How the Hamas pogrom galvanised Israel’s enemies

By Melanie Phillips.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse; Viktor Vasnetsov, 1848-1926

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May 24, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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  1. There are things that don’t line up and Melanie has hit on a few of them:

    The first thing is that Israel has every right to punish the Hamas and its supporters for the foul deeds they did on October 7. Any argument that says differently is based on antisemitism and nothing less.

    The second thing is the prerformance of the British over the last century. They broke their word with regard to the Balfour declaration and cheated the Jews out of more than their fair share of the land of the Palestinian mandate. They then proceeded to deprive the Jews of any means to protect themselves by confiscating any weapon at all they found in Jewish hands. They  continued along these lines with the refusal to allow Jews to enter the land of Israel before the 

    declaration of independence region alghough they knew all about Hitler’s extermination camps and even after WW2 diverted Jews who were badly needed to protect the Jewish settlements in Palestine from Arab terrorists.

    If the ICC, ICJ or any of the other so-called “human right” organisations say anything different about the deprivation  of human rights of the so-called Palestinians, they should  consider their own reaction to the same kind of “resistance fighters”. 

    Taking the British as an example, what was it that they actually did in, for example, N. Ireland? That makes it more understandable why the Irish want to recognize a state of Palestine, albeit without the minimum required thought. There is only one reason to recognize a state of Palestine and that is so that they have somewhere to deport the undesirables. 

    The same holds true for the other countries that now insist on recognizing a state of Palestine. However, the reckoning doesn’t some important issues into account such as the UN regulations regarding the minimal requirements to actually recognize a new member, such as defined borders and a body capable of governing the said new member. In the case of Palestine, there are no defined borders and an imposed border would mean immediate war with Israel. The only basis for borders of Palestine would be area C which is not an adequate for the defined borders of a state. However, the international laws everybody keep talking about would attempt to impose not only areas A, B & C, but also insist on a contiguous Gaza Strip too, thus attempting to divide Israel in two or even more. Expecting enormous USA pressure to clinch the deal will simply not work. To close up this point, one could guess that the international community with 

    USA in the lead, would try to offload all their new immigrants, whether legal or not, on the newly born Palestine which would require and demand that Israel provide all necessary vitals immediately such as wter, food, electricity and fuel. Since the land would, by definition, no longer be occupied, that excuse would fall away.

    Finally, the PLO, Hamas and all the other so-called Palestinians, have stated umpteen times that they intend to destroy their Jewish neighbor and that they have no intention of governing their new member state under any foreseeable circumstances. 

    There is no reason to accept such a new member state into the UN except in the hope that the Jews will finally get their final solution