Continued control of the Gaza Strip by Islamist movement Hamas is in Israel’s security interests, the Israeli army’s top commander for the region said on Tuesday.
It was the first time a senior commander had publicly stated an Israeli interest in continued control of the territory by a group with which it fought the deadly eight-day conflict – Operation Pillar of Defense – just last November.
Southern Command chief Major General Sami Turgeman told Israel’s Channel Two that only Hamas had the power to enforce broad respect for the truce that ended that conflict and limit rocket fire into Israel from the territory.
“What we want is calm and security in the Gaza Strip,” Turgeman said.
“Hamas, currently the sovereign power in the territory, has the means and the know-how. I see no alternative to control being exercised by Hamas.”
The main Palestinian factions all signed up to the truce that ended last year’s fighting. There has been sporadic rocket fire by fringe militant groups but Hamas has stopped most of it.
The general’s comments came as Hamas faces mounting economic pressure as a result of an Egyptian crackdown on smuggling through tunnels under the border.
Israel media say senior officials are increasingly concerned that the movement’s power could collapse, prompting it to resume the armed struggle or lose ground to more radical Islamist groups.
Upon taking command of the region last April, Turgeman, 49, said“the past few years, and even the past few days, have taught us about the high level of sensitivity of the southern arena and its influence on security and the sense of security in many parts of the country.
“A quick glance around us reveals new and old threats, close and far, that present before us a complex and sensitive reality,” he said during the ceremony. “With the ability and preparedness of our units we will deter (Israel’s enemies) from fighting (us), but if (there will be fighting), we will strike shrewdly and forcefully.”
IDF chief Gantz said that Gaza is “unstable and will continue to be hostile in the near future. Of course, Hamas is responsible for this, and we must not allow a reality of dripping (of rocket fire on Israel).
Reminds me of the proverb, “Keep your friends close, your enemies even closer.” But I don’t know how this could work for Israel’s Jews in regards to Hamas (as Norman F points out). How do you keep Hamas “even closer” when they want to exterminate you from existence?
Actually, Gaza ought to be broken up into three parts, one in the northern part of the strip around Gaza city proper, and the other in the south, around Rafiach, with Jewish Gush Katif in the center firmly re-established under Israeli control, and this time annexed into permanency with no Gaza Arabs added to Israel’s population I’m sure Ariel Sharon will not feel offended by this, or anything else for that matter.
The Jewish nation ought always to be united, and the enemy side divided.
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI
Shy Guy Said:
Yup – the general seems to forget Hamas is dedicated to Israel’s destruction. And these are the geniuses entrusted with the safety of the Jewish State!
Our sages say “Who is wise? He who envisions the future outcome of the present.”