IDF Unleashes New Thrust into North, Central Gaza

The military is advancing into more densely populated areas, with close air support, says IDF Radio. Two soldiers lightly hurt so far.

By Gil Ronen, INN,  7/30/2014, 8:32 AM

Tanks: Op. Protective Edge, Day 18

The Israel Defense Force began to advance toward “new targets” in the Gaza Strip Wednesday morning, ignoring US President Barack Obama’s reported attempt to strongarm Israel into an immediate ceasefire.

IDF Radio, which reports the military advance, said that “it can be estimated that the IDF received permission from the political echelon to advance forward in various sectors in northern and southern Gaza.”

The advance is into more densely populated areas, it said, and the movement is being accompanied by fire, and receiving close air support from aircraft. Two soldiers have been lightly injured, so far, from antitank fire, and a explosive charge was also activated against a tank. No one was hurt.

The IAF struck dozens of terror targets in north and central Gaza overnight.

July 30, 2014 | 22 Comments »

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22 Comments / 22 Comments

  1. Or as we say back here in the sticks, “Forget, but don’t forgive.” Which means, when the offender commits the same offense again (and he will), you will remember in that instance his former offense and you will be rewarded with the knowledge that you didn’t waste your time forgiving him. This knowledge, and the discipline consolidated by it, is usually accompanied with the words, “F**k him.”

  2. “Jews are remarkably adept at swallowing humiliation.”

    For this he deserves to be smashed in the face. More than once.

    “I haven’t trashed the Jewish people…”

    Yeah, you have trashed the Jewish people, more than once, you asshole.

    “Job endured everything–until his friends came to comfort him, then he grew impatient.” -Kierkegaard

  3. @ NormanF:

    I haven’t trashed the Jewish people or IDF and my criticism is not directed at Yamit, you and others on here.

    So stop the “You Jews” shtick. As simple as that.

  4. @ Avigail:

    Take it up with Shimon Peres. He’s the one who said Israel’s military effort is exhausted and now its time for diplomacy. I haven’t trashed the Jewish people or IDF and my criticism is not directed at Yamit, you and others on here.

    You have a good point – but who elects the leadership? Bad leaders are a reflection of people who vote for them. Israel should be demanding better leaders. The country is not the world’s punching bag.

  5. mickeyobe Said:

    How long do you think Hamas can “run the show” with its support and armaments and personnel and supply of human shields being rapidly depleted?

    Qatar can write them huge checks to rebuild and there is aid in the pipeline from the international community. Destroying its assets is easy. Persuading the rest of the world to shun them is a difficult task. I do wish Israel good luck with the effort.

  6. @ NormanF:
    Seriously, man, are you retarded?

    For people like this, Jewish boys in Israel are shedding their blood.

    “Jewish boys in Israel”, yamit, me and the others that are bombed, most of the IDF are included in those:

    Jews are remarkably adept at swallowing humiliation.

    In what language do we have to tell you to forever knock it off on THE JEWISH PEOPLE IN GENERAL?

    Trash the leadership all you want, for all we care, but stop it about us!!!

  7. How long do you think Hamas can “run the show” with its support and armaments and personnel and supply of human shields being rapidly depleted?


  8. @ mickeyobe:

    Of course not. But the day after, if the Americans are not going to support Israel, how on earth would Israel expect to demilitarize Gaza with Hamas still running the show? Its one thing to have a vision; its whole nother megilla to implement it.

  9. There is nothing at all humiliating about Israel defying the “orders” of Hussein Obama.
    Indeed, quite the opposite. Israel can be very proud that it did not accede to Obama’s blackmail.
    Now it can get on with winning the war against Hamas and its patron, Obama.

    Kerry might be well advised to keep his poor wounded gluteus maximus with its Purple Heart out of Israeli affairs now that he represents the interests of Hamas who is dedicated to Israel’s extermination.

    Mickey Oberman

    @ NormanF:

  10. @ Avigail:

    Do be harsh! I have a thick skin and I can take it. But then there is the ceasefire in Lebanon and we have had so far two ceasefires in Gaza, the latter without conclusive results. We’re witnessing a case of deja vu. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Israel has it within its power to win. I would very much like to see Hamas destroyed. I just don’t think its in the cards.

  11. @ Avigail:

    I have said nothing that reflects on the performance of the IDF on the field. They are doing their utmost and I commend them for it. But Israel’s political leadership appears to have different ideas. I’m not second guessing the men in the field, G-d forbid. But don’t say that I consider their blood cheap or that I question their patriotism. If you’re unhappy, and I know you and Yamit are not satisfied with the direction of this war, please do take it up with our Ted Belman, who considers that Israel is losing the war.

  12. @ yamit82:

    That’s not my position by the way. I have high regard for the IDF and the qualities of the Jewish fighting soldier. My comments in no way should be construed as criticism of them. That said, what should one make of comments like Peres that amount to rank defeatism and treason. He already wants to throw in the towel and he wants one terrorist regime in Gaza replaced by another. For people like this, Jewish boys in Israel are shedding their blood.

  13. @ yamit82:

    When you grow a pair of cajones and Join the IDF and fight in our battles I will accept some of your criticism of we Jews. When you send your sons to fight in our wars your criticism will have authority if not agreement.

    It’s always the cowards and very distant armchair warriors (Spit)who are the most critical, vitriolic and militant when they have no skin in the game.


  14. @ NormanF:

    Jews are remarkably adept at swallowing humiliation.

    Without knowing you, I identified you as 1) an armchair quaterback 2) a non-Jew.
    And I was right in both cases.
    Now, everything is clearer: simply put, you hate us. Not that I usually mind.
    But in time of war, and while our boys are dying, I don’t admit that a non-Jew would come here and trash us like that on a regular basis.
    So the only thing that comes to my mind right now is:

  15. NormanF Said:

    Jews are remarkably adept at swallowing humiliation.

    You Sir, are the most disgusting example of an anti-Semitic self hating Jew that I have ever had the miss-fortune to come across.

  16. @ yamit82:

    When you grow a pair of cajones and Join the IDF and fight in our battles I will accept some of your criticism of we Jews. When you send your sons to fight in our wars your criticism will have authority if not agreement.

    It’s always the cowards and very distant armchair warriors (Spit)who are the most critical, vitriolic and militant when they have no skin in the game.

    Your vitriolic diatribes tend to make me defensive of those I too am critical of and that’s not where I want to be.

    Yes – I cringe when I log on to Debka and Israpundit, because the loss of any of our boys is extremely painful, even at this distance. I do however, recognize that at this time it’s an all-or-nothing situation, and that our enemies – worldwide – are watching things very closely.

    Israeli losses are very substantial at this point; if you multiply them by about 60 you will see the equivalent US losses, and it’s quite staggering… So the quicker the IDF pulls out the “big guns” the better, if for no other reason than to curtail IDF losses.

  17. NormanF Said:

    Actually the real figure is closer to 5000. Hamas can fight for a very long time and it figures long before that Israel will have war fatigue, throw in the towel and sue for a ceasefire.

    Actually nobody knows and all you have heard are estimates and whether they are based on reality or not remains to be seen.

    Since a large number of the rockets Hamas is now using is of a homemade variety and since I assume most of their production facilities are underground and protected, they can in time replace their losses. They have an added advantage of sifting the ruins of destruction and scavenging any needed raw materials which they will surely do.

    One must assume the following. In the 14 Km Phildelphi strip on the Egyptian Gaza border they had some 1500 tunnels, The border bounding Israel is 68 Km and we have only uncovered some 31 tunnels. There is bound to be many more as yet not discovered. Same can be said between Israel and Y&S and Hezbollah in the North along the Lebanese Border with Israel.

    When you grow a pair of cajones and Join the IDF and fight in our battles I will accept some of your criticism of we Jews. When you send your sons to fight in our wars your criticism will have authority if not agreement.

    It’s always the cowards and very distant armchair warriors (Spit)who are the most critical, vitriolic and militant when they have no skin in the game.

    Your vitriolic diatribes tend to make me defensive of those I too am critical of and that’s not where I want to be.

  18. Bibi cannot get a cease fire now without losing his job to someone to the right of him. Obama is so hated in Israel, and rightly so, that any threats from him will only make Israels demand that Netanyahu double down on crushing these filthy savages.

  19. Actually the real figure is closer to 5000. Hamas can fight for a very long time and it figures long before that Israel will have war fatigue, throw in the towel and sue for a ceasefire.

    Israel is not going to receive help from America so its completely on its own. Obama made it clear the only ceasefire deal acceptable to him are the ones preferred by Hamas and its Turkish and Qatari intermediaries.

    Jews are remarkably adept at swallowing humiliation. It remains to be seen if they can digest the latest one, should Israel decide to abjectly surrender to Obama’s diktat.

  20. Nice nice very nice – the minister of Intelligence on CNN said there were about 3,000 rockets left to be eliminated. That and about 1.5 mil terrorists and terrorist supporters.