation. The fact is, anybody IN the tunnel would not survive, which is the point.
    Keep flooding periodically. Keep ‘em guessing. Whether tunnels are sand or concrete. That doesn’t make sense- Egyptian tunnels are crummy sand, but fakestinian tunnels are built to last? They think we’re stupid!
    Or shoot flamethrowers in them, preceded by gas.

  5. @mirib
    John Spencer referenced this in his insightful discussion with Jordan Peterson. Spencer explains that the flooding worked in Egypt because the tunnels were made of sand, and flooding them made the tunnels collapse. The tunnels in Gaza, however, were not made of sand, so flooding them did not destroy the tunnels, but it did make them unlivable, which leads back to your question again: Why did they stop?

    Perhaps your conclusion about the hostages is correct, but perhaps it was because the water soaked thru imperfections in the tunnel structures, so the water neither filled the tunnels nor caused them to collapse. Just speculation on my part, but it is something to think about in response to your question, which has always left me curious.

  6. Flooding the tunnels was a brilliant idea! Why did they stop? Thinking maybe hostages were also in the tunnels?

  7. SHMUEL-

    As I’ve said many times I believe that the important tunnels should be preserved as they will be Israel’s greatest tourist attractions for the indefinite future………..

  8. Why have them not been destroyed? We all know why. Much as we know why Hamas was waived in. And by whom. Terrible but true.