Hungarian government outlines “stop Soros” legislation criminalizing NGO’s which aid and abet illegal immigrants

Breitbart, 2 Jun 2018

George Soros is considered one of the main drivers of mass migration by Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán, with the billionaire financier accused of lobbying the European Union to open its borders and funding ‘civil society’ organisations which help illegal migrants to infiltrate the bloc.

“The new ‘Stop Soros’ legislative package puts forth a more rigorous response by declaring illegal immigration a grave threat to Hungary’s national security,” announced government spokesman Zoltán Kovács.

“Anyone involved in aiding or abetting illegal migration would be committing a criminal offence.”

Professor Claims Soros ‘Missionaries’ Bragged About Toppling Governments in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East

Amendments to the Police Act, the Penal Code, the Act on Asylum, the Act on the State Border and the Act on Misdemeanours will state that “arranging asylum status for an illegal immigrant or enabling someone who has entered Hungary illegally to acquire residence rights will be seen as facilitating unlawful immigration” and punished with a prison term of between 5 and 90 days.

“Committing such offences on a regular basis, providing financial support for illegal immigration or assisting illegal immigration in exchange for money will constitute felonies, and as such will be punishable by prison sentences of up to one year,” Kovács added.

“Examples of this include publishing or distributing information material with the aim of promoting illegal migration or organising border monitoring along Hungary’s external border.”

Soros-funded ‘Human Rights’ NGO Lobbies Merkel to Punish Patriotic Hungary …
— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) 8:30 AM – May 25, 2018

The law will also empower courts to permanently expel foreign nationals who become involved in “human trafficking, illegal border crossing, damaging the border barrier, preventing construction works on the border barrier, and facilitating illegal migration”.

Kovács was clear that the purpose of the legislation — which the government hopes to pass through the Hungarian parliament by June 20th — is to “emphasise that the issue of migration falls exclusively within the authority of the national government, affirming our rightful national sovereignty on this issue.”

This represents a direct challenge to the EU, which has been attempting to assert its right to force migrants on unwilling member-states since it introduced compulsory quotas through a Qualified Majority Vote in 2015.

Hungary, Poland, and other like-minded Central European countries have resisted these quotas from the moment they were imposed, and have so far evaded sanctions by supporting each other at the EU level — to the great anger of the bloc’s federalist establishment.

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June 14, 2018 | 8 Comments »

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8 Comments / 8 Comments

  1. You will call a number in Bellingham (I won’t have till I return) they will advise you which airline to book. I think it’s a cheapee from Bellingham or seattle via iceland. When that is confirmed they will book the hotel and dental appointment. You will
    Be picked up at the airport and taken to hotel or clinic in thear car.
    They provide car service to and from the hotel and clinic , runs every 30 mins.
    All work is done on premise. £100 = 33,000 local dosh.

  2. @ david melech:

    Are you serious, I was only kidding about the accompanying female, but serious about the dental work. it would take a lot of working out details I think. I normally don’t travel anywhere by myself now. In fact I don’t travel. So this going abroad for dental work is a brand new concept to me.

  3. I did meet a couple in the hotel who looked like left overs from the previous days tour group from Mumbai. When she opened her mouth she was pure Belfast, born, grew up there.

  4. Yu will travel under the care of a left over Russian minder who did not make it in the women’s 200kg wrestle team., for being under weight. I do have a West coast contact phone number who make arrangements. They do not require upfront payment.

  5. @ david melech:

    Thanks for the dental tip, I need this pretty soon. My problem is how to get there by easy stages. I wonder if they also supply attractive travelling companions in the package deal.

  6. Great country for quick, good quality inexpensive dental work. Dependent of cost they cover your hotel and possibly your air fare. Plenty of kosher food outlets.
    Take a musical boat trip on the Danube.
    Guess Soros don’t know about dental work as always looks as he is toothless forgot his false ones. Surprised no warrant has been put out for his arrest as for aiding and abetting the Nazis to murder JEWS

  7. To punish these criminals by a 5-80 day prison sentence is a farce. They are actively trying to destroy the country and change it into an Islamic entity, undoubtedly a dictatorship, in which ethnic Hungarians will suffer greatly. A 25 year sentence with no remission would be more appropriate. Eventually they will get the message, we hope not too late.

    Soros should be declared persona non grata and arrested and charged with the same crimes and sentenced to full life in solitary, with no chance of parole. Let him die in prison, without TV, Computers, and all else. Solitary confinement is his due. A monster in a suit. Trying to destroy the world is no small crime. And he certainly is not alone, only part of a cabal, which also must be rooted out and destroyed in a way permanent enough to prevent re-occurrence.

    The world is becoming more unstable every day due to the machinations of this group of globalist oligarchs. It must be stopped.

    There actually has not been a “Pax Romana” since the death of Marcus Aurelius…

  8. Hungary is one of the few or maybe the only country in the world who not only understands the threat of allowing unfettered Muslim immigrants to pour into their country but is also doing something about it.