How the Vatican Sacrificed Its Intellect

By Prof. Paul Eidelberg

We first want to know in depth the world-historical significance of the Vatican’s recognition of the terrorist and artificial state of Palestine, whose autocrats genuflect to Mecca.

In a previous article concerning the Vatican, we indicated that the Catholic Church desperately wants to gain control of Jerusalem. This would disembowel Judaism and the State of Israel, of which the Vatican harbours the greatest fear.

We pointed out that the Church betrayed this fear immediately after the May 1948 rebirth of Israel, when, in an English radio program, the Vatican denigrated the new Jewish state by maliciously and absurdly describing Zionism as a “new Nazism,” and as “a grave menace to Christianity.”

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Many Protestants, especially Evangelical Christians, might ask: How could Israel be “a grave menace to Christianity” if Catholic theology represents the absolute and undying truth?

Did the Vatican construe the miraculous rebirth of Israel as heralding the fulfilment of all the prophecies of the Old Testament, and therefore the eventual demise of Christianity?

If this is what the learned clergy of the Vatican surmised and feared, did this disturb their long-established belief in the truth of the New Testament?

But if they discerned that the theology of the New Testament, which consigned the Jews to eternal damnation, was being refuted by the historical fulfilment of Old Testament prophecies, why didn’t the Vatican yield to the truth? Why did it, apparently in desperation, denigrate Zionism as a “new Nazism”? Indeed, why did one Pope after another welcome to the Vatican the satanic leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Yasser Arafat, a Muslim successor to Hitler.

Was the Vatican using the PLO to gain control of Jerusalem and thus prevent the ultimate fulfilment of Biblical prophecy?

What does “Jerusalem” mean to learned men? Jerusalem is known as the “City of Peace” as well as the “City of Truth.” There can be no true peace among the nations of mankind without Truth.

But Truth entails the end of all man-made religions and ideologies. Truth therefore entails the collapse of artificial power structures, and this threatens the interests and prestige of the many people that profit from this state of affairs, be they politicians or clergymen.

It is in this light that we are to understand the Jew-hatred and the current demonization of Israel. All this was foretold by Rabbi Avraham Kook, the first chief rabbi of mandate Palestine, who died in 1935.

Rabbi Kook was a philosopher of history and he was attuned to the esoteric wisdom of the Torah. Confined to Switzerland during the First World War, he kept abreast of events and was horrified by the unlimited violence one Christian nation waged against another, using poison gas and bombing the cities whose victims were civilians.

In his book OROT (“Lights”), he writes that Christianity never fully overcame the paganism of its origin, and that “Europe rightly gave up on God, whom she never knew.”

Today scholars speak of a “post-Christian” Europe. Rav Kook explains what brought this about. “[W]hen in our day nationalism grew strong and penetrated the system of philosophy, the latter was forced to place a big question mark over all the content of absolute ethics, which truly came to Europe only on loan from Judaism, and as any foreign implant, could not be absorbed in its spirit.”

By “system of philosophy,” Rav Kook had in view the moral and cultural relativism derived from Hegel’s philosophy of history, more precisely the doctrine of “historicism” or historical relativism which took Europe by storm in the 19th century, and has increasingly dominated higher education in the United States since the end of the First World War.

Today, Europe and America are mired in the nihilist denial of Truth, which is their constant enemy and greatest fear.

Indeed, the fear of truth will issue with increasing impact from Jerusalem, the City of Truth. This fear drives not only the Vatican, but also the atheist Left. Both have sacrificed their intellects to the “Palestinians,” the pagans who surpassed the Nazis by using their own children as human bombs!

No philosophical or theological arguments are needed to refute these enemies of Israel.?

February 18, 2018 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. @ ebyjeeby:
    Going a little further, if you hide the fact that “Jesus” was a Jew and not a “Christian” with a latinized name, then describe “The Jews” as liars and cheats and thieves, you pull even further away from Truth…
    Giulio Meotti, the Italian journalist in his book J’Accuse, describes the various Vatican officials in the Middle East as having made various pacts with the enemies of the Jews, the Muslims, to have Middle East Christians help the latter in their quest for eradicating Israel. Unfortunately, these “holy men” underestimated the quest of these same Muslims to eradicate ALL infidels in the Middle East, resulting in the unanticipated deaths of the deaths of many, if not most, of the Christians in the various Muslim countries.
    Many less-than-mainstream Christians in the US are openly pro-Israel, and (dare I say it?) pro-Jewish. They are from my experience, very knowledgeable of the Torah and the works of the prophets. The next stage, in my opinion, would be to re-establish the Sabbath on Saturday rather than Sunday, something that like many Jewish philosophies and laws, was overturned in the aforementioned quest to win over the Pagans.
    In other words, why not practise the religion of Jesus as he did?

  2. As an ex-Catholic, it’s been my observation that the hierarchy only cares abut the institution, not the truth. And this poop doesn’t always even care about doctrine. He’s more into liberation theology, it seems.

    As to Rabbi Kok’s observation of Christian counties attacking each other, he is correct. ‘Christian’ is merely a label for them and not a belief system. Europe became ‘Christian’ back when once the King ‘converted’ all the subjects automatically ‘converted’ also. They definitely kept their paganism, assisted by R. C. syncretism. All to grow the organization.

  3. The Catholic, Anglican, and some other of the more establishment Protestant religions have as a fundamental belief that they have replaced the Jews as the chosen nation and that the Jews are now rejected and that our future is to wander as na v’nad without finding any rest or permanence like Cain (Kayin). The success of the Jews in the Exile added to our reacquisition and successes in the Israel fly in the face of this replacement theology and show it to be a lie. As such, one of the main pillars of these faiths is rotted away. If the Pope were intellectually honest he would go back to teaching high school.