How to End Hamas’s War on Israel This Week

By Lawrence Kadish, GATESTONE  10 December 2023

A handout photo made available by Iran’s Supreme Leader’s office on February 12, 2012, shows Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei greeting Ismail Haniya (L), Palestinian Hamas premier in the Gaza Strip, during a meeting in Tehran. AFP PHOTO

Iran’s militia groups have initiated more than 82 attacks — just since October 17 — on US forces and assets in Syria and Iraq. The latest, on the US Embassy in Baghdad, is an attack on US sovereign territory. During Biden’s presidency, Iran has initiated 151 attacks against the US. Forty-six US service members have so far been wounded, 19 seriously, with traumatic brain injury.

These strikes do not include Iran’s having largely funded and helped plan a savage invasion of Israel by an estimated 3,000 Gazans under the direction of Iran’s proxy, the terrorist group Hamas, on October 7. Once there, they murdered 1,200 people; raped and tortured an untold number, and kidnapped around 240, about 100 of whom — women and children — have been released. Several hostages have reportedly been murdered (here, here and here).

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December 10, 2023 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Incapacitate Iran’s four major oil refineries, as Senator Lindsay Graham has suggested. Alternatively, incapacitate just one and mention that others might follow.

    This sounds like Biden’s Ukraine policy, on steroids. It is NOT reassuring.